
Hireling Pastor Sentenced to Prison for Using $3.5M in Covid Relief Money To Buy Tesla, Property

Showing himself to be a hireling of the highest order, a Maryland pastor was sentenced to 18 months in prison after using the Covid Relief Fund to enrich himself unjustly. According to the Baltimore Banner:

Rudolph Brooks, 48, was charged in 2021 and authorities said he obtained more than $3.5 million in CARES Act Payroll Protection Program loans. Brooks surrendered his passport shortly after being charged, court records show.

He pleaded guilty to wire fraud and money laundering on Aug. 27 of this year, according to court records.

As part of his sentencing, Brooks was ordered to forfeit more than $2 million, the 2018 Tesla Model 3 he purchased, and property he bought in Upper Marlboro.

Brooks created a fraudulent company and claimed they had ten employees with an average monthly payroll of $620k. He also claimed the church he pastored at, Kingdom Tabernacle of Restoration Ministries, requesting $1.8M.

The money was deposited into an account that only he knew about, and only he had signing powers for, spending $60k on a Tesla, blowing thousands on expensive restaurants, and purchasing property for another $507k.


Pope Francis Says Intentionally Opposing Migration is a ‘Grave Sin’

Pope Francis’s radical progressivism continues to be on full display, with the decrepit pontiff insisting that anyone who intentionally and deliberately refuses to aid migrants in their attempts to enter other countries illegally is committing a “grave sin.”

While there is no such thing as a ‘good’ pope, since they are the head of an evil and wicked heterodox church, Francis has been particularly noxious and vexatious, doing things like affirming the faith of Joe Biden and saying he would never refuse him communion because the President’s love for abortion is between him and God, endorsing civil unions for gay couples, appointing multiple pro-choice people to his pro-life organization, appointing a notorious pro-LGBTQ priest to a major post, releasing an outrageously blasphemous statement, and insisting that “people are fundamentally good” and that “the heart itself is good.” 

During his Wednesday weekly audience, Pope Francis commented on recent stories of migrants crossing the Mediterranean from Africa and the Middle East into Europe, frequently perishing when their small boats are capsized.

He decried the militarization of the border and insisted that it was a “grave sin,” otherwise known as a mortal sin that damns to hell if not repented of, to fight against and oppose mass migration intentionally, even though we’ve seen in many countries the devastating effects it has been on the culture, economy, and ethos.

“We must say it clearly, there are those who work systemically and with every means to reject migrants. And this, when does with conscience and responsibility is a grave sin. The Lord is with our migrants in our sea. The Lord is with them, not with those who push them back.”


Megachurch Pastor’s Wife Charging $16,999 To Be Part of Her ‘Inner Circle’+ ‘Private Text Access’

Faith Church is a non-denominational ‘word of faith’ church in St. Louis, MO. Led by pastor and pastrix duo David and Nicole Crank, they claim “18,000 members across eight campuses in Missouri, Illinois, and Florida” and have the ethos of your typical “You’re-David-and-here-are seven-life-tips-to-help-you-kill-your-Goliath-of-debt” kind of church.

David Crank has a long and sordid history of being unable to preach himself out of a paper bag if his life depended on it, with a lobotomized monkey with a pen taped to its hand frequently giving him a run for his money over who can write a more coherent sermon with less scripture twisting. 

We recently covered them after they built a roller coaster on stage and got the worship band to croon out the Ohio Players/ Red Hot Chili Peppers song “Love Rollercoaster” while 3-foot sparklers went off.

While those sorts of shennanigans and word of mouth attention will certainly draw some people to the church, Nicole Crank has brought her own personal marketing to a whole new level.

Despite both being multimillionaires, the couple is always on the lookout for ways to pad their coffers, and a ‘subscription’ to Nicole Crank seems to have done the trick.

Crank offers a ‘Circle of Friends’, a membership class where congregants and passersby can pay her $29.99/month to have access to her best sermons, participate in a group monthly Zoom call with her, receive the occasional free book in the mail, and attend monthly “Guest Influencer Sessions” with folks like Christine Caine, Mike Todd, and Joel Osteen.

For those who can afford more than the mere pittance of $360 a month to be in her “circle of friends,” she has created the exclusive Inner Circle Masterclass for only $16,999 a year.

