
Steven Furtick Rants About Angels and it Gets Weird Quick

From his May 13th “sermon”. Presented without comment, other than to say the bible never says this and we hate it so much.

h/t to Revealing Truth


A Letter to Premier Kenney and Alberta MLAs, From Imprisoned Pastor Tim Stephens

I write this from my jail cell in the Calgary Remand Centre. The past week I’ve missed my wedding anniversary and Fathers’ Day. My children will remember this Fathers’ Day as a time when they wept over the phone as I did my best to stay composed before other inmates while expressing my love for my children.

Your government has wrongfully put me on the horns of a dilemma. Either I forsake my convictions before God, or I’m imprisoned for some unknown time, taken from my family and the church community I’m entrusted to serve. If I choose the former then I deny God, thus I’m left facing the consequences of the latter. My conscience is captive to the Word of God and shall not be moved.

I realize that you think it’s best to adapt or change religious practices to work within the confines of your overbearing rules, but to adapt or change what I believe God calls me to do is to deny what God has called me to do.

For example, I’m commanded by Jesus, who died to make me his own, to practice hospitality. In fact, as a pastor, this must be a defining mark of my life. Hospitality is the practice of welcoming guests into your home. A practice forbidden by your government for 6 months. When forced to choose between obeying God and obeying men, the choice is clear.

I’ve shared publicly, and on many occasions how our theological convictions, mined from never-changing Scripture, come into conflict with your ever-changing “laws.” AHS continues to make public statements that they tried “working” with us, which is shorthand for them seeking unbending compliance through greater threats of punishment. Not once has anyone in your government shown any interest in actually working with us.

You have said that we have access to our independent judiciary for such discussions. However, our courts continue to refrain from weighing in on the constitutionality of your health orders. AHS lawyers continue to argue that more time is needed to produce the evidence that your office says it is using to make these restrictions. The courts have not proved to be a timely option for us. Your government can get a court order within the week. We are waiting on a hearing set for the end of September that began with lawyers in December of last year. The dates have been pushed back numerous times.

Mr. Premier and elected MLAs, I’m pleading with you to uphold our highest laws to which you are held to account. Temporary public health orders do not supersede our Alberta Bill of Rights, nor our Candian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. I know that I am in the minority, but these laws are designed to protect the minority.

Mr. Premier, I know these restrictions will be lifted soon. I ask that you refrain from using imprisonment ever again to seek compliance to health orders. My imprisonment may be applauded by the left, but it has made Alberta the world-wide embarrassment of conservative governments.

As restrictions are lifted, return responsibility to the people of Alberta and return it for good. May this not be a pattern for your government in the future.

Thank you,

Tim Stephens

Pastor of Fairview Baptist Church

Editor’s Note. This letter was originally published on Fairview Baptist Church’s website.

Charismatic Nonsense Money Grubbing Heretics

‘Pastor’ Todd White Ministry Merges to Form New Church

Evangelist Todd White has announced that he’s merging his Lifestyle Christianity Church with Risen Nation Church, taking on the role of a Senior Leader of the ministry and Pastor within the new multi-site campus, with former employee and now partner William Hinn becoming Senior Pastor.

For years Todd White traveled the world as a prosperity preacher and faith healer, head of his own ministry, but always as an evangelist. Since the normally traveling evangelist has been grounded during the pandemic, White focused on his family – 5 kids ranging from 24 years old to 2 – and his own ministry, forming Lifestyle Christianity Church in September of 2020, ordaining himself to be the new senior pastor.

That season [as pastor] has been absolutely wonderful for me. You know, I stepped into being pastor, and so it’s always been weird for me to like, hear people say, ‘Pastor Todd, Pastor Todd…’

White will be merging his church with Risen Nation Church on August 1 – itself barely two years old, and the church will operate under that moniker, having two campuses in the city. Excited for the event and moved to tears,
White says their new church will unleash the miraculous in an unprecedented fashion.

