Breaking Coronavirus Heresies News

Bethel Church Causes County of 175,000 to Lockdown Over COVID Cases

Does God cause Sickness? “I refuse to create a theology that allows for sickness… You can only give away what you have. Can God give away sickness? No: He’s not sick. You can’t give cancer if you don’t have it….Does God ever choose not to heal? No. ~Bill Johnson.

Shasta County in California has announced that they are implementing stricter lockdown policies and curtailing a host of business activities on account of a dramatic spike in COVID cases, the vast majority tied to Bethel Church’s School of Supernatural Ministry (SSM).

The County, which has been in Tier 2 up to this point, made the decision to entered into Tier 1 after 274 positive diagnoses of COVID cases were reported at Bethel’s SSM. As a result of the downgrade, the County is enforcing the following restrictions:

  • Places of businesses like hair salons may be open while abiding by the mask and social distancing rules.
  • Retail stores can be open but with only 25% capacity.
  • Places of worship, gyms, movie theaters, wineries and restaurants will be required to move all services all outdoors.
  • Bars that don’t serve food will be required to close.
  • People who work in offices will be required to work remotely.

The Megachurch of 11,000 has been called out specifically by Dean Germano, chief executive officer for Shasta Community Health Center, after Bill Johnson’s wife, Beni, called masks “worthless” in a since-deleted (but saved here for posterity) video.

“It’s disconcerting to see leadership in any role disavowing the basic public health tenets of distancing and masking…It’s infuriating particularly for those working in the health care side of things (who are) dealing with the repercussions of people failing to do this.”

Many residents of Shasta county are outraged over the actions of Bethel Church, which already has a mixed “love them or hate them” public image, with one business owner saying “It’s because of these idiots that I have to close my business again. I can’t sustain this. I’m going to go bankrupt because these a****** hate science. And I’m not the only retailer who thinks so.” and another commenting “Can you imagine being responsible for a quarter of a million people re-entering lockdown? From a church that is all about miraculous healing and supernatual [sic] miracles? Unreal. ”

Kris Vallotton, a spokesperson for Bethel speaking about the virus spreading among church members, called the criticism unfair:

“I think it’s important to note although we’ve had some spread and our students have participated in that spread, there are churches that have been having services in our city,” he said. “We’re not one of them.”

Bethel shut down their healing houses 8 months ago, discontinued in-person classes at the School of Supernatural Ministry weeks ago, and Bethel Church has been closed since the pandemic began.

Church Featured Heresies Religion

Episcopal Church declares Bishop to be ‘Apostate’ Because He WON’T perform Gay Weddings

The morally and theologically bankrupt Episcopal Church, long given over to Satan and all his minions and which likely boasts less than 1% believers within their ranks, further cemented their reputation as an enemy of God with a “guilty” ruling against the last clerical holdout who had been contesting the Church’s position on the acceptance of gay marriage.

The Episcopal Church of North America concluded a disciplinary hearing last week and unanimously determined that William Love, the Bishop who presides over the diocese of Albany, violated canon law after he wrote a letter to the churches in his diocese prohibiting them from performing same-sex weddings.

Bishop Love, who by all accounts has been fighting the good fight within the Episcopal church and is one of the last faithful men standing, was savaged by the disciplinary hearing because he refused to comply with Resolution B012. The Resolution, passed in 2018, requires any priests unwilling to perform gay marriages to get another priest willing to preside over that blasphemy to do so in his place.

Love issued a now-widely circulated letter in 2018 which called out the resolution for the monstrous perversion it is, writing that:

The Episcopal Church and Western Society have been hijacked by the “Gay Rights Agenda” which is very well organized, very strategic, very well financed, and very powerful. Satan is having a heyday bringing division into the Church over these issues and is trying to use the Church to hurt and destroy the very ones we love and care about by deceiving the leadership of the Church into creating ways for our gay and lesbians brothers and sisters to embrace their sexual desires rather than to repent and seek God’s love and healing grace. B012 plays right into this…

It is in direct conflict and contradiction to God’s intent for the sacrament of marriage as revealed through Holy Scripture.

B012 ignores God’s Word regarding marriage and thus ignores the authority of Holy Scripture. When asked about marriage and divorce, Jesus stated, ‘But from the beginning of creation, God made them male and female. Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.’

As a result of losing the hearing, he has opted not to appeal, believing it would have no good result or impact. Love will learn of his fate in a few weeks, with the consensus that he will be defrocked and excommunicated from the Church, and thus removing the last faithful Bishop from their midst.

