
TGC Canada Again Argues that Their Churches Aren’t Being Persecuted

A Gospel Coalition council member and contributor has doubled down on his claim that Canadian Churches have not been persecuted, nor have they endured ill-treatment at all during the pandemic, suggesting that those claiming otherwise need to stop yapping about it, lest they “destabilize” the rest of the body.

This isn’t the first time that author Pastor Paul Carter has had a go at this. Months ago, he published an article insisting that while there was “probably” some “overreach,” by and large, Christians have endured no “hostility and ill-treatment because of our religious beliefs,” as he concluded: “I’m not sure how any reasonable person could argue that [there was].”

Well, he’s back. In a lengthy essay on the Gospel Coalition, he draws a comparison between the persecution in 1 Peter and what Canadian Christians have endured (being hit particularly hard by ruthless government leaders enforcing asinine lockdowns), saying that Peter’s goal was to “stabilize” the Christians there and give them a “realistic appraisal of their difficulties.”

Carter incorporates Pliny the Younger’s letter to Trajan that sought advice on how he should deal with the Christians in their midst, showing that so long as Christians didn’t get too uppity, Trajan was content to enact a “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy that ensured a sense of normalcy around their coexistence. “Christianity was discouraged but not destroyed, Christian people were marginalized, but not martyred and converts from paganism understood that becoming a Christian would be costly but generally not fatal.”

He argues that up until the time that Christianity was legalized by Constantine, Christians were really only formally persecuted for 2 years. In the other 260 years, things weren’t that bad. Carter explains that “this lesson ought to underscore the importance of being realistic about the challenges and difficulties that we are facing.”

Drawing comparisons to Canadian churches, he says that the churches have had a difficult time, but they categorically have not been persecuted. He points to his own situation in Ontario, which involves him having to get up at 4:00 am and have multiple services, and confesses, “I have a hard time thinking of that as persecution,” whereas something like “4-5 in basements and root cellars, whispering hymns in the dark, knowing full well that if they get caught they will be executed or sent to internment camps” is real persecution.

And here is the crux of his argument:

What we’re experiencing here in Ontario, and throughout most of the Provinces in Canada, is inconvenient and exhausting – but it doesn’t feel to me like persecution and I don’t think it would be helpful for our people if I called it that. I think this letter from the Apostle Peter cautions me about making too much of the difficulties that I’m facing.

That is because he is complying with the government, and the question at hand is what happens if he stops being so cooperative and starts to disobey them?

That’s the fundamental flaw with his argument.

He’s looking at churches that stopped meeting altogether, forbidden by the government to meet in any capacity and forced to do online services, or other churches forced to adhere to nonsensical and arbitrary capacity restrictions.

He’s looking at churches that won’t sing anymore because the government has forbidden them to do so, saying it’s too unsafe.

He’s looking at churches that insist that all members wear masks at all times and social distance, forbidden from having fellowship.

He’s looking at churches that have altogether ceased taking communion, on the orders of the government, removing themselves from the elements for fear of getting fined.

He’s looking at churches across the provinces and is saying “as long as you do all these things, you won’t get persecuted, and it’ll just be hardships and inconvenience.”

In this way, he is 100% correct.

Compliance with the government rules that dictate how and what a Christian church service must look like, and what the congregants can and can’t do will be exhausting but it won’t result in persecution.

But what of the churches that will not comply? What of the churches that insist that Christ is Lord of the church, not the Government, and that they will all gather on the Lord’s day as one body to worship as the Scriptures say?

You know their names by now. James Coates and GraceLife Church, arrested and jailed for a month. That church was barricaded and forcibly shut down, and is now having services in hiding.

Tim Stephens and Fairview Baptist Church, arrested and put in jail. Fined thousands of dollars. Church locked up and forcibly shut down, and they have been doing some services in hiding.