You know we’re gonna go after the supernatural like never before. We’re gonna see miracles, signs, wonders, the prophetic words of knowledge. We’re going to see the most outrageous miracles that DFW [Dallas–Fort Worth] has ever seen, let alone the body of Christ has ever seen. We’re going to go after this together and it’s going to be beautiful.

Last year there was hope that White had repented of his false gospel when he specifically said in a message, “I feel like I’ve just seen something completely brand new! This is hard for people, hunh? It’s hard for me. It’s hard for me because I feel like I haven’t preached the whole gospel. And I repent. I repent,” but then within a few days, he clarified that he didn’t really mean it like that.

Charismatic Nonsense Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics

Jim Bakker Beaten Within An Inch of His Financial Life After Being Forced to Pay 156K Settlement

The hits keep coming for our beleaguered false prophet and snake-oil salesman Jim Bakker, who has been forced to pay restitution of over $156,000 in order to settle a lawsuit stemming from selling colloidal silver as a cure-all for the novel coronavirus in 2020.

Bakker hosts a doomsday show and peddles survival supplies in the name of Jesus. After scaring the daylights out of his octogenarian audience with charismatic end-times “prophets” like Jonathan Cahn or Mark Blitz, Bakker drags out merchandise, like 5-gallon buckets of survival slop emergency food and 5-gallon buckets which you can then use to vacate your bowels of such horrible tasting food. From head to heel, Jim Bakker has you covered when it comes to the Apocalypse. After all, God gave him a vision in prison to help you prepare.

When the coronavirus popped up in March of 2020, Bakker brought a guest on to ply her product—the same special elixir that he previously claimed can heal every single venereal disease.

Then New York’s Attorney General stepped him and told him to knock it off, followed by Missouri’s Attorney General tagging in and do likewise, filing suit against him and ultimately winding up here a year later.

Bakker, who already has had his credit card companies cut him off and is reduced to only taking checks to support his ever dwindling ministry, will have to give refunds to everyone who bought his paraded products, which was sold between $80 and $100 a pop.

Along with the settlement, Bakker and Morningside Church Productions will be prohibited from advertising the magical formula “to diagnose, prevent, mitigate, treat or cure any disease or illness.”

It is unclear how much longer the 81 year old Bakker can hang on, but given the way things are going, we predict he will be done in six months. Mark it!


Truett Seminary Grads Say Hymns are Racist Because they Portray Christ as ‘Male’ and ‘Master’

Two Baylor University Truett Seminary grads are showing the world the eventual end of Critical Race Theory, declaring the hymns are racist paragons of white supremacy that must be torn down because they portray Jesus as a male who is a “Master.”

Tracing the history of Black Hymnody from the 17th century to the 21st, the two explain that the theology of black hymns was developed at length in the work of Liberation theologian James Cone, enabling them to “embody a spirituality that transcends the loftiness of traditional eurocentric theology.”

Joslyn Henderson and Russ Tarpley, in a webinar from the First Baptist Church of Austin, explain that the white Christians have, in an act of colonization, utilized black spirituals like “Go tell it on the mountain” and “there is a balm in Gilead” so they could wrest it “from the mouths of those to which it belongs” in order to make it “vogue on the tongues of the oppressors.”

Naturally, this means white hymns are a tradition of deep racism and white supremacy, and black people are now being handed that racist history to partake in, bullied into corporately singing that which is racistly missappropriated.

These examples of internal dialogue within a hymnody and black cultures is a way for us, for white people, to lean into the conversation. But it’s not a spot to say where we get to necessarily contribute to that, because…this idea that Christ is male and white and master, these come from the generations, the centuries of the white Christian narrative that have therefore informed and shaped black hymnody to accept that…We were handed a tradition that was inherently racist, and so now we have [inaudible] the history of these hymns that now are inherently racist, and now we’re singing them. [We are sure that African theologians Augustine of Hippo and Athanasius of Alexandria would agree with this so-called “white” theology. Honestly, these guys need to learn some church history. -Ed.]