Here, members who want to go “deeper” will receive a year-long, exclusive mastermind led by Nicole Crank, where she will help women:

✓ Discover and destroy the limiting beliefs that have been holding you back.
✓ Develop a detailed action plan, guiding you towards achieving your aspirations and living your dreams with clarity.
✓ Equip yourself with tools to reduce stress, boost energy, and navigate challenges, enabling you to thrive in your purpose-driven journey.
✓ Immerse yourself in a supportive community of high achievers, dedicated to professional advancement and personal empowerment.
✓ Get tools to help you maximize your time, increase your revenue, and increase your influence and impact in your industry.

Some of the perks inlcude:

✓ Private Text Strand
✓ Private Text Access to Nicole
✓ All audio books, podcasts, speakers, online courses
✓ Circle of Friends Access
✓ Special Reserved Seating at all I Am Woman and Nicole Crank Events

Furthermore, members will receive a half-day group coaching session ONCE a year, over Zoom, as well as ONE personalized one-on-one session led by Nicole where she will “help you chart a path towards greater success and fulfillment, maximizing your potential for lasting gains.”

They will be invited to attend three Mastermind Immersive Trips that are “meticulously curated environments and experiences, designed to go deep, where we can learn at a rapid rate, relax, have fun, blow off steam, and come back for MORE!”

However, Immersive trip travel expenses are NOT included.

Lastly, once a month members will receive 60-90 minutes of Zoom coaching, which will help participants “deepen your skill sets, be challenged with new ideas, and accelerate your progress.”

For those interested but concerned about the price, fear not! You can make quarterly payments of $4249.75, or if you pay the “one-time Annual Membership fee of $16,999 upfront, you will receive a 10% discount which equals a total of $15,500.”

Why, with those discounts and payments options, it’s practically a steal.

h/t Trinity Fi


Deliverance Minister Claims There are Nephilim Living in the Hollow Earth, and that Jonah and the Whale Used Underwater Portals To Get There

Daniel Duval is the founder and Executive Director of Bride Ministries International, a church and family of believers that “specialize” in healing the sick, doing deliverance ministry, and “manifesting miracles.” They “unlock these realities in a practical way through equipping men and women with tools for advanced spiritual warfare, deliverance, inner healing, and discipleship to maturity in Christ.”

His vision is to build a “world-class platform that caters to survivors of satanic ritual abuse and government-sponsored mind control agendas,” the first step which is casting demons out and doing exorcisms. Here are some of the assessments he offers. Pay attention to the last two.

Clearly, he’s easily one of the most unhinged charismatic characters we’ve ever met.

The creator of the unironically named podcast “Discovering Truth,” Duval believes in the Hollow Earth theory, where there is a whole civilization in the middle of the globe that is being kept and hidden from us by the Illuminati. He also believes there are “portals” through the earth that people can travel to, and believes and teaches the existence of mermaids, underwater kingdoms, Nephilim living in underground cities, aliens, reptilians, werewolves, that there are cults, Jesuit priests, and militaries in competition to see who can create the best human-animal hybrids, you name it.

In a recent video with unhinged Katie Souza, he explains some of this further, insisting that Jonah and the whale that swallowed him literally took underwater portals into Sheol.

Now, with the Hollow Earth, I had a client for a long time. We did a number of shows together. His name is Robert Van Dries Mitchell. He was the one that told me about going on TR3Bs, which are these triangular crafts, because he defected from the Illuminati.

He went into the Hollow Earth through some of the entrance points. He even gave me a list of them on the physical earth- this is how they go in go through these gates and they come out in the hollow earth. He described to me corporations, there are Nephilim giants down there, there are different continents down there, a ton of activity and certain beings, and we can maybe leave that off the table for now or go there, I don’t know what you want to do, but definitely described to me hollow earth and I’ve had others that have been up and dow-.

He continues:

One of the statements that you find in the Bible is Jonah, he actually gets swallowed by this fish, right? And then in chapter two, you see that he cries out from the belly of Sheol. What I tell people is the fish used an underwater labyrinth that leads to basically an underwater system of portals, essentially, to go into different pockets and areas of the earth.

There are many portals underwater, naturally occurring and otherwise. And this fish actually took Jonah to Sheol. It wasn’t just a figure of speech or a metaphor. Like he was there. And I’ve had these described to me by certain people who have memories of their experiences going through them as well.

