
You Can Attend an Elevation Worship Concert for only $195

If you ever wanted to hear Elevation Worship sing songs of praise to Jesus and maybe a bit to themselves, now’s your chance. Steven Furtick and the worship and praise team from the North Carolina church by the same name are going on the road, with the 8-city arena tour “Elevation Nights” kicking off October 26 and ending November 4. The tour will see the musicians hitting up Georgia, Texas, Tennessee, Oklahoma, and ending in Florida.

Furtick will be joining the tour to give a little sermonette before each performance, and then the band will perform some of their worship hits like “Graves Into Gardens,” “RATTLE!,” “Do It Again,” “The Blessing”

Individual tickets range from about $38 for the nosebleeds, up to $195 for front row access, with most tickets in the 50-110$ range.

If $100 or $200 for tickets seem like a lot to hear what is ostensibly the house band, don’t forget that Furtick once joined T.D. Jakes for a Christian conference where some tickets were $1000 each.

Furtick of course is the Lead Pastor of Elevation Church, a Southern Baptist associated, 25,000-member multisite campus with 17 locations. He is known for having the term “narcegesis” named after him (narcissistic exegesis) based on his inability to exegete scripture in a way that doesn’t make every story revolve around him.

Furtick has incredibly close ties with Trinity-denying modalist TD Jakes, preaching at each other’s churches and conferences and publicly declaring themselves to be the best of buds, with Jakes mentoring Furtick for years.

He’s also known for all things filthy lucre. He wears an insanely extravagant wardrobe, routinely appearing on Preachersnsneakers for wearing shirts and shoes that can cost hundreds or thousands of dollars each, as can be seen here. Furtick is also known for his lavish house – a 16,000 square foot, $1.6 Million dollar mansion sitting on 19 acres that Furtick downplayed as “not that great of a house” when pressed about it after news broke.

Hopefully, Furtick won’t be promoting his Trinity-denying hero on tour, nor will he be going on bizarre rants about angels.


Andy Stanley Agrees with Rabid Heretic Feminist that Christians Should not Strive to be ‘Biblical’

Jory Micah continues prancing into apostasy without a care in the world, giving the world a living, breathing emblem of what it means to be wholly without the mind of Christ. Known across social media as a breath of fresh-air for those man-hating liberal feminazi types who want to pretend like they still practice some form of piety while hating anything and everything about the God revealed in Scripture, she’s managed to get none other than Andy Stanley to agree with her give her cover for her wretched beliefs.

Not particularly unique or original in her own right, she is essentially the knock-off brand of Jen Hatmaker, or perhaps the Wish version of Beth Moore, only about 20 percent more honest, and she unleashed on the world of fresh controversy when she explained that the goal for Christians is not to be “Biblical” but Christlike”

This is because she doesn’t believe the bible and despises half the things it says, resulting in her being pro-LGBTQ, pro-choice, denying the existence of hell, and routinely referring to God as a woman. Its no wonder she doesn’t want anyone to be biblical!

This plays nicely with Stanley, who frequently holds similar views in terms of the bible’s usefulness and the degree we ought to follow it.

For a brief reminder of the various theological controversies surrounding Stanley, he made waves for encouraging Christians to essentially throw out the Old Testament, arguing that believers should “unhitch” themselves from portions of Old Testament Scripture. This is essentially a spin-off of the heresy of Marcionism. He went on the warpath against doctrine in general, claiming that “unity is more important than theology.” Stanley argued that Jesus’ birth doesn’t really matter, thus casting doubt upon his supernatural birth and the events surrounding the nativity and also tacitly denounced Biblical inerrancy, at least in the eyes of many.

She writes:

One commenter, Matt, nicely summed up the problem with Micah’s and Stanley’s Views

Micah and Stanley have an idea of who Jesus is in their minds, and they want to define him absent and apart from the only source we have infallible knowledge of him.

And it shows.

Critical Race Theory Righteous Defiance SBC

5th Generation SBC Pastor Leaves Denomination in Barn-Burning Sermon, listing Moore, Greear, Litton, Res9, CRT, NAMB as Reasons

Shelbyville Mills Baptist Church pastor Jonathan Sims announced on July 4th that his church was formally cutting ties with the Southern Baptist convention and leaving the denomination, the result of decades of rot that culminated with the gong-show that was the 2021 SBC General Assembly, and included the recent plagiarism scandal by current President Ed Litton and the fact that his wife tag teams sermons with him.

