Critical Race Theory Evangelical Stuff Featured Heresies Social Issues Social Justice Wars

Holy Woke! VP of NAMB’s SEND Network: ‘Gospel is Not Good News without Economic Restoration’

Dhati Lewis, the Lead Pastor of Blueprint Church in Atlanta, Georgia and the Vice President of Send Network with the North American Mission Board (NAMB) has some wild things to say about what the gospel is and isn’t, adding another brick in the wall of our claims that the SBC is going to hell in a handbasket over their failure to cut off and cauterize this progressive gangrene.

Dhati made the following comments on Sept 21 on his Where life exists channel.

Props to @WokepreacherTV for the video and transcript:

The gospel is not simply a message for the afterlife. It has real-time, real-life applications for our day-to-day lives. We see it modeled perfectly in the life of Jesus. We know he met the spiritual needs of people, but we also know that he met emotional needs, as well. He met economic needs and also social needs. He healed the sick, challenged corruption in leaders and systems. He honored the poor and the outcasts. Wherever Jesus went, holistic restoration was taking place.

The gospel is not good news without spiritual redemption and restoration, but the gospel is also not good news without emotional, economic, and social restoration, as well. The good news of the kingdom is that God is establishing a new order where all things, spiritual, emotional, economic, and social, are restored to their original, sinless design.

So let’s take a look at the gospel using my tool that have called the Three Circles. Traditionally, this is how we share the gospel, right? We see on here: God’s design. What do we mean? God created the world, and it was good. We lived in perfect relationship with God, with one another, and his creation. However: sin. Adam and Ever came in, sinned, and the whole world was put under a curse, bringing separation between us and God, and that’s why we understand and we look at brokenness. But the problem is is that we only are addressing spiritual brokenness. Sin led to our spiritual brokenness. We cannot earn our salvation, but we try to anyway. We look to sex, money, power, fame, and so many other things to try to get back to God. But they only lead us further and further away.

But when we learn the truth of the gospel, we learn that Jesus came to earth, died for our sins, and rose again, and that if we repent and believe, then we can have access to God. The Holy Spirit indwells in us [sic], gives us the power to recover and pursue God’s design for us, to live in perfect harmony with him.

But! Do you recognize how this gospel presentation falls short? Sin caused brokenness to more than just our spiritual needs. I believe Tim Keller is spot on when he says we must neither confuse evangelism with doing justice nor separate them from one another. You see, the gospel demands the church engage holistically with our cities.

But hey, as our #BigEva overlords tell us: There’s no liberal drift in the SBC.

Folks, it’s time to lose the leg.

Evangelical Stuff Heresies Social Justice Wars

SBC Pastor: Critical Theory, Intersectionality Spreading like ‘Gangrene’ at SEBTS

Southern Baptist Pastor details examples of Critical Theory infecting Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Buck: ‘Standpoint Epistemology is root of Identity Politics.’
Buck: ‘Whether Dr. Akin realizes it or not, the language he employs was spawned by Critical Theory and Intersectionality advocates.’

(Captsone Report) Southern Baptist seminaries are infected by Critical Theory and Intersectionality, according to Southern Baptist pastor Dr. Tom Buck. Buck, pastor of First Baptist Church Lindale, Texas, detailed the problems of these godless ideologies infiltrating SBC seminaries with a focus on the problems at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS).

Dr. Buck explains that in a recent SEBTS chapel service the seminary President invoked elements of Critical Theory in a discussion of hermeneutics.

According to Dr. Buck, “Dr. Akin implies that there’s a particular way that White Southern Males read the Bible as opposed to Northwestern Black Lesbians, and while he’s correct that we all have biases that can influence us. The problem is he imports race and gender identities into the discussion of…

To continue reading, click here

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Capstone Report Staff and published there. Title changed by Protestia.

Charismatic Nonsense Featured Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics

Francis Chan Claims to Be Jesus, Heals Whole Village without the Holy Spirit

Francis Chan has upped the theological ante recently, going from the relatively sound reformed pastor, through Bill Johnson-loving charismatic, to a full-fledged faith healer, and now to Jesus in the Flesh when he described in a recent video how he laid hands and healed a whole village in Myanmar, ostensibly without the Holy Spirit.

Chan has a particularly irritating way of speaking, where his modus operandi is to consistently engage in religious performance art, not unlike Todd White who falls to his knees red-faced and weeping every three sentences or a certain baptist and pentecostal segment of preachers who insert “-ah” after every few words.

In Chan’s case, he reads the scriptures and preaches like he has an intestinal blockage, with strained features and gasping breaths, as if he’s fighting to speak when he’s not gesticulating wildly. It’s all a show, and it’s sad that some find it convincing.

