Featured In-person Church Righteous Defiance

A Gallery Of The Faithful Gathering For Church Amid Pandemic- Album 67 (Only 3 More Left in the Series)

The sixty-seventh album in an ongoing series documenting faithful churches gathering for Sunday service in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

With some churches still not gathering in-person in these dark times and others being persecuted by the government for being open, even having the pastors arrested and churches having underground service, these are the congregations who are meeting faithfully at the command of Scripture (Heb. 10:25).

For previous albums: 

Album #1  Album #2  Album #3  Album #4  Album #5  Album #6  Album #7  Album #8  Album #9  Album #10  Album #11  Album #12  Album #13  
Album #14  Album #15  Album #16  Album#17  Album# 18 Album #19  
Album #20  Album #21 Album #22  Album #23 Album #24 Album #25
Album #26 Album #27 Album #28 Album #29 Album #30 Album #31 Album #32 Album #33 Album #34 Album #35 Album #36 Album #37 Album #38 Album #39 Album #40 Album #41 Album #42 Album #43 Album #44 Album #45 Album #46 Album #47 Album #49 Album #50 Album #51 Album #52 Album #53 Album #54 Album #55 Album #56 Album #57 Album #58 Album #59 Album #60 Album #61 Album #62 Album #63 Album #64 Album #65 Album #66

These churches are preaching outside, are back in their buildings having in-person services, are having drive-through services, or are meeting in secret. Some with masks and social distancing, others without.

All are being safe. All are being obedient to the scriptures. All are loving their neighbors.

This will be the third last post in this series, as we will end on 70 weeks.


Breaking! SBC President Ed Litton Copied J.D. Greear Sermons as early as 2015

(Capstone Report) Southern Baptist Convention President Ed Litton copied J.D. Greear sermons for years including a sermon Litton preached in 2015 that Greear preached in 2013.

Ed Litton copied a 2013 J.D. Greear sermon on Acts 4:1-21 in 2015. According to video of Ed Litton’s performance, Litton adopted Greear’s sermon title and utilized the same opening points.

Greear’s sermon was titled: “The Inclusive Exclusivity.”

Litton’s sermon title: “The Most Inclusive Exclusivity.”

Greear’s sermon made use of an opening two points examining how contemporary society rebels at the idea of exclusive truth—that God demands salvation in the name of Jesus.

Greear’s first point, “It’s like you’ve got somebody who has never heard about Jesus, and the moment they die, God shows up at their deathbed and says, ‘AHA! You didn’t receive Jesus!’ And they are like, ‘Jesus, who? I never heard about any Jesus!’ And God says, ‘Well, it’s too late now!’ And He casts their souls into Hell, and as they go tumbling into Hell screaming ‘wait, wait’ he mumbles in Latin something like ‘tough cookies’ at them.”

Litton’s first point, “People that I’ve talked to will often paint this picture of a cruel God. There is a guy on his deathbed and I’m going to throw you into Hell, and the guy goes ‘Wait, wait! I didn’t hear. I didn’t know, there was another way and he hears, in Latin, ‘Tough Cookies. Boom.”

Greear’s second point…

To continue reading the rest of all the things he copied, click here

Editor’s Note. This article was written and published by the Capstone Report


Protestia’s Curated Ringtone to Wake Up To/ Be Alarmified By

Because we love you guys, we have gifts for you. Here are our curated ringtones, based on strange instances of “speaking in tongues” that we’ve shared below. They are how we wake up every morning, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed in order to serve you better.

Feel free to download them to your heart’s content.

Alarm #1: Yadadada Pulpit Chimes

Alarm #2 Summer Skrenth

Alarm #3 Punchy Mist

Antifa Attacks Street Preachers: Smashes Skateboard in Face

A group of street preachers* were attacked by a crowd of hostile protesters and Antifa agents, leaving at least one man bloodied and their property utterly destroyed in an act of intolerance and fascism that demonstrates the brazen hostility of the far-left movement.

The attacks took place neat the Wi Spa Saturday morning, where hundreds gathered in protest and counter-protest the storied salon after earlier in the week a woman’s Instagram went viral after she complained about a naked man walking through the span and in the changeroom. She was seen on video asking the attendant behind the counter “It’s ok for a man to go into the women’s section, show his penis around the other women- young little girls, underage? Wi Spa condones that- is that what you’re saying?” The attendant at Wi Spa confirmed that they did support it, on account of “transgender rights.”

As a result, hundreds came out to show support for the spa, announcing to the world that they support sexual perversities being foisted upon young girls by creepy mentally deranged men.

These psychopaths encountered the street preachers, screaming at them, cursing at them, and then stealing and breaking their signs, feeling completely justified in their behavior. They further began pushing, shoving, punching and smashing eggs on their heads.

