
Disney Plus Reveals Marvel Character Loki is ‘Gender Fluid’

(Christian Post) Disney Plus has confirmed in a new teaser clip that the character Loki from the forthcoming Marvel series is “gender-fluid.”

A new teaser clip shows an image of Loki’s file with the character’s sex listed as “FLUID,”  NME reported, noting that this is the first time that the Marvel Cinematic Universe has confirmed Loki’s gender identity while it had been confirmed in the Marvel Comics in 2014.

The role of Loki, who is known as the god of mischief, is played by English actor Tom Hiddleston, who said in a media interview that the character needs to evolve.

“Loki needs to evolve. The cycle was: Loki is trusted, he betrays, he becomes a villain, he learns to trust again, he’s betrayed, he becomes trusting again, he can be trusted again, then he betrays or feels betrayed,” Hiddleston told IANS.

Hiddleston said that Loki is now being released from that trap in the series. “In this story, we’re showing that he can change, that he can…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Anugrah Kumar and published at the Christian Post

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NYC Public Transit Posts Signs Threatening to Kill People Who are Disrespectful to Trans People

(Reformation Charlotte) The New York public transportation authority–a government agency that oversees the administration of public transportation–has posted signs that essentially threaten to end the life of people who are disrespectful toward “transgender” people.

Metro Transit Authority (MTA), posted the following sign stating, “Remember: Respect trans people, or your pronouns will be was/were.”

TransLink, the…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Jeff Maples and published at Reformation Charlotte.

Featured LGBTQQIP2SAA SBC Super Gay

Denomination That Split from SBC Elects First Trans ‘Pastor’

Mere weeks after the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) elected their first transgendered bishop to lead the mainline protestant denomination, a Baptist denomination has followed suit, welcoming Laura Bethany Buchleiter to become the trans man to be ordained within the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF).

The CBF was formed nearly 30 years ago after a group of malcontent Southern Baptist Churches decided that they wanted to ordain women into ministry. They insisted that they were still conservative, but argued that the scriptures permitted the ladies to be ordained and therefore needed to follow their consciences. As a result, nearly 1400 churches and hundreds of thousands of members jumped ship, formally cutting ties with the SBC a decade later.

Since 1990, the years have not been kind to the denomination. The ordination of women was like being a dam that burst, carrying with it other deviant beliefs like approval of homosexuality and tolerance for abortion that soon became a mainstay within the denomination, with many churches having openly gay leaders. Consequently, the trans ordination is merely more proof of their unfaithfulness and a harbinger of further damnation and judgment.

To wit – the 49-year old Buchleiter divorced his wife in 2014 after coming out as trangendered, and then came out as a lesbian in 2016, much to the surprise of his three children. He spent several years at Christian Theological Seminary before ultimately joining the staff at University Baptist Church in Bloomington, Indiana, under the auspices of current pastrix Annet Hill Briggs. About Buchleiter’s ordination, she told the Hoosier Times:

Our church self identifies as a church that listens to the call of the people irrespective of gender or sexual orientation. It’s not relevant to us. We’re not ordaining Laura Beth because she is transgender.

If you hate your ears, have a sermon from him.


‘One Month Isn’t Enough’ – Canada Declares Pride SEASON Lasting All Summer

(Breitbart) The Justin Trudeau-led Government of Canada has announced that one month is not sufficient for the celebration of LGBT pride, and that the festivities will be extended to cover the whole season.

“1 month isn’t enough to celebrate Pride in Canada!” declared his Twitter-verified ‘Free to be me’ account, an official account of the Government of Canada, alongside an emoji rainbow, gay pride flag emoji, and transgender flag emoji.

“#PrideSeason takes place from June to September with local events across the country celebrating the resilience and spirit of #LGBTQ2 people in Canada. Follow us as we highlight Pride celebrations all summer long!” the account added, alongside a digital poster exclaiming “HAPPY PRIDE SEASON!” with a Canadian maple leaf logo stylised in the colours of the new Black Lives Matter and trans movement compliant LGBT flag, incorporating black and brown stripes and the colours of the transgender pride flag.

Canada’s LGBTQ2 Secretariat, which the ‘Free to be me’ account links to, had already celebrated an “International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia (IDAHOTB)” in May….

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Jack Montgomery and published at Breitbart.


Blue’s Clues Reboot Features Drag Queen Sing-along at LGBTQ Parade

The Nickelodeon TV show Blue’s Clues and You, whose demographic is aimed squarely at preschoolers and toddlers, has featured an animated version of “RuPaul’s Drag Race” Nina West leading a sing-along about transgender and non-binary mommies, in celebration of Pride month.

Unsurprisingly, the channel has been in full indoctrination mode over the years, including recently rebooting their Rugrats franchise to remove characters Phil and Lil’s dad and replacing him with two lesbian moms.

