NBA superstar Steph Curry, who has long touted his Christian creds and beliefs on and off the court, has said in an interview that he’s endorsing Kamala Harris for President specifically because she’ll defend abortion rights.
Curry has been relatively vocal about his supposed faith, particularly in episode five of the Facebook series, “Stephen vs. The Game.” Curry grew up in the church, attending youth group every Wednesday evening and Sunday morning services. His testimony has been featured frequently, such as Here and Here, and he once described his conversion to the faith when he was in grade eight, recounting:
“I felt a calling, went down to the altar, and gave my life to Christ. That became the beginning of my own personal journey….My faith is about the personal relationship, more so than following a certain religious tradition or practice. Challenges you to make sure that you are feeding your spirit with the right things versus what the world is throwing at us. It’s a constant battle, if I say I have it down, I’d be lying.”
In a recent interview, the Golden State Warrior star endorsed Kamala Harris for president, saying it’s important for him and his family to do it. When asked, “what are the issues you care about most?” he replied:
“I just know from especially women’s rights and thinking about, you know, what’s at stake with this election and understanding, like, we need to be in a position where women have the right to choose what’s right for them. And that’s at the top of the list for me. I have amazing women in my life who’ve been a huge inspiration to me.”
It’s a grotesque take from what sounds like a false convert. It’s one thing to be begrudgingly voting for Harris despite her bloodthirsty abortion stance, which doesn’t make any sense for a Christian to do but let’s go with it, but it’s another thing to vote for her precisely because of it. This is especially true considering Curry and his mom have been vocal in how she aborted what would have been his older brother, and she almost aborted him.
Disgraced former megachurch pastor Bruxy Cavey no longer has to fear being imprisoned after Crown prosecutors withdrew his final two sexual assault charges, bringing this chapter of his life to an end.
While prosecutors were set to begin trial next week, they chose not to proceed after concluding there was no reasonable prospect of a conviction. They admitted they could not conclusively establish whether or not Cavey’s alleged victim gave consent for their sexual encounter, making further legal action futile.
Cavey is one of Cana’s most recognizable religious leaders. Far from being orthodox, he is also a false teacher who denies penal substitutionary atonement, biblical inerrancy, the eternality of hell, has an unbiblical view of the sin of homosexuality, and displays an affinity for open-theism. For more information on Cavey’s many false beliefs, click here.
The embattled former pastor was released from his position at The Meeting House, a 5000-member multi-campus megachurch in Oakville, ON, one of Canada’s largest, after being arrested and charged with sexual assault, with the elders saying one of his victims was a minor. Further investigations would reveal that the church has an endemic problem, with a third-party investigation revealing that there have been nearly 40 different reports of sexual abuse against four pastors within the church.
Last month, Cavey had one sexual assault charge against him stayed after the prosecution took too long to bring him to trial.
Since the beginning, he has denied sexually abusing anyone but has admitted he engaged in adulterous affairs and consenting sexual encounters.
In related news, his former megachurch is no more. After being unable to find abuse insurance following the 40 different reports of sexual abuse against their church pastors, The Meeting Place announced they were shutting down for good.
The church has struggled to survive since the initial arrest of Cavey, with giving down and several satellite churches shuttering down or consolidating. In an email sent to members, the church explained that because they’ve had so many allegations of sexual abuse over the years, so far resulting in three civil lawsuits from abuse victims demanding $5 million each in damages, their insurance company doesn’t want the liability.
As a result, The Meeting House cannot get anyone to insure them and don’t dare operate without, lest one of their leaders is revealed to be another molester (not an insignificant concern, given their history), opening them up to even further lawsuits and financial risk. Instead, they announced on their website:
It is with sadness that we are required to bring the public-facing ministry of The Meeting House to an end as of August 29. Going forward, there will no longer be churches operating programs or doing ministry under the banner of The Meeting House….We are pleased to announce that as of September 1, new missional church communities will be launching in many locations across Ontario as part of a new initiative called the BIC Church Collective.
N.T Wright says Americans’ defense of gun rights is inconsistent with their defense of the unborn, because they are too polarized by social media, they accept “over-simplified” arguments to fall in line with a particular leader, they can’t handle “nuance,” and ultimately, they just aren’t an “educated electorate.”
But does this sound like a nuanced, educated take on gun laws?
“When I go to America, it always astonishes me that the same people are vitriolically opposed to abortion and vitriolically in favor of everybody carrying guns and being prepared to shoot people at any time.