In the sermon he explains:

“I’m a fifth generation Southern Baptist, on both sides of my family. As far back as I can trace, they’ve all been Alabama, Southern Baptists, the Southern Baptist churches, all I’ve ever known. I was born again and baptised in a Southern Baptist Church. I was called to preach in a Southern Baptist Church. I received my master of divinity from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, which at that time, was the largest Theological Seminary in the world. I’ve pastored three Southern Baptist churches as a God called preacher. I’ve never been a member of any other denominational church, but a Southern Baptist Church.

Sims notes that the SBC has been bearing bad fruit for decades, to the point that as a congregation they unanimously voted two years ago to defund the local, state and national conventions of the Southern Baptist Convention, going from tens of thousands of dollars in giving to only 100$ a year, while they considered their next move. It didn’t take long as he announced:

But with this year’s convention in Nashville a couple of weeks ago, the Southern Baptist Convention has reached a point that my conscience will no longer allow me to even be loosely affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention, I believe it’s time for us to formally withdraw from the Southern Baptist Convention effectively. You did that two years ago, but I think it’s time for a formal statement. I’ve said it for years. If I were starting over today, I would be a Baptist. I am a baptist to the core of my bone marrow. I believe the historic Baptist doctrine, polity and practice are an authentic expression of historical Christianity. But if I were starting over today, I would not be a Southern Baptist.

Sims then goes on to list his grievances, which include:

Weak local churches that supported or tolerated decisional regeneration, along with national leaders like JD Greear, resulting in the church being flooded with lost people.

Weak churches being planted by NAMB with women pastors and bad theology. Lack of church discipline. The SBC affirming Resolution Nine and Critical Race Theory the first time around, and then the fact that they couldn’t repudiate it by name at this last convention.

The leadership of the Southern Baptist Convention fiercely resisted a resolution calling for the complete rejection of all abortion using the language of incrementalism, the last two SBC presidents saying that God whispers about sexual sins like homosexuality, the plagiarism scandal, and the role and leadership of Russell Moore.

This sermon is absolutely worth a listen. Watch below to Hear or download it here

Cursed Headlines Evangelical Stuff Heresies LGBTQQIP2SAA News

Liberal Denom Introduces Insane ‘Who Will Speak for the Trees?’ Resolution at General Synod

Lest anyone had doubts that the United Church of Christ denomination (UCC) is about as crazy as a rat in a coffee can when it comes to their progressive policies and practices, delegates from the New Hampshire Conference introduced a bizarre resolution at the mainline Protestant denomination’s General Synod that reads like some bizarre version of The Lorax mixed with pagan Gaia worship.

Taking place during this week, the Who will speak for the Trees?” A Resolution on the Rights of Nature” stood out from the usual progressive resolutions about transexual rights screeds and anti-Israel embargos by beginning with some good old fashion scare tactics, explaining that “The manifestations of climate change have radically escalated with increased severity, and it is more than likely we have ten years to dramatically change our relationship to nature” or else it will all be too late.

Getting particularly pagan, the resolution proposes that Christians no longer see trees as “objects” or “commodities” or view nature as an “it” but rather insists that we must see creation and nature as a “Thou” that is “alive with the presence of God’s Spirit and part of God’s beloved community.”

They explain that “Humans need a dramatic shift from the point of view that the Earth and all her resources are available to our sole benefit” given that “Nature is not there for enslavement, and it is wrong for people of faith to view nature as property that we own and may abuse.” It’s for this reason that they “call for prophetic action by listening to the cries of the Earth and by adopting this “Rights of Nature” declaration.”

Naturally, they list some ‘resolvements’ and they are about what you’d expect from an apostate denomination who’d just as soon have a mother Gaia statues crucified on a cross instead of Jesus, if not for the fact that the act of cutting down the tree to make the cross is likely the unpardonable sin.

-Foster respect and gratitude for Nature as divine gift. Combat attitudes of relegating Nature as mere capital for profit nor trashed as dumping ground for toxic waste.
-Promote the rights to Nature to be free from undue human harm, the right of healthy habitants, the right to species flourishing.
-Promote the rights of Nature to have a fair share of the bio-region and its goods
-Promote the rights of Nature to fulfill their ecological potential without undue human infringements.

