LGBTQQIP2SAA News Politics Super Gay

Boris Johnson Calls Conversion Therapy ‘Repulsive’. MP Likens Prayer Sessions to ‘Corrective Rape’

U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson has come out swinging against therapy for unwanted same-sex attraction, describing the process of seeking counseling and prayer to change one’s attraction as “repulsive” and vowing to end its practice.

The move to excise all forms of conversion therapy, which is described as any effort to change one’s sexual orientation or gender identity, comes just weeks after a conservative Member of Parliament likened prayer and fasting as a means to affect one sexual orientation as similar to “electroshock therapy” and “corrective rape” and days after three of his LGBT advisors quit over a “lack of progress” in the area, complaining that Johnson was not making it a priority after vowing to ban in the practice he described as “abhorrent in 2020”

As a result of the ministers quitting, Johnson expressed sorrow at their course of action but vowed to proceed as planned.

I think this practice is repulsive and I think it’s abhorrent and I’m sorry these advisers have gone but be in no doubt that we will deal with this issue. It is technically complex to deal with but we’re determined to take further steps to stamp it out.”

Last month, Conservative MP Alicia Kearns set off a bit of controversy after she wrote an article in The House, arguing:

So-called ‘conversion therapy’ is just as it sounds: attempts to use medical, psychological and social methods to ‘convert’ someone away from their innate sexual orientation. It can range from ‘therapy’ and prayer sessions, to aversive treatments like electroshocks or even ‘corrective’ rape. The impact is deeply harmful, causing life-long difficulties in forming relationships, experiencing positive emotions and maintaining self-esteem as well as painful physical manifestations of abuse.

Not one to be outdone, another Member of Parliament, Angela Eagle, castigated the use of prayer for people with unwanted same-sex. Describing it as “harmful,” she said it was akin to “being told by faith leaders or your family that you are sinful.” and that “being told to pray harder to change and to question your innermost feelings and thoughts, none of that should be legal.”

It is a strange logic that says one’s gender, identity, orientation, expression, and even biology are completely fluid and can be changed at will, while at the same time declaring that any effort to help a person affect these things in a way that is unfavorable to the LGBTQ ideals is branded as the most barbaric thing around.

Responding to the hysteria from the Conservative government, Ciarán Kelly, Christian Institute Deputy Director for Communications, rebutted the statements from the MP”s and Prime Minister, bemoaning the level of ignorance that these people were exhibiting towards mainstream Christian practices.

“Of course we believe people should be protected from quack therapists and charlatan preachers. Most of these practices are already illegal and we would urge the government to ensure the law is applied properly… (but) there must also be room for the preaching of God’s Word and for believers to receive prayer and pastoral support, whatever temptations they are facing…

A pastor or church should not face prosecution if a gay man or woman attends church, comes to faith and seeks help in following Christ’s teaching on sexual ethics.”

Evangelical Stuff Featured Heresies LGBTQQIP2SAA Super Gay

Gay Pastor Says Jesus Used “Racial Slur,” Woman Confronts Him, Jesus Repents of Racism

(Reformation Charlotte) Brandan Robertson, a homosexual and self-described “pastor” and a rising star in progressive evangelicalism says that unless you are a “gay-affirming” Christian, then your theology can only lead you to conclude one thing, that you want all gays to die.

Robertson is an advocate for sexual immorality and teaches that premarital sex is “good” and “healthy.” Of course, conservative Bible-believing Christians would never consider Robertson’s claims to Christianity valid, but the world sees things like this and brings reproach upon Christ.

Robertson said in a recent video that in Mark chapter 7, Jesus used a racial slur. In an absolutely heinous display of biblical stupidity, Robertson says that because this woman was willing to buck up to Jesus, Jesus changed his mind and repented of his racism.

Did you know that there is a part of the gospel of Mark where Jesus uses a racial slur? In Mark chapter 7 there is the account of the Syrophoenician woman–a woman who is Syrian and Greek–both of which there were strong biases against within the Jewish community.