On the one hand, you’d have thought if they’re so concerned about preserving human life, even in embryo and in vitro, etc., then why are they not concerned about preserving human life when it comes to, say, a school shooting by somebody who’s been able to walk into a store, even though mentally disturbed, and buy a weapon-grade automatic rifle? I mean, for somebody from the other side of the Atlantic, and I suspect for you [Carey Nieuwhof] in Canada, this is just nonsense.”
Furthermore. N.T. Wright thinks a substantial element of the pro-life movement is just “people nervous about sex” who get manipulated by “powerful men telling women what they could and couldn’t do.”
He says our discourse on abortion has failed to frame the issue as the idol of “male violence” vs. the idol of “a fulfilled erotic existence,” personified in the pagan gods Ares and Aphrodite (though he mixes up Ares for his Roman equivalent, Mars).
Yes, you heard that right: the people trying to stop abortion are unknowingly serving the god of war.
“It seems to me that abortion became an issue, not least because people were aware, certainly in my country and I think in America, that abortion was being used as an easy and inverted-commas [UKish for “quote-unquote”] form of contraception. And that that, in consequence, was licensing sexual immorality, or what used to be thought of as sexual immorality. Promiscuity, anyway.
So that the desire to have free abortion went with the desire to have free sex. And so people who were nervous about sex for whatever reason, and there’d be many reasons why people’d be nervous about sex, would say, ‘Oh, abortion is wrong, da da da da da da,’ and then produce all the standard arguments about, ‘Well, here is a picture of a fetus in the womb, etc., etc.’
Whereas then, conversely, that was turned into a power play by powerful people, often powerful men, basically telling women what they could and couldn’t do.
Which, then, you get two of the ideologies of our time: Aphrodite, the goddess of erotic love, Mars, the god of violence and war, who are kind of squabbling with each other.
Is this about male violence? Is it about the right to have a fulfilled erotic existence? Etc. And we haven’t named those issues. And in consequence, I think we’re often shadow boxing.”
This entire post is basically just @wokepreacherTV’s two X threads, written out in full.
The First Baptist Church in America in Providence, RI, is America’s oldest Baptist church. Established in 1638 by Puritan Minister Roger Williams, it has since shed its long history of faithful teaching and tradition and is now being led by Pastrix Dr. Jamie Washam, where they regularly share progressive LGBTQ Propaganda and put out church signs about how Jesus has two dads and God the Father’s imagined personal pronouns.
This year, they helped host NecronomiCon, a three-day event named after horror writer H. P. Lovecraft’s famed magical grimoire, also known as the Book of the Dead. NecronomiCon is a “biennial multi-faceted exploration of the weird fiction literary genre, which combines elements of horror, science fiction, fantasy, and magical realism” and is attended by around 1500 people.
Lovecraft is also known for inventing the monster Cthulhu, “an ancient octopus-headed god-like alien that has lived in the ocean since before the dawn of humankind,” who made an appearance of sorts at the event.
As part of the festivities, the church hosted the opening ceremony of this year’s Necronomicon, where Gigi Mitchell-Velasco (aka Bride of Cthulhu) played some tunes for the attendees while this ancient horror God mingled about the sanctuary, just like we see in the New Testament.
Update and Retraction. An earlier version of this post erroneously conflated a miscarriage Ayala had at 18 with her recent abortion, suggesting that she had an abortion but claimed she miscarried instead. This is factually incorrect. It was a mistake to indicate that she lied about having a miscarriage, or that she described her miscarriage as an abortion, as these two are two separate instances and circumstances. We sincerely apologize for the error, and we are adding this article and notations to our ‘Retractions’ page.
Ayala Isenberg’s story has been making the rounds for a while, and is best summed up in this Life Issues profile of her:
When Ayala was a child, she was repeatedly sexually abused for years. When she was 15 years old, she became pregnant through rape. Amazingly, despite the tragedy in conception, Ayala actually felt love for the child and fought to keep it. Sadly, she miscarried and lost her daughter. Now Ayala is a powerful advocate for life with a significant presence on social media where she vigorously defends the truth that every life is sacred.
She was platformed repeatedly by undiscerning pro-life organizations despite multiple red flags. Everyone from Life Institute to Students for Life wanted to share her story, with Live Action even running a feature on her a mere two months ago, revealing the role she’s been cosplaying lately:
Propelled to vent her grief, Isenberg laid bare her pain on social media on TikTok, then on Twitter.
“I felt so strongly about the value of life after my miscarriage that if I could do anything to protect a child in the womb from being murdered, I wanted to do that,” Isenberg said.
She got connected with Students for Life at a Students for Life Summit, protesting outside of Planned Parenthood facilities and attending rallies. She served as the organization’s North Carolina state captain.
Isenberg said, “I was at a gathering outside the White House right before it was announced that Roe had been overturned. It was such a historical moment.”
