SBC-Affiliated MABTS Pulls Speaker Off Stage for Revealing the School Censored EWTC

Roughly 59 minutes into a Facebook live stream of Citizens For America‘s Cultural Engagement Summit, the video mysteriously ended – right in the middle of Trevor Loudon‘s presentation.
Rather than a technical glitch, the stream was cut off and Loudon was pulled off stage because he was revealing that Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary barred the event organizers from screening the movie Enemies With in the Church (EWTC) despite the fact that the movie’s producers were reportedly sponsoring the event and the event was not sponsored by the school itself.
EWTC producer Judd Saul recounted what happened in a Facebook statement:
Full text:
The leadership at Mid-America Baptist theological Seminary just went to go pull Trevor Loudon off the stage and they cut off the live video feed because he was exposing the fact that they shut down the showing of our film. Full video will be uploaded within the next day.
To put this whole thing into context.
We were called up by the event organizer Citizens For America, and asked to sponsor the event. We sponsored the event predicated on the fact that we were going to show the film at the event.
We got word last week that the Seminary president Mr. Spradlin call the event organizer and insisted he not show the film at the event.
We spent several days trying to contact Mr Spradlin and faculty at the Seminary to find out why they were trying to cancel our film at an event that wasn’t being put on by the Seminary itself.
We had already purchased plane tickets and shipped things out to Cordova Tennessee for the event. I spoke with Trevor about going and he decided he wanted to go speak to the crowd. Many people showed up to the event expecting a showing of the film. No announcement by the event organizer was made that the film wasn’t being shown.
Trevor decided to explain why the film wasn’t being shown and who made the order. In the middle of Trevor’s speech they rushed the stage and pulled him off and cut the live video feed and proceeded to try to throw out our entire crew from the event.
This is what happens when you speak truth in a Southern Baptist institution. Instead of just owning up to it, they like to hide and play games. This is why the southern Baptists even the ones who claim to be conservative always lose.
The Bible says let your yes be your yes and your no be your no. The Honorable thing would have been to provide the real explanation as to why they shut down down our film. Especially at someone else’s event that just happened to be held at their location.
Everyone on our film team stands on truth. It just seems that there are too many that are afraid of the truth even if they claim to be on our side.
We don’t play games. Don’t care about positions. We’re not respecters of person’s. We also do not value “gentleman’s agreements” over truth.
There are thousands of churches across America they’re being infiltrated by Marxism. There are millions of Americans being led astray by a false gospel.
Playing games is over.
John Harris of Conversations that Matter discusses what happened:
When they refuse to give you a good, honest, and reasonable explanation, it’s most often because they don’t have a good, honest, and reasonable explanation. When they attempt to silence those who call them on it, they show that to be the case. When they stomp around, throwing a hissyfit, screaming how dare anyone criticize or question us, they expose it further still.
I look forward to hearing their good, honest, reasonable explanation. (wont be holding my breath)
And “they” wonder why we’re concerned about free speech…..
Loving your neighbor via censorship
Read this book by Dr. Taylor Marshall, a former Protestant who became Catholic.
However, in some ways he has become like a modern Luther in the church.
Infiltration: The Plot to Destroy the Church from Within
He doesn’t directly attack Francis, the current pope. He does however point out his agenda toward a one world government (and how he differs with Benedict and came to power with Benedict still being alive). Francis has been deeply influenced by liberation theology and is very pro open borders — which is very likely why our President and Ms. Pelosi are pushing this stuff, as “good Catholics”.
Interestingly the Pope has been silent on Ms.Pelosi’s recent support of codifying an extreme abortion bill (by the standards of many nations, not to mention the church’s position). Yet, about 6 bishops, an archbishop, and a Vatican cardinal have called her out. She and Joe are given communion by a priest at Holy Trinity in Georgetown as a “go around” the disciple of the church.
I have wondered if the Pope has been silent on discipling these two since they are pushing the global agenda and are , thus, useful. I have no way of knowing. Perhaps he has spoken to them in private.