In recent years, Episcopal congregations who could not abide by the apostasy of their denomination created and fled to the Anglican Church of North America (ACNA), which holds to the biblical view of marriage. Despite their faithful belief on the issue of same-sex marriage and morality, however, the ACNA still have several problematic beliefs, such as the acceptance of the ordination of women.

Featured Heresies Religion

Pat Robertson Mocks Christians for Believing Creation Account

TBN’s resident superincentarian pontificator, Pat Robertson, recently made fun of Christians for believing God made the world like the Bible says. Atheists and God-mockers are having a hoot over it. Robertson – who believes that he has the power to put up forcefields against hurricanes – doesn’t believe God has the capacity to create the world ex nihilo or tell a story correctly.

On his 700 Club program, Robertson made the claim that it’s “foolish” to think God made the world in six days.

Robertson said, “… I don’t think most Christians are stupid enough to believe that other…The other is the Ussher theory…if you added all the generations from Adam until the current time, and you say, “Alright, that adds up to 7,000. Okay. And so, therefore, the Earth’s only 7000 years old.” Well, that’s just nonsense.

He went on, “I mean, there are just too many geological factors, too many things that have happened on our Earth. The Earth is about 14 billion years old, and there’s just no question about it.

Standing in the way between Christians and God’s account of creation are…dinosaurs.

Robertson said, “You’ve got the dinosaurs. You’ve got all the things that have happened on this Earth. And there’s too much geology, I mean, it’s just established science. So the idea of having a 6-7,000-year Earth is just…It’s just…Any Christians who believe that, just, I’m telling you that, they aren’t very up on today’s…I believe science! I mean, let’s face it! You know, God didn’t…This whole planet was set up for God’s purpose. The universe is tuned for life. But it didn’t get here in 6-7,000 years! It got here over…almost 14 billion years to get this Earth to where it is right now.”

Watch below.

Of course, when Jesus made really good wine for his first public miracle in the Gospel of John, it would have appeared to one’s taste-buds to be 6 or so years old (wine only gets better with time to a point, and six or seven years is the peak age for taste). One would presume if the wine was tested in a lab or placed under a microscope, it might have indeed appeared to have been six or seven years old.

But it wasn’t. Jesus made it afresh with six vats of water (ahem).

If someone came upon Adam on the 8th or 9th day they would have presumed that he was twenty or thirty (or however many) God made him to appear. But he would have been only a few days old.

If someone saw Eve the day after she was formed from Adam’s rib, they would have sworn she was a post-pubescent woman in her teens or twenties. But she would have been only a day old.

If someone came upon the world on the 4th Day of Creation and seen the mighty oaks and fruit trees and lush vegetation on the face of the earth they might presume it had been hear for decades or centuries…but they would have been wrong.

Likewise, Pat Robertson is wrong. And he’s also a fool (on numerous levels).

Certainly not! Indeed, let God be true but every man a liar… (Romans 3:4)

[HT These godless yokels for the transcript]

Evangelical Stuff Featured Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics

Theologically Bankrupt LifeWay Halts Legal Action Against Morally Bankrupt Thom Rainer

The world’s worst organization, LifeWay Christian Resources, has taken a step back from the brink and has put a hold on its breach of contract lawsuit against the winner of the 2018 Worst Christian award, former president Thom Rainer.

LifeWay was suing Rainer for violating his non-compete clause by heading out to enjoy a multi-book, multiyear agreement with rival Tyndale Publishing House while still serving as chief advisory officer for LifeWay. The suit claims this action violated their severance deal, as it would have allegedly given Tyndale a competitive advantage.

Rainer, you’ll recall, won the award for overseeing the existentially egregious empire known as LifeWay Christian Resources, the Southern Baptist Convention publishing arm that has produced, packaged, and sold a deluge of inspiringly awful material; a cornucopia of heretical trash that has run roughshod over the souls of many who turned to their offerings for guidance, wisdom, and sound biblical teaching. Page after page of theological “filthy rags” was produced and pushed under Rainer’s watch, and he made a mint doing it.