-Participate in the Season of Creation for September Sundays. Include Creation care during each liturgical season (Earth-seders, Tenebrae, Easter sunrise service outdoors, and Earth Day.
-Preach every six weeks often on Earth Justice.
-Ritualize environmental grief: Bio-Diversity Day and have days of remembrance for Lost (and extinct) Species.
-Start environmental grief support groups.
-Become a Creation Justice Church and Green Hub of God’s green grace
-Work for the Green New Deal
-Advocate for the Rights of Nature and take part in climate strikes and non-violent protests.

Thankfully, the denomination is in a death spiral, occupied by seditious seasoned citizens and confused queer kids, and is projected to lose 80% of their membership over the next 30 years- frustrating their ability to plant their particular plot of paganism ever again.

h/t to Juicy Ecumenism


Andy Stanley says ‘You Have To Offend White People’ Or Else They’ll Never Repent Of Racism

North Point Community Church “impastor” Andy Stanley continued his wretched job of smarmily assessing what’s wrong with Christendom and then explaining why he and his church are nailing it 24/7- this time as it pertains to issues of race and racial reconciliation. Usually one famous for pushing the seeker-sensitive model, when it comes to topic he advocates for blunt conversation and an insistence on ‘offending white people’ in order so they can confront how racist they truly are.

Stanely has been on a roll since the pandemic hit, telling members that the “Foundation of our Faith is not the Whole Bible,” that the Lord does not require them to meet for church, that George Floyd was “This Generation’s Samson,” and to “Sleep late and skip church” during Father’s Day.

From the 400 Leadership Summit hosted by the OneRace Movement, when asked how he gets his church engaged in anti-racism work, given that his church is predominantly white and won’t care about this issue, as it hasn’t affected them much, he explains:

You have to offend white people with this topic [racism] to get their attention. It can’t be stated in balanced tones or we don’t even hear it, because no white person really thinks they’re a racist and they don’t even think they’re prejudiced. We don’t. And issues of reparations, all those things, it’s like, “Well, that wasn’t us and that wasn’t you, and why are we even talking about it?”

I really am convinced you have to push harder on that topic to even get a white man’s attention. And I know this from personal experience, in terms of things said in sermons, things that our other pastors have said in sermons that finally, you know it’s only when we get negative email that I know, well, we finally got their attention. They finally heard what we were saying, because it is so it is buried, so deep, and it is so easily dismissed.

And especially for white men who have very few interactions with black men or have virtually no black friends who are in conversations within, which we can talk about in a few minutes.

so part of it is, you know, the scripture addresses so many topics, but when it comes to this topic, because virtually no white man thinks they are guilty, it’s not enough to-, you have to push and push and push to the point where, “Hey. wait a minute. I think you’re pushing an agenda.” Well, you’re finally listening. I’ve finally gotten to that point of your conscience that it’s bothered by this.

h/t to WokePreacherTV for the clip and transcript.

Church Scandal Videos

ICYMI: Jeff Durbin Secretly Records Conversations

Zoom warns people that it’s recording – why won’t Apologia Church?

In a recent podcast, JD Hall and Seth Dunn of the Christian Commute recall how Jeff Durbin of Apologia Church secretly recorded the penitent and apologetic conversations of Christians entrusted to him and later released the recordings in response to unrelated issues in an effort to accuse the brethren. Examples include Tim Hurd of the Bible Thumping Wingnut Network and Durbin’s own church members. Pulpit and Pen broke this story back in early 2020.

Falling under the category of hard shepherding, betraying clergy confidence is disqualifying behavior by any “pastor,” for any reason. Apologia and their elders have a track record of acting as a council of popes, rendering judgment from on high and without the involvement of the church body as Matthew 18 requires.

They are also known to issue church members “Be Thou Faithful Unto Death” membership certificates and require cult-like allegiance to Apologia Church over and above any other church. To this date, Durbin has not addressed the issue or shown repentance for such an obviously devious act of cunning and betrayal.

Apologia “Church” remains on the “Do Not Trust” list. We strongly recommend any interaction with them be in the presence of an attorney or at the very least recorded for you and your family’s legal safety and personal reputation.