Jacob Reaume and Trinity Bible Chapel. Facing fines of over fifty million dollars – some of which cannot be appealed and must be paid. Church locked up and forcibly shut down, all the while being continually harassed by law enforcement and who has members fearful they could lose their jobs if they are known to be associated with the congregation.

That is persecution.

It isn’t on the same level as North Korea or Syria, but it doesn’t have to be. It is undeniable that it does exist in a milder form and has emerged whenever a congregation gets “out of line” according to the powers that be.

But if you’re a church that doesn’t get out of line – handing your service over to Caesar in order to avoid his judgmental and intolerant eye, you’ll be standing in disobedience to the scriptures and to the word of God, but like Paul’s church, you’ll be just fine.

Featured In-person Church Righteous Defiance

GraceLife Church and James Coates Sue AHS to Get Their Building Back

GraceLife Church has gone on the offensive and is suing Alberta Heath Services (AHS) to get their church back, making an application to the Court of Queen’s Bench demanding immediate access to their chruch and and property, according to a press release from the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms.

The move comes two months after AHS joined forces with law enforcement to create a barricade around GraceLife Church and prohibit anyone from entering, causing large protests and creating a stark symbol of the tyranny and hostility of the Canadian government toward churches.

The church has been without its building since April 7th, becoming one of the first churches in Canada to meet in secret and form the underground church, borne out of necessity in order to avoid further arrest, fines, and jail time. According to the release:

The GraceLife Applicants contend the public health restrictions on worship violate their rights to freedom of religion, freedom of expression, freedom of peaceful assembly, freedom of association, liberty, and security of the person as protected by sections 2 and 7 of the Charter.

In addition to asking the Court to strike down the public health restrictions, the GraceLife Applicants are seeking the immediate return of their building and an order from the court prohibiting law enforcement and government agents from attempting to break up or disrupt worship services.

Three congregants of GraceLife Church, Dr. Donna Klay, Achnes Smith, and Allan Neil, have joined the Church and Pastor Coates in asking the Court to uphold their constitutional rights by reversing the government’s seizure of their church building.

In addition to that, they’ve also launched an appeal against the June 7 decision that said James Coates charter rights were not violated,

Expert reports have been filed in support of this court challenge from medical professionals and scientists including:  esteemed virologist and immunologist, Dr. Byram Bridle; an expert pathologist; in addition to a medical microbiologist and infectious disease specialist. These extensive expert reports include scientific evidence that asymptomatic transmission is negligible, that masks are ineffective and irrational, and that capacity limits of church gatherings are also irrational and have no basis in science.

The Justice Centre will also be appealing the June 7 decision of Alberta Provincial Court Judge Robert Shaigec, who ruled that the arrest, prosecution and imprisonment of Pastor Coates did not violate his Charter rights and freedoms, and that ticketing Pastor Coates for leading a regular worship service did not violate freedoms of religion, expression, assembly, and association.

The next court date for Coates is on June 30, where they will “challenge the constitutionality and legality of Dr. Deena Hinshaw’s lockdown restrictions.”

Charismatic Nonsense Evangelical Stuff Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics News

Hunh. Bethel Church Launches Web Series Offering In-depth Responses to Their Controversial Beliefs

In a surprising move, Bethel Church in Redding, CA has launched a YouTube Web series titled “Rediscover Bethel’ featuring an in-depth Q&A that addresses some of their beliefs and distinctives.

‘Rediscover Bethel’ is a video series that addresses common questions and misconceptions about Bethel Church in Redding, California. This series specifically covers Bethel’s theological beliefs, teachings, and practices—featuring Senior Leader Bill Johnson, Senior Associate Leader Kris Vallotton, and Associate Pastor and Dean of BSSM Dann Farrelly. This series includes videos on Bible translations, Jesus’ deity, physical manifestations of the Holy Spirit, theology of healing, the gospel of repentance, prophecy, and much more.