Henderson lauds the words of Jon Michael Spenser in his 1995 book Sing a new song, quoting him as saying:

This calls for the requisite of revision; where Christ is portrayed as male rather than as female (or feminine), as white rather than non-white (or pressed), as master rather than a servant (or impoverished), what results is the hymnic tradition of gender, race, and class hierarchy rooted in Greco-Roman societal conventions and philosophical sanctioning.

h/t to WokePreacherTV for the clip

Church Evangelical Stuff Featured

Oklahoma Church Gives $1,000,000 in Reparations to Foster Healing

Transformation Church’s Lead Pastor Michael Todd, who is known for crowd surfing during his church’s worship service and spending a lot of money, including giving away $3,500,000 in houses, cash, and cars, spending $65,000 to buy 168 pairs of shoes, and purchasing a real estate complex for over $20,000,000, has given away $600,000 to three people during his Sunday service, paying tribute to the last survivors of Tulsa Race Massacre (TRM), describing the gifts as “reparations” for the ills that befell them and the suffering they have endured.

TRM took place in 1921, when a white mob raided and ransacked a black neighborhood, killing dozens of black men and women, looting their businesses, and burning their homes.

Speaking to a suspiciously sparse crowd after suspending in-person services for nearly 15 months, Todd explained:

We serve a God of reparations. Reparation is not a political word. Reparation is not a word that your left-wing friends or your right-wing friends have coined. Let me give you the definition of reparations. ‘The action of repairing something that was devastated.’ Reparations means that somebody is going to take up the mantle and actually put into action the process of repairing something that was destroyed.


God is a God of reparations. And this is the revelation that God gave me: He said “Michael, change starts in the church,”…that if we’re actually going to see a move of God, of restoration, it’s not coming from government and legislation. The change starts in the church…If God is the God of reparations and restoration, and I’m one of God’s people, then I am responsible for being a part of restoring what has been torn down.

After giving several other organizations $400,000, he turned to the TRM witnesses. Bringing them up on stage, Michael gave the men and women, ages 107, 106 and 100, each $200,000, which is the median cost to purchase a house in the city, telling them:

I’m a young black man who took over a church from a white man who built it in North Tulsa. That couldn’t have happened if you all didn’t survive. Today, we can’t restore everything that has been stolen from you, but we can put a seed in the ground.

Transformations Church bills itself as a “dynamic, multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, non-denominational inner-city ministry in Tulsa, Oklahoma. It embraces the spirit of its founder as it expresses a radical, diversified, progressive, 21st century technological church.”

You can watch the service here.

h/t to The Conservative Truth


School Pamphlet Promotes Sex for 11-Year-Olds, Tells Girls How to Get Secret Abortions

In a further demonstration of how monstrous the public school system is getting, Washington State parents were treated to a nasty little surprise when their middle-school kids brought home a flyer telling them that 11-year-olds can have sex with another person, so long as they make sure that person isn’t 2 years older, along with explaining how to get abortions and bypass their parent’s involvement or knowledge.

The Post Millenial reports that the flyer comes courtesy of none other than the apex predator of the baby-killing world, Planned Parenthood, which thousands of schools partner with in order to provide their sex education. The flyer was sent home by a teacher at  Stewart Middle School in Tacoma , as part of their sex education program.

Among another thing, the flyer tells students that so long as they are over the age of 14, they don’t need their parent’s permission to get tested for HIV and informing them “you do not need to get permission from your parents or guardians at any age” to get an abortion or get birth control.

In a disgusting bit of misinformation, the flyer further explains that “you are considered a minor if you are under 18 years old” and then tells 14-year-olds it is not a crime to have sex with 18-year-olds, or 15-year-olds that it’s not a crime to have sex with a 19-year-old, even though the age of consent in Washington state and 16. This is considered rape of a child in the third degree

Though the school later claimed that it was an error to send this flyer home to students and is not aport of the official curriculum, the fact is that the flyer was part of curriculum materials left for the teacher in a binder provided by the abortion giant, and meshes well with the new radical sex -education curriculum that was approved and endorsed by Planned Parenthood last election cycle.

