Charismatic Nonsense Money Grubbing Heretics

Cancer has Returned? Bill Johnson’s Wife Beni in Chemo for ‘Three Very Large Tumors’

Bethel Church Head Honcho Bill Johnson has announced that his wife Beni Johnson is presently undergoing chemotherapy, the result of several tumors being revealed by a CT scan inside her body after a season of prolonged illness.

Johnson made the announcement during yesterdays’ church service, explaining:

Benni and I took the last several weeks, 3-4 weeks off vacation and did one of the things we like doing the most and that’s staying at home- a staycation.

One of the reasons we actually didn’t go anywhere this year is because Beni has been so sick. She’s not been well for a while but especially the last month. We arranged to have a CT scan- they found three very large tumors and so she is undergoing chemo.  The first treatment was this last week.

And we are like everybody else, contending for the breakthrough that’s already been provided, we know that’s true. There’s that weird verse in proverbs that says:” The horse is prepared for the day of battle, the victory belongs to the Lord.” So we’re doing the natural thing knowing that our salvation really is in the hand of the Lord.

Beni was previously diagnosed with breast cancer in 2018.

Lead prophet Kris Vallotton, taking the stage, told the congregants that “this isn’t a season of mourning, but of warfare” and prayed against the cancer.

After the prayer, Johnson told the stunned crowd:

We’re not begging for a miracle. It’s already been bought and paid for. The entire Christian life for me is learning what’s in my possession and what’s in my account and how to make withdrawals, and that’s the entire Christian life.

…Guilt and shame is false humility, and it introduces you to an insulation to breakthrough, and so what you want to do is stay away from that…but what we know for sure is that divine health is our portion. We know that no weapon formed against us can prosper. We know that he sent his word that is finely tuned and specifically designed for Benni’s situation.

He sent his word and healed her. We know that by the stripes of Jesus- did you know the stripes of Jesus, the suffering, was not necessary for your redemption? It was necessary for our healing. The death on the cross was necessary for our salvation- the shedding of blood, but not the suffering from a whip. That was for the healing. That was for the deliverance.

CT Today reported years ago during her first diagnosis that in 2017 “Beni Johnson revealed she had a heavenly encounter with Jesus in the spirit and gained access to healing power over cancer” and told the congregants to begin grabbing the healing power of cancer “out of heaven” as a means of obtaining healing.

Last month during a Q&A Johnson explained that “It is always God’s will to heal everyone” and that he never prays “if it be your will to heal”, as that is a prayer for unbelief, given that God has already revealed to Johnson that’s it’s always his will.


Pro-Life Christian Activist Nick Vujicic Starting ‘Pro-Life Bank’

(Faithwire) Evangelist and motivational speaker, Nick Vujicic, announced that he plans to start a bank that supports pro-life efforts after learning that many financial institutions donate to organizations that endorse abortions.

During an interview Thursday with The Epoch Times, Vujicic said he began to speak out against the innocent killing of unborn babies in March 2019. Within 16 weeks of doing that, he revealed, “we had a grenade at our house, a false magazine article published against me, a lawsuit threat, a spying drone, and a bank kicked me out.”

Around that same time, Vujicic spoke with his good friend Betsy Gray about launching Pro-Life Bank. The 38-year-old, who has an extensive financial background, told Gray that he needed to pray more about the idea.

Vujicic explained that during that period, he experienced more adversity, but this time from his own bank.

“I got kicked out of a bank with no warning. They froze my credit cards, froze my debit cards,” he said. “They gave me a letter to say that they did a review of me as a client and they don’t want anything to do with me.”

The pro-life advocate chose to take on the project with Gray and is….

To continue reading, click here

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Andrea Morris and published at Faithwire. Title changed by Protestia.

Righteous Defiance

A Gallery Of The Faithful Gathering For Church Amid Pandemic- Album 68 (Only 2 More Left in the Series)

The sixty-eight album in an ongoing series documenting faithful churches gathering for Sunday service in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

With some churches still not gathering in-person in these dark times and others being persecuted by the government for being open, even having the pastors arrested and churches having underground service, these are the congregations who are meeting faithfully at the command of Scripture (Heb. 10:25).

