SBC Scandal Social Justice Wars

SBC-Affiliated MABTS Pulls Speaker Off Stage for Revealing the School Censored EWTC

Roughly 59 minutes into a Facebook live stream of Citizens For America‘s Cultural Engagement Summit, the video mysteriously ended – right in the middle of Trevor Loudon‘s presentation.

Rather than a technical glitch, the stream was cut off and Loudon was pulled off stage because he was revealing that Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary barred the event organizers from screening the movie Enemies With in the Church (EWTC) despite the fact that the movie’s producers were reportedly sponsoring the event and the event was not sponsored by the school itself.

EWTC producer Judd Saul recounted what happened in a Facebook statement:

Full text:

The leadership at Mid-America Baptist theological Seminary just went to go pull Trevor Loudon off the stage and they cut off the live video feed because he was exposing the fact that they shut down the showing of our film. Full video will be uploaded within the next day.

To put this whole thing into context.

We were called up by the event organizer Citizens For America, and asked to sponsor the event. We sponsored the event predicated on the fact that we were going to show the film at the event.

We got word last week that the Seminary president Mr. Spradlin call the event organizer and insisted he not show the film at the event.

We spent several days trying to contact Mr Spradlin and faculty at the Seminary to find out why they were trying to cancel our film at an event that wasn’t being put on by the Seminary itself.

We had already purchased plane tickets and shipped things out to Cordova Tennessee for the event. I spoke with Trevor about going and he decided he wanted to go speak to the crowd. Many people showed up to the event expecting a showing of the film. No announcement by the event organizer was made that the film wasn’t being shown.

Trevor decided to explain why the film wasn’t being shown and who made the order. In the middle of Trevor’s speech they rushed the stage and pulled him off and cut the live video feed and proceeded to try to throw out our entire crew from the event.

This is what happens when you speak truth in a Southern Baptist institution. Instead of just owning up to it, they like to hide and play games. This is why the southern Baptists even the ones who claim to be conservative always lose.

The Bible says let your yes be your yes and your no be your no. The Honorable thing would have been to provide the real explanation as to why they shut down down our film. Especially at someone else’s event that just happened to be held at their location.

Everyone on our film team stands on truth. It just seems that there are too many that are afraid of the truth even if they claim to be on our side.

We don’t play games. Don’t care about positions. We’re not respecters of person’s. We also do not value “gentleman’s agreements” over truth.

There are thousands of churches across America they’re being infiltrated by Marxism. There are millions of Americans being led astray by a false gospel.

Playing games is over.

John Harris of Conversations that Matter discusses what happened:

Social Issues Social Justice Wars

David Platt Going to ANOTHER Bad Conference

It was only a week ago that we recounted how David Platt was attending a conference with a bunch of very theologically and morally bad speakers, and that, to don ourselves in our prophetic garb and recall our words of wisdom ‘ with his trajectory, we see many more of these and other conferences like it in his future.

We were not wrong.

Reformation Charlotte has revealed that Platt will also be attending the new Passion conference, taking place in early 2022.

Naturally, he’s joining Christine Caine, the prosperity-gospel preaching, ‘little-god theology” believing lady who routinely prophecies ‘thus sayeth the lord’ with messages from God directly and who fully promotes egalitarianism and Social Justice warrioring by founding a network designed to encourage women to become pastors and church leaders.

Also there will be Jackie Hill Perry, the resident gaytheist fresh from saying that all white people are Racists, that White People Only Care about Black Folk in the Womb , and who was recently told by the Lord “God told me ‘Don’t Even Worry About Being Straight’. She continues to serve as one of the worst authorities on the theology of same-sex, giving in interview after interview the sort of advice that denies the power of the gospel while relegating sodomy as the one sin Christ cannot sanctify.

Reformation Charlotte explains that “Loui Giglio himself will be there as he is the founder and host of the conference. Giglio is a proponent of a popular heresy among charismatic false teachers known as little-god theology–the belief that we as humans carry within us the potential to become God, or divine, like God. This is not only a heresy found among charismatics, however, but it is also the underlying teaching of Mormonism–that our future as believers are to partake in the divinity of God and become gods ourselves.”