One particularly noteworthy act of scumbbagery was with the pushing of “heavenly tourism” books. Rainer was warned in emails that Alex Malarkey was recanting his book, The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven, but he mocked the messenger and dismissed his concerns and continued to sell the book. When Malarkey’s Open Letter to Lifeway (originally posted on this very news site) made international news, Thom Rainer’s spokesperson at Lifeway lied and said he just heard about the book being fraudulent, and immediately pulled it down. When we released the emails showing Rainer knew much sooner and didn’t care, choosing to profit from the book anyway, Rainer simply said, “No comment.”

In any case, LifeWay has decided to go a different route and seek a resolution with Rainer instead of blindsiding him with a bunch of legal action, a move that would not reflect well on either party. Trustee chairman Todd Fannin acknowledged the change of tactic, saying:

In lieu of moving forward with litigation, both parties are currently exploring the possibility of an agreed-upon resolution of the differences. Our continued prayer is that this will be resolved quickly and amicably.

Conspiracy Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics

Bethel Church’s Bill Johnson: ‘Not Voting Makes you a Contributor to Evil – Voting Releases Power of God into the Atmosphere’

Bethel Church’s Bill Johnson, a man who has given so many false “words of knowledge from the Lord” that the prophets of Baal and Asherah are rolling in their graves, burning in incorporeal jealously at why they had to be cut down in the Kishon Valley although Johnson gets off scot-free, has once again turned the providentially mundane into something deeply weird.

Appearing at Todd White’s Lifestyle Church service, the invertebrate pastor touched briefly on politics, bringing some of that California charismatic woo-woo to the state of Texas, saying:

“There are tens of millions of believers who did not vote in the last election, and I’ll tell you why: is because they don’t believe their vote matters. They don’t believe that when you do a natural thing a spiritual power is released.

They actually believe that the world is supposed to get worse and worse and that’s when the Lord comes back, and so why work against that which brings Jesus back to earth? They don’t have an expectation of the glory of God, they have an expectation of the increasing evil, and that would be the sign that brings the Lord back, so why work against the purposes of the Lord?

So they actually become contributors, their silence makes them a contributor to the growing evil in the land.

Physical obedience brings spiritual release. Every time you vote in Jesus’ name’ you release the power of God into the atmosphere. You’re not voting by yourself, there’s an angelic presence with you that is shouting ‘amen’ to voting the value system of heaven. Stop voting for personality, start voting for values.

Refusing to vote for a candidate in either a local, statewide or national election of whatever stripe, political or otherwise, because one’s conscience binds them and prevents them from doing so does not make someone a “contributor to evil.”

Furthermore, God’s power is already everywhere. He is omnipresent and omnipotent. It’s not like people are micro-dosing on God’s power through the power of their vote, releasing puffs of glory clouds into the atmosphere every time they head to the ballot box while celebratory angels dance on the heads of pins at the news that Mrs. Perry has been elected to the board of the Library because you voted the value system of heaven and released a flood of spiritual power.

If the charismatics could stop laying bizarre theological blankets on top of everything, that would be great.

Heresies News Social Justice Wars

The Gospel Coalition Announces New Podcast on Race and Social Justice, Causes Every Biblical Christian’s Eyes to Roll

The Gospel Coalition, that hive of scum and villainy who have completely soiled their reputation as a once formerly biblical organization and now sit on the floor and crying and whining in their own filth about white supremacy, Q-anon conspiracies, white privilege, black lives matter, social gospel, racial injustice, and whatever other chunks of foul theological matter they’ve pulled from their diaper and have managed to fling at their social media pages, has announced a new Podcast airing in October that is sure to pass on sound, biblical wisdom on race, justice and unity. Wink wink.

Like a kick to the groin or a punch to the side of the head, this podcast can count themselves among those vexations in terms of how badly it is needed. Even from the promo, we get such gems as:

White supremacy has no problem destroying white people. To love a white person, to me, is to say ‘you don’t want those chains of white supremacy that deludes around your ankles. It means to drag you to the pit.’

We fully expect to see a litany of every racial trope the Gospel Coalition has been passing on these last few years to be brought up. To say we are unenthused by such prospects would be an understatement.

On the flip side, if anyone does want to hear an actual biblical podcast on those matters, we would recommend Darrel B Harrison and Virgil Walker’s The Just Thinking Podcast. They’ve already covered many of these subjects or topics and you won’t suffer from brain aneurysm from listening to TGC chatter about why all white people are racists or how white skin necessarily means you are a colonizer or whatever other racist postulations come into their imaginations.