For previous albums: 

Album #1  Album #2  Album #3  Album #4  Album #5  Album #6  Album #7  Album #8  Album #9  Album #10  Album #11  Album #12  Album #13  
Album #14  Album #15  Album #16  Album#17  Album# 18 Album #19  
Album #20  Album #21 Album #22  Album #23 Album #24 Album #25
Album #26 Album #27 Album #28 Album #29 Album #30 Album #31 Album #32 Album #33 Album #34 Album #35 Album #36 Album #37 Album #38 Album #39 Album #40 Album #41 Album #42 Album #43 Album #44 Album #45 Album #46 Album #47 Album #49 Album #50 Album #51 Album #52 Album #53 Album #54 Album #55 Album #56 Album #57 Album #58 Album #59 Album #60 Album #61 Album #62 Album #63 Album #64 Album #65 Album #66 Album #67

These churches are preaching outside, are back in their buildings having in-person services, are having drive-through services, or are meeting in secret. Some with masks and social distancing, others without.

All are being safe. All are being obedient to the scriptures. All are loving their neighbors.

After today, there are only two more posts in the series, as it ill end at 70 weeks.


Mini-Documentary on Ed Litton’s Plagiarism Scandal Released

A Christian discernment website has released a new mini-documentary featuring Ed Litton and covering the subject of his plagiarism scandal, offering a primer for those unfamiliar with the details of the story, and also how bad it really is.

Produced by Jeff Maples and released by our sister site Reformation Charlotte, the mini-doc touches on the events leading up to the revelation of plagiarism contains several minutes showing the judicious use of uncredited and material, and then what the fallout has been. RC puts it this way as they explain their motivations and why they thought it so important to get it out there.

(This documentary) details the entire timeline, lies, cover-ups, and lack of action on behalf of the entire denomination. The refusal to hold Litton accountable for his sins is a flagrant slap in the face to the gospel–and this documentary proves beyond a shadow of any doubt that politics plays a supreme role over the gospel with these gutless leaders.”

The documentary is titled Counsel of the Wicked, a nod to Psalm 1:1.

Roman Catholic Stuff

Roman Catholic Church Fires Popular ‘Alt-Right Priest’ for Calling Democrats ‘Godless’ and Refusing them Communion

It’s official; popular Priest James Altman been officially removed from the office. In a statement released by La Crosse diocese, they explain:

“The obligation of a bishop is to ensure that all who serve the faithful are able to do so while unifying and building the Body of Christ…Bishop William Patrick Callahan, in accordance with the norms of canon law, has issued a decree for the removal of Father James Altman as pastor of St. James the Less Parish….The decree is effective immediately and for an indeterminate period of time. During this time Father Altman, must refrain from exercising the function of pastor.”

James Altman, dubbed the “alt-right priest” by critics, served at St. James the Less parish. He amassed a large following on social media and earned the ire of local leftists along with his Bishop, William Callahan, for partaking in the aforementioned sins:

(Saying) ‘anti-Black and LGBTQ+ rhetoric, stating that all Democrats are “Godless” hypocrites going to hell, spreading misinformation on vaccines and COVID-19, frequently appearing on far-right media platforms and more.’

Two months ago, upon hearing that this was in the works, Altman made the announcement of his likely termination on his YouTube channel, telling the congregation:

Unfortunately in our cancel culture, if the Left whines like they do, like a spoiled brat, often enough they succeed in canceling so many voices of truth. And now they are whining like, if I may say it, the pansy babies that they are, to cancel me…allegedly because I’m divisive, as they like to say, or as a bishop has stated to me, ‘I am ineffective.’

For the record, dear family, Bishop Callahan has asked me to resign as pastor as of this past Friday, two days ago, because I am divisive and ineffective. In response, my canon lawyer asked for clarification as to the justification, and a chance to review what was in my file that suggested I was so divisive and ineffective.