Another one to watch for is Jennie Allen. She’s a “Bible teacher, author, and the founder and visionary of IF:Gathering,” an annual conference for women, along with hosting the Made for This podcast. Naturally, she frequently hosts bad bible teachers and has some troubling theology, documented by Michelle Lesley here.

Lest you think Platt is the odd man out from that serving of scallywags, the past President of the International Missions Board has drifted in other ways, from saying that he is part of the problem in promulgating racial injustice on account of his white skin, or telling congregants who “can’t live” with the fact that their church family may be members of the Democratic party, who may vote for them, campaign for them, fundraise for them, and even run for office under their banner, that they should leave the church. Oh, and his co-pastor was caught explaining how it’s difficult for him not to ‘torch all white people’.

The drift and compromise is tragic, and it’s only going to get worse.

Critical Race Theory Evangelical Stuff Featured News Social Justice Wars

TGC Author Likens Bill To Remove CRT from Schools to ‘Jim Crow Attitudes and Laws’

The Gospel Coalition author and pastor Thabiti Anyabwile joined fellow race-baiter Dwight McKissic to condemn a recent Texas Senate Bill designed to remove Critical Race Theory (CRT) from the classroom as an “insane” and “gutwrenching” tip-toeing back to the racist “Jim Crow attitudes and laws” of the 1950’s and 1960’s.

Note. As a brief refresher to familiarize yourself with Anyabwile, the pastor has used his social media platforms to refer to his leftist positions as “pro-life” issues and yet endorses pro-choice candidates like Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden while claiming that all white evangelicals are guilty of racism. He has claimed that resisting reparations is ‘the echo of Cain’s voice’. and that white folk who reject systematic racism and reparations can’t read their bibles right.’ Anyabwile’s real name is “Ron Burns” but he chose the name “Thabiti Anyabwile” to identify with the “Black Nationalist Movement,” a move he made prior to converting from Christianity to Islam. Afterward, Anyabwile claimed to have been reconverted to Christianity but chose to keep his Black Nationalist name, which should tell everyone something about him.

Thabiti is referring to the terrible fact that several states in the mid-21st century enacted “separate but equal” laws designed to segregate races, with the idea that black folk would be given equal protection under the constitution and would be treated the same as white folk, but would have separate bathrooms, water fountains, busses, entrances, etc. These racist laws are evil in every way imaginable, and yet he’s saying that the same heart and motivation that came up with them, likewise is behind the banning of CRT from schools.

Of course, this is nothing but alarmist fodder and a dishonest reading. Texas SB3 does nothing of the sort and has absolutely nothing in common with Jim Crowisms. According to the article being quoted by Anyabwile, the bill would “remove more than two dozen teaching requirements from a new law that bars the teaching of critical race theory, an academic framework exploring racism’s shaping of the country”…and…”the measure also would bar the teaching of the 1619 Project— a New York Times initiative exploring U.S. history starting at the date enslaved people arrived in the English colonies.”

In a statement after the vote, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (R), said that “Parents want their students to learn how to think critically, not be indoctrinated by the ridiculous leftist narrative that America and our Constitution are rooted in racism.”

Teacher and historian Brian Franklin explains more on Twitter:

“Many folks are claiming TX Republicans are “removing” teaching requirements about the civil rights movement & its leaders from TX curriculum standards w/ #SB3. This is not true. But it contains just enough truth to make for powerful political fodder.

True: the version of the #SB3 bill that the TX Senate just passed (w/o Democrat support) did in fact remove a *bunch* of specific people & events from the bill, including stuff on civil rights, women’s suffrage, slavery, labor, & more.

Also true: the current version of the bill also removed mentions of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abigail Adams, the American GI Forum, the 19th Amendment, and *much more.* Why remove all of this? Well, I find myself reluctantly agreeing with Sen. Hughes’ explanation.

B/c specific requirements aren’t typically dealt with by statute, but in the Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills standards (TEKS), developed by the State Board of Education.

And what civil rights history do we find in the TEKS? *A lot.* High school US history should teach a multiethnic array of civil rights organizations; King, Chavez, Parks, Garcia, Friedan; the Black Panthers; Letter from a Birmingham Jail; the VRA; more.

