
Mike Stone Issues Statement After Confrontation with Sex-Abuse Survivor Leaves Her in Tears

A woman professing to be a victim of sexual abuse at the hand of a Southern Baptist leader confronted SBC Presidential Candidate Mike Stone on the floor of the convention this evening. Hannah Kate was handing out copies of SBC SEXUAL ABUSE SURVIVORS JOINT STATEMENT, of which she is listed as a signing member.

During the conversation, it is alleged Stone told her that she was “doing harm” to the denomination, resulting in part to her leaving in tears.

One person took a picture of the encounter, with observers commenting that the place didn’t look very crowded, and no corroborators looked to be nearby or that were paying attention, at least when this picture was taken.

Shortly after their conversation, as word got back that there was controversy over their interaction, Stone immediately issued a statement. He claims the conversation was cordial, polite, and was witnessed by several pastors who can confirm his story. He does not mention there being tears during their actual conversation or during his interactions with her, and so far all the witnesses say she was crying in the immediate aftermath, but not during.

There has not been any sort of firm details or corroboration on what exactly was said to her, she to him, or what the nature of the conversation was.

Hannah Kate, who has been passing out the statement sheets for the better part of the day, also shared that she was wearing a #churchtoo shirt earlier in the morning and some pastors were walking by her and calling her a “whore.” From her vantage point at the convention, she also noted that “the pastor who helped cover up my abortion and sexual abuse is outside the #SBC21 protesting abortion.

Incidentally, Kate announced several weeks ago that she was abandoning Christianity and the church, explaining that she needed to leave these things behind so that she could “heal,” be “free” and “live in that freedom.”

Breaking Featured In-person Church Righteous Defiance

Breaking! Pastor Tim Stephens Arrested After Police Helicopters Find Secret Church Location

Canadian Pastor Tim Stephen of Fairview Baptist Church in Calgary has been arrested again for the great crime of holding a church service in Canada, being led away by the police and taken to jail in what will be his second arrest for insisting that Christ is the head of the church and determines how and when they gather, not the government.

This new arrest comes a month after his previous incarceration, where he spent a few days in jail before being released, with the charges being dropped several weeks later.

In Alberta, it is against lockdown orders to have churches at more than 15% capacity.

The church was gathered at an undisclosed location when a police helicopter discovered the gathering. It made several passes over them, crisscrossing the skies, and then left, with police cars showing up at the service minutes later. No arrests were made at that time.

After his first release, Alberta Health Services and the Calgary police showed no signs of letting up their persecution, locking the door to the church and physically shutting it down only a little over a week ago.

Pastor Stephens tweeted out on social media that he got a tip that police may be coming to arrest him, a heads up that was proven true when he was arrested mere hours ago in front of his family.

This is a developing story. Pray for Tim, his family, and the congregation.

Critical Race Theory Featured Heresies SBC

Mini-Doc ‘Woke SBC’ Exposes Alber Mohler’s Role in Allowing CRT to Flourish

‘Enemies Within the Church‘ who recently rereleased their documentary on the scandalous shenanigans that went down in 2019 at a now-prominent Southern Baptist Church (SBC) megachurch, where a failed pastoral search led to scurrilous accusations of racism and sin against dissenting members, has released a teaser/ promo of sorts documenting wokeness and a capitulation to Critical Race Theory within the Southern Baptist Convention.

Judd Saul, Director of EWTC, explains:

After conducting 3 years of interviews and research for our upcoming film Enemies Within The Church, we decided to put together a compilation and excerpts from interviews and footage that we have acquired during our research. We feel that this content was too important to sit on given the current climate within the Southern Baptist Convention.

This is a must-watch for anyone wanting any sense of the direction the SBC is heading, and features many of the characters we frequently rag on here at Protestia, showing the depths of their deception.

Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics

Miracles as a Subscription Service? Only $1 for the first month, then…

A new business venture is offering to ship “transformation, healing, miracles, prophecy and heaven on earth revival into your world” and the cost of that is just $1, at least for the first month.

Healing Room Global is an “Apostolic and Prophetic Network” that has begun offering a service that “includes everything you need to become proficient in the supernatural realms of God in every sphere of life,” and which will bring about “signs and wonders” on the daily. The current promo is a $1 trial for the first month, and then $15.95/month thereafter. If you sign up for the full year right off the bat, you get a “free” copy of a demonic bible.