She flew to Los Angeles to participate in the Jubilee Middle Debate series as a representative of the Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising and gained millions of social media followers from online views of the debate. She launched an online blog, “To be a Pro-Life Jew,” on Substack.
Now 20 years old, Isenberg hosts fundraisers for women in crisis. She is working on a research project to showcase the number of women who die each year from legalized abortions
And yet.
In a since-deleted substack post, from an account that is now private, Ayala writes that she recently, intentionally chose to have an abortion because she wanted to go to college and having a baby would have messed up those plans.
It feels weird typing that out. I had an abortion. A capital-A Abortion (or a termination procedure if you’re the kind of person who has a fridge with a working icemaker).
Anyways, this post is about that, and as much as I wish I was Sylvia Plath or even Lana Del Rey, I’m a substack blogger. This isn’t gonna be a masterpiece. I guess I need some way to talk about it openly without being terrified of people finding out, and the only way for me to stop worrying about that is to tell everyone upfront. So, there it is.
In early June, I was fresh out of inpatient treatment and doing my best to readjust. I was looking for a job, which was impossible (I applied to over 100 jobs and got one interview). A consistent issue was my lack of a driver’s license. My partner was out of work too. To top it all off, I was supposed to move in for my first semester at university in the beginning of August. Finding out I was pregnant, simply put, felt like the end of my life…
I just couldn’t imagine having to explain to my family, myself, and, most of all, my future children, that I was weeks away from being the first person in my family to go to university, and I screwed it up. That I, instead of having an abortion because I knew it would be very difficult for me, threw us right back into the cycle of generational poverty for God knows how long.
Notably, following her since-revealed abortion, she had a debate with Abolitionist United about the merits of pro-lifism vs abortion abolition. Here is more background on how that went:
Deleting most of her social media accounts and changing her user name from prolifejewess to blueridgejewess, Isenberg says she will delete any comments critical of her.
Late last November, Hans Schmidt, a 26-year-old former military combat medic who is married with two small children, was preaching the gospel in the public square in Glendale, Arizona, when a car pulled up near him and shot him in the head. He told ABC15 News in a new report:
“I remember falling to my knee. And then after that, I was like, ‘Oh, something’s not right. I grabbed all my gear, put it back in the car. I drove my car back to church.”
Upon arrival, he went to tell his wife what happened, but no words would come out. His wife Zulya shared:
“He just, like, comes to the car and, like, I remember just seeing, like blood. And I’m like, ‘What happened? What happened?'”
Sensing something was deeply wrong, but unsure of the exact nature of his injuries- not even knowing that he was shot in the head at this point. Zulya and her brother decided to take Schmit to the hospital. He started seizing while in the vehicle and arrived at the hospital unresponsive. He was placed on life support and in a medically induced coma, with everyone believing he was going to pass away.
Prayers came from saints across the world, and a month later, he spoke for the first time. A month after that, in late January, he walked out of the hospital with bullet fragments still lodged in his brain after the neurosurgeon decided that surgery was too risky to remove them all.
“I should not be alive, realistically, I should be dead. And because (of) His grace and love, I’m still here.”
Though he’s still in recovery, Schmidt says he’s eager to get back to work, and doctors say he’ll be able to lead a mostly normal life. The long-term and short-term effects of the brain damage he suffered are unclear and have not been shared publicly.
Even knowing that the person who fired the gun is still out there, Hans is back at the corner of 51st and Peoria avenues, ready to share his new testimony.
“I don’t think that holding a grudge against him is going to change anything,” Hans said. “I think it’s important to forgive people. And I forgive him.”
A crazed gunman lit up the property of Global Vision Bible Church pastor Greg Locke’s home Tuesday evening, unloading an entire magazine of bullets into his garage, car, and home while one of his children was inside in what was an apparent attempt to murder Locke and his family. Locke shared on social media:
It’s 2:00am and for the last 3 hours our home has been a full blown crime scene. According to the security cam footage, we pulled into our driveway exactly ONE MINUTE after a madman unloaded an entire magazine of bullets from an automatic weapon into our house, garage and my truck. The sound on the video is truly horrific. Detectives will still be here for a good while tonight.
Only one of our kids was home and thank God not in the same area of the house. As you can see in the last pics, one of the bullets cut through the headboard of our youngest daughter’s bed and lodged in her pillow. We are all being security escorted to a hotel tonight. We have no further details. The only detail that matters is that Psalm 91 is true and GOD PROTECTED US IN UNIMAGINABLE AND SUPERNATURAL WAYS. Please pray for the Locke family tonight. We love all of you.