But in his “Final Message to America,” Francis describes how he laid hands on he healed an entire village of unbelievers, ascribing his success to alleged miraculous machinations, rather than the normative means that Christ saves. He says:

Every time I pray nothing would happen, but that night in that village, I’m going God these people have believed one thing their whole lives, and there’s some really elderly people sitting at my feet. How am I supposed to convince them that this message that contradicts everything they’ve ever believed is true? God you have to do something. There’s little children here. I have no power. I’m speaking through a translator. You need to do something. Please. Visit. Show them one night of Power like nothing they’ve ever seen in their lives, begging God for this.

And believing, believing scriptures, scriptures that I memorized as a high school student came alive in me. Where I believe that Christ and I are one. And I was walking around that village and going ‘this is no different than if Jesus walked through this village.’

Because he says I can do whatever he did, and I can do greater things than he did. John 14:12. and I go I memorized that as a high school student and I believe it right now. I am Jesus right now. He and I are one. He abides in me, I abide in him. These are not just memory verses.

We seem to recall scripture about wicked and adulterous generations looking for a sign, but more importantly, this is a complete abrogation of John 16:7-1, which says:

Nevertheless, I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you.  And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:  of sin, because they do not believe in Me; of righteousness, because I go to My Father and you see Me no more; of judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged.

For Francis Chan, however, the preaching of the word and the power of the Holy Spirit was insufficient to save. You heard him say it. “I have no power.” In fact, there’s not even a recognition of the Holy Spirit to bring about faith and repentance.

Because he has no power, and the preaching of the gospel doesn’t quite cut it, he needs that “poison drinking, serpent handling power” to get things done. Perhaps Chan has an extra verse tacked on to the back end of Romans 10:14, which after saying, “and how shall they hear without a preacher?” adds, “and how shall they believe without signs and wonders?”

This is notwithstanding that Chan is promoting some sort of TOS (Theosis on Steroids), a position he assumes by saying “I am Jesus right now” and likened himself walking through a village as literally NO DIFFERENT than if Jesus was walking through that village and engaging in mass healings of bad backs.

We await with bated breath to see where Chan goes next.

Evangelical Stuff Featured Heresies

Breaking: Supreme Court Declines to Hear Satanists Abortion Suit

Followers of the “Father of lies” who hoped to get a hearing for their court case challenging and overturning Missouri’s pro-life laws were left feeling damned and disappointed after the supreme court declined their lawsuit and dismissed it. This was the final nail in the coffin for the Plaintiff, Judy Doe, who had been claiming that the abortion restrictions violated the tenets of her satanic faith.

According to the unfriendly Friendly Atheist (TFA):

“As the law stands in Missouri if a woman wants an abortion, the state requires her to wait 72 hours before obtaining one, hands her a booklet designed to change her mind by saying life begins at conception, requires her to be given the option of looking at an ultrasound which is supposed to guilt-trip her out of having the abortion and makes her sign a document saying she was given the book and ultrasound opportunity.

The sketchy Satanists, who were last seen raffling off a free abortion (really) have been appealing their case, “Doe, Judy v. Parson, Gov. of MO, after being ruled against or dismissed every step of the way since they took it up in 2019.

The suit has been claiming that Missouri and their pesky anti-baby-killing regulations (Editor’s note. These states need to stop it with the wheel-spinning pro-life regulation and engage in some robust abortion abolition) violates the Plaintiff’s “First Amendment right to “exercise [her] freedom to believe abortion is not immoral and act upon their belief without interference or influence by the State of Missouri.

Specifically, they say it “violates her belief in The Satanic Tenets as a condition for getting an abortion in Missouri.” In this case, that tenet is “one’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.”

Though they may be defeated, for now, they’ll likely put their bad intentions to bad use in the near future, and we’ll be here to talk about it when they do.

Evangelical Stuff Heresies Social Justice Wars

Heartbreaking! Watch Young Kid Get ‘Baptized’ into Transgenderism at Woke Church

(NotTheBee) There should be a word for that emotion you feel when something simultaneously breaks your heart and enrages you.

That’s the thing I feel when I watch this video of these fake Christian leftists ritualistically baptizing a helpless child into transgenderism as though it were a sacrament.

What is that boy, 8? 9? (Editor’s note. 4.)

Do you for one second believe that he “decided to be a girl” on his own? Literally a zero percent chance.

His mother, who is clearly the head of his family, brainwashed him into…

To continue reading click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Adam Ford and published at Not The Bee. Title changed by Protestia. Original Video replaced with a higher quality one due to low-res.

