Church Evangelical Stuff Featured Heresies

LOGOS Enlists Woke Black Church Leaders To ‘Diversify’ Their Resources

The Bible Study Resources company Logos is on a mission to “diversify’ their literary offerings, and they’ve hired a bunch of woke black church leaders to help them do it. According to CT:

Logos has been working for about a year to diversify its Bible study products and has gathered a group of African American Christian leaders to help. They call the group the Kerusso Collective. Kerusso is a Greek verb meaning “proclaim” or “herald” and is used in the New Testament to describe the act of preaching the gospel.

And what a group they’ve gathered! Chauncey Allmond, the National Presented for Logos software explains that “The African American voice is a powerful voice that needs to be heard. There’s a lot of traditions in the African American church that I think Logos is missing out on.”

For this reason, they’ve accumulated for themselves the following folk, along with a few others.

A deeply problematic group, they are going to advise Logos on how they can incorporate black resources to better capture the Black Christian perspective and to better bring to light the ‘black experience’ in the bible,” with Allmond reiterating “We don’t think it’s going to be primarily for the African American audience. We’re looking at it also to serve the white evangelical church because there’s a need there.”

CT explains further:

Damon Richardson, who is also a presenter with Logos Bible Software, said the Kerusso Collective will take that same approach, using African American perspectives to show aspects of the truth of the Scripture that haven’t been visible from other vantage points.

We can’t wait to see what they come up with. By the look of those contributors, far from wondering whether they will incorporate the “black Christian experience” into the software, a bigger concern is whether or not they’ll even incorporate a base “Christian experience” at all.

abortion Featured News

Deranged Abortion Clinic Replaces Christmas Tree Topper with Golden Forceps

(Christian Post) A pro-abortion activist has deleted a tweet featuring a picture of a Christmas tree at an abortion clinic with forceps on top instead of the customary star or angel.

Pro-abortion activist Michael Saenz wrote in the caption of the now-deleted tweet, “IT IS LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE TO TOP OUR TOPPER.” Saenz also used the hashtags #ProAbortion, #Abortions and #Christmas.

Conservatives and pro-life activists were quick to denounce the social media post, with Ben Shapiro tweeting, “‘Celebrate the birth of Jesus with this implement used to dismember babies in the womb’ is a take I didn’t see coming.” 

Lila Rose, founder of the pro-life group Live Action, described the forceps-topped Christmas tree a…

To continue reading, click here.

Editor’s note. This article was written by Ryan Foley and published at the Christian Post. Title changed by Protestia

cancel culture Featured News

University Group says ‘BLT Sandwich’ painted on Campus Rock is a ‘Threat’ to Native Americans

A university Student Union is screaming and crying (probably literally) about a message written on a “free speech rock” at a campus that they say is threatening the lives of Native Americans. The existentially evil, offending phrase? “BLT Sandwich.”

In yet another show that the minds of mush on college campuses are going the be the insecure, tyrannical overlords of tomorrow, Northwestern University has a large rock on campus that students can paint and write things on at their discretion and without permission. It was recently painted orange with a face like a pumpkin, then someone put a pilgrims hat on it for Thanksgiving.

Enter the triggered.

With indignant outrage, Native American students doused it with red paint and wrote slogans and political messages around it, like “Black Lives Matter,” “Land Back,” “Natives Only,” and “Native Land.”

This prompted another participant to erase the previous messages and write phrases like jokey phrases, “BLT Sandwich,” “Olives only,” and “Nativity.”

Triggered x10…

Describing this as an example of “indigenous erasure” and violence towards the students, the Northwestern Graduate Workers wrote in a statement:

These messages pose a threat to Native graduate workers, students, faculty, and staff at Northwestern and are thus intolerable to us as an antiracist and feminist labor union that supports Indigenous sovereignty and resurgence, including the central demand of ‘land back.’