During the first episode, they address topics like:

  • Jesus Christ is Perfect Theology
  • The Theology of Sickness and Healing
  • The Sovereignty of God
  • Is The Passion Translation Heresy?
  • What Bethel Believes About The Gospel and The Cross
  • Communion and The Sacrifice of Jesus for Humanity

They spend about 20 minutes on each topic, with the pastors fielding questions from the host that offer the controversial leaders the opportunity to sit in the hot seat.

While he does offer some clarity to a point, unfortunately he might as well be sitting on a block of ice with the air conditioner cranked to 11 for all the tough questions and follow-up Johnson is given.

For example, in the topic of healings and miracles, he clarifies what he believes, but a very obvious follow-up question is, “Then why do you wear glasses?” or “Then what about your deaf son?” or “Then why did your church and the supernatural school of ministry repeatedly shut down their school and the healing rooms on account of COVID?” or “Why was an outbreak at your school responsible for shutting down a county of over 175,000 people if your ministry has such an emphasis and belief on healing?”

But these were left unasked and unanswered. Rather, he says that he believes it is God’s will to heal everyone and then later contradicts it with a story of how “one lady, as I was praying for I could tell you…that if I prayed for healing, it would grieve (The Holy Spirit).”

He explains that when it comes to healing “I can’t pray ‘if it’s your will’ because for me, that’s a prayer of unbelief.”

When the host brings up Joni Eareckson Tada, who’s been paralyzed for years, and what to make of that and her faith, Johnson is introspective and falters, offering:

[I] can’t wrap my head around it…I would never want them to somehow feel less than, or that they don’t have enough faith, or that somehow this is, you know, God’s punishment on their life for that nonsense. I don’t want to do that. But I also don’t want to create a theology…around what doesn’t happen? You know, I mean, I don’t have good, I don’t have explanations at all.

News SBC

Priscilla Shirer Attacks the Bible as ‘Hand-me-down Revelation’

From a recently unearthed 2019 clip, Lifeway darling Priscilla Shirer, daughter of Pastor Tony Evans, demonstrates with startling clarity why she is such an objectionably terrible preacher and bible teacher, framing scripture as just “hand-me-down-the-revelation” that is not sufficient.

In the clip below, apologist Chris Rosebrough details why her exegesis is so bad and why she’s just making stuff up on the fly, like some weird theological improv show where this time, the hecklers are the heroes.

In the clip, she is saying that having a preacher teach the scripture is insufficient and not personalized enough, that it gets stale, old, and is a mark of immaturity to not seek more. In contrast, it is a sign of growth and wisdom to want more than that, and so seek some “revelation” that is new, fresh, and personalized just for you.

Speaking within the context of receiving clothing hand-me-downs, Shirer creates the analogy by recounting how one year as a young girl she was not excited to get hand-me-downs, because the clothes “had not been specifically chosen for me.”

And I’ve been okay with hand-me-downs with secondhand clothes all of these years, but all of a sudden I want of my own stuff. I wanted something to come with my name on it that had specifically been chosen for me. There ought to come a time in your relationship with the Lord, when hand-me-down revelation just doesn’t do it for you anymore.

There ought to come a little bit of disconcerting, a little bit of maturity in your walk with God where you become a little bit unsettled to only be spoon-fed the Word of God from someone else to you.

Now, we thank God for our pastors and our teachers and our leaders that help us to rightly divide the word of truth *but* there ought to come a time in your life where you’ve decided, “You know what? I want fresh revelation with my name on it that has come straight from God’s Spirit for my life.

h/t to Doctrinal Watchdog for the reference and Chris Rosebrough for the clip.

Church Evangelical Stuff Featured Money Grubbing Heretics

Hillsong Atlanta Launches And Their New Pastor Has a Heck of a Past

Hillsong Church of Atlanta officially launched its first service this past weekend, joined by rapper Da’ T.R.U.T.H. performing a hip-hop and rap worship set while flanked by Hillsong head honchos Brian and Bobbie Houston who made the trip from Australia for the grand opening. During the service the congregants cheered for their new pastor, Sam Collier, who is being lauded for being the first African- American man to serve as lead pastor of a Hillsong church.