A man in an ‘Obey Jesus’ shirt pushed one of the women screaming and chasing away the preachers and their supporters, and he was quickly attacked by the crowd, with one degenerate smashing a skateboard in his face, leaving a gash in his forehead and blood pouring down his face. He was further kicked and beat until he was able to get behind a police officer, who finally arrived on the scene.

*We are aware of the highly problematic theology of men and women in these groups.


Super-Exciting Book for Patrons! ‘Social Justice Pharisees by AD Robles

We are very excited to announce a book for patrons that – at the moment – you cannot get anywhere else! We will be sending out copies to all Expositor-Level patrons (and above), AD Robles new book, “Social Justice Pharisees: Woke Church Tactics and How to Engage Them” on July 6. 

You’ll receive them  in the mail, for our “Expositors,” and in addition, any new Expositor-Level patrons by July 5. Currently, this book is in pre-order status ONLY and you can’t get except throught his sweet, sweet perk of being a patron of P&P. 


Social Justice Pharisees: Woke Church Tactics and How to Engage Them prepares readers for the social justice conflict in their local church, evangelicalism in general, and the culture at large.

Social justice has been able to gain traction in the evangelical church due to a lack of clarity on key issues of biblical justice. The “woke church movement” seeks to capitalize on this lack of clarity and push politically progressive ideas in the conservative evangelical church. Biblical sounding words, such as “justice” and “love”, are robbed of their meaning and the lack of clear teaching on these issues has put the layman in an uncomfortable position. The good news is that the solution is straightforward. Social Justice Pharisees shows that there are a handful of easy to memorize verses that teach easy-to-understand principles that refute each objectionable aspect of the social justice movements key errors. They have been there all along and just need to be applied to modern context in a straightforward way.

A.D. Robles is a Puerto Rican reformed Christian. His family tree includes African slaves, European slaveholders, slave traders, and native Americans. All the usual accusations and insults don’t work against him and his family. More importantly, he has a knack for teaching biblical concepts in layman’s terms, thereby amassing a following on his YouTube channel, which is dedicated to this task. Unlike many major theologians, in Social Justice Pharisees, A.D. does not try to dazzle with complicated words or reference obscure philosophers. Instead, he seeks to be understood plainly. For a handbook of this sort, this is crucial.

If you want access to this book, follow the links below to join our Patreon and become an ‘Expositor’ to the glory of God.


Breaking! Pastor Tim Stephens Released from Prison. All The Canadian Pastors are Out

Pastor Tim Stephens has been released from prison and is back in the arms of his family, according to wife Raquel in a Facebook status update. This joyous news marks the release of the last remaining pastor to be incarcerated for the great crime of violating the extended lockdown order and having church at more than 15% capacity.

Stephens was previously arrested on May 16 and spent two days in jail and then again on June 16th, spending another two weeks incarcerated. Our sister Raquel explains that “They’ve also rescinded the May 13 Rooke Order, the one that he was arrested for, since the lifting of restriction nullifies their definition of an “illegal gathering”.

Praise God for his wonderful mercies!


Alberta’s Underground Church Ends Today, but Pastor Tim Stephens Remains In Prison

Today of the province of Alberta will allow their churches to re-open full without any restrictions or capacity limits, putting an end to what has been a brutal and dictatorial policy of the reigning conservative government which saw multiple churches closed down, and their pastors arrested and thrown in jail.

Pastor James Coates and GraceLife Church will come out of hiding and will be allowed to gather. The fence was taken down a few days ago but guards remain posted on the church property, lest anyone try to come in before the allotted time. Other churches who have been meeting virtually will come back in full, with no restrictions on gathering, all the while churches across the country are still bound by hard capacity caps and huge fines for any transgressions.

For Fairview Baptist Church in Calgary, they are allowed to open after being chained shut by the government and Alberta Health Services, but their Shepherd, Pastor Tim Stephens, remained incarcerated at the Calgary Remand Center until at least July 12.

Stephens was arrested June 12 when his outdoor gathering was spotted by a police helicopter and he was promptly arrested in front of his wife and kids, an officer quoting scripture to him as justification of why he must be arrested. Rallies have been held outside the maximum-security prison, with hundreds of supporters coming out to tell the world that they will not abandon their brother or forget him in prison, and that they honor him for his sacrifice and faithfulness.

For now, he shares in the affliction of the Apostle Paul and many others who have been jailed on account of their faith and insisting, when few others would, that Christ is always and forever the head of the church.

Please keep Tim, Raquel, their children, and their congregation in prayer today.


IKEA Features Series of Bisexual, Pansexual, and Lesbian Love Seats

In celebration of sexual perversion and all things LGBTQQIP2SAA , Ikea has launched the LOVE SEAT Campaign, a collection of love seats designed by LGBTQQIP2SAA artists that is inspired by the different Pride flags of their ‘community.’

Ikea says that the loveseats are a “platform to celebrate identity and share stories of love.”

Naturally, they are all ugly as sin.

Each seat shows the corresponding flag and then has a little vignette about the artist who created them.