And she comes to ask Jesus to heal her daughter who is possessed by a demon. And what is Jesus’ response? He says, “it’s not good for me to give the children’s food [meaning the children of Israel’s food] to dogs.” He calls her a dog. What’s amazing about this account is that the woman doesn’t back down.

She speaks truth to power, she confronts Jesus and says “well you can think that about me but even dogs deserve the crumbs from the table.” Her boldness and bravery to speak truth to power actually changes Jesus’ mind. Jesus repents of his racism and extends healing to this woman’s


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♬ Pieces (Solo Piano Version) – Danilo Stankovic

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Jeff Maples and published at Reformation Charlottle.

cancel culture Featured LGBTQQIP2SAA News Super Gay

User Kicked off Tik-Tok, Labeled Transphobic For Promoting ‘Super Straight’ Sexual Orientation

A Ticktock user has allegedly been banned from the platform, publicly doxed, had his parents harassed at their workplace by activists, and labeled as a super-duper transphobic hater for saying that some people are not attracted to transexuals and transgendered individuals.

Kyle Royce got the ball rolling on Tiktok when he released a video defending himself against of accusations of being transphobic because he will not date another man who calls himself a woman.

Yo, guys, I made a new sexuality now, actually. It’s called ‘super straight,’ OK? Since straight people or straight men as myself I get called transphobic because I wouldn’t date a trans woman.

 “You know, they’re like, ‘Would you date a trans woman?’ I’m like ‘No.’ ‘Why? That’s a female.’ ‘Uh, no, like, that’s not a real woman to me. Like, I want a real woman.’ ‘No, you’re just transphobic.’”

“So now, I’m super straight. I only date the opposite gender — women — that are born women. So, you can’t say I’m transphobic now because that’s just my sexuality, you know?”

You would have thunk he’d kidnapped Jazz Jennings and beat him to death with a Bible containing a MAGA bookmark for all the vitriol he received online.

Naturally, this act of sane rationality brought out the “REEEEEEEEEEEEE” from transactivists, who alternated between rocking back in forth in the corner of their room and pounding out outraged vitriol on their keyboards, barely able to even process the possibility of a ‘cisgender person having an exclusive sexual interest in another cisgender person.”

With the transgendered movement having a renaissance of evil these past few years, activists have gone from asking for tolerance to be left alone and not discriminated against, to demanding under threat of public shaming and loss of employment that their sexual perversion and confusion must be celebrated by all. In today’s modern era, even suggesting for a moment that a transgendered woman isn’t exactly the same in every way possible as a cisgender woman, even if that transgendered individual has not taken any steps at all to transition, will get you lynched.

In Gayland, if you’re a man, and you see another man who looks like man but says they are a woman, then they are a woman. And if you point out that they still have a penis, they will say that it’s not a man’s penis, but it’s a women’s penis, and how dare you not love their beautiful womanly bits.

According to tEh ScIEnCe, the fact that they have a deep voice, scruffy faces, bulging biceps, and male genitalia is completely irrelevant to what your sexual attraction must be towards them. If you wouldn’t consider them in your dating pool, you’re transphobic and need to get re-educated. Case closed.

As a result of seeing #superstraight trending and the potential for a lot of overweight men and women with purple hair going ‘Super Saiyan’ with their wrath and offense, the ne’er-do-well’s at 4Chan had some mischief in mind, immediately jumping on the bandwagon to making posters, memes and art, all using the PornHub color pallet.

Naturally, with the campaign itself being labeled taboo by all the usual suspects, some have accused it of originating in the alt-right and Nazi-message boards, claiming that the Super Straight has the S.S. acronyms-which allegedly stands for Schutzstaffel, the military wing of the Nazi Party. There is, however, no evidence of this that we’ve seen.

Given that acknowledging a world where someone is indeed #superstraight would put a lie to their own worldview, it is expected that if this campaign picks up steam, the big tech companies will ban anyone promoting it.