The song, which is about three and a half minutes long, features these lyrics:

Families marching one by one hurrah hurrah
Families marching one by one hurrah hurrah
This family has two mummies they love each other so proudly
And they all go marching in the big parade

Other people that go marching on are:

This family has two daddies they love each other so proudly
These babas are non-binary they love each other so proudly
Trans members of this family all love each other so proudly
Ace, Bi and Pan grown-ups you see, can love each other so proudly
This house is a family of kings and queens they love each other so proudly 
Allies to the queer community can love their queer friends so proudly 
Love is love is love you see and everyone should love proudly
Cursed Headlines Heresies LGBTQQIP2SAA Super Gay

Toucan Sam, Tony the Tiger, and The Rice Krispies Kids Get Transgendered

With the slogan “Boxes are for cereal, not for people,” Kellog’s newest collaboration with the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLADD) brings all their cereal mascots into one place, featuring berry-flavored, rainbow hearts dusted with edible glitter for their “Together with Pride” cereal.

Whereas previously their special edition LGBTQQIP2SAA cereals were only available online, this one is coming to stores and will be featured prominently in the cereal aisle.

Of note is the side of the box, which prompts children to write in their own personal pronounces, along with he/him and they/ them, with the goal that kids will want to fill it in, and the parents will have to explain their gay propaganda talking points.

In a press release, Doug VanDeVelde, General Manager of Kellogg U. S. Cereal Category, explained they couldn’t be happier and more honored than to release this cereal, announcing that they will donate $3 to GLADD for every picture of the cereal’s boxtop uploaded to the socials.


Disney-Pixar Auditioning for First Transgender Character

It was just a year ago that Disney-Pixar released their first out-and-out gay character in a big-screen film, introducing the world to Officer Specter and her girlfriend in the film Onward.

She was a Cyclops cop, voiced by a gay screenwriter and actress, Lena Waithe, and at the time the film’s producer claimed the intentional propaganda just sort of happened, saying, “It just kind of happened. The scene, when we wrote it, was kind of fitting and it opens up the world a little bit, and that’s what we wanted.”

Now, scarcely a year later, as our culture moves towards oblivion at breakneck speed, Pixar Animation Studios is looking to introduce their first transgender character, putting the request to a casting call to fill the role of a 14-year old ‘girl’.

Make no mistake, they are looking for a real-life transgender ‘girl’ to voice the role, as a biological female will simply not do and could not possibly be successful in this role. Besides, how else can they virtue signal if the male actor playing the role hasn’t been doing drag since he was 3 years old?

We can’t wait to see what monstrosity comes out of this.

Church Featured LGBTQQIP2SAA News Super Gay

‘Church’ With a Gay Unicorn Logo Issues Press Release Against GraceLife Church

A Calgary-based “reverend” and his church have issued a press release against James Coates and the congregants at GraceLife Church, denouncing the church for seeking to stay open and voicing his pleasure at the knowledge that they’ve been shut down, writing “Today, judgment has been rendered. Too bad it took so long.”

The move comes after Alberta Health Services and law enforcement erected a fence around GraceLife Church, refusing to let anyone in, weeks after their pastor spent over a month incarcerated as a prisoner of conscience.

In an interview with CTV News Reverend Greg Glatz elaborated:

I think it’s important for order and good government to show that we are working with government and its public health orders as much as we can. I think that when a church takes an anti-government stance or an anti-science stance or an anti-medicine stance, it’s really putting its own members at risk and it’s putting order in society at risk as well.

This is not the first time the hireling has come out against the embattled Church. While certainly the most public and visible, he has to have been howling at the moon over this one for months now.

Naturally, the so-called “pastor” of Knox United Church quoted the bible in his statement in order to add weight and gravitas to the seriousness of the transgressions of GraceLife, using Romans 13 as a cudgel to condemn the church for disobeying the governing authorities and not “staying safe” as they have. Of course, no one could stay as safe as them, as they have not had their demonic services for over a year, despite having a capacity of 800 people and scarcely enough congregation members to occupy the 15% allowed.

The name itself of this church, Knox United, goes along with Protestia’s First Theorem of Ecclesiology, which states that any church that has the word “United” in it is probably a hellbound cauldron of false converts. This one is certainly no exception.

The church website proudly boasts that “Knox United Church is an Affirming congregation in the United Church of Canada. If you’re lesbian, gay, bi, trans, two-spirited, queer, and/or straight––we affirm and celebrate who you are!” The effete pastor has his personal pronouns in his bio, is pro-choice, and has a gay unicorn as their church logo, one that is featured prominently across their social media and church website.

No seriously. They do.

And now a closeup.

This church is populated by wolves and wolvettes, bare of any believers other than the odd passerby who visits one Sunday after getting lost in the neighborhood.

This pastor and their members hate God, hate Christ, and hate the bible. Any press release they issue condemning a faithful, biblical Chruch like GraceLife will simply heap more condemnation upon them.

[Editor’s note: It breaks my heart that such men identify themselves as Christian when it says in Romans 1:18-32 that such individuals are clearly under God’s condemnation. May God continue to have mercy on His people that are caught up in that sinful place.]