And I say all this only because I’m no expert on canon law, but understand only that while we are contesting the Bishop’s request, he could in theory appoint a parish administrator whilst I remain a pastor without duties until the appeal goes through Rome, which could take upwards of a year or more.

Altman disputes that he is ineffective, pointing to the fact that despite earning growls of rage from progressives and nods of appreciation from conservatives, the church has flourished in every way possible, with attendance being up nearly 102 people and already doubling last year’s total in donations and tithes given.

What really is at play here, dear family, is that other shepherds are offended because I simply state the fact that they abandoned their sheep in a time of need as you’ve heard me say so many times.

If this alleged virus was allegedly a fraction as dangerous as they said it was, all the more reason to keep our churches open and get you the sacraments so that you stayed in a state of grace. They put your eternal souls at risk – they despise me for speaking that simple truth.

Despite the biblical truths that Altman is advocating for, it is beyond tragic that he is a Roman Catholic and therefore has no hope of salvation lest he repents of his sins and believes in Christ by faith alone.

Evangelical Stuff News

Ken Ham adding a ‘Tower of Babel’ Attraction to His Creation Museum and Ark Encounters

In a move that will surely send his critics “REEEEEEEING!” to the hills, Answers in Genesis founder Ken Ham has announced that they are creating a “Tower Of Babel’ attraction that, by virtue of its existence, will touch on racial issues as it describes where the human race came from and how the races and people groups developed. The scriptures say in Genesis 11:

“Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them. Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.” So the Lord scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they ceased building the city.”

In an interview with Grant County News, Ham reflects on his business’ five-year anniversary, explaining that while the pandemic had a disastrous impact on his company, things have normalized again and that sales numbers have been brisk, and only getting bigger- a blessing given that they are seeing better numbers than other national attractions.

As the pandemic is getting behind us, we’re seeing many more people willing to travel. Attendance right now is equal to our excellent 2019 numbers, which was our best year—and on many recent days, attendance has actually exceeded them. On the past two Saturdays, we welcomed over 7,000 guests each day—plus thousands more at the Creation Museum in Petersburg.”

Ham also has some plans for the future:

Next year, we will start fundraising for a Tower of Babel attraction that we hope to open in three or four years, where among other things we will help people understand what genetics research and the Bible say about the origin of all the people groups around the world. I can assure you: it will be a fascinating, eye-opening attraction.

Fundraising for the new multi-million dollar attraction will begin in a few month’s time and will be huge, as they spent 27 million dollars building the Creation Museum, and over 100 million on the Ark Encounter.


Mark Devers’ Church Awarded $220,000 after Suing DC for Restricting Worship

Capitol Hill Baptist Church (CHBC) has won a settlement of $220,000 from the District of Columbia and the mayor; the result of suing them both for shutting down their church services and capping attendance to 10 people during the pandemic; an act which CHBC claimed violated their religious liberties.

At the time CHBC wrote in a statement that their church structure and foundational beliefs made gathering together as one body fundamental to their beliefs, noting:

A weekly in-person worship gathering of the entire congregation is a religious conviction for which there is no substitute…the Church does not offer virtual worship services, it does not utilize a multi-site model, and it does not offer multiple Sunday morning worship services….

Since its founding in 1878, CHBC has met in-person every Sunday except for three weeks during the Spanish Flu in 1918. That changed following Mayor Bowser’s first orders concerning COVID-19 on March 11, 2020. Since that time, the members of CHBC—most of whom live in the District—have been unable to meet in person, as one congregation inside District limits (even outdoors).

Christianity Today reports that “In a settlement agreement and release approved on Thursday, the city agreed to pay $220,000 to the counsels representing the church, which broke down to $210,000 for the law firm WilmerHale and $10,000 for the national legal nonprofit First Liberty Institute.”

Furthermore, as part of the settlement agreement, the district agrees that they won’t enforce any future gathering restrictions on them, and if ever another public health crisis occurs, they must treat them the same as any other secular business in terms of restricting their capacities and limits.

