Critical Race Theory Featured Social Justice Wars

Ligon Duncan: “My Very Best Black Friends Have Trouble Trusting Me, For Really Good Reasons”

Dr. J. Ligon Dunan III, the Chancellor and CEO of Reformed Theological Seminary, has been drifting in a big way for years from taking a potshot at John MacArthur for telling Beth Moore to go home last year to partnering with gay priests at conference events, to having a CRT syllabus at his University is at it again, this time demonstrating how compromised he is when it comes to Critical Race Theory and how deeply he’s drunk the bitter lies of the wokefolk.

In this case, during an appearance on The Gospel Coalition’s “As In Heaven” podcast, Duncan says that his black Christian friends are, according to @wokepreachertv, who found the audio “exercising reasonable discernment, not prejudice if they project the horrors of Jim Crow mistreatment onto him personally because of his skin color.”

Really. If you thought he wasn’t that far gone, you were wrong.

After host Jim Davis asks Ligon Duncan what drove him to be part of removing the confederate flag in the state of Mississippi, he responds:

“A lot of it is realizing the huge loss of gospel opportunity that has been this long sad story of Jim Crow and lynching and anti-civil rights and all the other stuff

Can you imagine the gospel impact if Bible-believing Protestants (Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians) had said of their Bible-believing Christian brothers and sisters in Baptist churches and elsewhere: ‘you’re not gonna kill our brothers and sisters in Christ. You’re not gonna defraud our brothers and sisters in Christ. You’re not going to wrongfully imprison our brothers and sisters in Christ. You’re not going to mistreat our brothers and sisters.’

Can you imagine the gospel impact of that? And it’s gonna take us 100 years to overcome the trust issues that have come out of that. I tell people: my very best black friends have trouble trusting me, for really good reasons. Because people like me have been doing awful things to them and to their families for four centuries.

You know? It’s gonna take a while before the trust issues that exist between otherwise good friends in Christ are gonna be addressed. We’ve got generational issues here.”

So for me being able to work on the flag is just one small symbolic thing, one little thing that we can do. And by the way it was a wonderful unifying thing…and it was one way that as a Christian I could help say “we want everyone in this state to know that you’re our neighbors and we want to love our neighbors.”

Polemics Report Polemics Terms Social Justice Wars

Podcast: Seat Belts are RAciSt to Fat People

On today’s program, JD discusses the racial unity lessons learned from Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest, then gets to the news topics of the day from Protestia. Afterward, he discusses Russell Moore getting a religious freedom award and why seat belts are RaCIsT against fat people (and why Critical Theory leads to such conclusions). Then, he talks gluttony.

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Evangelical Stuff Featured News Scandal Social Justice Wars

Movie Launch! Documentary of the Scandalous ‘First Baptist Church Naples’ Story is Out

Enemies within the Church has released their documentary about the scandalous shenanigans that went down in 2019 at a now-prominent Southern Baptist Church (SBC) megachurch, where a failed pastoral search led to scurrilous accusations of racism and sin on part of dissenting members made national headlines.

We covered the story extensively at the time, and anyone wanting a ton of articles and primary sources can check out the Pulpit & Pen archives, but as a bit of a primer, an SBC megachurch in Florida needed a new pastor after Senior Pastor Hayes Wicker announced he was stepping down. After a time the pastoral search committee sought to bring on Marcus Hayes on board. Congregants had some questions about and concerns about what they viewed as Hayes’ progressive beliefs and ultimately he wasn’t voted in, receiving only 81% of the vote that requires an 85% threshold.

This caused the leadership of FBC Naples blow their top and to. go. off. Because Hayes is a “POC,” they got up on stage and declared that the reason he was rejected was that the congregation’s members were all racists. They released a public letter and lamented the congregant’s prejudice, announcing that anyone who voted against likely did it because he has black skin and they have a black heart and as a result there would be hell to pay.

And there was.

After the dust settled. 700 people left the church and nearly 20 families were formally excommunicated, including some that had been there decades, without ever having provided proof of their charges.

The President of the SBC, J.D. “Hold-my-beer” Greear did as he is wont to do: ignorantly going off half-cocked without knowing what the heck he was talking about and concurred with the accusation of racism despite no evidence.

There’s much more than that, of course. There is so much double-crossing and backstabbing and kind of sin is not even heard of among unbelievers. And this film by “Enemies Within the Church” documents it all.

You can watch the trailer below, and then the full length movie after that.