What should be stressed by the church in all denominations is this:
Christ’s Kingdom is not of this world and will not be brought in politically. Jesus rebuked the early disciples for wanting to restore Israel.
Also there are a couple of interpretations regarding what the “mark of the beast” is in Revelation. One is that it was referring to the Roman coin during the era of Christ with the head of a Caesar on it (or the near like). Others believe it refers to an actual mark associated with a coming economic system for buying and selling. I do know that some passages in Scripture are two-pronged, as were prophecies about the coming of Christ a first and a second time. So, is it far fetches to say that this mark of the beast could be two-pronged, too?
The point it, Covid and COVID passports (to buy and sell in some nations) may be harbingers/trends of what is coming with a global reset. As the church acquiesces and helps bring about such an order, we have to ask why — since we know His kingdom is not of this world.
Christians will not have the power to resist if they are clueless as to what is going on behind the scenes in DAVOS. Also, why leave them “clueless” about the orchestrated deconstruction of their children’s gender in public schools now. (“You don’t know what you are until you’ve tried it.”) A retired, teacher, I have seen this personally. Do most rank and file Christians even ask why China is going after American’s DNA, or if electronic connection or records and surveillance that occurs via I-phones is, long-term dangerous for them? If they find conservative medial disgusting, they should go straight to The New York Times and several CBS broadcasts relative to what China is doing. Organ harvesting, e..g, of religious minorities in China is for transplants, and transplants need DNA information.
Why is it, too, children in some schools in the U.S. are now being asked to report on parents at home?
People, I am a Washingtonian and have also worked in Congress on both sides of the aisle.
The elites from both sides of the aisle benefit economically with deals made abroad, and they have each other’s back.
And they push policies to protect their assets.
You need to make it your business what is going on, and if your churches are silent, go around them.
Those silent are either simply scared to make waves OR are complicit.
It is safe and makes one feel safe to live in a bubble and to believe what you are told. Read the press in other nations. Read what doctors in Israel report on diseases, because those who dissent in the U.S. will be labeled as spreading misinformation. (Some do, but some don’t.)
Always remember what we are told in Scripture:
We are not wrestling against flesh and blood.
The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but I have come to give you life.
His kingdom is not going to be brought in by this President or any President.
Are we willing to “come out and be separate” from the mindsets of this world?
I wish I could edit my first response. No way to do it on this site. Here is is again, edited.
Read this book by Dr. Taylor Marshall, a former Protestant who became Catholic.
However, in some ways he has become like a modern Luther in the church.
Infiltration: The Plot to Destroy the Church from Within
He doesn’t directly attack Francis, the current pope. He does however point the latter’s agenda leading toward a one world government (and how he differs with Benedict and came to power with Benedict still being alive). Francis has been deeply influenced by liberation theology and is very pro open borders — which is very likely why our President and Ms. Pelosi are pushing this stuff, as “good Catholics”. (Remember, both at some deep level tie church approval of them to their own salvation.)
Interestingly the Pope has been silent on Ms.Pelosi’s recent support of codifying an extreme abortion bill (by the standards of many nations, not to mention the church’s position). Yet, about 6 bishops, an archbishop, and a Vatican cardinal have called her out. She and Joe are given communion by a priest at Holy Trinity in Georgetown as a “go around” to their being discipled elsewhere by the church.
I have wondered if the Pope has been silent on discipling these two since they are pushing the global agenda and are , thus, useful. I have no way of knowing. Perhaps he has spoken to them in private.
What should be stressed by the church in all denominations is this:
Christ’s Kingdom is not of this world and will not be brought in politically. Jesus rebuked the early disciples for wanting to restore Israel. Also, the Ascension of Christ, who was taken up and did not initiate His own ascension, is a model of how salvific actions happen: at the initiative of God, not man or man’s systems, be it church systems or political ones.
