Disney Plus Reveals Marvel Character Loki is ‘Gender Fluid’

(Christian Post) Disney Plus has confirmed in a new teaser clip that the character Loki from the forthcoming Marvel series is “gender-fluid.”
A new teaser clip shows an image of Loki’s file with the character’s sex listed as “FLUID,” NME reported, noting that this is the first time that the Marvel Cinematic Universe has confirmed Loki’s gender identity while it had been confirmed in the Marvel Comics in 2014.
The role of Loki, who is known as the god of mischief, is played by English actor Tom Hiddleston, who said in a media interview that the character needs to evolve.
“Loki needs to evolve. The cycle was: Loki is trusted, he betrays, he becomes a villain, he learns to trust again, he’s betrayed, he becomes trusting again, he can be trusted again, then he betrays or feels betrayed,” Hiddleston told IANS.
Hiddleston said that Loki is now being released from that trap in the series. “In this story, we’re showing that he can change, that he can…
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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Anugrah Kumar and published at the Christian Post
“Hey kids, mental illness is fun!”
To be fair, this is Loki. Throughout Norse mythology, and in the comics, he was doing stuff like that all the time.