They’re not removing teaching about Martin Luther King Jr. or suffrage, but rather ensuring it only being taught in its rightful class, context, and without the specter of CRT wanting to strangle and hijack the narrative.

Apart from all that nonsense, these hysterics by Anyabwile and McKissic reveal a disturbing new tactic to deal with dissent. For certain professing Christians of a more progressive stature, apparently yelling “Jim Crow!” has become the new “RacistBigotHomophobe!” invective and accusation to paint the other side red with.

The Georgia voting bill that actually expands voting rights rather than constricts them, and has been lied about and trashed by dishonest democrats? Jim Crow! Refusing to go along with reparations as a means of social justice and reconciliation? Jim Crow! Resisting CRT being taught in our schools and churches? Jim Crow!

They may not always call you an outright racist, but seemingly they have a shiny new socially acceptable accusation to make the same connection.

Critical Race Theory SBC Social Justice Wars

Southern Baptist Pastor Doubles Down on Threat to Leave SBC if Critical Race Theory is Denounced at Convention

A prominent Southern Baptist pastor is doubling down on his threats to leave the Southern Baptist Convention if Resolution 9 is rescinded, promising that he will jump ship and join other personalities like Charlie Dates, John Onwuchekwa, Beth Moore, and Russell Moore as people that have publicly parted ways with the embattled denomination.

At odds is the utility of CRT and intersectionality within the life of SBC congregants. At the last convention Resolution 9 snuck in unawares and was adopted before people knew much about it. Of particular concern was this troublesome section:

WHEREAS, Critical Race Theory and intersectionality alone are insufficient to diagnose and redress the root causes of the social ills that they identify, which result from sin, yet these analytical tools can aid in evaluating a variety of human experiences, and

Super gross.

Conservatives are hankering to take it out, but the progressives want to keep it in. It was the very presence of this threat of removal that saw Dwight McKissic, who by the way is a race-baiting Cultural Marxist who routinely terrorizes the SBC annual meeting with resolutions forcing messengers to vote for his policies or suffer looking politically incorrect in the press, drew a red line in the sand by saying 5 months ago:

Lest we think he stuttered, he reiterated it today in an op-ed in the ne’er-do-well SBC Voices, writing:

It takes great audacity, given the SBC’s history, to take such a bold step, to denounce the entirety of CRT—particularly with the National African American Fellowship of the SBC unanimously opposed to denouncing CRT in its entirety.

I am often asked how many Black churches may leave the SBC if Resolution 9 is rescinded. I honestly have no idea, and no desire to influence any to leave, which is one major reason why I am not going to attend the Nashville meeting. I do not want to be accused of leading churches away from the SBC.

But what I do know is—as for me and my house—if the major thesis and thrust of Resolution 9, passed by a majority in Birmingham 2019, is gutted or rescinded—we will exclusively align with the National Baptist Convention and the Baptist General Convention of Texas.

This, of course, would be a blessing. We pray these are not empty threats, but rather promises.

At this point, we have no reason to suppose that the SBC can pull itself out of this liberal pit without a mass exodus of all the unsavory types, but certainly having McKissic leaving out to help a little.

He is a pus-filled boil that should have lanced and drained from the armpit of the Southern Baptist Convention a long time ago. Instead, he was left to fester for years and years, infecting and spreading his particularly potent leaven. With him gone, the SBC has a chance, but we’re not holding our breath.

Critical Race Theory Evangelical Stuff Heresies Social Issues Social Justice Wars

The Wokefication of World Vision: Praise for Black Liberation Theology+ White Folk Continue To Colonize Latinx

Continuing our series in the ways that World Vision has gone woke, we bring you Session Eight of their May We Be One social justice curriculum, which is taught to tens of thousands of people and pastors and moderated by Dr. Soong-Chan Rah and Rev. Sandra Maria Van Opstal.

In this segment, Dr. Efrem Smith, the Co-lead Pastor of Bayside Church Midtown in Sacramento, lauds Liberation Theology as being highly transformation in his own life. This is no surprise, as last year he tweeted out that this damnable heresy is a gift to the entire church.