Also, there are a couple of interpretations regarding just what the “mark of the beast” is in Revelation. One is that it was referring to the Roman coin during the era of Christ with the head of a Caesar on it (or the near like). Others believe it refers to an actual mark associated with a coming economic system for buying and selling. I do know that some passages in Scripture are two-pronged, as were prophecies about the coming of Christ a first and a second time. So, is it far fetched to say that this mark of the beast could be two-pronged, too?
The point is, COVID and COVID passports (to buy and sell in some nations) may be a harbinger/trends of what is coming with a global reset. As some in our churches acquiesce and help bring about such an order, we have to ask why — since we know His kingdom is not of this world.
Christians will not have the power to resist what may be coming if they are clueless as to what is going on behind the scenes in DAVOS, WHO, and the like. Also, why would church leaders not want help believers learn about the orchestrated deconstruction of their children’s gender in public schools now. (“You don’t know what you are until you’ve tried it.”) A retired, teacher, I have seen this personally. I’ve had students ask me if they are born gay because they have been told that by teachers who are totally into biological determinism as being the sole determinant of human behavior and gladly put out pronouncements about this or that (not simply this issue).
Do most rank and file Christians even ask why China is going after American’s DNA, or if electronic connection or records and surveillance that occurs via I-phones is, long-term, dangerous for them? If they find conservative medial disgusting, they should go straight to The New York Times and several CBS broadcasts relative to what China is doing. Organ harvesting, e..g, of religious minorities in China is for transplants, and transplants need DNA information. The WHO’s head is joined at the hip in some ways with the President of C. who is giving economic aid to Ethiopia. “In return”?
Why is it, too, children in some schools in the U.S. are now being asked to report on parents at home?
People, I am a Washingtonian and have also worked in Congress on both sides of the aisle.
The elites from both sides of the aisle benefit economically with deals made abroad, and they have each other’s back.
And they push policies to protect their assets even when policies could take away American freedoms. (They are basically immune from prosecution for any crime, especially in a DC court). (Also, many go around what is happening in pubic schools by sending their children to private schools.)
You need to make it your business to find out what is going on, and if your churches are silent, go around them. They don’t control the totality of the news OR your salvation. Baptists should not fear censorship by the higher ups who have feet of clay, too. The greatest asset from my Baptist heritage is the total belief of priesthood of all believers. Stand in that. ASK the questions.
Allow no man or woman to “chain the Word of God” or reduce it to what it is not. Timothy was told to divide the Word of Truth correctly.
Discernment. Call the church leaders back to that standard when they deviate.
Become prophetic people, too. Cozy church days may be over.
Those silent are either simply scared to make waves OR are complicit. Your children need to see your courage, as the times the live in are going to be much harder than the ones we lived in post-World War II.
In the 1970s I was drawn by the Holy Spirit to read books about Christian martyrs. Why? I asked myself. I sensed even then that I might live to see martyrs in the U.S. and God wanted me to start preparing myself. My husband’s ancestor, The Reverend John Fletcher, was one of the first Anglican ordinands in England and was ordained by Nicholas Ridley, martyred at Oxford, for his bold faith. The family new the man who wrote Foxes Book of Martyrs. Little did I know then I would be joined in marriage with a family who have lived with the reality Martyrdom, but I do also derive from French Huguenots, with one of my ancestors being killed in the St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacres. I carry the blood of martyrs, as do many of you even if you do not know it.
It is safe and makes one feel safe to live in a bubble and to believe what you are told. Read the press in other nations. Read what doctors in Israel report on diseases, because those who dissent in the U.S. will be labeled as spreading misinformation. (Some do, but some don’t.)
Always remember what we are told in Scripture:
We are not wrestling against flesh and blood.
The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but I have come to give you life.
His kingdom is not going to be brought in by this President or any President.
Are we willing to “come out and be separate” from the mindsets of this world?
More so, will we be faithful to Christ in terms of what is coming on earth? Our obedience in all things will mean the salvation of others and the ability of others to overcome.