And so it’s in the word of God. One of the things that Satan says when he is going before the Lord in the book of Job, is that he was walking to and fro across the earth and going up and down on it… you know, the Bible says every knee must bow at the name of Jesus in heaven and on earth and under the earth…the Bible isn’t pulling its punches on this conversation.


Charismatic Prophetess Says She’s Being Targeted by Real Werewolves, ‘Hybrids’ and ‘Shapeshifters’

Prophetess Katie Souza’s bio says she was a “career criminal most of her life,” being “convicted of a number of felonies and sent to federal prison to serve almost twelve years” before God saved her nearly twenty years ago.

In reality, it should read that she’s still a career criminal, with her crimes no longer being drug possession and gun running, but rather a criminal mishandling of God’s word- certainly a theological felony- demonstrating that the grift never ended.

After leaving prison, she wrote a bunch of books and founded Katie Souza Ministries. She now hosts the TV show ‘Healing Your Soul,” where she practices and doles out healing miracles, prophecies, and teaches weird and wonky things like Christians can engage in ‘Time travel in the spirit.’

She may no longer be cooking crystal meth, but she’s definitely on something. She is a liar and a fraud and does so in the weirdest way possible, telling her host in a recent video:

“You know, Dan, I’ve had a lot of encounters. I had an encounter with a hybrid that I can’t tell you all the details now, but it was a direct connection to my family being involved. They didn’t create the hybrid, but they were stolen from to create the hybrid. I saw the hybrid. I’ve been on assignment to try to find it and kill it for many years now. I’m just going to say that. I don’t care.

And also, I have dealt with shapeshifters.

I had a werewolf who was a shape-shifting person. This is real, guys. This isn’t just the movies. Snap out of it. This is real. Okay? And this werewolf was on assignment to take out a…bride of Satan, that they were grooming her to be the bride of Satan, that had been rescued from the cult. And so the werewolf came as a punisher because a werewolf is an assassin. And I got in the way, and so I was also targeted by that same werewolf.

So I’ve seen shapeshifters, I’ve seen hybrids with my own eyes, I’ve dealt with them, I’ve encountered them, I’m sound of mind, and this is real.”


Church’s Sermon Illustration Includes Acrobats and Aerial Silks Flying Above Congregants?

Church by the Glades in Coral Springs, FL, led by David Hughes, is the embodiment of instituting worldly entertainment in the pathetic hope of catching the attention of wayward goatlings and luring them into staying.

Known for their extravagant attempts to keep their members entertained, in the past few months alone, they played a cover of Run D.M.C’s sleazy and sexual song Walk this Way in church, performed Kendrick Lamar’s N95, only cleaned up and sanitized for church audiences, removing the curse words and racial epitaphs for a sermon illustration, put on a Willy Wonka Christmas worship service’ put on crazy ‘Baby Shark’ mashup during service, replete with smoke and canons! and put on an Addams family themed service.

During a service last year, as part of their sermon series The Power of Small, the worship band covered the song “What a World” by Kacey Musgraves, a noted LGBTQ activist while acrobats performed aerial stunts overhead. At the end, the worship leader straps herself in a swing and flies over the congregants, singing about her love for the world and her special someone:

Oh, what a world, don’t wanna leave
All kinds of magic all around us, it’s hard to believe
Thank God it’s not too good to be true
Oh, what a world, and then there is you

Did I know you once in another life?
Are we here just once or a billion times?
Well, I wish I knew, but it doesn’t matter
‘Cause you’re here right now, and I know what I feel


Dr. Michael Brown Joining Famed ‘Leg Lengthening’ Huckster Todd White For Joint Ministry Event

Years ago, Jim Osman (author of God Doesn’t Whisper) called into Michael Brown’s show and criticized him for platforming the worst of the worst of charismatic ne’er do wells, telling him, “I would say that you have given a lot of shade,(cover) in fact, shade to some of the worst and most egregious charismatics, charlatans, false prophets, and hucksters that the charismatic movement has turned up in recent years, including Sid Roth and Benny Hinn and others just like it.” 

Osman was not wrong, however, and it’s a problem. Brown routinely platforms, partners with, and promotes false prophets and teachers- the worst of the worst- making thin and indefensible excuses along the way.