Our community was offered an opportunity to reflect on the history of colonization and the ongoing Indigenous resistance and instead chose to continue our country’s and our University’s history of erasure. For this to occur on the National Day of Mourning [Thanksgiving] and during Native American Heritage Month is heartless and goes to show that Northwestern has yet to confront ongoing white supremacist and settler colonial beliefs within its own community, beliefs that are inherently violent and premised on the genocide and elimination of Native people.

You can see the original document here.

These wokescold children are our future politicians and big tech social media managers, and they are graduating hard and fast all the time and being unleashed (an apropos expression) on the world.

Combat it however you can, and support those who can when you can’t.

Evangelical Stuff Featured Religion Scandal

Jerry Falwell Jr. Comes to Senses: Drops Defamation Lawsuit Against Liberty U

Disgraced Former Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr. has come to his senses and dropped a lawsuit he filed against his former empire, likely realizing that there’s something called “discovery” and deciding he doesn’t want any part of it.

Falwell led Liberty University for 13 years and then was allowed to peacefully leave “on good terms” with a huge multimillion-dollar severance given to him by a cowardly board of trustees despite being embroiled in a sex scandal and a history of inappropriate behavior, started by the infamous yacht photo.

Lawyers for Falwell pulled back the case and the Judge granted the motion to dismiss it, for now, with Falwell having the option to refile it at a later date. He said in a brief statement Thursday:

I’ve decided to take a time out from my litigation against Liberty University, but I will continue to keep all options on the table for an appropriate resolution to the matter.

Falwell claimed in the suit that Liberty violated its employment agreement with him by disparaging him publicly, something they should not be able to do according to his contract, as well as making public comments on the reasons he was leaving. He asserted that these “defamatory or slanderous remarks” wrecked his reputation and caused him immense personal and professional damage.

As to why he’s withdrawn his suite, what likely happened was that Falwell realized that in order for Liberty to demonstrate they had not defamed him with falsehoods, he and family and friends would be deposed and have to answer a series of questions under oath that he definitely did not want to be asked, less his further corruptions and vices be exposed.

With Falwell doing things like throwing Trailer Park Boys themed parties, posing with pants unzipped with a family friend, liking half-naked pictures of models, giving interviews where he’s either drunk or on drugs, or engaging in bizarre weight lifting videos, he likely knew they had more than enough fodder to light that keg.

Interestingly enough, even while Falwell was embroiled in a legal case against his former school, he hasn’t kept too far away from Liberty. He was given a tour of Liberty University’s new Vines Center a few weeks ago, tagging them in an Instagram post.

As for Vines Center’s page, well, they’re posting pictures that certainly seem inspired by their past leader. We’re not sure why they would post pictures like this on an official social media page for a Christian University, which has drawn predictable comments, except to say that clearly, Falwell’s permissive influence over LU is more pervasive than we thought.

Conspiracy Featured

Reports: Vaccine ‘Proof’ Will Be Ultra-Violet Mark Left Under Skin

Despite claims that any correlation between mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations and the Mark of the Beast are “conspiratorial,” the reports are real.

No, we aren’t claiming that COVID-19 vaccines are the Mark of the Beast prophesied in Revelation 13:13-18. But what the Great Coronavirus Panic of 2020 has taught us is that the technology is present to fulfill the Scripture’s prophecy.

“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six” (Revelation 13:13-18).

Of course, by now you realize that the COVID-19 vaccination will probably not be “mandatory” in most First World nations, at least so far as governments are concerned. Our current reality shows us the burgeoning power of the emerging Technocrats who do the majority of the strong-arming these days. After all, it’s not the government normalizing 1984-style censorship and thought control, but the Technocracy.

Reports are also out that many different transporation companies (trains and airlines), businesses and corporations, and schools and colleges will make the vaccine mandatory. Even Ticket Master has promised not to let you attend a public venue without showing your COVID-19 vaccine credentials.

Ontario’s Health Minister, David Williams, laid out his plans to force vaccines through private companies. Williams says, “What we can do is to say sometimes for access or ease of getting into certain settings, if you don’t have vaccination then you’re not allowed into that setting without other protection materials.”