Critical Race Theory Evangelical Stuff Featured Heresies Social Issues Social Justice Wars

Holy Woke! VP of NAMB’s SEND Network: ‘Gospel is Not Good News without Economic Restoration’

Dhati Lewis, the Lead Pastor of Blueprint Church in Atlanta, Georgia and the Vice President of Send Network with the North American Mission Board (NAMB) has some wild things to say about what the gospel is and isn’t, adding another brick in the wall of our claims that the SBC is going to hell in a handbasket over their failure to cut off and cauterize this progressive gangrene.

Dhati made the following comments on Sept 21 on his Where life exists channel.

Props to @WokepreacherTV for the video and transcript:

The gospel is not simply a message for the afterlife. It has real-time, real-life applications for our day-to-day lives. We see it modeled perfectly in the life of Jesus. We know he met the spiritual needs of people, but we also know that he met emotional needs, as well. He met economic needs and also social needs. He healed the sick, challenged corruption in leaders and systems. He honored the poor and the outcasts. Wherever Jesus went, holistic restoration was taking place.

The gospel is not good news without spiritual redemption and restoration, but the gospel is also not good news without emotional, economic, and social restoration, as well. The good news of the kingdom is that God is establishing a new order where all things, spiritual, emotional, economic, and social, are restored to their original, sinless design.

So let’s take a look at the gospel using my tool that have called the Three Circles. Traditionally, this is how we share the gospel, right? We see on here: God’s design. What do we mean? God created the world, and it was good. We lived in perfect relationship with God, with one another, and his creation. However: sin. Adam and Ever came in, sinned, and the whole world was put under a curse, bringing separation between us and God, and that’s why we understand and we look at brokenness. But the problem is is that we only are addressing spiritual brokenness. Sin led to our spiritual brokenness. We cannot earn our salvation, but we try to anyway. We look to sex, money, power, fame, and so many other things to try to get back to God. But they only lead us further and further away.

But when we learn the truth of the gospel, we learn that Jesus came to earth, died for our sins, and rose again, and that if we repent and believe, then we can have access to God. The Holy Spirit indwells in us [sic], gives us the power to recover and pursue God’s design for us, to live in perfect harmony with him.

But! Do you recognize how this gospel presentation falls short? Sin caused brokenness to more than just our spiritual needs. I believe Tim Keller is spot on when he says we must neither confuse evangelism with doing justice nor separate them from one another. You see, the gospel demands the church engage holistically with our cities.

But hey, as our #BigEva overlords tell us: There’s no liberal drift in the SBC.

Folks, it’s time to lose the leg.

Evangelical Stuff Featured Money Grubbing Heretics News Social Justice Wars

Disgraced Pastor Carl Lentz’s Friends say ‘He Will NOT Start His Own Church’ – They Mustn’t Know Him Well

A friend whose identity has been confirmed and authenticated by People Magazine says that Carl Lentz is “not working and plans to take time away from the church to work on his marriage. He has no plans to open a church or seek fame at this time...He never planned to leave his marriage nor said he would do so. He has led the church and his parishioners for more than 20 years and takes his duties extremely seriously and has never shared confidential information about parishioners.”

According to reports, the couple, who are parents to three youngish children, are going through intense therapy after Carl chased and pursued another woman in a bid to scratch his fleshly desire. It worked. He dragged his fingers bloody through that one and lost his church and his reputation in the process.

The telling words from the friend, however, are “away from church” and “at this time.”

First, the idea of being caught in sin and then selling all you own and running away across the country is completely foreign to the scriptures. We are not privy to what steps Hillsong took, but we have some good indication based on their actions and their silence. Rather than just firing him and sending him on his way, Matthew 18 should have been implemented for the purposes of restoration.

The biblical, Christian response from Lentz should have been to stay within that community and be disciplined and discipled by its elders and co-laborers. It should involve the church body supporting his family as he seeks biblical counseling for the restoration of his and his wife’s marriage. This is because that couple needs both the church and the grace of God to fix their marriage. Hillsong should have done all they could to make that happen.

Instead, Lentz sold his home for 1.5 million dollars, moved across the country mere weeks after the revelations of his infidelity came out, and is now living in California renting a $16,000 a month manhattan beach home, and plans on staying away from church for a while, with Hillsong saying nothing further about it.

That’s a bad plan.

And because it’s a bad plan, it means he will only be able to keep his manicured fingernails off that itch for the better part of the year before he will announce he is starting a new church so that he can scratch the hell out of it.

That church will be called “Freedom Church” or “Second Chance Church” and after he is restored by T.D. Jakes or another one of his friends, he’ll leverage his infamy, stock the place up with young millennials, and take the stage and begin preaching the same mix of sugary fusion of wokeism and name-it-and-claim-it theological delicatessens. If we had to guess, by the end of 2021 he’ll have over 500 attendees and the hippest ethos around.

