The Wokefication of World Vision: Whites View Black People as Either ‘Pets’ or ‘Threats’

Dr. Soong-Chan Rah, Professor, North Park Theological Seminary, is leading the way in demonstrating the extent that Critical Race Theory is spreading throughout World Vision. Parks is the moderator and one of the leaders of the May We Be One: Pastors pursuing Racial Justice course, whose stated goals are to have church leaders “be prepared to lead conversations about racism in America,” and to “engage with one another to dismantle racism and change the landscape of the church.”
From remarks he made at a Black & Asian Christians United Against Racism conference on April 5th 2021 at the Apostolic Faith Church, and also reiterated in Session 9 of the course, Soong-Chan Rah explains that by default and intrinsically, white people view black people and Asians as either “pets” or “threats” and view Asian women as invisible or sexual jezebels.
For African-American communities, I’ve often described how the spiritual demonic power of white supremacy, the gaze of the dominant culture defines the black community, so that the rest of us have to play along.
So that when the white male looks at the black male, the black male is either a pet or a threat. The black male is a pet because the white community wants you to entertain them, wants you to be their comedians that make them laugh, the musicians that make them dance, and the sports athletes that make them jump up and clap.
But they also see you, if you’re not the pet, you become the threat. You are the unidentified black male that commits every crime in our city. You are the individual that is seen as the unsafe person in our society. And even worse, if you are the pet that becomes the threat.
Hypothetically, it could be an athlete who takes a knee. That pet has become a threat. Hypothetically, it could be pastors who decide we’re not going to play the game anymore – we’re going to stand against injustice. You’ve gone from a pet to a threat.
And it is the same scenario that Asian-Americans often find ourselves in. The gaze of the white dominant culture looks at the Asian male and says: you are a pet or a threat.
…They are the Chinese virus. They are the Kung flu. And how easily and quickly it became for that pet to become a threat. And we’ve seen this on the gendered side, as well. Bell Hooks says that when the white male gazes upon the black female, he categorizes the black female in two ways: the Jezebel or the Mammy.
The Jezebel, that is, the sexualized fantasy of the dominant culture, and the mammy that takes care of you and gives you what you need. You see that same paradigm now play itself out in the Asian community, as well.
…because you are seeing the Asian women as disposable and invisible. The ones that pick up the towels after you. The ones that feed you. The ones that take care of you. That’s what you’ve seen, the Asian women. You have sexualized or you have made invisible the Asian-American woman. This is the reality of white supremacy.
This is what world vision is teaching thousands of pastors and tens of thousands of people each week. It is not an unknown program.
To give one example, Willow Creek, the multi-campus 20,000 member church founded by Bill Hybels, announced months ago that they were participating in World Vision’s May We Be One year-long conference “in an effort to help equip all our staff to better engage justice and racism from a biblical perspective.”
Sadly, we have only scratched the surface of how deep this all goes.
h/t to @wokepreachertv for the find.
Self-imagined idiocy. The fact that these moro…er… individuals are in positions of influence in the church should deeply trouble every faithful Christ-follower.
I am insulted that people who do not know me or every white person would stop including us in their generalizations. They make fools of themselves and accuse innocent people of crimes they have not committed. That is wrong and undermines not only their credibility but their supposed honesty
Just another so-called “professor” of nonsense and demonic mind control, trying to propagandize his mindless followers !
The fact that they label themselves Black and Asian Christians (making race their identity not Christ) and then speak about racism speaks volumes about them. The people who preach the loudest about racism are typically the biggest racists of all. “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave[ a] nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Apparently, that verse means nothing to them. The en-vogue trend of qualifying your Christianity needs to stop.