Evangelical Stuff Featured Heresies

Bisexual Megachurch ‘Pastor’ Turned Stripper has ‘Never Been Happier’

A Minnesota pastor (henceforward “pastrix” as there is no such thing as a female pastor) who left the pastorate to become a stripper and camgirl has “never been happier,” according to reports.

Nikole Mitchell, 36, started attending Woodlands Baptist Church in St. Paul, MN in 2011, and pursued the pulpit “because of my love for performing.” She recounts how she grew up in a conservative Christian environment where only men could be elders, and so being part of a church that allowed women to be pastors “blew my mind.” She developed an interest in theology and would be the first one in line after the service to ask the pastors questions. This eventually led to an offer to help lead the congregation. The New York Post reports this interaction.

“One of my pastors said ‘Nikole, did you realize that you’re a theologian?’ And they said, ‘We’d like you to be one of our pastors,’ ” she recalled. “To be on stage in front of thousands of people — that’s what I had been dreaming of for years.”

Eager to rise up the ranks, Mitchell — who was also raising three kids now aged, 10, 7 and 4 — snagged a spot as a weekly pastor in 2016.

During her time as pastor, she “read many articles and books, listened to interviews, watched videos,” and even participated in a course on “Queer Theology.” As a result, Mitchell “came to believe that Scripture did not condemn homosexuality” and she became as “passionate advocate” for them.

She discovered/realized that she was queer later that year while chasing and pulling those mental threads, and then went all in. She emerged from the depths of rebellion having given herself fully over to progressive Christianity and eventually atheism, casting off her pastrix mantle and leaving the church in 2017.

Having gone to church my whole life and eventually landing on a preaching team, all I ever knew and did was revolved around the church. But recently, as I started to deconstruct white straight male power and privilege and the patriarchy, I learned how much of my Christianity was the byproduct of white straight male thinking and ideology. As a biracial queer woman, their theology had no room for me.

Since then she has come a long way. She started following her life coach’s wife on Instagram who happened to be a lingerie model and pursued that industry, delving deeper down the rabbit hole.

She now operates an OnlyFans account where she posts X-rated content in exchange for money. Recently she was offered thousands of dollars for a sexual encounter by a paid viewer and was planning on accepting and engaging in some prostitution, but COVID hit and her plans were shuttered. Temporarily.

Mitchell says she doesn’t miss being a megachurch pastor, noting: “My sexuality is incredibly healing and sacred…and when I give this gift to people, it blesses them.”

Church Featured Heresies

Carl Lentz: The Point of Christianity is for Pastors to become Unnecessary

Carl Lentz continues to make clear that he doesn’t understand what his role is as the so-called Pastor of Hillsong Church NYC, much to the great shame of all his congregants who keep on attending. We’ve known this for a while, of course. We knew it when he had an openly homosexual couple leading worship years ago.

We knew it a few months ago when he interviewed the infamous Trinity-denying heretic TD Jakes about racism and black lives matter, in lieu of a church service, fawning over him and encouraging his congregation to follow him. In fact, it was a little more than a month when Lentz said in an interview that Christian churches might be one of the biggest propagators of racist ideology in our country.

Now, in a recent interview with Logan Paul, Lentz set the context by sharing some false teachings with the assembled hosts, declaring that “religion” is terrible and that he doesn’t believe in it. He tells them Christianity isn’t about religion, but a relationship – taking a swing at Roman Catholics and spouting off other half-burnt theology you’d expect to come out of the mouth of a newly saved 11-year-old girl who just started reading the Message bible.

Because Lentz frames Christianity as a relationship and a two-way conversation, it prompts one of the hosts to ask: “Are you more of a facilitator than a church would you say?” Lentz replies:

So Catholicism for instance, their priests are really necessary. Right? The point of Christianity is for the leaders to not be as necessary. So my job is to teach you, or to encourage somebody else to know God so well, where I’m out of the picture. If anything, a pastor should be a bridge. But if you have a religious construct based on the people who are facilitating it, that’s a problem, because you always need me.

So if I’m a pastor or a priest that wants to keep drawing people to me, I’m not going to tell you everything. I don’t want you to be so good. I don’t want you to be so free. I don’t want you to be so free that you don’t need me, so and I’m going to give you a little bit of guilt. I’m gonna preach something that’s a little bit manipulative to keep you coming but we believe the opposite is true. If you preach the truth, people are going to want to keep finding that.