Another outside possibility is that he will join one of his friend’s churches as an attendee and within a few months will be brought on as a pastor. There he’ll spend a couple of years before he heads off on his own and starts his own church, with said given names and personality.

Mark it down and chisel it in stone. It’s going to happen. Given all we know about this whole wretched situation, how could it be otherwise?

Evangelical Stuff Heresies Social Justice Wars

SBC Pastor: Critical Theory, Intersectionality Spreading like ‘Gangrene’ at SEBTS

Southern Baptist Pastor details examples of Critical Theory infecting Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Buck: ‘Standpoint Epistemology is root of Identity Politics.’
Buck: ‘Whether Dr. Akin realizes it or not, the language he employs was spawned by Critical Theory and Intersectionality advocates.’

(Captsone Report) Southern Baptist seminaries are infected by Critical Theory and Intersectionality, according to Southern Baptist pastor Dr. Tom Buck. Buck, pastor of First Baptist Church Lindale, Texas, detailed the problems of these godless ideologies infiltrating SBC seminaries with a focus on the problems at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS).

Dr. Buck explains that in a recent SEBTS chapel service the seminary President invoked elements of Critical Theory in a discussion of hermeneutics.

According to Dr. Buck, “Dr. Akin implies that there’s a particular way that White Southern Males read the Bible as opposed to Northwestern Black Lesbians, and while he’s correct that we all have biases that can influence us. The problem is he imports race and gender identities into the discussion of…

To continue reading, click here

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Capstone Report Staff and published there. Title changed by Protestia.

Evangelical Stuff Heresies Social Justice Wars

Heartbreaking! Watch Young Kid Get ‘Baptized’ into Transgenderism at Woke Church

(NotTheBee) There should be a word for that emotion you feel when something simultaneously breaks your heart and enrages you.

That’s the thing I feel when I watch this video of these fake Christian leftists ritualistically baptizing a helpless child into transgenderism as though it were a sacrament.

What is that boy, 8? 9? (Editor’s note. 4.)

Do you for one second believe that he “decided to be a girl” on his own? Literally a zero percent chance.

His mother, who is clearly the head of his family, brainwashed him into…

To continue reading click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Adam Ford and published at Not The Bee. Title changed by Protestia. Original Video replaced with a higher quality one due to low-res.

News Religion Roman Catholic Stuff Social Justice Wars World Headlines

Pope Francis to Catholic Teens: Ditch Capitalism to save ‘Sister Earth’

The capitalism- hating, socialism-loving Vicar of the Roman Catholic Church had a message for young people from 115 countries livestreaming his plenary talk: it’s time to ditch capitalism so that we don’t kill the planet and each other.

The pontiff has been panegyric with his flattery and worshipful praise of mother Gaia and harsh in his criticism of capitalism throughout his rule, saying that fat people are the victims of capitalism, joined with pagans to worship a topless earth goddess, and said that fossil fuels are immoral and should be banned.

Speaking to young Catholic entrepreneurs on Saturday, the Pope said via a video conference that those listening were called to build up a “new normal” in the wake of the pandemic:

You showed a personal interest in identifying the crucial issues we are facing, and you did this from a particular perspective: that of the economy, which is your area of research, study and work. You recognize the urgent need for a different economic narrative, for a responsible realization that the present world system is certainly unsustainable from a number of points of view, and is harming our sister earth, so gravely maltreated and despoiled, together with the poor and the excluded in our midst.”

Francis called on attendees to take his message and spread it wide, to put it into practice and have a “concrete impact on cities and universities, workplaces and unions, businesses and movements, public and private offices, and to work with intelligence, commitment and conviction in order to reach the centers where ideas and paradigms are developed and decided.”

Saying that we can no longer have “privilege sectorial interests to the detriment of the common good” and that “It is not enough to increase the general fund of wealth and then distribute it more fairly. This is not enough. Nor is it enough to develop technology so that the earth may become a more fitting dwelling place for human beings, “Francis profers:

“The future will thus prove an exciting time that summons us to acknowledge the urgency and the beauty of the challenges lying before us. A time that reminds us that we are not condemned to economic models whose immediate interest is limited to profit and promoting favourable public policies, unconcerned with their human, social and environmental costs.”

Francis says that he’s confident that these young leaders and future citizenry will “recognize the urgent need for a different economic narrative” and he ends his message with this plea:

I ask you to recognize our need for one another in giving birth to an economic culture able “to plant dreams, draw forth prophecies and visions, allow hope to flourish, inspire trust, bind up wounds, weave together relationships, awaken a dawn of hope, learn from one another and create a bright resourcefulness that will enlighten minds, warm hearts, give strength to our hands, and inspire in young people.