He added later:
Wilson County Sheriff’s Office Captain Scott Moore confirmed the details to the Tennessean, revealing that 30-40 shall casings were recovered from the property.
Locke is no stranger to death threats and receives them on a regular basis. He previously share the extent they have to grapple with this:
We get hundreds and hundreds, many times 1000s of phone calls every week. The voicemail will only hold 40 voicemails at a time and we can be on the phone and the voicemails will filll about every two hours.
And so many of them are like non-callback numbers, private numbers, people cussing, fussing. We just located a man the other day, he doesn’t even know that we’ve located him yet but we have, that called the church, left a burner phone number, but we’ve got some pretty good investigative abilities at our church. And this guy has promised to come to the tent and slice my throat and to kill me.
We’ve been getting literally sex toys in the mail every single day, glitter bombs from witches. Everybody’s mad about the thing I said about calling out witches. They’re real. They know they’re real. They’re not hiding the fact that they’re real. It’s just the churches is too unbiblical and ignorant to recognize witchcraft, sorcery and spells and curses when they see them.
We literally got a box the other day that said it was from my mom, and it was full of all kinds of crystals and hexes and vexes and curses. We get pentagrams, witchcraft, satanism, postcards from the Church of Satan in the mail every single day, all types of vile pornographic stuff. It’s just nonstop phone calls galore…you know, threatening to come and kill me just all sorts of nonsense.”
This appears to be the first incident where threats have escalated into direct action. It is unclear what the motives for the attack were, though Locke, who was recently announced and installed as an ‘apostle‘, has long since insisted that witches and warlocks were seeking to destroy him and his church.
He has also been very outspoken in his support for Israel, with many on social media questioning if that has something to do with it, on account of at least one threat made public:
Notably, six months ago, a man drove up with a trailer outside Global Vision Church and set a trailer full of Bibles on fire, though it is unknown if the two incidences are related.
Pastor Ed Young Jr., the senior pastor of Fellowship Church, a 30,000-member multi-site megachurch spread across Texas and Florida, has released a new video taking a shot at people complaining about the size of megachurches, saying they’re being hypocrites because they don’t say the same thing about attending massive concerts or going to football games.
What are his historical acts of theological mischief? Young released a music video featuring him dancing around wearing gold chains, fake tattoos on his arms, neck, knuckles, and under his eye, baggy clothes, and beanie, all the while mimicking pointing to a mouth grill. He engaged in a “sexperiment” with his wife, where he and his spouse spent 24 hours on the rooftop of their church, cuddled up in bed, after advocating for 30-day sex challenges to promote his new book. Last year, he was still preaching on the 20-year-old bible-twisting fad “Prayer of Jabez.”
It is unsurprising that Young doesn’t see a difference or differentiation between attending a church and a concert; it’s all commoditization. This is especially true when we consider that in the same way fans form parasocial relationships with their favorite singers, congregants also form parasocial relationships with their megachurch pastor.
The parallels are stark. This is an individual you can never interact with in person, who remains oblivious to your existence and wouldn’t notice if you stopped attending their performances.
Like celebrity musicians, these megachurch pastors make millions of dollars shilling their wares, hang out in the green room before and after the service, and frequently have bodyguards and security to prevent people from getting too close.
An example of commoditization from Ed Young’s own church is that three years ago, in a horrifying chain of events that treats the body of Christ like a commodity, congregants of Fellowship Church in Miami, a satellite campus of Ed Young’s church, had the shock of their lives when they were told at the end of a sermon that their building had been sold to a new megachurch looking to expand in the area, and that service would be their last. Ever. The church closed its doors and shut down its social media pages and website that day, leaving up to 200 members scrambling over where to go next; the pastor recalled back to the main campus without even saying goodbye.
We digress. Young Jr. shared on Facebook:
“‘The church is just too big.’ I’ve heard people tell me that a lot. ‘It’s too big. It’s a mega church.’
Well, that’s gotta be one of the most hypocritical statements someone can make because the person making the statement goes to massive concerts. They would go to a game, a football game. They would go to a massive mall and they never really say that about those entities.
But, but they always say ‘the church is too big.’
Hey, if you think the church is too big, then you’re not going to like heaven because heaven is going to be a big place. If a church is around a lot of people, it should be big in the context of being big.
Megachurch pastor Ed Young Jr. says people complaining about the size of megachurches are hypocrites because they don't say the same thing about attending massive concerts.
Demonstrating what a hellhole of sin, sacrilege, and satanic cowardice the United Methodist Church has become, a prominent Bishop who has for years denied the divinity of Christ has finally retired on her own terms, according to a recent article, by Juicy Ecumenism, which calls her one of the” key architects of the UMC’s recent liberalization on human sexuality.”