Featured Heresies

John Piper Says “Critical Theory” Is Just an Insult

John Piper claimed in an article today that “Critical Theory” is just used as an insult and as a pejorative and has no real, substantive meaning. Below, JD Hall explains that Piper’s claims are common among evangelicalism’s leftwing who seek to deconstruct arguments and play loose and fast with terms.

As we are commanded to “mark and avoid” false teachers, it’s pivotal to use accurate definitions and words as they are intended. Calling someone a Critical Theorist is not an insult; it is a description.

Conspiracy Evangelical Stuff Heresies Op-Ed

Real-Life Example of How SBC Churches Get Away with Having Female Pastors: Al Mohler Take Note

Back in August, the future president of the Southern Baptist Convention, Albert Mohler, said there are no female pastors within the SBC. He said this multiple times in fact, over and over, as if wishing could make it so, and demonstrating that he’s either lying or he’s just completely oblivious to the facts on the ground of the denomination he’s looking to lead.

He said during his show:

And if you just take the headline at face value, it tells us that the majority of Southern Baptist women, the word of the headline was, “most,” would welcome a woman as pastor of the church. That’s rather stunning when you consider the fact that out of the almost 40,000 churches associated with the Southern Baptist Convention, not one of them has a woman as pastor. 

Over the course of this segment, he says the same thing over and over again.

The problem with that is not one of those churches has a woman as pastor…We’re talking about 40,000 churches. And at the moment, I don’t believe that a single one of them has a woman as pastor…Again, the math, 40,000 roughly, and the other column zero. That’s not a close call…Again, 40,000 in one column, zero in the other…If Southern Baptists want Southern Baptist churches to have pastors who are women, they can do it, but they don’t do it.

In that same article, we went through 500 of the biggest SBC churches in America, visited every website, and found that nearly 10% of them had women pastrixes on staff. That’s shocking, especially that was only women who had the title of “Pastor.” If you look at all the ones who had titles of “Minister” it would have been closer to 20%.

But we decided to pick just one of those churches to show how this happens. In this case, First Denton Church in Denton, Texas.

We reached out to this church and asked if they were associated with the SBC, and they affirmed that they were. Then we inquired:

“I ask because I saw your church mentioned as an SBC church, and yet while I was checking out your website and it said you had a woman pastor on staff, which is against the Baptist Faith and Message. So I’m a little confused by that. Is your church in good standing with the convention?

The response?

“We are in good standing with the SBC as the BFM 2000 states “While both men and women are gifted for service in the church, the office of pastor is limited to men as qualified by Scripture”. Though our children’s minister serves under the title of Next Gen Pastor, the office of pastor in our church is reserved for our head pastor, Dr. Jeff Williams. Our children’s pastor, myself, and all of our staff are under his God-appointed leadership as our pastor. “

So it’s pretty simple to see how they and a lot of wily Southern Baptist Churches engage in these artful schemes, with the Credentialing Committee not caring even a bit.

Yes we have a woman pastor on staff.
Yes she has the the title of ‘pastor’.
Yes she functions in the role of pastor.
Yes she is recognized by our congregation as a pastor.

But she doesn’t hold the OFFICE of pastor, so therefore she’s good.

The other seven men who comprise the rest of the pastoral team, such as executive pastor, college pastor, worship pastor, young adult pastor, missions pastor, and adult life pastor? They’re in the same boat. They likewise have titles but are not functioning in the ‘office’ of pastor either, with only the head honcho senior pastor assuming that role, letting the womenfolk pastrixes have free reign to normalize their blasphemous existence within the life of the body.

And they’re hiding behind the BFM 2000 as they do it.

Mohler? Do you have a pen? Are you taking notes? I sure hope so.

Featured Heresies News Roman Catholic Stuff

Pope and Bishops Congratulate Biden the Butcher for Election Win, Affirm his Catholic Faith

The Roman Catholic Church, led by a cowardly pope who embodies the spirit of antichrist more than any pontiff since Pope Alexander VI, has repeatedly refused to show even a smidgeon of backbone when it comes to abortion-promoting grim reaper Joe Biden, and his little grim reapette Kamala Harris.

The most recent evidence of their lack of vertebrae and indwelling of Beleezebub is the Vatican confirming that the antipope Francis had a friendly phone call on Thursday with the media-presumed president-elect, congratulating him on his win. The call came shortly after Archbishop José H. Gomez, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, sent the following letter to Biden, noting his Catholic faith and dropping not even a hint of rebuke.