Church Critical Race Theory Featured Religion Social Justice Wars

SBC and ‘Gospel Coalition’ Leaders Exclude White Pastors From Church Planting Network

In a move surprising absolutely no one paying attention to the critical race theory downgrade in the Southern Baptist Convention, the Gospel Coalition’s Thabiti Anyabwile Ron Burns, Darryl Williamson, and a series of woke pastors have formed the Crete Collective, an initiative ostensibly for the purpose of increasing church plants in minority communities, but which by their own words continues the redefinition of the Gospel to include all sorts of woke, non-gospel nonsense.

Rather than the plain and powerful preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, this cabal of race-obsessed “pastors” continues to beat the drum of “justice” (Marxism), deliberately conflating the Gospel with the social justice issues of the day. According to the interview article in Christianity Astray, Anyabwile sees the Gospel and justice as “siblings” – apparently salvation through Jesus needs to cooperate with “immigration challenges, prison reform, hunger, and homeownership.”

The Collective includes men like John Onwuchekwa, who gladly accepted $175,000 in SBC money to renovate his church (as well as NAMB money to secure the loan for the building), only to leave the convention in 2020 accusing the denomination of not being woke enough and insinuating that churches made up of mostly minorities should do like his – take the money and run.

I do not see the utility of our church made up predominantly of ethnic minorities remaining in the SBC. Because rather than being an agent of change, I fear our presence has largely been an advertisement for other churches of similar makeup saying “Come in…the water’s fine.” The sign I’d rather hold up is “Enter at Your Own Risk!”

John Onwechekwa

Also on the board of the Crete Collective is Aaron Reyes, who is introduced on the website first as a “second-generation Mexican American” so we won’t mistake him for a white guy and we’ll know his presence in the group is legit. Aaron apparently is focused on the “story arcs of immigration, redemption, and justice throughout the Bible” rather than the story of salvation.

If the Southern Baptist Convention knew what was good for it (it doesn’t), it would rid itself of churches and pastors who subscribe to the devilish lie that racial identity and social justice are in any way related to the Gospel of Jesus. Instead, they continue to respond to Critical Race Theory with “Nothing to see here!” If nothing else, the SBC can prevent losing hundreds of thousands of dollars to men who call them racist.

Critical Race Theory Evangelical Stuff News Social Justice Wars

Russell Moore Claims to Not Know Any Conservative Evangelicals ‘Influenced by Critical Race Theory’

Russell Moore, president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, has said in an interview that he doesn’t know any conservative evangelicals influenced by Critical Race Theory, and if someone put a gun to his head and asked him to name one, he wouldn’t come out alive.

Now, there is a sense that is true, only because once you begin to be influenced by CRT by definition you are no longer a conservative evangelical, but that is not what Moore has in mind, as that’s a bit too straightforward and big-brained for him. Rather, statements like this show once again that Moore is being duplicitous or woefully ignorant, all the while acting the ingénue.

This is reminiscent of Albert Mohler saying that there are no women pastors in the SBC, and that he’s never heard of such a thing, when in reality there are hundreds. He just doesn’t care, which is a scary prospect from the soon to be President of the SBC.

We digress. If Moore wanted to save his life, he could have actually just pointed to himself. That would have been more than sufficient to twitch the barrel of the gun away from the back of his head and avoid a messy explosion of brain, blood, and bits of bone that would inevitably occur as Moore throws up his hands, with tears running down his face and snot dribbling down his upper lip, whimpering “I swear on my life! I don’t know any conservative influenced by it. Please! Don’t! I have a family! I have a corrupt organization that bilks the co-operative program I need to get back to. Please. Anything!”


He could point the finger at his boss, J.D. Greear, who never heard of a police shooting that he wasn’t able to attribute to down and dirty racism, but let’s look at something a little closer to home. Two years ago the ERLC hosted the Cross Shaped Family Conference. Here is a list of speakers.

Well well well. That’s like a veritable smorgasbord of who’s who, isn’t it? Anyone wanting more insight into why 80% of those people are influenced by critical race theory can read our archives, either here or at, but to name just one of the more prominent ones, he’s on the top row, second from the left. (Silver and gold, hallelujah!) If you don’t consider him to be a “conservative evangelical” you probably shouldn’t have invited him to your conference. If you want more, bottom row far left, bottom row middle, top row far right, top row second from the right, etc.

But Moore can’t name a single one.

“I just need more time. Let me think for a second…Um…Um…Karl Marx? No wait. Let me ask Al Mohler. He might know. I just need a second to- “


Sorry folks.

He’s dead.