Case in point:

Brown is joining Todd White for ‘Truth over Tradition’ for a two-day at White’s Lifestyle Christianity training center, where they will ‘gather for worship, training, and equipping in the Word and presence of God.’

White is perhaps best known for his dreadlocks and his debunked leg-lengthening scam, which is nothing more than pure, calculated and intentional deception.

This is in addition to the fact that Todd White is routinely unsound in his teaching. He has insisted he hasn’t told a lie in nearly 20 years, since the day he was saved, claimed that Jesus BECAME child pornography and bestiality on the crosssampled Aerosmith as a prophetic worship song, famously taught that God’s in bed with you watching porn and wants to be your ‘climax’, and recently said that God wants to have ‘intercourse’ with us.

Leading figures in Christian discernment, like Justin Peters and Chris Rosebrough, have suggested that Todd White is demon-possessed. We absolutely concur and believe strongly that the extent of demonic possession over this man is more profound and apparent than most.

Unlike the misled youth pastor down at the Assembly of God who might get carried away with old wives’ tales of the goofy-miraculous, White is not an ordinary charismatic. White engages in parlor trickery that must be learned, practiced, and honed. His leg-lengthening stunts, mentalism, cold readings, and street-level “healings” are all tricks learned and mastered by secular magicians.

He has not just ignorantly bought into a Sid-Roth-Style charismaticism; he has had 100% knowledge that the tricks he regularly employs to make him famous are manufactured and manipulative.

Brown had been directly confronted with evidence of White’s shenanigans, but has repeatedly brushed it off, saying “All I can say that my knowledge of Todd , behind the scenes and him being raw and open, everything he’s done is sincere.”

In short, Todd White is the worst of tricksters and miracle hustlers. His career has been to dupe religious types and gullible people into believing he is sincere. Brown is in on the con, promoting, partnering, and platforming him, thereby sharing in his evil deeds.

Truly, a match made in hell.


Robert Morris’ Son, James Morris, Announces New Church Plant After Stepping Down From Gateway

America’s largest megachurch is likely to lose a ton of people after Gateway Church’s former leader in waiting, James Morris, launched a new website announcing that they’ve begun a “church planting journey” and are inviting people to “sign up for details, prayer points, and more information as the Lord leads us on our next adventure.”

Morris was about to take over the role of lead pastor of Gateway Church, the 100,000-member Hustin megachurch founded and led by his father, Robert Morris, until it was revealed that the elder Morris had sexually abused a 12-year old girl in the ’80s, causing the church to permanently part ways with Robert and James to resign.

Now, James has a plan. He explains on his site:

We are excited to announce the beginning of an extraordinary journey that started as a dream in our hearts to be Pastors of a vibrant church passionate about the presence of God and filled with people who love God and love people. We believe God gave us this dream and many prophetic words, beginning when we were young, for such a time as this. We are taking time to rest, pray, and hear from the Lord after this last season. We are filled with anticipation, expectation, and hope as we hear from God about when, where, and how to plant a church.

This journey is not just about reaching a destination but about embracing the profound experiences and growth along the way. We are confident that God is good and in control.

We invite you to join us in this adventure by walking alongside us or supporting us from afar. Together, we can experience the remarkable impact God’s goodness has on the world around us.

Given that he was a top-rated speaker and the heir apparent, if James does decide to plant a church in the Houston Area, he will almost certainly draw away hundreds of congregants who are currently attending Gateway Church and pick up many of the thousands who stopped attending in light of the betraying revelations.


Megachurch Pastor Charges $84,000/year for Exclusive ‘Life Coaching’ Class+ Only Millionaires May Apply

Pastor Keith Craft of Elevate Life Church, a non-denominational megachurch in Texas, has one heck of a side hustle, offering ‘Life Mastery’ courses for a mere $84,000/year, but only to those who have an “annualized earnings of $1M+,” according to a recent article by Trinity Fi.

Kraft is known as a rough-and-tumble persona who oversees the ‘Cathedral of Frisco.’ Frequently billed as a motivational speaker, he often namedrops celebrities he’s shared the stage with and has an insatiable, relentless focus on raising and acquiring money within the church. The insistence that his congregants “fully participate” in the life of the church by “generously supporting” them is a maxim beaten into the brains of any sheep who has the misfortune of stepping into his fold.

Because he’s also a historically bad preacher, he frequently bears the brunt of Chris Rosebroughs’s verbal and exegetical lashings, and his newest venture is particularly obscene.