We last touched bases with CHBC after revealing that their lead pastor and The Gospel Coalition member, Mark Dever, is a registered Democrat, observing they and 9Marks Ministry took up to $350,000 in PPP loans and knocking Dever for employing some gross revisionism history when it came to the death of Trayvon Martin,.

abortion News

Abolitionist Respond to SBC Elites who Hate New Anti-Abortion Resolution

(Free the States) The passage of the Southern Baptist Resolution on Abolishing Abortion at the Southern Baptist Convention’s (SBC) Annual Meeting two weeks ago has sparked a slew of articles from pro-life SBC leaders opposing it. This article is the third installment in a series of articles here on the FTS blog responding to the anti-abolitionist pieces of these pro-lifers.

In Public Discourse, eight particularly accredited writers – eight SBC seminary professors/executives, one of whom is a former president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) – signed their name to an article entitled “Why We Opposed an Anti-Abortion Resolution at the Southern Baptist Convention.” With those theological bona fides, you might think that the article mounted a serious, sustained Biblical critique of abolitionism; but you would be incorrect. Exactly one Bible verse was cited as a supposed anti-abolitionist proof text, and, as will be demonstrated, the verse is actually a distinctly abolitionist verse.

The authors primarily take issue with two aspects of the resolution:

  1. Its call for “the immediate abolition of abortion without exception or compromise,” which, in their view, doesn’t adequately deal with ectopic pregnancies and other life-threatening complications.
  2. Its rejection of pro-life gradualism.

The resolution does not address the issue of ectopic pregnancies. The reason for this is not an ignorance of the existence of ectopic pregnancies, nor an opposition to the treatment thereof. The authors did not explicitly address ectopic pregnancies because the treatment of ectopic pregnancies is not properly defined as abortion.

Most babies who implant somewhere other than the uterus die before any action to treat an ectopic pregnancy is even taken. Removing a child who has already died is not an abortion. In the case of those who do survive, it is important that we do not equivocate between preterm delivery of the baby (which will lead to the unintended and inevitable death of the baby) and the intentional destruction of the baby by D&E or D&C abortion. The former is an appropriate treatment of an ectopic pregnancy if the baby has no chance of survival. The latter is not.

This conflation of preterm delivery with intentional destruction also impugns grieving parents who are forced to deliver the child early. For these reasons…

To continue reading, click here

Editor’s note. This article was written by James Silberman and published at Free The States.


Bethel ‘Prophet’ Who Falsely Prophesied Trump’s Victory Headlines Prophetic Conference

The charismatic ne’er-do-well prophet who faced public humiliation after publicly apologizing to Joe Biden and his followers for uttering a false prophecy about Trump’s election win, calling it a “major, major mistake” and taking “full responsibility for being wrong.” has announced that he’s leading a major conference on how to become a true prophet of God.

Prior to his public prophetic failing, Kris Vallotton, Co-founder of the School of the Prophets and Senior Associate Leader of Bethel Church, was seen being the spokesperson for Bethel Church in California after a surge of COVID cases at the School of Supernatural Ministry forced a county of nearly 200,000 people to go into lockdown. Evidently, they could not supernaturally heal or minister to them.

But with the realization that he utterly and completely got it wrong on Trump’s win, he joined dozens of other previously smug and certain prophets in issuing mea culpas to the media and their money keepers. taking to Instagram to publicly repent of his false prophet, while still insisting he’s not a false prophet. In his video he said:

“There is no excuse for it. I think it doesn’t make me a false prophet but it does actually create a credibility gap. A lot of people trust me, trust my ministry, and I want to say I’m very sorry for everyone who put their trust in me, and there was this major, major mistake.

And I want to say I’m sorry, and I want to look into the reasons why there was a disconnection there in what I heard. And I have always believed that when you make a public declaration, that if you get it wrong you have to make a public apology.

And I want to say that I’ve never had to do that before. I prophecied in 14 years working in the political realm, and I’ve never had to make an apology for a bad prophetic word I’ve given, this is the first time, and I’m going to learn from it. This was a big mistake, and I hope that you’ll forgive me and I hope that we can all learn from it.