In-person Church Righteous Defiance

GraceLife Church to Get Building Back Next Week, Says Authorities

The underground church of GraceLife in Parkland County, Alberta, whose building was tyrannically and grotesquely shut down and fenced in by law enforcement and government agents on April 7th, 2021, whose pastor James Coates spent 35 days in jail, and who has been meeting in secret at undisclosed locations since the closure, will be allowed to re-enter their building by July 1st, according to authorities.

With the news that 70 percent of Albertans aged 12 and over have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, Premier Kenny made the announcement last week that the province would be reopening and more or less going back to normal, with a few restrictions still in place for wearing face masks, but no more capacity limits on churches.

No more bans on indoor social gatherings. No more limits for gyms, sports and fitness activities. No more capacity limits at restaurants, in retail, or for places of worship. No more advisories against non-essential travel.

At the time of the fencing in, Alberta Health Services said it would only take the fence down if the church would comply with the lockdown orders. The Church never did, and the fence will come down anyway.

With it no longer being illegal to gather at more than 15 percent capacity as of July 1, 2021, by all indications this coming week will be the last that the GraceLife congregation will meet in secret, and then be back in their own building the week after.

[Editor’s note: This is still not over. There is a rumour (from Pastor Coates himself) that authorities will likely bill the cost of erecting, maintaining, and dismantling the fencing to GraceLife Church. Pray for these faithful brethren.]

Heresies Scandal

Discovery+ Announces TV Series Chronicling Fall of Hillsong NY and Carl Lentz

Discovery+ has announced they have ordered a documentary series titled “Breaking Hillsong,” which will “chronicle the headline-making world of global star-studded megachurch Hillsong and the downfall of its ultra-hip, celebrity senior pastor, Carl Lentz.”

“Through a partnership with the New York Post with investigative journalist Hannah Frishberg’s in-depth coverage,” the three-episode run will feature, among other things, “exclusive, never-before-seen interviews including Ranin Karim, the New York-based fashion designer whose five-month affair with Lentz led to his downfall.” According to the release:

BREAKING HILLSONG will take viewers into the world of Hillsong, the megachurch with more than 150,000 global members that has recently come under scrutiny. The series will profile numerous current and ex-members of the church who have come forward en masse to share harrowing stories of the trauma, abuse, financial and labor exploitation, homophobia and racism that created a culture of chaos at Hillsong. Additionally, BREAKING HILLSONG will examine the greater phenomenon of corruption within megachurches.

The investigation will surely be a bitter pill to swallow for Hillsong’s head honcho Brian Houston, whose American wing has been embroiled in several high-profile scandals all year, so much so that he had to disband and shut down one of them, and who likely isn’t happy to have the dirty laundry aired in public.

Hillsong HQ launched an internal investigation into the New York branch but never made the findings public. At the time, Houston said that the Church failed in “significant ways” to reflect the culture they wished to impart. Houston also said previously in a leaked phone recording that there was a “culture of dysfunction” at Hillsong and other officials confirmed that the misadventures of staffers using the church like a seedy dating service, “sleeping around” with volunteers and asking them to send nude pictures was “mostly true.”

Discovery+ is the streaming service of Discovery Inc., which operates several educational and lifestyle television brands, such as its’ namesake Discovery Channel, as well as DIY Network, HGTV, Animal Planet, TLC, and the Science Channel.

Charismatic Nonsense Church Featured Money Grubbing Heretics

Tomorrow is the ‘Charismatic Day of Infamy’

On June 23, 2021, cessationists will celebrate what has affectionately been called the “charismatic day of infamy.” For on that day, 13 year ago, 17 high-profile charismatic “apostles,” including Bill Johnson, Jon Arnott, Rick Joyner, Che Ahn, and C. Peter Wagner, came together in a ceremony of “apostolic alignment” over 32-year old Todd Bentley, commissioning him to lead the Lakeland Revival and recognizing him as an evangelist doing the work of the Lord led by the Holy Spirit.

