The Gospel Coalition Announces New Podcast on Race and Social Justice, Causes Every Biblical Christian’s Eyes to Roll

The Gospel Coalition, that hive of scum and villainy who have completely soiled their reputation as a once formerly biblical organization and now sit on the floor and crying and whining in their own filth about white supremacy, Q-anon conspiracies, white privilege, black lives matter, social gospel, racial injustice, and whatever other chunks of foul theological matter they’ve pulled from their diaper and have managed to fling at their social media pages, has announced a new Podcast airing in October that is sure to pass on sound, biblical wisdom on race, justice and unity. Wink wink.
Like a kick to the groin or a punch to the side of the head, this podcast can count themselves among those vexations in terms of how badly it is needed. Even from the promo, we get such gems as:
White supremacy has no problem destroying white people. To love a white person, to me, is to say ‘you don’t want those chains of white supremacy that deludes around your ankles. It means to drag you to the pit.’
We fully expect to see a litany of every racial trope the Gospel Coalition has been passing on these last few years to be brought up. To say we are unenthused by such prospects would be an understatement.
On the flip side, if anyone does want to hear an actual biblical podcast on those matters, we would recommend Darrel B Harrison and Virgil Walker’s The Just Thinking Podcast. They’ve already covered many of these subjects or topics and you won’t suffer from brain aneurysm from listening to TGC chatter about why all white people are racists or how white skin necessarily means you are a colonizer or whatever other racist postulations come into their imaginations.
What a joke. EVERY decent Christian organization and church should be denouncing these anti-White marxist frauds.
The fact there are well-meaning Christians who drink in this racist, idiotic drivel is troubling, but not surprising.