Further investigation reveals that this is not a legitimate promo, because the timer on this website informs that you have only 18 hours and 27 minutes to claim your spot in order to qualify for the promo, but rather the timer resets every time you refresh the webpage, showing the duplicity of the game even before you sign up.

The scheme includes an interactive private Facebook group, monthly video teachings, a live question and answer time every month, and will feature teaching from New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) false teachers like Bethel’s Bill Johnson, “apostle/prophet” Randy Clark, Johnny Enlow, Graham Cooke, Sharon Murphy, and others.

The promises they make are manifest:

Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to grow in heavenly realities – right here on earth with the Global Network Training School! Bring miracles, signs and wonders into your city and every sphere of life with the Healing Rooms Global Network! Connect with leaders and get equipped with teaching unlike anything you’ve ever seen before!

Ironically, this whole thing is being put on by Healing Room Ministries, which advertises a network of 3000 healing rooms and miracle centers across the globe. A quick perusal of their site shows they have a pandemic policy, which states, “Due to COVID-19, the hours and service of each Healing Room may differ. To inquire on hours, contact your local Healing Room, or search here for the nearest Healing Room near you.”

We looked into a few of the healing centers, such as Guelph Healing Center, Abby Healing Room, and others. Wouldn’t you know it, a suspicious amount of them shut down and went to “Zoom only” during the pandemic, or timed their hours of operation and whether or not they were shut down according to what wave they were in, exactly like to Bethel Church shut down their healing rooms and School of Supernatural Ministry when healing was needed most.

Featured News

Beth Moore’s Ministry is Hemorrhaging Money

Beth Moore, whose theological hot flashes have enabled her to build a Lifeway empire on the basis of bad teaching and ecclesiastical usurpation, is hemorrhaging money and has been for many years.

In a post at The End Times, Elizabeth Prata has done a deep dive into the finances of Moore’s Living Proof Ministries, showing that the 501(c)(3) has been in steep decline for some time, with no signs of slowing down.

The most recent filing is for the tax year 2019, filed in 2020. For the last three years, Living Proof Ministries has been operating at a loss. Tax Year (TY) 2016 was the last year, according to the filings, that LPM made money, and only $133,439 at that. TY 2017 showed a net income loss of -$540,356. TY 2018 showed a net income loss of -$722,828. This was the first year also that the Ministry’s functional income fell below 2 million dollars.

Along with the losses, we also see the ministry compensation, with Moore bringing in nearly a quarter-million dollars and the rest of the family likewise making a very nice living (Fitzpatrick was Melissa Moore’s last name before she divorced her husband.)

The gifts and grants to the ministry have also declined as well, with a chart from The End Times showing a precipitous drop in support, starting from a high mark of 2014.

Interestingly enough, the drop in support coincided nicely with our criticism of her and follows a trajectory of continued losses and decline in financial support. With her losses, she has also been less generous with their own giving to other ministries, dropping from$225,607 on the earliest report to $39,000 on the most recent one.

Furthermore, the type of organization that Moore donates to has shifted. She used to donate to churches, (including Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church, what a shocker!) missions, organizations that donate bibles, the International Mission Board, and other SBC organizations, and now donates in large part to social causes, social justice causes, and anti-racist organizations.

Though we don’t have her 2020 returns yet, it would not surprise us in the least to see that she donated to Black Lives Matter.

While the ministry is losing money, Moore continues to have a massive influence and her social media presence is unrivaled within her space. Her ministry is in no danger of shutting down, as much as we pray that it might be, but it is drifting and her audience is changing.

As people see that drift, which we have been documenting for years, the populace will react with their pocketbooks, hurting the ministry for the healing of God’s sheep.

Drive-In Church Featured In-person Church Righteous Defiance

A Gallery Of The Faithful Gathering For Church Amid Pandemic- Album 64

The sixty-fourth album in an ongoing series documenting faithful churches gathering for Sunday service in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

With some churches still not gathering in-person in these dark times and others being persecuted by the government for being open, even having the pastors arrested, these are the congregations who are meeting faithfully at the command of Scripture (Heb. 10:25).