One 2Spirited designed Scott, explains his inspiration:

I feel like I always knew I was 2Spirit. I am someone who carried masculine and feminine spirits with me, you know? I don’t think of myself as a human being. I think of myself as a sacred, spiritual blessing…. 2Spirit people have been here way before colonization, way before the LGBTQ acronym. It’s always been within our cultures and it’s important to we start to acknowledge that, and when we start to acknowledge that, that’s when we start to extinguish our harmful behaviors that we did in the past with colonization”

Mercifully, it doesn’t appear that these seats are available to be purchased (yet?) but it would be thoroughly unsurprising if they were. We can’t want to see which company gets on the virtue-twerking bandwagon next.


PCA Debates Resolution To Bar ‘SSA Christians’ From Church Leadership

A resolution introduced at the 2021 Presbyterian Church of America General Assembly to bar from church leadership anyone identifying as a “gay Christian” or “same-sex attracted Christian” is being hotly contested, with the progressive wing of the denomination seeking to do all they can to ensure it fails to produce enough level of support to adopt it into the Book of Church Order.

Known as Overture 23 it states:

and resolves:

This would be an excellent, providential victory for biblically faithful stalwarts at the PCA, who have long been regarded as a conservative, faithful denomination, but which in the last decade has been infiltrated by theological liberals who have been pushing scandalous, unorthodox beliefs and practices through their ‘Revoice Conference.”

We would encourage any Southern Baptists out there who want an excellent resolution to introduce at the next Convention to take a look here, as it would require hardly any modifying.

Evangelical Stuff Featured

Al Mohler Responds to Sermongate Controversy; ‘One of the Most Despicable Practices I can Imagine’

Albert Mohler has come out against pastors who plagiarize their sermons, describing it as “one of the most despicable practices I (can) imagine” and ripping any pastor who attempts to do that. Further, he described them as ‘lazy’ and suggests that if they’re going to pull that stunt, that they ought not to even be considered pastors.

He addressed this on The Briefing, in conversation with the dean of Southern Seminary’s School of Theology, Hershael York.

The word plagiarism is the stuff of lawyers, litigation, courtrooms, and academic seminar rooms, doctoral work, and dissertations and faculty committees. But now, it’s a word that a lot of church members are learning too. Why? Because in this day of instant access to 1000s of sermons over the internet. In the day when so many sermons are available in printed and in audio form in various ways. It turns out that there are a good number of preachers who simply aren’t going into the study and spending hours and hours each week preparing sermons.

After a brief discussion with York about how these pastors don’t even apologize anymore, Mohler continues:

Yeah, I just find that absolutely shocking. I can’t imagine doing that. I can’t imagine. You know, words are our business and I can’t imagine preaching someone else’s words or copying someone else’s words and claiming those my own

Mohler points to an article by Steven Sjogren where he explains he tells people to stop spending so much time each week on the sermon, as all the best guys “get 70% of their material for someone else. Remember, Solomon wrote that there’s nothing new under the sun” and then responds in harsh measure:

“What’s not new under the sun is theft. And what’s not new under the sun is laziness. And what’s not new under the sun is falling short of your ministry to preach the word I’m sorry, but this is just one of the most despicable practices I can’t imagine. I cannot imagine sitting in the congregation, knowing that this guy is simply parroting what he has read, borrowed or stolen from someone else. I can read it better than he can.”

Lastly, in the Q & A part of the program, he declares that pastors who just copy others sermons aren’t even preachers.

Jeff: Hi, Dr. Mohler. My comment today is I don’t understand what the big deal is about this, to be honest. As I was telling your screener I’m not a preacher, however, I do go to church every Sunday that I can. As long as we’re hearing God’s word and hearing it correctly, then what does it matter if a preacher uses somebody else’s sermon? I mean, some preachers have full-time ministry jobs, others have part-time because they have full-time jobs. And as long as he’s telling me correctly, what I need to hear, I don’t understand you mentioned the word pride. And what does it matter if you’re using somebody else’s sermon? Sure. It’s not his work, but it’s God’s word.

Mohler: Why don’t you get up and read it, Jeff? I mean, what makes what makes him in any way the pastor of this church? What makes him in any way, the preacher? Why don’t you just get up and read it yourself?

Jeff: Well, I’m not a preacher, though. I didn’t know…

Mohler: But he’s not either if he’ preaches someone else’s stuff. That’s my point. I mean, if he’s reading someone else’s sermon, you could do it. You’re no less a preacher than he is.”

Fortunately for Southern Baptist Presiden Ed Litton, This interaction took place in 2006, and revolved around a different sermon plagiarism scandal, at the time with Ed Young Jr.

Mohler of 2006 is a far different man than Mohler of 2021. Mohler has yet to address this, despite it first coming to light over a week ago, and while we’re not prophets to sons of prophets, something tells us he won’t be quite so harsh.

Editor’s Note, transcript provided by us, and there may be slight variances.