He went on…

“What may be mandatory is proof of … vaccination in order to have latitude and freedom to move around … without wearing other types of personal protective equipment.”

But what many people don’t know is that the technological strides have already been made to implement the COVID-19 vaccine credentials under the skin. However, there’s no indication per se they’ll be in the right hand or forehead (give it time).

The solution to a populace who wants “freedom to move around” without the cumbersome burden of Nazi-style vaccine papers is to just store the data under the skin. The method was created and funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

MIT covered the technological achievement to store vaccine data under the skin last year.

MIT says, “In areas where paper vaccination cards are often lost or do not exist at all, and electronic databases are unheard of, this technology could enable the rapid and anonymous detection of patient vaccination history to ensure that every child is vaccinated.”

The technology is simple. It’s the creation of “a new dye, which consists of nanocrystals called quantum dots, can remain for at least five years under the skin, where it emits near-infrared light that can be detected by a specially equipped smartphone.”

MIT reports, “By selectively loading microparticles into microneedles, the patches deliver a pattern in the skin that is invisible to the naked eye but can be scanned with a smartphone that has the infrared filter removed. The patch can be customized to imprint different patterns that correspond to the type of vaccine delivered.”

Line up, Lemmings. It’s time to get your tattoo.

Featured Religion

Biden Promises to Make All Americans Wear Mask for At Least 100 Days

[Lifesite News] Former Vice President Joe Biden has promised to force Americans to wear a mask for 100 days should he assume office in January, calling it a “patriotic act.” During an address earlier today, Biden broached the subject of mandatory mask wearing by noting that he will enforce masks wherever possible.

“My first 100 days is going to require — I’m going to ask for a masking plan — everyone, for the first 100 days of my administration, to wear a mask.”

Biden announced, “It will start with my signing an order on day one to require masks, where I can under the law, like federal buildings, interstate travel on planes, trains, and buses. I’ll also be working with the governors and mayors to do the same in their states and their cities.”

But in addition to his legal action, the former vice president said he would appeal to the nation in order to encourage mask wearing. “We’re going to require a mask wherever possible, but this goes beyond government action. And so, as the new president, I’m going to speak directly to the American people and say what I’m saying now: We need your help. Wear a mask for just 100 days.”

“It’s the easiest thing you can do to reduce COVID cases, hospitalizations, and death,” he claimed. “Help yourself, your family, and your community. Whatever your politics or point of view — mask for 100 days once we take office.”SUBSCRIBEto LifeSite’s daily headlinesSUBSCRIBEU.S. Canada World Catholic

Biden also went so far as to equate mask-wearing to being a symbol of patriotic duty, stating that a mask is an apolitical action: “100 days to make a difference. It’s not a political statement, it’s a patriotic act.”

He closed by saying that the 100-day mask mandate would only be a beginning of efforts against the spread of the virus. “It won’t be the end of our efforts, but it’s a necessary and easy beginning, an easy start.”

It is not the first time that Biden has promised to make masks mandatory, should he become president. Before the election, he tweeted that he would “implement nationwide mask mandates.”

To continue reading, click here…

[Editor’s Note: This article was written by Michael Haynes and first published at Lifesite News]

Featured Religion

Carl Lentz Goes to Rehab for Pastoral Burnout

Predictably, the ex-pastor checked himself into rehab, which is fundamentally easier to do than just repent.

Checking yourself into rehab after a good public shaming is so common that it’s become a punchline. It’s the first step toward rebuilding one’s reputation. The imaging is simple; blame mental illness or addiction for your scumbag behavior. Then claim recovery. People will subsequently applaud your bravery.

Bam. It’s just that simple.

Claiming he was suffering from “pastoral burnout” (celebrity pastoring must be hard), Lentz is now at rebab.

Lentz’s dalliance into celebrity-driven sin solutions has been reported by Newsbreak, My Christian Daily, and Jezebel. Good Morning America also reported the claim, along with People Magazine.