For previous albums: 

Album #1  Album #2  Album #3  Album #4  Album #5  Album #6  Album #7  Album #8  Album #9  Album #10  Album #11  Album #12  Album #13  
Album #14  Album #15  Album #16  Album#17  Album# 18 Album #19  
Album #20  Album #21 Album #22  Album #23 Album #24 Album #25
Album #26 Album #27 Album #28 Album #29 Album #30 Album #31 Album #32 Album #33 Album #34 Album #35 Album #36 Album #37 Album #38 Album #39 Album #40 Album #41 Album #42 Album #43 Album #44 Album #45 Album #46 Album #47 Album #49 Album #50 Album #51 Album #52 Album #53 Album #54 Album #55 Album #56 Album #57 Album #58 Album #59 Album #60 Album #61 Album #62 Album #63

These churches are preaching outside, are back in their buildings having in-person services, are having drive-through services, or are meeting in secret. Some with masks and social distancing, others without.

All are being safe. All are being obedient to the scriptures. All are loving their neighbors.

Charismatic Nonsense Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics

Bethel Leader Bill Johnson Denies Scripture – ‘God Doesn’t Control Everything’

Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows. (Matthew 10:29-31 KJV)

Bethel Church’s newly launched YouTube Web series titled “Rediscover Bethel,” which features an in-depth Q&A that addresses some of their beliefs and distinctives, has already paid dividends, as Bill Johnson and his associate pastor talk shop about whether or not God is in control of everything, concluding that he is not.

In contrast to that, we would say that not only has God numbered the very hairs on our head, but he controls every movement they will ever make throughout their lifetime, so that a breeze cannot shift a single hair a tenth of a micron to the right without the Lord knowing about it and ordaining it to happen. There is not one stray atom in the universe for God. If this is not true, He is not God.

For Bethel? They find the notion laughable and unpalatable in the extreme. In their view, sometimes things just happen, and God has no control over them.

Q: Does he control everything? Is he in charge of everything, but doesn’t control everything? What are some of the ways you think about that and understand scripture?

Johnson: My understanding in this area creates the greatest challenges for me…my approach is that God doesn’t control everything.

He’s in charge of everything. And the way I’d illustrate is well, you’re a parent, or you’re in charge of your household, but you’re not in control of everything that happens, you know?

Some dish will break. Something will happen. Somebody will say something that was unkind. Those things aren’t because of your influence. They just happen because you have a household of free will.

So that’s my approach, is that God is absolutely sovereign and that he’s in charge of everything. But I don’t credit him with Hitler. I don’t credit him with the disasters that take place in the earth. I don’t look at these and go, “Well, this is the plan of God who’s devised wickedness so that his glory could be seen.”

For me, that’s absolute nonsense.

So I look at his, at his sovereignty seen, in that he’s written you and me into a sovereign plan. For example, God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. God is not willing. So is it God’s will for people to perish? No. Are they perishing? Yes. Why? Because there’s a [sic] wiggle room in there somewhere, where we have some measure of influence on the outcome.

This eventually prompts Dann Farrelly, Bethel’s Associate Pastor and Dean of Bethel’s School of Supernatural Ministry, to chime in:

And I think that’s the worldview of Scripture, you see a lot of powerful decision-makers in the angelic and demonic realm, as well as the human realm. And in the Lord’s sovereignty, sometimes I’ll say it to the students. “He’s so sovereign, he’s decided to be in control of what he wants to be and not in control the things he doesn’t want to be.”


Largest ‘Christian’ Adoption Agency Warns White Parents Against Adopting Black Children

Three months ago Bethany Christian Services, the largest Christian adoption and foster agency in the United States revealed themselves to be treacherous twofold sons of hell after announcing they would be offering their adoption services to homosexual, lesbian, and transgendered couples.

At the time, it was necessary to allow sodomites to adopt because “the need was so great” and they were taking an “all hands on deck” approach. When it comes to finding safe and loving homes for black children, maybe not so much.

In their annual report, Bethany explains that they have spent the last 2.5 years focusing on becoming “an anti-racist organization” that has required “intensive learning experiences for all staff on anti-racism principles.” (Translation: indoctrinated in Critical Race Theory.)

As a result, they have declared their opposition to the federal law, the Multi-Ethnic Placement Act (MEPA), which prohibits race from being a factor in adoption.

Being freshly trained in the ways of wokeness, they are now convinced that MEPA has contributed to “disparate outcomes for BIPOC children and families” and are urging that a child’s race be “considered as part of the best interests determination for child placement.” This is being done because allowing white families to adopt black children from the foster care system “can cause a lot of harm to children of color.”