For those who have been doing discernment and polemic work for a long time, you may also remember Dr. Efrem Smith attacking Voddie Baucham, saying that he was a racist and that his internalized racism is black-on-black violence when he addressed the Ferguson riots in 2014.

During his World Vision segment, he shares how Black Liberation Theology is a great tool for having a proper understanding of justice and gospel evangelism:

That’s why I’m so glad that today we are exploring the Latinx, the Hispanic, the brown story and experience. As an African American Christian who grew up in the black church, and who also in seminary was invaded in a transformative way by Black Liberation Theology, I soon learned that the liberation theology, the reconciliation and justice theology within the black church, has intersections with the church of Latin America. Slave ships didn’t just hit what we know as the United States.

And so there is a deep historic connection between the black story and the brown story. And so I learned from the liberation theology of Central and South America, more about the biblical journey, that the gospel is encompassing of evangelism, discipleship, of course, and justice. Empowerment to the most vulnerable among us. Resisting, not just sin housed in the soul, but systemic sin. And so I’m so blessed as a black Christian male to have the insights, the theology, the liberation of my brown brothers and sisters impacting me, even to this day.

Another one of the panelists is Kat Armas, who has taught extensively on “the brown church” through her podcast and books. She writes for progressive publications like Sojourners and Relevant Magazine and tells the audience that the colonizers, which is the dominant culture in America today, still continue to perpetuate the myth that persons of color are colonized and are viewed as chaotic, irrational, and evil.

So why do we even need an ‘Abuelita (affectionate name for grandmother) theology?’ What gifts does it offer the Latina church? Well, the dominating culture has othered many of our Abuelitas because of the language or the dialect they speak, their accent, the pigmentation of their skin, their cultural customs, their lack of Western education, as I mentioned, their socio-economic status and/ or their gender, right?

And so while the self, the colonizer is ordered and rational and masculine and good, the other, the colonized is chaotic and irrational and feminine and evil. And we see this in how indigenous and native folks were regarded as “savage” or inherently evil and carnal compared to the white European colonizers when they first arrived to the so-called New World.

And the current dominating culture may not say this with its words or it may not be, you know, “the intention,” but what is presented as normal or common in our current culture oftentimes perpetuates this myth.

You know, for example, we see that theology done by black and brown or Asian or indigenous folks is often relegated to a lecture in a theology course, right? Contextual theology in many ways. But throughout history, the colonizer has been the one to know or theorize while the colonized can only be known or theorized about.

Therefore, when we talk about a decolonizing or decolonial or post-colonial look, we are advocating thinking with the marginalized, a thinking with our Abuelitas, rather than a thinking about them.

Bonus. Another of the panelists for this session, Robert Chao Romero, founded an organization that teaches “Jesus died not only for our personal sins, but also for the structural and systemic sins of our society which perpetuate poverty, racism, sexism, classism, and injustice of every kind (Romans 13: 8-10).”

Church Critical Race Theory Featured Heresies News Social Justice Wars

The Wokefication of World Vision: Whites View Black People as Either ‘Pets’ or ‘Threats’

Dr. Soong-Chan Rah, Professor, North Park Theological Seminary, is leading the way in demonstrating the extent that Critical Race Theory is spreading throughout World Vision. Parks is the moderator and one of the leaders of the May We Be One: Pastors pursuing Racial Justice course, whose stated goals are to have church leaders “be prepared to lead conversations about racism in America,” and to “engage with one another to dismantle racism and change the landscape of the church.”

From remarks he made at a Black & Asian Christians United Against Racism conference on April 5th 2021 at the Apostolic Faith Church, and also reiterated in Session 9 of the course, Soong-Chan Rah explains that by default and intrinsically, white people view black people and Asians as either “pets” or “threats” and view Asian women as invisible or sexual jezebels.

For African-American communities, I’ve often described how the spiritual demonic power of white supremacy, the gaze of the dominant culture defines the black community, so that the rest of us have to play along.

So that when the white male looks at the black male, the black male is either a pet or a threat. The black male is a pet because the white community wants you to entertain them, wants you to be their comedians that make them laugh, the musicians that make them dance, and the sports athletes that make them jump up and clap.

But they also see you, if you’re not the pet, you become the threat. You are the unidentified black male that commits every crime in our city. You are the individual that is seen as the unsafe person in our society. And even worse, if you are the pet that becomes the threat.