Consequently, it is likely not long for this world.

Featured LGBTQQIP2SAA Super Gay

Alabama Senate Passes Bill to Criminalize Transgendering Children

(Evangelical Dark Web) While the Democrats are an institution of great evil, the Republican Party is often an abysmal opponent, and the word “opponent” is often undeserved. Whereas, the Republican Party has largely succeeded with on gun rights, the Republican Party took decades to pass meaningful pro-life legislation at the state levels. However, the Alabama legislature took steps to take the offensive against the Satanic agenda.

SB10, which calls itself the Alabama Vulnerable Child Compassion and Protection Act, takes aim at making it illegal for doctors to transgender a child. Here’s a link to the text of the bill. It’s key point are as follows:

  1. Prohibits medical professionals from transgendering a child
    • Medical procedure or medication
    • Includes puberty blockers
    • Provides exceptions based on a medical diagnosis that can be empirically proven
  2. Mandate that schools notify parents of a child’s expressed inconsistency with their gender
  3. Establishes criminal penalties for the violation of this law
    • A Class C felony in Alabama appears to come with up to 10 years in prison and or a $15,000 fine.

There is no grandfather clause in this bill, meaning that once this bill is enforced doctors will have to cease their current

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Ray Fava and published at the Evangelical Dark Web.

Evangelical Stuff Featured Heresies LGBTQQIP2SAA Super Gay

Largest Christian Adoption Agency Caves, Will Start Giving Babies to Sodomites

Another so-called Christian organization has revealed itself to be a treacherous two-fold son of hell after Bethany Christian Services, the largest Christian adoption and foster agency in the United States announced they would be offering their adoption services to homosexual, lesbian, and transgendered couples, with President and Chief executive Chris Palusky telling 1500 staff members in an email message, “We will now offer services with the love and compassion of Jesus to the many types of families who exist in our world today…We’re taking an all hands on deck’ approach where all are welcome.”

In a statement to the Christian Post, the cowardly and disqualified Senior Vice President, Nathan Bult, whose organization’s motto is to “show the love and compassion of Jesus Christ by protecting children, empowering youth, and strengthening families through quality social services” explained that while faith in Jesus was still very important to them and was at the “core” of their mission, that there was room for disagreement.

The change in policy was officially approved by the board on Jan. 21, without any fanfare, now stating that “Christians of mutual good faith can reasonably disagree on various doctrinal issues, about which Bethany does not maintain an organizational position.” Bult also emphasized that the board members had “diverse personal views on sexuality.”

We acknowledge that discussions about doctrine are important, but our sole job is to determine if a family can provide a safe, stable environment for children. Unlike many other child and family welfare organizations, Bethany is committed to partnering with churches to find as many families for vulnerable children as possible, and we seek to place children with families that share our mission.

For us to carry out our mission, we are building a broad coalition of Christians – finding families and resources for children in the greatest need. The people we serve deserve to know they are worthy of being safe, loved, and connected. The need is great, so we are taking an ‘all hands on deck’ approach.

We believe that Christians with diverse beliefs can unify around our mission of demonstrating the love and compassion of Jesus. It’s an ambitious mission, and we can only accomplish it together.

What is lost on Bult and others is that the home of a gay couple is not a safe and stable environment. Rather, it is child abuse to intentionally raise a child without a mother or father and to put them in an environment where gross, sexual perversion is normalized on a daily basis, causing the children to view their parent’s relationship as a good thing, rather than the unnatural monstrosity that it is. Despite what their mission may say, giving a child to a gay couple is not “showing them the love of Jesus” but rather is showing them the hatred of Satan.

In 2017, Bethany was sued by two homosexual couples for refusing to accept their application and instead referred them to another agency. Believing this to be discrimination, despite a ton of other agencies that would have taken them on, the gay folk took the agency to court and won in 2019, with the final ruling determining that if Bethany wanted access to government contracts and state support, they would have to let the sodomites have access to the children.