Bishop Karen Oliveto, a raging heretic if there ever was one, retired from the denomination’s Western Jurisdiction this week. She was elected Bishop in 2016 despite being “same-sex married,” which is against the denomination’s book of discipline. A year later, the United Methodist Judicial Council, the denomination’s highest court, ruled her election invalid in a 6-3 decision, but she was never removed from her position because most of the leadership is spiritually compromised and hates Christ.
United Methodist Church "Bishop" Karen Oliveto is talking about "sin" in the weeeeeeeirdest way possible. Just wait till she gets going 👀👀
In 2017, she got in a smidge of hot water after preaching a since-deleted- but-captured-below sermon she she warned people not to make an idol of Jesus, as he had “bigotries and prejudices” just like everyone else, and had to learn to change his mind about them. (click to enlarge)
“If Jesus can change, if He can give up His bigotries and prejudices, if He can realize that He had made His life too small, and if, in this realization, He grew closer to others and closer to God, then so can we.”
While complaints were raised, they were all resolved “hush-hush” behind closed doors, and the UMC at large was never told what became of them.
And now she’s retiring, not being forced out, on her own terms. Juicy Ecumenism notes that her replacement is more of the same.
Oliveto’s successor, Kristin Stoneking, also a married lesbian, seems entirely in lockstep with her predecessor’s radical progressivism. At PSR, which styles itself as a “progressive Christian seminary,” Stoneking wrote an op-ed hailing the 2024 General Conference as an example for other denominations to follow. Stoneking also welcomed the UMC’s retreat from traditional Christian ministry and transformation into a “large, non-governmental institution.” In an interview with her conference, Stoneking followed Oliveto in describing the Traditional Plan as a moment of “deep despair.”
Demonstrating the acts of depravity and degeneracy he’ll go to be elected, and seeking to codify mass murder into law on Thursday, President Trump pledged that his government will require insurance companies to cover the cost of In vitro fertilization treatments if elected.
– Free IVF treatment for women – parents can deduct newborn expenses from their taxes
“I was always for IVF. Right from the beginning, as soon as we heard about it. It’s helping women and men and families. But it’s helping women able to have a baby. Some have great difficulty and a lot of them have been very happy with the results as you know. And what we’re doing, and we’re doing this because we just think it’s great. And we need great children, beautiful children in our country, we actually need them,. Under the Trump administration, we are going to be paying for that treatment. We are paying for that treatment….or we’re going to be mandating that the insurance company pay. We want to produce babies in this country, right?”
This is a disastrous policy, as IVF is almost always mass murder and the wholesale slaughter of pre-born children. This is because life begins at conception, and IVF conceives and then kills MILLIONS of babies, something Trump believes the Republican Party should be a “leader” on.
Doctors stimulate the development of eggs in a woman’s ovaries by injecting her with hormones and fertility drugs.
The eggs are extracted from the woman’s uterus through an invasive surgical procedure.
A male donor produces and donates sperm.
A scientist mixes together the eggs and sperm in a petri-dish. Sometimes, the scientist will puncture the eggs and inject them with sperm (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection). The eggs are then monitored until they are fertilized and become embryos.
About 3-5 days later, the scientist places the embryos into the woman’s uterus with a tube (catheter). Implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall or womb is hoped to occur about 6-10 days later.
But IVF is costly, costing tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars. Because of the expense and the low probability of success upon the first implantation, especially when women are over the age of 35, doctors won’t just create, cultivate and implant a single embryo but rather frequently will extract 20-40 eggs at a time, which are fertilized with the man’s sperm.
Because of the high costs, even with Trump pledging insurance companies will cover it, it is extremely rare for a doctor to cultivate, combine, and implant a single embryo. Instead, they will get a few dozen going and then run genetic health tests and sift through them to find the “healthiest” embryos to implant, usually 2-5 at once, hoping that at least one “takes.” Doctors will monitor, and if “too many babies” are conceived, doctors will use the process of “fetal reduction” or “selective reduction” to eliminate the excess offspring.
What happens to the rest of the unused embryos? The other 25 or so they created and won’t have to use because the woman became pregnant on the third round after blowing through 10 other babies? They are treated as property. They are either destroyed or frozen for years until they are ultimately discarded because the couple gets tired of paying $1000 a year to keep them alive.
Only between 7-15% of all embryos artificially created ever come to term. The rest are all ultimately killed. Most estimates put the number of babies left in a perpetual frozen state until their demise to be between 400,000- 920,000, with millions murdered since the technology emerged.
And Trump just announced he wants to see more of this.