We thank God for the blessings of liberty. The American people have spoken in this election. Now is the time for our leaders to come together in a spirit of national unity and to commit themselves to dialogue and compromise for the common good.

As Catholics and Americans, our priorities and mission are clear. We are here to follow Jesus Christ, to bear witness to His love in our lives, and to build His Kingdom on earth. I believe that at this moment in American history, Catholics have a special duty to be peacemakers, to promote fraternity and mutual trust, and to pray for a renewed spirit of true patriotism in our country.

Democracy requires that all of us conduct ourselves as people of virtue and self-discipline. It requires that we respect the free expression of opinions and that we treat one another with charity and civility, even as we might disagree deeply in our debates on matters of law and public policy.

As we do this, we recognize that Joseph R. Biden, Jr., has received enough votes to be elected the 46th President of the United States. We congratulate Mr. Biden and acknowledge that he joins the late President John F. Kennedy as the second United States president to profess the Catholic faith. We also congratulate Sen. Kamala D. Harris of California, who becomes the first woman ever elected as vice president.

We ask the Blessed Virgin Mary, patroness of this great nation, to intercede for us. May she help us to work together to fulfill the beautiful vision of America’s missionaries and founders — one nation under God, where the sanctity of every human life is defended and freedom of conscience and religion are guaranteed.

This is not the first time the Vatican has affirmed Joe Biden’s Catholic faith. Archbishop of New York Timothy Dolan, one of the most influential Catholics in the world and a legitimate contender for the papacy after Francis passes, when hearing of a rogue priest in North Carolina refused to give Biden communion due to his being in mortal sin due to promoting baby-killing, confirmed that if he were in that spot, he would have given him communion.

Likewise, after the one event of his life where he was ever denied the elements, Biden was dumbfounded and aghast that he would be chastised this way, explaining “It’s not a position that I’ve found anywhere else, including from the Holy Father, who gives me Communion.”

Sounds like all these papists are in lockstep.

Evangelical Stuff Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics Scandal

Brian Houston Announces Investigation into ‘Inner Workings’ of Hillsong NYC after Lentz Fallout

Hillsong head honcho Brian Houston has announced that the leadership of the Australian prosperity-preaching megachurch is launching an “independent investigation” into the “inner workings” of their East Coast church plant in light of revelations that fired celebrity senior pastor Carl Lentz was engaging in at least one adulterous affair.

Houston says that the church needs “a solid foundation for a fresh start and new beginning” leading many to believe that there is more than just a wayward pastor and a heap of bad theology at their New York location, but rather the whole foundation is rotten.

Following the revelation that Lentz was breaking his marriage vows and lying to everyone close to him, other rumors of shenanigans at Hillsong NYC have started to bubble to the surface. Given that they are unverified, or at least unable to be properly verified according to our standards, they are not worth repeating. Needless to say, however, when one stone comes loose, the dam frequently bursts.

There is no indication whether or not the results of the investigation will be made public, but we will cover it if it does. We’ll cover it right here.

Charismatic Nonsense Church Evangelical Stuff Featured Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics

A Compendium of False Trump Prophecies by False Prophets

2020 has been a bad year for charismatic prophets. First, they got hit with the wallop that was a worldwide pandemic that not a single charismatic prophet predicted. Not one. Dr. Michael Brown, being essentially an apologist for the devil tried to point out two prophets who “prophesied” about it, but these guys also said it would be diminished and end by Jewish Passover- which was back in April 2020, and that clearly has not happened. As you’d expect, Brown has been silent about that one.

They doubled down on their omission with a bit of commission, when a cornucopia of them prophecied that Trump would win the election, frequently in a “landslide” and a “red wave.”

While we understand that some giant revelations may be revealed that demonstrates voter fraud extensive enough to overcome the tens of thousands of votes that Biden leads by, at this point it’s in the bag and these prophets have been proven false.

Thankfully, we have Steven Kozar of the Messed Up Church to hold some feet to the fire, as he documented just a smattering of this continuationist malfeasance.

Kenneth Copeland, Pat Robertson, Sid Roth, Stephen Strang, Jeremiah Johnson, Kat Kerr, John Hemans, Robert Henderson, Tracy Eckhert, Mark Taylor, Chuck Pierce, Mike Lindell, Kevin Zadai, Tracey Cooke, Paula White, Mario Murilla, Francis Myles, Kim Clement, Robin Bullock, Hank Kunneman, Lance Wallnau, Kris Vallotton, and host of others.

Have you ever seen a more motley crew? False prophets all. The fact that they got it wrong should surprise no one, and should only serve to mark them even more forcefully, so we can avoid them more strenuously.