Though Bethany could have survived with their Christian witness intact, albeit at a lesser scale (they facilitated over 4500 adoptions and foster placements that year) they chose to keep their organizational structure intact instead, along with their 32 offices, and announced that they would start accepting LGBTQ applicants. This is the offspring of that decision.

Shame on them. May they cry out to God in repentance.


1 in 6 Young Americans Now Identify as LGBT

1 in 6 young Americans identifies themselves as being either lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, or transgender, according to a recent Gallup poll that surveyed over 15,000 people. These numbers represent a massive shift in the self-identification of sexual orientation in the United States, particularly among Generation Z (18 to 23 years old).

With 15.6 percent of the entire demographic of Generation Z identifying themselves as LGBT, it represents a tenfold increase over traditionalist identification and would suggest that identifying as heterosexual is dropping off precipitously.

DISRN has pointed out that:

Within this large LGBT contingent of Generation Z, almost three-quarters claim that they are bisexual, by far the largest subset within the LGBT acronym. When extrapolated outward, that means that just over 11 percent of all Americans aged 18-23 claim to be bisexual. Another 2.1 percent claim to be gay, 1.4 percent lesbian, 1.8 percent transgender, and 0.4 percent some other gender.

These skyrocketing numbers demonstrate that the trend and propensity for young people and even not so young to identify as LGBT at an alarming rate have nothing to do with biology or natural, organic development. Rather this is peak social engineering by Hollywood, the school system, and the media, who are hellbent on turning everyone gay and identifying with sexual perversion.

This is a purposeful, deliberate push and represents the greatest threat to children there is. Our children are being actively, relentlessly, and exhaustively indoctrinated by the LGBTQQIP2SAA lobby, which is primarily bound up within the public school system.

It is demonic, pure and simple.

Furthermore, this is just the start. That study caps respondents at 18-years old, meaning that younger children who are coming up the ranks and have been even more exposed to this will have higher numbers than merely 1 in 6 in a few years as it becomes more and more pervasive.

May God have mercy on us.


UK Police Release Chilling Pro-LGBT Billboard. ‘Being Offensive is an Offence,

(The PostMillennial) Police in Merseyside, a town in northwestern England, were forced to apologize after putting up a billboard claiming that “being offensive is an offence.”

An image circulated on Twitter showing Merseyside Police outside a market with a large advertising truck that read “Being offensive is an offence.”

The police say the billboard was meant to encourage residents to report hate crimes, but afterwards, they had to make amends, according to the BBC.

Merseyside police “[apologizes] for any confusion this may have caused” while noting that “hate crime is an offence and will not be tolerated.”

“Hate crime can come in various guises that can include assault, criminal damage, verbal and written online abuse,” the police spokesman said.

The billboard sparked widespread criticism, with people..

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Noah David Alter and posted at The Post Millennial. Title changed by Protestia.

Church Featured LGBTQQIP2SAA Super Gay

Max Lucado: ‘Faithful People May Disagree About What The Bible Says About Homosexuality’

(Reformation Charlotte) Max Lucado was invited to speak at the Washington National Cathedral — an apostate Episcopalian Church in Washington D.C. — two weeks ago where he preached a sermon comparing the Holy Spirit to a woman and calling Him the “mother heart of God.”

Prior to the invitation, homosexuals were up-in-arms over his apparent pro-traditional marriage views and desperately sought to have him disinvited from speaking at the church. However, he preached anyway.

Yesterday, Max Lucado issued a letter of apology to the homosexual community where he asked for forgiveness for his words which he says “have hurt or been used to hurt the LGBTQ community.”

“Faithful people may disagree about what the Bible says about homosexuality,” Lucado says in the letter, “but we..

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Editor’s note. This article was written by Jeff Maples and published at Reformation Charlotte. Title changed by Protestia.