Featured LGBTQQIP2SAA Scandal Super Gay

Revoice Introduces ‘Semi-Celibate Throuple’ to Christendom

In 2018 Revoice burst through the door of reformed Christian churches, making the conservative case for accepting and normalizing “gay Christians” within the body of believers. This was done without the flashy and easily identifiable heretical signs. There was no drag queen with big hair, fake eyelashes, bedazzled dress and penis tucked indelicately between his legs dancing in the church pew to Lady Gaga songs – a clear and easily spotted enemy.

Instead, this was a serious affair emerging from the buttoned-down Presbyterian Church of America, led by earnest men with well-coiffed hair and beige pullovers, explaining the theological intricacies of new terms like “sexual minority” and “Same-Sex Attraction” (SSA) while insisting on “gospel dignity and diversity.”

It seemed somewhat non-threatening until they had talks on “Queer Theory and The Treasures of Queer Culture and Queer Literature” and discussed “What Queer Treasure, Honor, and Glory will be Brought into the New Jerusalem at the End of Time?” The affair was led by Nate Collins, who describes himself as a “gay man in a mixed-orientation marriage.” He did his dissertation at Al Mohler’s SBTS, arguing that “virgin” is a third gender in the scriptures, has a knack for liking gay art, and made grotesquely unbiblical statements in Christianity Today. A couple of years ago, the ERLC promoted their founder and his books as part of their “Parent’s Guide to Teaching Your Kids About Gender” guide, repeatedly quoting and referencing him.

At the 2020 Revoice conference, they introduced the notion of a Straight-Gay Couple in a Straight-Gay Household, with the possibility of a coming Semi-Celibate Throuple.

In a since-deleted conference webinar, Art Pereira, the homosexual Director of Community Care for Revoice and his heterosexual friend, Nick Galluccio, a young adults pastor at Stonecrest Community Church, explain that they got a two year lease and moved in together. Going far beyond mere roommates, they have formed a “family” and a “household” on account of being “deeply committed to each other” and “planning on sharing life together for the rest of our lives.” Art explains:

We are totally committed to finding a way to live together and to function as a household. There’s different ideas of what that looks like, right? There are a lot of details we don’t know. Do I live in a house with them? Or do I live next door?…We’ve got a few things worked out which is we don’t move out without each other. If he moves, I move; if I move, he moves. We make decisions together as a family…when he has a wife one day, she’ll make the decisions with us.

Throughout the webinar, Art calls his straight counterpart “cute” and “physically attractive” and confesses that he has romantic feelings towards him, showing himself to be a mess of roiling and conflicting emotions. A keen observer would spot he has essentially taken the temptation and rationalized it away, fanning the flames in the form of a new contrivance. Art continues

So, when I started having, like when I start realizing, oh, Nick is cute…I was like, Oh, man I have to get away from this friendship, like, it’s not good for my spiritual health but all the evidence was otherwise. It was really good for my spiritual health…I know Jesus so much more from our relationship, and also he’s cute.

We learned that Art’s pastor (again, in a PCA church) is supportive of this whole affair, even giving them “friendship premarital counseling.” This was done despite the fact that Nick has at some points started questioning his own sexuality.

If the two have their way, (Or at least Nick) Nick will one day get married, and the household and family will continue, with him and his wife having a sexual relationship and Art eternally pining away. They will be a semi-celibate lifelong throuple, forming a family, having children, and making life decisions together, with the celibacy taking place between two of the three parties, all to the glory of God.

If this isn’t peak Revoice, nothing else is.

This post has been updated since it’s original publication.
h/t to WokePreacherTv who dug out this gem back in early 2021.

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Marvel Announces First Gay Captain America

(The Guardian) A teenager who “stands for the oppressed, and the forgotten” is to become the first LGBTQ+ character to take on the mantle of Captain America.

Marvel Comics is celebrating the 80th anniversary of the US hero with the launch of a new series, The United States of Captain America, in which the incumbent Steve Rogers will team up with former Captain Americas when his shield goes missing. The heroes will take a road trip across the US to find the shield, and will meet people from “all walks of life” who have taken on the mantle of Captain America to defend their communities. Aaron Fischer, a gay teenager, will be the first, in the new limited series, released in June.

Marvel described Fischer, who will be the “Captain America of the Railways”, as “a fearless teen who stepped up to protect fellow runaways and the unhoused”, with his debut timed to coincide with Pride Month in the US.

“Aaron is inspired by heroes of the queer community: activists, leaders, and everyday folks pushing for a better life,” said the series writer Josh Trujillo. “He stands for the oppressed, and the forgotten. I hope his debut story resonates with readers, and helps inspire the next generation of heroes.”

Artist Jan Bazaldua said she had “really enjoyed” creating Fischer. “As a transgender person, I am happy to be able to present an openly gay person who admires Captain America and fights against evil to help those who are almost invisible…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Alison Flood and published at the Guardian.