Hypothetically, it could be an athlete who takes a knee. That pet has become a threat. Hypothetically, it could be pastors who decide we’re not going to play the game anymore – we’re going to stand against injustice. You’ve gone from a pet to a threat.

And it is the same scenario that Asian-Americans often find ourselves in. The gaze of the white dominant culture looks at the Asian male and says: you are a pet or a threat.

They are the Chinese virus. They are the Kung flu. And how easily and quickly it became for that pet to become a threat. And we’ve seen this on the gendered side, as well. Bell Hooks says that when the white male gazes upon the black female, he categorizes the black female in two ways: the Jezebel or the Mammy.

The Jezebel, that is, the sexualized fantasy of the dominant culture, and the mammy that takes care of you and gives you what you need. You see that same paradigm now play itself out in the Asian community, as well.

…because you are seeing the Asian women as disposable and invisible. The ones that pick up the towels after you. The ones that feed you. The ones that take care of you. That’s what you’ve seen, the Asian women. You have sexualized or you have made invisible the Asian-American woman. This is the reality of white supremacy.

This is what world vision is teaching thousands of pastors and tens of thousands of people each week. It is not an unknown program.

To give one example, Willow Creek, the multi-campus 20,000 member church founded by Bill Hybels, announced months ago that they were participating in World Vision’s May We Be One year-long conference “in an effort to help equip all our staff to better engage justice and racism from a biblical perspective.”

Sadly, we have only scratched the surface of how deep this all goes.

h/t to @wokepreachertv for the find.

Church Critical Race Theory Social Justice Wars

‘Christian’ Hip Hop Artist Hopes Derek Chauvin gets Raped in Prison

A ‘Christian’ Hip Hop artist (CHH) has shared with the world how he hopes that convicted killer Derek Chauvin gets raped in prison – a take he then tried to distance himself from after receiving blowback from his fans.

Derek Minor, an artist and producer who has been a mainstay of the Christian Hip-Hop scene for a decade, was previously signed to Lecrae’s Reach Records. While no longer there as an independent artist, he still collaborates with members of Reach Records on a regular basis.

In fact. Minor was featured on a recent Reach Records 116 Clique release just a few months ago, joining Lecrae on the album Sin Vergüenza. This makes sense, as they share similar levels of wokeness and abandonment of biblical fidelity.

Of course, “don’t drop the soap” is a clear and incontrovertible reference to the notion that if someone in prison drops their bar of soap while they take a shower, when they go to pick it up it will expose them to be anally raped, with the perpetrator having convenient access to their orifices.

When pressed by his fans on why he would advocate for this – with sexual assault in prison being a very real, very terrifying prospect for anyone unfortunate enough to go – he backtracked, claiming to be meaning just the opposite.

He did doublespeak.

In response to calling Chauvin a “hoe,” Minor was likewise unrepentant.

In a post hours later, Minor lamented the death of Makiyah Bryant, saying, “Black people don’t even get an hour to mourn. She was 15.”

He likens her situation to the death of George Floyd, leading us to wonder whether he likewise “doesn’t want” the officer involved to be imprisoned where he might “drop the soap.” Thankfully there is clear body camera footage showing Mikiyah with a knife in her hand about to stab another teenager, getting shot because of it. That likely will not matter to Minor and other activists, who see everything through the prism of racism to the point of making evidence and logic irrelevant.

Sadly, these kinds of attitudes are nothing new within the Christian Hip-Hop community, who have by and charge succumbed to the rhetoric of Black Lives Matter and where the winds of strange doctrine and progressive ideologies are running unchecked, burning through artist after artist with no respite in sight.

Minor is just further proof of that.

Critical Race Theory Featured Social Justice Wars

Russell Moore Makes Derek Chauvin’s Guilty Verdict About Race

Russell Moore, the head of the Ethics and Religious and Liberty Commission (ERLC) who recently took a personal hit when he was torched by the SBC’s Executive Committee for the way he runs his organization, summarized by the phrase, “The direction of the ERLC is a significant source of division and creates a very real challenge to reversing CP [Cooperative Program] decline,” continued his trend of sowing discord and division with a tweet about the Derek Chauvin guilty verdict.