People writes…

A source close to the former Hillsong pastor tells PEOPLE that Lentz will be seeking “treatment at an outpatient facility that specializes in depression, anxiety, and pastoral burnout,” following his recent infidelity.

It must be hard for Lentz, who has to leave his 16k-a-month rental home in Los Angeles.

If Lentz is legitmately burned out from pastoral ministry, and this is the cause of his behavior, it isn’t new. Reports indicate that the Hillsong organization was aware of his extra-marital affairs (and possible sexual abuse) since at least 2017.

Ultimately, Lentz will land on his feet as a life coach for Hollywood Jesus-brats like Justin Beiber and Selena Gomez. But hopefully in the future he’ll do so without pastoring a (supposed) church and dragging Jesus’ name through the mud.

Featured Religion

Tyler Perry Gives Disgraced Pastor, Carl Lentz, 100k to Pay His Rent

As faithful pastors all over the world go hungry, Hollywood producer, Tyler Perry, gives 100k to Carl Lentz to help pay his rent after he was fired for extramarital promiscuity.

There are tons of needy pastors in the United States, not to mention the world. The vast majority of these men have never been unfaithful to their wife, let alone lived a secret double life of a serial philanderer. But Carl Lentz is not in that number.

Lentz was outed as an adulterer several weeks ago. Afterward, Hillsong executive, Brian Houston, admitted that Lentz had been corrupt for quite some time and had been engaged in multitudinous affairs which he covered up by making his underlings afraid of his power.

Protestia’s progenitor site, Pulpit & Pen, has been warning for years that Carl Lentz was a moral and doctrinal scalawag. Whatever the insanely liberal and ungodly thing can be imagined, Lentz has done it. He supported abortion on Oprah’s program. He took shots with Justin Bieber (fine example there, Carl). He walks around public half-naked and peacocks himself worse than Clayton Jennings. He hired gay choir directors at Hillsong New York and gave their sodomy a giant thumbs-up. He’s sheerly awful.

And yet, Hollywood mogul, Tyler Perry, just dropped Lentz a whopping six figures to help pay his rent in his new Los Angeles mansion.

Dang. Adultery is some good business.

Philanthropy (can you call it that?) is nothing new for the Madea star and director. He also gave aggressive anti-Trinitarian prosperity pimp, TD Jakes, one million dollars several years ago.

According to reports, Lentz was given the cash by Perry to pay for his new house on account of now being jobless, cheating away his successful and lucrative career as a Jesus-y motivational life coach.

Reports indicate, “Perry, 51, covered six months of rent upfront on the 5,000-square-foot, five-bedroom Manhattan Beach home — valued at $4 million — where Lentz, 41, and his family moved after unloading their New Jersey home days before he was sacked from the megachurch for infidelity”.

The Los Angeles home rents for 16 thousand dollars per month.

According to press outlets, Lentz has been “leaning” on Perry since his adultery was uncovered.

Featured Social Issues

Because Being a Lesbian isn’t Radical Enough, Women Now Coming Out As “Men”

The saga of Ellen Page has some sociological significance, if for nothing else, for its being an opportunity for very useful observation. It’s no longer cool enough to be a lesbian. It’s no longer radical. It’s hardly even noteworthy. What woman isn’t a lesbian these days?

No, no. It’s no longer enough to be a lesbian. If you want to make a real counter-cultural splash, you’ll need to fake gender dysphoria and become a man.

That’ll do it.

[The Federalist] “[L]esbian as a category” is vanishing, warns lesbian journalist Katie Herzog over at Andrew Sullivan’s Weekly Dish. She laments that being an out and proud lesbian is no longer cool and notes how women who like women are increasingly “coming out as nonbinary or as men” instead.

Herzog noted this just days before “Juno” and “The Umbrella Academy” star Ellen Page announced on December 1 that she is no longer a lesbian because she’s now a “he” named Elliot. She explained, “I can’t express how remarkable it feels to finally love who I am enough to pursue my authentic self.”