In a letter sent to the Elijah List, C. Peter Wagner recounts what happened during this groundbreaking event:

During this ceremony Che Ahn, Bill Johnson and John Arnott laid on hands and anointed Todd Bentley with a special new ‘Be Revived’ oil that Chuck Pierce (who was in Africa) sent for the event. Todd went down under the power of the Spirit and the three prophesied over him, commissioning him as the evangelist to lead the Lakeland Outpouring. Then most of the backup apostles prayed and prophesied as well. The power of the Holy Spirit was so heavy on that event that you could almost have cut it with a knife!

It was quite evident to those present that this was a groundbreaking event. A serious public problem had been growing in the Body of Christ revolving around concerns about Lakeland from respected leaders. Even ‘schism’ had been mentioned frequently. Because of the extensive media coverage through GOD TV, it was much more than a private or a trivial matter.  Something was called for to set things in order, and this is the stated role of apostles. [Huh?!? Learn some Greek here. Apostolos means a messenger sent out on a mission, and nothing more, and nothing else. These moros (Greek for morons) are making stuff up. Again. -Ed.]

We are now in a place in what I see as the Second Apostolic Age that apostles can agree publicly to bring alignment. The seventeen apostles involved in this event represented three distinct apostolic streams: ICA (10 were ICA members), Revival Alliance, and Morningstar. Even though we are not networked formally, we believe in and support each other and we stand together when a crisis such as this one comes along. I may be wrong, but I cannot recall an event of this nature in the recent history of the Church. [Yeah, he’s wrong. The last capital-A Apostle (John) died in Ephesus over 1900 years ago. -Ed.]

During the alignment ceremony, Wagner, the head of the New Apostolic [!] Reformation (NAR) decreed:

You are about to witness an event which could well have historic implications not only for the Lakeland Outpouring, but also for our nation and for many other nations of the world. Prophets have been telling us for years that God is about to launch an extraordinary spiritual awakening with signs and wonders, and for over two months, Todd Bentley has been leading one of the more obvious fulfillments of those prophecies. This is an exciting place to be right now!..

Wagner asked the three apostles, Che Ahn, Bill Johnson, and John Arnot, “Do you perceive the grace of God given to Todd Bentley as an evangelist to lead the Lakeland Outpouring?

Answer: “I do.”

He turned to Todd Bentley and asked, “Do you recognize the apostolic authority of these three men in your life and ministry, and do you desire to establish an apostolic alignment with them and with Revival Alliance?

Answer: “I do.”

He continued:

This commissioning represents a powerful spiritual transaction taking place in the invisible world. With this in mind, I take the apostolic authority that God has given me [none at all -Ed.] and I decree to Todd Bentley:

– Your power will increase.
– Your authority will increase.
– Your favor will increase.
– Your influence will increase.
– Your revelation will increase.

I also decree that:

– A new supernatural strength will flow through this ministry.
– A new life force will penetrate this move of God.
– A government will be established to set things in their proper order.
– God will pour out a higher level of discernment to distinguish truth from error. [Okay, I’m laughing out loud here… -Ed.]
– New relationships will surface to open gates for the future. […]

The people cheered. Todd cried and shook his head. The “apostle” sat back satisfied at the historic nature of their coming together, wondering what glorious things the Lord would do next.

Within a month of his alignment ceremony, Bentley would announce that he was leaving Lakeland and stepping down. A few days after that, he told the world he divorcing his wife and it was revealed that during his time as leader of the revival, as he was getting aligned by the apostles, he had been engaging in “an unhealthy relationship on an emotional level with a female member of his staff,” and getting drunk all the time, spiralling into depression, anxiety, and babbling on stage in a series of pseudo-spiritual slurs.

The vaunted Lakeland Revival crashed into a smouldering heap of disillusionment immediately afterward, the populace burned by a charlatan who was able to garner the endorsement of 17 charismatic “apostles,” all the while acting like a devil.

To that day, we cessationists remember!