A credibility gap is an understatement. In Old Testament times he would have been rightly stoned; rocks raining down on him to shatter his jaw and smash against lips that spoke for the Lord so presumptuously.

Now? A few months and he’s back in the ring; headlining a conference designed to rake in the burgeoning deluded ‘prophets’ and prophetesses while making them a mountain of that sweet mammon.

Put on by Bethel Church, ‘School of the Prophets; Accelerate your Prophetic Calling‘ is designed to equip church members and other curious Christians to shell out $400 for the 5-day event, which will feature cast members from Bether’s School of Supernatural Ministry overseeing the impartation of the prophetic. Vallotton, as the featured speaker, makes some bold claims as to what the takeaways will be.

The conference literature stresses that everyone attending should do the pre-material work, as “The pre-event materials and online community will prepare you to recognize a true prophet from a false prophet and accurately share words of knowledge, wisdom, and prophecy, among other prophetic essentials.” If the testimonials are anything to go by, this place will be happening.

How every person who does the pre-conference prep doesn’t demand a refund when learning what a true prophet is, is beyond us. Fortunately for them, as Dr. Michael Brown and other charismatic enablers have pointed out, there is no correlation between giving false prophecies and being a false prophet, and Valloton wouldn’t have it any other way.

Roman Catholic Stuff

Montana Roman Catholics Clear Hurdle to See Tram to Pagan Shrine

Montana Roman Catholics are chomping at the bit to see their dream of easy access up to the monstrous “Lady of the Rockies’ Statue finally realized after the Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration agreed to let an aerial tram cross over Interstate 15, clearing a major hurdle that has stymied supporters for years, and bringing the dream one step closer to reality.

‘Our Lady of the Rockies’ stands 90 ft tall and looms over the city of Butte, sitting atop the Continental Divide. There is a small chapel nearby, where people can go pray and venerate the mother of Jesus. Built in 1979 by Bob O’Bill, it was crafted as a tribute to the virgin mary- done in the likeness of ‘Our Lady of Guadalupe’ in honor of his wife recovering from cancer.

The tour guide to the area states that the “base of the chapel” is built on top of the “Star of David” and has over 17,000 names of women inscribed inside the chapel.  On the way to the shrine are trees planted “in memory of a loved one” with their name’s placed on a “silver placard” below each tree.

There is a sign in the Chapel that touts “Our Story” that reads “The project to build the statue began in 1979. People from all walks of life and every religion worked to pave the way for the statue, made in the likeness of Mary, Mother of Jesus. Our Lady of the Rockies is entirely non-denominational and was dedicated by workers to women everywhere but especially mothers.”

Despite the informational placards explaining that the statue is “non-denominational,” it’s difficult to see how that could be, given the subject matter and deep history of involvement that many builders specifically credited Mary for. This is akin to building a statue in the likeness of Jesus but then claiming it has nothing to do with Christianity. While a small minority might grant that, most won’t, and for local Roman Catholics, this is holy ground. Mary is worshipped here, and any efforts to make that easier and make her more accessible will be supported.

Matthew Sewell of Churchpop recounts a series of supposed “miracles” that were believed to have accompanied the construction, with credit going to Mary for her divine intervention including:

  • When panic set in with how the crew would pay to fuel up their seemingly abandoned and donated heavy equipment, every tank was found to be completely filled with gas.
  • Each one of Leroy Lee’s welds when constructing the statue were inexplicably perfect, as he recounts in the documentary made last Christmas.
  • On the day of completion, when Mary needed to be flown to the top of a normally gusty and windy East Ridge, the air was eerily and peacefully calm, with no wind to speak of.

Monetary donations are what keep the abomination flowing, and much more will be needed to see their dream realized, with organizers estimating that between 10-12 million dollars will be needed to see their vision for a tram come to fruition after nearly 40 years.

“Satan comes disguised as an angel of light” and an object of veneration comes as an object of worship. We should not wish that this monstrosity gets more visitors. We are to worship no one but Jesus Christ, and all other pagan activity, including the worship of saints, is strictly forbidden.