Ellen is still “married” to dancer Emma Portner. Thus, it is unclear what that makes Emma now. PinkNews reported that someone “clumsily” asked her this very question on Instagram, to which Emma curiously replied, “I hope you know my sexual preferences and gender identity are none of your business.”

But it does appear Emma is no longer a lesbian, explaining, “Release your labels of me. I am as fluid as can be.” It certainly was not the questioner who brought up labels. Emma throws them out like candy, describing her new husband (?) as “trans, queer and non-binary” and herself as “genderqueer.” Lesbian is no longer in their lexicon.

It’s more than celebrities. This is a nationwide trend. Lesbian bars are drying up at such a rapid clip that the Lesbian Bar Project is here to save them. While there are more than 63,000 bars across America today, only 15 of them are the lesbian type.

Alabama has precisely as many as California: one each. Texas is the only state with two. New York has three, all in Gotham. This is a dramatic decline from the roughly 200 lesbian joints that dotted our nation in the late 1980s.

LGBT Unfolds as an Attempt to Erase the Sexual Yin-Yang

Each of the lesbians Herzog spoke to for her article asked to be kept anonymous for fear of reprisals from their supposed allies in the queer community. One confirmed, “It’s not cool to be a lesbian in the same way that it’s cool to be queer or trans or nonbinary.” Another expressed that most of her peers now see the term “lesbians as stodgy, old-fashioned, and uncool, whereas queers were hip, edgy, and inclusive.”

Non-binary and queer are the cool new things. Anything that smacks of being a genuine woman is not. The stubborn fact that male and female each have an objective nature will ultimately be the end of contemporary gender theory, and it looks like lesbians are the canary in that coal mine.

Herzog tells of a professor friend who mentioned to a campus colleague that she was lesbian. The woman “reacted like I’d confessed to being a Confederate Lost-Causer.” She was scolded that “the term is outdated and problematic, and I shouldn’t use it.”

The problem is it’s a bit too bio-essentialist and exclusive. So this professor now keeps quiet about her sexuality among her leftist peers. In fact, she added ironically, “it’s like living in a second closet” now.

Lesbianism Is Not What Leftists Say It Is

What’s at work here is about much more than lesbianism simply losing its cool. It involves two fundamental problematic realities inherent in LGBT dogma and practice.

First, lesbianism never was the “thing” its promoters claimed it was. It is certainly not “just the way some people are.” This has been made clear in various ways in the academic literature over the last two decades.

Would it surprise you to know that people who identify as lesbian have much higher pregnancy rates than heterosexual women? It is trueOne study among many explains, “Again, bisexual and lesbian teens were more likely in each region to report pregnancy histories than heterosexual peers.”

Another study examined the pregnancy rates of adult sexual-minority women [SMW], revealing the same thing: “In our supplementary analyses, we found that both unintended pregnancies ending in abortion and unintended pregnancies with other outcomes (e.g., birth, miscarriage) were more common for SMW than heterosexual women.”

In fact, the abortion and birth rates of non-heterosexually identified women is roughly twice that of the heterosexual population. That is a whole lot of baby-making sex going on among women who were supposedly “born lesbian.”

Leading gender theorists have long established that female sexuality, contrary to that of males, is extremely malleable. Professor Lisa Diamond is a giant in this field. In an important TEDx Talk, she explained, “The plain truth is that gender and sexual development show a lot more variability than most people realize, and that variability often leads to change over time in sexual attraction. . . . Sexual attractions show a fair amount of fluidity.”

This is because, Diamond explains, “women are . . . more likely than men to say that they become attracted to—or fall in love with—the person and not the gender.” As such, “women typically report that their unusually strong emotional feelings spill over into sexual desire— . . . even desires that contradict their sexual orientations—as a result of falling in love.” Diamond’s most notable publication is her book “Sexual Fluidity: Understanding Women’s Love and Desire,” published by Harvard University Press.