It should go without saying that the Bible is exceedingly clear that pastors and elders are a gift from God to the Church, that they are to exist until Christ comes back, and that they have a variety of purposes and roles. The idea the pastors exist to be a bridge for a time being and then disappear in a puff of vapor because the congregants are so knowledgeable and obedient that they don’t need a shepherd anymore is certainly a new take – credit where credit is due.

His novel take is so deliciously awful and tragically misguided, it’s almost enough to make one wonder if he’s ever read the following 5 verses before, which lays out all those very things he denies and brings great clarity to a mind melted by biblical misapprehension.

He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things. And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:

Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ: Ephesians 4: 10-15

This is not the last of wild things Lentz has said in this interview. The rest will be posted over the next few days.

Featured Heresies News

Jen Hatmaker Mourns Loss of RBG, Says of Her: ‘Well done, good and faithful servant’

Jen Hatmaker, quickly climbing the ranks from “Gadfly False Teacher” to “Arch-Heretic,” has continued to out herself as a vessel of inhabitation for shifty-eyed swine who’d rather not go off a cliff, this time by eulogizing the death of Ruth Bader Ginsberg by bidding her farewell via a benediction from the scriptures that is exclusively reserved for Christians who finish well in the faith, writing:

I cannot say this with more sincerity: ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You fought the good fight, and you finished your race. Enter into your rest, dear sister.’

This bastardization of the scriptures pulls from two sources: “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith,” (2 Timothy 4:7-8) and “His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.” (Matthew 25:23) and demonstrates that Hatmaker isn’t just confused or mildly liberal about this particular facet of human sexuality.

Far from it. Rather, if her church were behaving biblically, she would have been given over to Satan for the destruction of her flesh a long time ago. Yet with the way she’s talking and thinking, absent God miraculously saving her, she’d likely just as soon let the devil take the wheel of her mortal coil and take the old meat wagon for a spin.

It’s not just her, but the thousands upon thousands of women listeners and effeminate men who follow her and comment on her posts are all gushing over her comments, commiserating that they are heartbroken she has passed and wistfully reassure each other with mascara-stained cheeks that they too will soon see Ruth Bader Ginsberg in heaven and will thank her for all she’s done.

In a recent interview, Hatmaker said about her recent spiritual journey

Once I stepped into a place of spiritual curiosity I rotated so many new teachers into my life, completely different voices, totally different faith experiences, absolutely different perspectives, whole new systems of faith and theology and doctrine and interpretation…[Once that happened] I experienced absolute spiritual flourishing.

To say that that the voices talking to her were Legion would be an understatement.

Evangelical Stuff Featured Heresies

Church Apologizes for ‘Breasted Jesus with Makeup’ saying ‘The Goal Was to Emphasize Diversity’

The Church of Iceland has apologized for a ‘woke’ ad showing a bearded, breasted Jesus wearing makeup, and has removed it from their social media pages. This despite it being evident this apostate Church has no idea why it was offensive and in fact, plans further blasphemies involving the Lord of Glory over the coming weeks.

Appearing less than a week ago, the advertisement appeared on the National Church’s Facebook page and was intended to welcome people to Sunday school, yet featured a jiggly Jesus dancing under a rainbow.

The cost of the ad was $14,716.70 and though removed from social media after intense backlash- little from within the Church itself- it will be featured on Reykjavík buses for several more weeks. The church has said in a statement:

“The 2020 Assembly of the National Church regrets that the picture of Jesus in a Sunday school advertisement has hurt people. The goal was to emphasize diversity, not to hurt people or shock them,”

The ‘Church of Iceland’ or the “National Church’ are both monikers for the ‘Evangelical Lutheran Church of Iceland’ which is the officially established Christian church in Iceland and is endorsed by the state. It supports women’s ordination, same-sex marriage, and abortion, and can be likened to the ELCA.

A media representative for the heretical denomination, Petur Georg Markan, explained that it was important to depict Jesus in drag in order to magnify diversity.

“In this one, we see a Jesus who has breasts and a beard. We’re trying to embrace society as it is. We have all sorts of people and we need to train ourselves to talk about Jesus as being ‘all sorts’ in this context.

Especially because it’s really important that each and every person see themselves in Jesus and that we don’t stagnate too much. That’s the essential message. So this is okay. It’s okay that Jesus has a beard and breasts.”

This non-church church has stated that while they are removing the transgendered Jesus, they do have another ad campaing planend from the samne agency which will feature “Jesus making a contribution to environmental issues.”