Who is Collier? He’s a 32-year-old author, speaker, radio show personality, and pastor. His road to the Hillsong pastorate is a wild one indeed.

Around a decade ago he spent several years as the Youth Choir Director at Ebenezer Baptist Church. This is the church that Martin Luther King Jr. co-pastored in the ’60s. During his time there, the Senior Pastor was the openly pro-choice, openly pro-LGBT, heresy-spewing, Planned-Parenthood-endorsed Democrat Senator, Dr. Raphael Warnock.

After leaving Ebenezer, he joined up with New Birth Missionary Baptist Church, a 25,000 member megachurch pastored by Bishop Eddie Long. Long, you’ll recall, was a prosperity gospel heretic who preached wretched blasphemies about name-it-and-claim-it, speaking realities into existence, and little god theology. Long was a multi-millionaire who flaunted his wealth from the pulpit and was embroiled in several sex scandals with males youth in his church. Collier spent a couple of years on staff here as well.

In his autobiography, A Greater Story, Collier recounts that it was during this time in his mid 20s that he made his first white friend, an odd revelation given the overabundance of white people around. He eventually left Long’s church in 2014 and joined Andy Stanley’s NorthPoint Church, hardly a bastion of sound theological and biblical fidelity, preaching his first sermon there in 2016. He remained there for 6 years, being appointed pastor at some time (we have no record of him going to seminary or receiving formal pastoral training) until he and his wife were tapped for the lead pastors of Hillsong in 2020, until she backed out to continue her career as an author.

With such a…varied pedigree…it is unsurprising that his theological convictions are a bit of a mess. A brief perusal of his social media contains a ton of posts about supporting Black Lives Matter, social justice, and explaining what privilege is and how white people definitely have it. These sobering truths, coupled with him being a willing participant in listening to Warnock, Long, and Stanley for years, ought to throw up more than a few red flags.

During the sermon, which attracted over a thousand people across two services, Collier introduced the Houstons by noting it has been a “difficult year” for Hillsong, likely referencing the raft of major sex and financial scandals that have struck a third of their campuses – the natural consequence of appointing fiscally unaccountable hipster hype-priests.

Critical Race Theory SBC Social Justice Wars

Southern Baptist Pastor Doubles Down on Threat to Leave SBC if Critical Race Theory is Denounced at Convention

A prominent Southern Baptist pastor is doubling down on his threats to leave the Southern Baptist Convention if Resolution 9 is rescinded, promising that he will jump ship and join other personalities like Charlie Dates, John Onwuchekwa, Beth Moore, and Russell Moore as people that have publicly parted ways with the embattled denomination.

At odds is the utility of CRT and intersectionality within the life of SBC congregants. At the last convention Resolution 9 snuck in unawares and was adopted before people knew much about it. Of particular concern was this troublesome section:

WHEREAS, Critical Race Theory and intersectionality alone are insufficient to diagnose and redress the root causes of the social ills that they identify, which result from sin, yet these analytical tools can aid in evaluating a variety of human experiences, and

Super gross.

Conservatives are hankering to take it out, but the progressives want to keep it in. It was the very presence of this threat of removal that saw Dwight McKissic, who by the way is a race-baiting Cultural Marxist who routinely terrorizes the SBC annual meeting with resolutions forcing messengers to vote for his policies or suffer looking politically incorrect in the press, drew a red line in the sand by saying 5 months ago:

Lest we think he stuttered, he reiterated it today in an op-ed in the ne’er-do-well SBC Voices, writing:

It takes great audacity, given the SBC’s history, to take such a bold step, to denounce the entirety of CRT—particularly with the National African American Fellowship of the SBC unanimously opposed to denouncing CRT in its entirety.