According to the promo, his Life Mastery Mastermind is an “exclusive and intimate opportunity, curated specifically for those committed to living life by design – at a level, few ever imagine, much less reach” with the purpose of helping members “brainstorm, network, challenge, motivate and be encouraged in your success journey”

Members of this “world-class peer group” must have “established a multi-million-dollar net worth and annualized earnings of $1,000,000+.” and “demonstrate an unwavering commitment to personal & professional achievement and a deep desire to live the kingdom legacy they want to leave.”

By joining this group, you will receive:

  • 6 x one-to-one coaching sessions annually
  • 2 trips annually – 1 day, 2 night stays in Destin, FL & Durango, CO
  • 2 Gatherings annually in Celina, TX
  • One complimentary pass to the Think Tank Online Group Coaching
  • Vetted group of 7 figure net worth individuals

Those benefits seem….meager

To avoid paying the $84,000 upfront, group members can pay it in monthly installments of $7000.


One Day After Resigning, MorningStar CEO Chris Reed Admits to Sexual Misconduct

A day after resigning from his role as President and CEO of the New Apostolic Reformation mecca known as MorningStar Ministries, Chris Reed has admitted to sexual misconduct with one of his students.

MorningStar Ministries, a prominent entity in Charismatic Christendom, has become a symbol of the worst excesses of the New Apostolic Reformation and Pentecostal movement. Founded by Rick Joyner in 1985, the ministry has been a platform for every false teacher and loon with a story of visiting heaven, a prophetic word to plug, and a book to sell.

It was under the leadership of Rick Joyner that MorningStar Ministries introduced the Holy Spirit Hokey Pokey and promoted, platformed, and restored cancerous evangelist Todd Bentley.

In fact, it’s no exaggeration to say that Bentley’s movements and speech are dictated by little demons that sit on his head, steering him by tugging his ears left or right while whispering the words they want him to say. For years this was overseen with the approval and blessing of Joyner, who was also a key cog in the Charismatic Day of Infamy.

In 2021, Chris Reed, a false prophet and spiritual con artist took over MorningStar from Joyner. Reed is as crooked as a question mark, insisting he received a vision from God that John the apostle is still alive and roaming the earth today, all the while routinely engaging in cringy fake ‘mentalism’ displays.

In an article written by Rebecca Hopkins for The Roys Report she reveals that Reed, who is married and has six younger children, was involved with a student (who is an adult seven years his junior) at MorningStar named here as “Kathryn,” whom he was kissing and sending sexual text messages to in 2021, prior to becoming CEO.

When confronted by TRR, Reed admitted, “I sorely regret it. I take full responsibility for it. It wasn’t her fault at all. I’m fully, fully to blame.”

Kathyrn said Reed also touched her genitals and “said things that a man of honor, even with his wife, should not have said.” and provided Facebook messages of some of their interactions and encounters.

Reed denies that he touched her below the waist, but admits that he did send her “terrible” text messages.

“There was no sexual encounter. She’s never seen me unclothed or touched me unclothed. I’ve never seen her unclothed or touched her unclothed.”

Kathryn says she told MorningStar leaders about the sexual messages in February 2022. As a result of this, Reed was not disqualified from ministry but merely stopped preaching for a short while, but was still otherwise actively involved other leadership responsibilities with the organization.  

In fact, the only real consequence he faced was that he was supposed to take over as CEO or MorningStar in 2022, but his promotion was delayed for the better part of the year because of it; with the leadership still feeling he was the right man to lead them.

While some in the church leadership knew of his sexual indiscretions, he did not admit to the church body as a whole that he’d been involved in kissing and sexting, but rather revealed:

“Here’s what I told the church, ‘I take full responsibility for it. There was a situation in my life where I needed the grace of God. It did not involve sex or money or notoriety, but it was still wrong and I had to talk to my elders in my life and be accountable about it.”

Despite these revelations, Reed intends to continue to be involved in prophetic ministry and church planting, revealing in his resignation letter:

“I will continue to write and build an online model of house churches led by regional elders, based on the Acts 2:42 model I have received from the Lord. Additionally, I will continue to train and lead others in an online school of the prophetic, similar to what I created with the School of the Prophets. At some point, I plan to relocate and start a new church in another part of South Carolina.”