Church Evangelical Stuff Heresies LGBTQQIP2SAA Super Gay

LBGTQ Musician Tops Christian iTunes Charts

An openly gay artist has taken the top spot on iTunes Christian and Gospel charts, sending reigning champion Laren “I don’t know if homosexuality is a sin or not” Daigle’s album “Look up Child” to second place, just three above Chris Tomlin’s newest worship album.

The new number one spot is occupied by Semler and her album “Preacher’s Kid.” Semler is a newcomer to the scene and is the performing name of Grace Semler Baldridge, a butch lesbian who’s married to a woman while purposeful altering her appearance to look like a man – giving the impression she’s about one upper chest surgery from becoming transgendered.

Baldridge is overjoyed at what this means for LGBTQ acceptance, telling the Huffington Post:

It’s just been so encouraging and heartening. I keep thinking about how this would have meant so much to me when I was 13 or 14 years old, to see an openly queer artist talk about being queer and struggling with faith and being hopeful with God and being mad with God sometimes. 

I’m so grateful to be part of what I think is a movement towards inclusion within a faith community that has been largely exclusionary…

“Preacher Kid” contains 8 tracks and has a “Parental Advisory” warning on it, due to obscene language that some progressives swoon over but we find tacky, blasphemous and tragic. One example is from her Bethlehem song:

I’m saying ‘F-ck a saviour’
And if she can’t take it then she’s small
I’m gonna ask a lot of questions
Because I’m giving this my all
You know the people preach now
Well they’d be putting us through sh-t
And if you don’t sanction that then why are you rewarding it?

Baldridge herself is a real-life preacher’s kid – in this case, the daughter of an Episcopal priest. Throughout the album, she rants about the church’s refusal to embrace LGTBQ ideology, as well as her experience growing up in the mainstream evangelical experience, with all the goofiness that frequently comprises it.

With stripped-down production and an acoustic vibe she touches on the excesses of youth group lock-ins, short-term mission trips, and this pervasive doubt she seems to experience about God’s existence and her own salvation. Much of her ire is well directed, though only to a point.

Though some may see this as a sign of the times, others are more bullish. Given that she’s not trending on other lists, such as Billboard, it is speculated that LGBTQ audiences are “Gamestopping'” her in order to catapult her to that position, sending her “to the moon” in order to capitalize on the lulz, clout, and memish delights.

Featured LGBTQQIP2SAA News Super Gay

‘American Girl’ Doll Promotes LGBTQ Agenda with Lesbian Storyline

The popular “American Girl” doll that has become almost as ubiquitous as “Barbie” in the life of young girls in America has revealed that their 2021 “Girl of the Year” features a doll and storyline that promotes same-sex marriage.

The dolls, which have been around for nearly 35 years, feature girls between the ages of 8-11 of various ethnicities that have their own unique point of view and storylines, with a focus on world building via books about each character. They are geared towards elementary-aged students.

In December 2020, their “Girl of the year” was a doll named Kira Bailey, a 10-year-old from Michigan that travels to Australia to meet her aunt and engage in wildlife rescue.

While not appearing anywhere in the press release marking the announcement, the book with her story, according to one reviewer, “shows a picture of the two women holding hands and talks about their wedding. At the end of the book one aunt kisses the other woman’s hand.”

Further, a blog post on the official website gratefully explains:

It’s only been legal for same-sex couples to marry for five years (and even less than that in Australia), yet LGBT people have existed forever. Like Mamie and Lynette, for example. They were in love even before Kira was born, yet their love couldn’t be recognized and wasn’t widely accepted until a few short years ago. But American Girl – and Erin Teagan, the author of Kira’s books – decided to tell their story and show the world that the LGBT community exists, and I am beyond grateful.

American Girl has previously sought to introduce same-sex elements into their storylines or characters over the years, resulting in backlash and boycotts from parents that made them stand down and give a mea culpa.

This time, it seems they’ve decided the time is right to put it out there, and no amount of boycotting with undo it.