In order to factor in the race quotient, they are putting a much stronger emphasis and consideration on “the cultural, ethnic, or racial background of the child and the capacity of the prospective foster or adoptive parent to meet the needs of a child of such background.”

The report concludes by saying they believe that the laws that say the adoption process should be “colorblind” are misguided, as it “prevents social workers from ensuring the protection and support of Black children’s cultural heritage and from assessing whether a family is ‘unqualified or unprepared’ to parent a child of another race.”

We said it last time and we’ll say it again; shame on them. May they cry out to God in repentance.

Church SBC

SBC Hires Independent Firm to Investigate Russell Moore Sex Abuse Cover-up Allegations

The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) Executive Committee has hired Guidepost Solutions to investigate claims made by outgoing Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) President Russell Moore that they mishandled and were involved in a cover-up of sexual abuse cases within monitoring churches.

The startling claims were leaked by the outgoing Moore in a series of two letters, one of which was sent to the current SBC President J. D. Greear where he accused the Committee of engaging in “wickedness,” while painting himself as a martyr.

Now, as I said to my trustee officers last year, through all of this I have tried to smile and pretend that everything is alright with me personally and to refrain from revealing the horrific actions you and I have experienced behind the scenes.

and that

These (Executive Committee leaders) are doctrinally orthodox and conservative leaders. They are talking about the sort of thing I am discussing here—and they don’t even know a fraction of a fraction of it.

This naturally begs the question: how is it that Moore knew all about the sex abuse cover-up, and instead of shouting it from the rooftops years ago when it happened, chose to instead, in his own words, “smile and pretend that everything is alright” and “refrain from revealing the horrific actions?”

What do you call someone like Moore, author of The Courage to Stand, who allegedly knew where all the bodies were buried, who put them there, and who threw the gun in the river, and did and said nothing about it?

If you thought to yourself, “A coward,” you’re not wrong, but also a lot kinder than us.

Guidepost is said to be a “global leader in monitoring, compliance, sensitive investigations, and risk management solutions and has deep experience providing advice and counsel to faith communities in this area.”

They were recently hired by the entity formerly known as The Ravi Zacharias International Ministry to ferret out institutional breakdown in order to determine how their pervert namesake used his ministry to fund his own private freak-a-thon for 20 years, as well as by Summit Church to determine whether or not their new hire Bryan Lorrits mishandled a sexual abuse case.

Guidepost is being hired to review the following:

These recent allegations against the SBC Executive Committee of
mishandling sexual abuse cases and mistreating sexual abuse victims; the allegations of a pattern of intimidation; and

Review and enhance training provided to SBC Executive Committee staff and its board of trustees related to these matters, as well as its communications to cooperating churches and congregants in cooperating churches.

There is no timeline for when the report will be issued, other than it will be after what will prove to be one of the most pivotal SBC conventions since its inception.

Charismatic Nonsense Evangelical Stuff Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics News

Delusional Charismatic Prophet About to Have Reckoning After Declaring Trump Will Return to Power by June 23

A self-proclaimed prophet who seemingly forgot the cardinal rule of charismatic chicanery- never, ever set a date– has gone ahead and done just that, declaring that they would be dancing in the streets on account of Trump returning triumphantly to the office of the presidency by June 23rd.

The remark was made by Jeff Jansen, who we featured less than a month ago after being fired from the ministry he founded on account of leaving his wife and family and other “unscriptural and unbiblical behaviors.”

Now, in a video posted to his Facebook page, Jansen explains:

“President Trump is going to be addressing the GOP and the nation….watch what happens. I said by spring, which starts officially June 23, we’d be dancing in the streets. The Trump administration is on its way in. The pedophilia Biden administration- the fake administration- Biden’s administration, is on its way out. I don’t care if you like it or not- it doesn’t matter. We all know what took place, and God is going to do something amazing in this nation and through this nation, It’s revival time. It’s revolution time!”

Jensen is perhaps best known as being a bold speaker in defense of Donald Trump. He falsely prophesied that Trump would win reelection, and when he didn’t, declared Trump was recognized in heaven as the legitimate President of the United States and that God would soon remove Joe Biden from office and reinstate Trump with the help of a military coup.

Naturally, his followers have been undaunted by his repeated wrong prophecies and gutted personal life, commenting on the post:

We look forward to seeing how he tries to weasel out of this one.