I am often asked how many Black churches may leave the SBC if Resolution 9 is rescinded. I honestly have no idea, and no desire to influence any to leave, which is one major reason why I am not going to attend the Nashville meeting. I do not want to be accused of leading churches away from the SBC.

But what I do know is—as for me and my house—if the major thesis and thrust of Resolution 9, passed by a majority in Birmingham 2019, is gutted or rescinded—we will exclusively align with the National Baptist Convention and the Baptist General Convention of Texas.

This, of course, would be a blessing. We pray these are not empty threats, but rather promises.

At this point, we have no reason to suppose that the SBC can pull itself out of this liberal pit without a mass exodus of all the unsavory types, but certainly having McKissic leaving out to help a little.

He is a pus-filled boil that should have lanced and drained from the armpit of the Southern Baptist Convention a long time ago. Instead, he was left to fester for years and years, infecting and spreading his particularly potent leaven. With him gone, the SBC has a chance, but we’re not holding our breath.

Charismatic Nonsense Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics

TD Jakes: White Evangelicals Have Lost Sight of ‘What would Jesus Do?’

Famed Modalist T. D. Jakes has taken a potshot at white evangelical Christians, saying they’ve lost their way on account of putting too much emphasis on decrying abortion and same-sex marriage, and not enough on poverty and criminal justice problems.

T. D. Jakes, though continuing to be platformed by those at the Christian Post and Charisma News, has gone on record as saying he doesn’t believe that Jesus is the second person of the Trinity, but rather is just a “manifestation” of God. In fact, even now his church website reads, “There is one God, Creator of all things, infinitely perfect, and eternally existing in three manifestations:  Father, Son and Holy Spirit.”

In an interview with the Atlantic’s Emma Green, Jakes recounts how COVID-19 has caused much suffering in his church, including “marriages imploding, self-medication, and serious bouts of depression” along with death and permanent disability.

As a result, one of the hardest things for black people has been not being able to attend funerals, given that the funeral, or homegoings, are more important and meaningful to black people than to white folk.

Speaking of the black experience vs the white one and the disproportionate way COVID-19 has affected the black community, he notes:

Jakes: It is amazing to me that we can live in the same city and have two completely different experiences. You can kind of be willfully blind to the pain of the people who are in your own city and have ladies’ meetings and come together to solve poverty around the world and not think a thing about poverty right in your own city.

Green: You know, when I hear you say that, I can’t help but hear an implication about the way certain other Christians—maybe white Christians in particular—live, with a kind of international orientation toward helping kids in Africa but not caring that much about helping people who are their neighbors in their own city. Am I hearing you right?

Jakes: [Laughs.] I think that’s true in some cases, but I don’t think that they are a monolith. I’ve met pastors who cared, and who have joined hands and tried to help and serve, and who were first responders in times of crisis. But by and large, it makes people uncomfortable to look at complicated problems. And the problems in underserved communities are complicated by poor education, poor access to medical care, crime, and the distance in culture. As a whole, I think white evangelicals lost sight of “What would Jesus do?” because they only define Jesus in very narrow terms.

Green: Well, you’re going to have to say a little bit more about that.

Jakes: [Laughs.] I think that social issues define the spaces where faith and politics and society intertwine—Roe v. Wade and same-gender-loving people. [White evangelicals] don’t always put the same level of weight on the poor, the disenfranchised, or criminal-justice problems. They don’t see that as important.

Charismatic Nonsense Evangelical Stuff Featured Money Grubbing Heretics News

A Charismatic Prophetess has Amassed an Army of ‘5 Billion Angels,’ and It’s Growing Daily

When Kat Kerr, our favorite pink-haired charismatic meme-bot and “Dr. Michael Brown-approved prophetess” isn’t weaving an unbiblical tale of witchcraft and false theology by claiming that she has a picture of thousands of lioned-faced angels frog-marching chained demons across the sky in order to go to heaven for judgment, she’s disclosing to hundreds of thousands of followers that her army of angels has grown considerably, from a mere 1000 ‘special ops angels that were dispatched to oversee Trump’s election, to her current army reserves of more than 5 billion.