Another leader in the field, Northwestern University’s J. Michael Bailey, infamously asked in a classic paper whether women even have a sexual orientation as we typically think about it. He explains, “There is an emerging consensus that women’s sexual partner choices are sometimes made for different reasons than men’s.”

“Men,” Bailey adds, “but not women, have a category-specific sexual arousal pattern, one that is usually directed more strongly to members of one sex than to those of the other.” He and his peers in the field conclude that, in general, men have a sexual orientation toward certain body parts. Women have a romantic orientation to the person. This understanding has gained near-universal consensus and explains the high pregnancy rates of so-called lesbians.

Women Must Kneel to Men in Lesbian Bars

Still, lesbianism, such as it is, is also being smashed by the intolerant patriarchy of transgenderism. This is no small thing. The lesbian bar is no longer a women’s space because, the Lesbian Bar Project claims, “the label Lesbian belongs to all people who feel that it empowers them.”

To continue reading, click here…

Featured Religion

Gospel Coalition Uses Preferred Pronouns for Ellen Page

The Gospel Coalition is absolutely insufferable. Following the path of Rosaria Butterfield, one of their gaggle of stray Lesbians in the gay-eunuch class of neo-evangelicalism, they’re using preferred pronouns to refer to women who want to be men.

The Gospel Coalition (TGC) provides zero exposure for former gays and lesbians who have been freed from their previous passions by the Holy Spirit, but regularly feature hominterns who preach that God might change your desires but not your nature. Victorious former-homosexuals will simply not make it onto the pages of TGC, largely because it would make sodomites like Sam Allberry seem less Christian. Instead, TGC chooses only to platform homosexuals like Allberry, Butterfield, Gilson, Perry, McLaughlin and a host of others who insist that those whom God frees, he frees kinda-sorta in a minimalist sort of way.

Today, TGC featured a driveling pity-party post from a lisping daisy and fabulous flamer, Beckett Cook. Cook doesn’t embrace the term “gay Christian” but he happily testifies that he still wants to engage in homosexuality. They first featured a story about Cook in 2019 (for bonus eye-roll points, he met the Gospel Coalition author at a coffee shop called “Intelligentsia”).

In the article, Cook laments that he doesn’t get more flattery and attention from Hollywood.

No, really. That’s the point of the article. And the Friendly Atheist is right for making fun of it.

Throughout the article, Cook compares himself to Hollywood starlet, Ellen Page, who first ‘came out’ as a homosexual in 2014. He laments that Hollywood supports Ellen, who ‘came out’ with gender dysphoria earlier this week, but not him. The general gist is that Hollywood is bigoted against fags who no longer engage in faggotry.

There are a couple of important sociological considerations regarding Page, however. Most notably, it’s beginning to no longer be cool to just be a lesbian. If a gay woman doesn’t eventually come out as a man, she’s just being a basic b-word (or so the argument goes). The Federalist had an excellent piece on the recent blah-ness of lesbianism earlier today.

But a curious accoutrement to the article by the Gospel Coalition’s most recent gay mascott, is his use of Ellen Page’s preferred male name.

Ellen Page, who is a dainty little girl with quite the opposite of masculine features (short hair and chest-binding, a man does not make) prefers to go by the name, Elliot (see below).

And the homintern continues to use the wrong pronouns for Ellen…

And he continues to use the wrong name and pronoun up until the end of the article.

If you’re left with the feeling that the Gospel Coalition is anything but gross, I don’t know what’s wrong with you. It’s a vile mass of gay-saturated, cultural-compromised, social justice gross-ism. The Gospel Coalition is the very picture of the insult projected in Ezekiel 23:20.

Ellen is a woman. Elliot does not exist. Not only is Elliot’s existence scientifically untrue, it is much more importantly, Biblically untrue. And to use the wrong pronouns is to lie about God’s own creation who was the one who made them both male and female (Genesis 5:2).

And before you rant about the liberals having taken over TGC, just remember that “those liberals” happen to be Mark Dever, Albert Mohler, Russell Moore, JD Greear, Tim Keller, and DA Carson (who all serve on its board).