ELCA’s First ‘Partnered’ Lesbian Bishop Denounces Anti-Transgender ‘Hate’

The Evangelical Lutheran Church America is not a church. It is an interconnected pen where Jesus-hating goatlings can go to get their ears scratched and heads rubbed by deranged shepherds-all who are keeping an eye out for the best way to run them off a cliff.
An easy example of that is a recent message from Bishop Brenda Bos, who leads the Southwest California Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Bos was the first ‘out’ lesbian bishop in the ELCA, and spent time on Facebook condemning the “hate speech” of those who may find cross-dressing and snipping off penises to repurpose them into garish approximations of women parts to be problematic, writing:

Just a skip and a hop away from Bos in California’s Sierra Pacific Synod is Rev. Megan Rohrer, who became the denomination’s first transgendered Bishop a mere 9 months ago. This woman, who refuses to use female pronouns and instead insists on identifying as “they/them” and even the occasional “he,” was one of the first LGBTQ “pastors” to become reinstated into the ELCA after they voted in 2010 to allow clergy in “committed relationships” to lead churches.
Though the problems with this damned denomination are many, they can perhaps best be summarized by Bos, who in the previous post explained “My spirituality and sexuality are intertwined. it’s what makes me the whole person that I am.”
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