Speaking to chief-enabler and gullibility king Steve Shultz on Episode 27 of “Wednesdays with Kat and Steve! Kerr explains that she puts her army of angels to work on a daily basis- sending them off to scour the earth to find and expose wickedness, to the point that her exploits will soon be covered on TV and shown in magazines.

Last night I was out there sending 5 billion of them to go worldwide to make a sweep for a sweep for the next 30 days, 24 hours a day, to expose any unseen, unknown wickedness, evil, cheating, stealing, lying, controlling, whether it was spirits or people or humans. To pull them down and to stop the activities and make it known where it’s talked about on television, where it’s shown in magazines where people will see and know what’s going and I sent 5 billion last night out to go do that…

Steve : Wow!

And immediately they went and they’re going to go to every state and then every country, even some that people don’t know about yet (but) are about to find out about it.

Steve: And God the Gather could, if he wanted to, send 5 billion or 100 billion, but he’s put it into the hands of men to be doing most of the sending, right?

Yes, because the Father always gives me scriptures. He said ‘I said that I put YOU in charge of the earth, I put YOU as the body of Christ’ Those who follow Christ, he gave us authority in the earth-you have to have flesh to do that- or spirits will be here taking over everywhere.

Godspeed, Kat! Let us know when you have 500 billion angels under your command. We would like to talk with their commander, Legion…

h/t to RightWingWatch

Featured LGBTQQIP2SAA SBC Super Gay

Denomination That Split from SBC Elects First Trans ‘Pastor’

Mere weeks after the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) elected their first transgendered bishop to lead the mainline protestant denomination, a Baptist denomination has followed suit, welcoming Laura Bethany Buchleiter to become the trans man to be ordained within the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF).

The CBF was formed nearly 30 years ago after a group of malcontent Southern Baptist Churches decided that they wanted to ordain women into ministry. They insisted that they were still conservative, but argued that the scriptures permitted the ladies to be ordained and therefore needed to follow their consciences. As a result, nearly 1400 churches and hundreds of thousands of members jumped ship, formally cutting ties with the SBC a decade later.

Since 1990, the years have not been kind to the denomination. The ordination of women was like being a dam that burst, carrying with it other deviant beliefs like approval of homosexuality and tolerance for abortion that soon became a mainstay within the denomination, with many churches having openly gay leaders. Consequently, the trans ordination is merely more proof of their unfaithfulness and a harbinger of further damnation and judgment.

To wit – the 49-year old Buchleiter divorced his wife in 2014 after coming out as trangendered, and then came out as a lesbian in 2016, much to the surprise of his three children. He spent several years at Christian Theological Seminary before ultimately joining the staff at University Baptist Church in Bloomington, Indiana, under the auspices of current pastrix Annet Hill Briggs. About Buchleiter’s ordination, she told the Hoosier Times:

Our church self identifies as a church that listens to the call of the people irrespective of gender or sexual orientation. It’s not relevant to us. We’re not ordaining Laura Beth because she is transgender.

If you hate your ears, have a sermon from him.


Joe Biden’s 2022 Budget Proposal Replaces ‘Mothers’ with ‘Birthing People’

In a move that will make the progressive “Christians” grin with glee, President Joe Biden has released his 2022 budget proposal, swapping out the term “mothers” from the language of the bill and replacing it with the phrase “birthing people.”

We wonder if this what those TGC authors figured would happen – the ones who insisted that the Democrats were a perfectly moral and normal choice to vote for, being paragons of virtue that would bring a sense of normalcy to the presidency and would definitely not advance the most radical, nonsensical schemes.

We can’t say we are too surprised, as it’s only a matter of time as this sort of language is imbued within every level of the government – a mephistophelean plot to destroy God’s design for sex and family.