Because Moore is a progressive and a Democrat he can’t help but bring race into it, even though the trial itself did not touch on it or make that a factor in the death of George Floyd.

In fact, by all accounts, there was absolutely nothing racist about the entire encounter, which would not stop him from noting in a later post that Floyd is a “symbol of the quest for racial justice in this country,” and that because Chauvin was found guilty, we can “work together for a new era of racial justice.” And yet we ask: what was racial about this justice?

We haven’t forgotten about this statement Moore and the who’s-who of SBC leaders signed back in 2020:

Furthermore, don’t believe Moore will make it a habit of celebrating our judicial system as ERLC head or supporting various jury decisions. He only celebrates certain kinds of decisions. He would never dare being caught speaking on cases like the Michael Brown or George Zimmerman case and declaring that “justice was rendered.”

You think the cowardly Moore, author of the laughably ironic The Courage to Stand would say that justice was rendered if Chauvin’s conviction is overturned on appeal – an act that ought to happen based on his lack of fair trial?

Not a chance.

Critical Race Theory Evangelical Stuff Featured Social Justice Wars

White PCA Pastor/TGC Contributor Doesn’t Understand ‘How my Black Friends Can Love Me’

A pastor who runs ministries for the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) explained in a recently unearthed video that he doesn’t understand how his black friends can still love him as a white person, given how much pain, suffering, and anger the white race has caused them.

Randy Nabors coordinates the PCA’s Urban and Mercy Ministries for the Mission to North America, as well as the New City Network. He is also the pastor emeritus at New City Fellowship, which is a “cross-cultural ministry, attempting to live out the power of the Gospel especially in reconciliation and justice. It has focused on ministries of evangelism, mercy, economic development, indigenous leadership, and the radicalization of the middle class into justice discipleship. “

With critical race theory coursing through his veins, he explains during the 2018 Greater Love panel put on by Perimeter Church, choking up and voice cracking as he laments:

I live with a black woman who is angry at white people. And she…it’s hard for me to say this without being emotional...I feel her pain sometimes, and the black people in my life that I have come to love, they’re angry and they hurt deeply, and I don’t understand how they can love me.

And it’s interesting because I’ve met Christians who are native American. They hate white people, and they love me. And I’ve met Africans who hate colonialists, and they love me. But the pain, the suffering is real to them. And as a white person, one way to approach it would be don’t bring it up. Don’t mention it. Don’t make me feel bad. But that’s not the way the relationships have worked.

My wife loves me, thank God. But she in many ways feels the suffering of her people, and I’m really thankful that she does, because she’s not buried her head in the sand, she’s not tried to deny it. But the gospel, the grace of God has enabled her to love white people as individuals. And I think that’s healthy. Because history hurts. People have suffered.

H/T to @wokepreachertv for the clip.

News Politics Religion Social Justice Wars World News

UK Leader Apologizes For Visiting Church with Biblical Beliefs, Deletes Tweet

In a sign of things to come, the Leader of the United Kingdom’s Labor Party, Sir. Keir Starmer, apologized for visiting a church that believes the only biblical marriage is between a man and a woman, saying it was a “mistake” and stressing he had no idea it had such a sordid reputation with such unbecoming beliefs when he visited it.

Starmer initially attended service on Good Friday and praised the church for their “crucial work in the community” of being a vaccine center and running a food bank, called thing them a “wonderful example” in a since-deleted video.

This praise quickly turned to dust in his mouth, after members of his own party as well as the public criticized him and condemned him for this “malicious” visit, saying that it was “unacceptable” and demanding that he apologize.

And of course he did. Starmer repented of visiting the church and deleted his tweet, saying he and his team failed to do the proper research, for if he’d known that this church’s beliefs ahead of time, he never would have attended.

Unsurprisingly, despite getting blasted for attending a Christian church that wasn’t progressive and given over to Satan, he has never received any blowback for attending Mosques, despite Islam having similar prohibitions against homosexuality.

Expect to see this sort of intolerance within the Democratic Party in the USA in about 5 years.

[Editor’s note: Five years seems a little generous, given that it’s visible now and corporations are caving to it.]