Kyle J. Howard Summarized in 3 Days

We’ve been a bit quiet on the Kyle J. Howard front as of late. Not because there isn’t ample content to deal with, but rather because we’re suspecting that he is a bit of a masochist who gets off on trauma porn, chiefly his own, and so every time we post about him he reads it and then gets retraumatized over and over again, which makes him want to read more. It is a vicious cycle, and we are loathed to reward him for his efforts and his race-based proclivities.

Still, for posterity, here are a small collection of tweets over the last three days, giving a casual observer with no knowledge at all a glimpse of who Howard is, including his go-to move of painting all white Christians as a bunch of racists, and then mocking them when they get upset at the insult, as well as making insanelyracists comments that he would never let a white person say if the race was reversed.

News Religion Scandal World News

Kathy and Ed Litton Plagiarized a Tim Keller Sermon in 2012

Apparently J.D. Greear isn’t the only muse that Ed and Kathy Litton have garnered ‘inspiration’ from, as a new compilation video shows the Litton’s plagiarizing a 1991 Tim Keller sermon, making one wonder what his 8-member preaching team actually does all day, or whether or they were so arrogant to surmise that as long as he stole from a sermon that is 20 years removed from his, he would not get caught.

Keller has not yet indicated whether he gave them permission to preach it unattributed.

Previously Litton only admitted to the barest of borrowing from Greear for his Romans series, until it was revealed that far from mere borrowing he practically preached the same sermon. And not just the Romans one, but other sermons as well, going back years. Even another one of his church pastors got in on the action, himself preaching his own plagiarized sermon.

Now, Kathy Litton has joined the ranks of preachers from Redemption Church who has been caught plagiarizing during one of their tag-team preaching jams. While she may not have said the words in question, if she shares in the praise she shares in the pain. If she’s going to preach a sermon with her husband, we’re going to assume she also did sermon prep and wrote the sermon with her husband, making them both culpable for any sermonic shenanigans that may arise.

Capstone Report, who broke the story, explains that comparing sermons “reveals many areas of similarity in the sermons. Too many to be coincidental. Large sections of Tim Keller’s sermon were quoted without attribution by Ed Litton….the sermon utilized many similar points including Keller’s definition of marriage, advice on how to use Jesus to overcome criticism and even Keller’s definition of what shows a servant’s heart.”

Two of several such examples provided by CR show what’s going on.

Tim Keller: “You will start to fall out of like with that person in most cases before you marry them. In the courtship or in the engagement that’s where most people say I guess I shouldn’t marry this person I fall out of like with them.”

Ed Litton: “You are going to fall out of like for one another. As a matter of fact, it is going to happen before you get married just in the process and the minutiae of trying to get ready for a wedding.


Tim Keller: “The essence of marriage is a covenant a legal, a legal commitment.”

Ed Litton: “The essence of marriage, we said last week, is a legal commitment, a binding covenant.”

Tim Keller: “What makes a marriage a marriage?”

Ed Litton: “What makes a marriage a marriage?”

Tim Keller: “A priest can marry. A minister can marry. A justice of the peace. Marriage is marriage. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a captain on a ship. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a justice of the peace marriage is marriage.”

Ed Litton: “Some people say, well, I got married by a priest, do I get married by a pastor, a justice of the peace, a judge or a sea captain? I mean does it matter where I get married? I don’t think that it matters who performs the ceremony.”

Tim Keller: “When marriage pops up, originally was given to Adam and Eve. It wasn’t given to only Christians it was given to human beings as human beings.”

Ed Litton: “God created marriage and gave it to mankind. The first man and first woman were the only man and only woman. And God said, ‘Here, I give you marriage.’ So, marriage is for all groups, all races, all nationalities, all nations and frankly all religions.”

Tim Keller: “What is it that makes you married? What makes you married is this: a permanent and exclusive public legal commitment to share your lives together—all aspects of it. It’s got a permanent. It’s got to be exclusive.”

Ed Litton: “What is marriage? It is a permanent, exclusive legal relationship.


San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus Tries to Crush The ‘Evangelical Dark Web’ for Exposing them as Sex Offenders

A day after the Evangelical Dark Web exposed the fact that the notorious San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus (SFGMC) included registered sex offenders on the rolls, as well as posting videos critical of the sodomite singers, they manually filed a DMCA takedown request on YouTube against him, in a bid to remove the critical post.

The SFGMC, you’ll recall, had a recent video go viral after singing of their intent to convert and groom children into their homosexual ideology including such lines as:

-“You think that we’ll corrupt your kids, if our agenda goes unchecked. Funny, just this once, you’re correct.”

-“We’ll convert your children. Happens bit by bit. Quietly and subtly. And you will barely notice it. You can keep them from disco. Warn about San Francisco. Make ’em wear pleated pants. We don’t care. We’ll convert your children. We’ll make them tolerant and fair.”

-“We’ll convert your children. Someone’s gotta teach them not to hate. We’re coming for them. We’re coming for your children. We’re coming for them. We’re coming for them. We’re coming for your children.”

The Evangelical Dark Web reports that the use of the takedown video was completely unjustified, and was done to silence and quash their criticism.

It’s important to note that Evangelical Dark Web did a standard reaction video, as opposed to a reupload of their privatized video. This video was the second most watch video of all time on the channel. YouTube did not flag the video for copyright as they normally would. SFGMC had their social media team file the claim, and YouTube complied. The result was a hard strike against the channel.

As a result, they filed a counter-notification to YouTube, concluding:

The ball is in SFGMC’s court. They have 10 business days to file an injunction to have the video removed in federal court and show YouTube proof of court filings. Failure on their part to do so will result in the video being reinstated.

The San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus picked a fight they legally cannot win as a means to suppress exposure that Evangelical Dark Web and others provided on their work and personnel. Evangelical Dark Web is not intimidated by their attempt to suppress Christian content, and will not retreat from this fight.

News SBC

15 Sermons and Counting! Ed Litton Tag-Team Preaching With Wife More Extensive than Revealed

Videos continue to pour in documenting that embattled Southern Baptist President Ed Litton preached far more sermons with his wife than was initially thought, despite claiming that women do not preach from his pulpit.

At this point, we have saved and documented at least 15 sermons (courtesy of this guy) from both him and his wife, Kathy, but also another couple named Justin and Trish took to the pulpit to preach between 2012 and 2018. 

Said another way, 5-8% of the sermons preached from Redemption Church in some of those years were by a woman.

In an interview with, he justified his soft egalitarianism by explaining that he only preached sermons with his wife on marriage and family, and that the BFM2000 doesn’t always speak to them.

I’m a complementarian. I believe the roles that God gives us, I believe that the pastor, and this is right in line with the Baptist Faith and Message 2000, the elder of the church has to be a male, the primary teaching pastor. But I also believe in the autonomy of the local church. The truth is, the Baptist Faith and Message doesn’t speak to my wife, with me, on a series on marriage, or a series talking about familyI don’t contain all the wisdom in the world. 

I believe the word of God does, but my wife is an apt teacher and she helps me communicate to our people. She also provides a voice that our people need to hear. So, I felt absolutely free, within my convictional status and the Baptist Faith and Message and the word of God, to invite my wife to come up. She is under my authority as her pastor. We did that together. I’m very proud of her. She did an outstanding job.

That’s straight trash, of course, but as we’ve discovered with Ed Litton, who frequently bends or blows past the truth to fit his agenda, it’s also a lie.

One of the sermon series he preached with his wife wasn’t about that at all, but rather a broader sermon series examining the Christian life, holiness, and overcoming worldliness. It is a similar title to the book and Bible Study by Craig Groeschel, WEIRD: Because Normal Isn’t Working published in 2012…Sermons in the 2013 Weird series were: Weird: Because Normal Isn’t Working, co-preached; Lifestyles of the Weird, co-preached; Weird Pleasures, co-preached; Playing Weird with the Truth, preached by Ed Litton; Weird Sexuality, co-preached.”

In introducing the sermon series, Litton explained that “the ultimate purpose of this series is so that you and I will not only get comfortable with being weird but that we will embrace our weirdness and that we will encourage one another to be weird.”

During his questionnaire for the Council of Biblical Manhood and Womanhood’s Candidate forum, which he participated in order to win the presidency, he said that “The only ministry the Bible limits to God-called and qualified men is the office of pastor, which is rightly designated by the title of pastor and elder,” he also specifically said that women do not preach from his pulpit: a revelation that is patently untrue.

Ed Litton is an unrepentant liar, and anyone wanting to learn more can watch this mini-documentary to learn more.