Critical Race Theory Featured Social Justice Wars

Ligon Duncan: “My Very Best Black Friends Have Trouble Trusting Me, For Really Good Reasons”

Dr. J. Ligon Dunan III, the Chancellor and CEO of Reformed Theological Seminary, has been drifting in a big way for years from taking a potshot at John MacArthur for telling Beth Moore to go home last year to partnering with gay priests at conference events, to having a CRT syllabus at his University is at it again, this time demonstrating how compromised he is when it comes to Critical Race Theory and how deeply he’s drunk the bitter lies of the wokefolk.

In this case, during an appearance on The Gospel Coalition’s “As In Heaven” podcast, Duncan says that his black Christian friends are, according to @wokepreachertv, who found the audio “exercising reasonable discernment, not prejudice if they project the horrors of Jim Crow mistreatment onto him personally because of his skin color.”

Really. If you thought he wasn’t that far gone, you were wrong.

After host Jim Davis asks Ligon Duncan what drove him to be part of removing the confederate flag in the state of Mississippi, he responds:

“A lot of it is realizing the huge loss of gospel opportunity that has been this long sad story of Jim Crow and lynching and anti-civil rights and all the other stuff

Can you imagine the gospel impact if Bible-believing Protestants (Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians) had said of their Bible-believing Christian brothers and sisters in Baptist churches and elsewhere: ‘you’re not gonna kill our brothers and sisters in Christ. You’re not gonna defraud our brothers and sisters in Christ. You’re not going to wrongfully imprison our brothers and sisters in Christ. You’re not going to mistreat our brothers and sisters.’

Can you imagine the gospel impact of that? And it’s gonna take us 100 years to overcome the trust issues that have come out of that. I tell people: my very best black friends have trouble trusting me, for really good reasons. Because people like me have been doing awful things to them and to their families for four centuries.

You know? It’s gonna take a while before the trust issues that exist between otherwise good friends in Christ are gonna be addressed. We’ve got generational issues here.”

So for me being able to work on the flag is just one small symbolic thing, one little thing that we can do. And by the way it was a wonderful unifying thing…and it was one way that as a Christian I could help say “we want everyone in this state to know that you’re our neighbors and we want to love our neighbors.”

Featured Heresies LGBTQQIP2SAA News Politics

Georgia Senate Candidate Raphael Warnock Describes Jesus as a ‘Poor Palestinian Prophet’

The Democratic Georgia Senate candidate embroiled in a bloody battle for control of the US Senate has continued to demonstrate his poverty of spirit and riches of hell by describing Jesus as a ‘poor Palestinian Prophet.’

It’s so hard to discover and hear an authentic vision and voice of authentic spirituality that gives voice to the least of these, that when it shows up people describe it as some strange ideology rather than the vision of that poor Palestinian prophet who said that the ‘spirit of the Lord is upon me because God has appointed me to preach good news to the poor..’

To be fair, it’s not the worst thing the heretic has said and done. The Kyle J Howard approved impastor is openly, aggressively, and unapologetically pro-choice, with lesser pro-LGBT and pro-marxism vices.

But hey, these kinds of views are what all the #BigEva and TGC folk wanted when they either openly ordered or gave their approval to vote for the Democrats. To them, there’s nothing wrong with this candidate, and they would love nothing more for him to win and take control of the senate.

Charismatic Nonsense Evangelical Stuff Featured Money Grubbing Heretics News

Francis Chan Butchers Church History: ‘Christians Believed the Same Thing for the First 1500 Years’

Francis Chan sat down with Bible Answer Man Hank Hanegraaff, who went off the deep end and abandoned the scriptures alone when he converted to the Greek Orthodox Church, and Founder of Gospel For Asia KP Yohannan to dive into some deep discussions on what unifies and divides Christians.

In a deeply troubling display of infantilism, Chan spends near the entire time in emotional agony, asking both men basic questions of the faith to the point where you wonder how on earth this man can be a teacher and minister when he is conflicted about so many things and doesn’t seem to understand the tenets and history of Christianity. It’s frightening, and for the ever-increasingly confused Chan, shows his drift towards some form of either charismatic Roman Catholicism or to the Greek Orthodox church itself.

He says:

I want to ask something because I feel like I’m in a place that’s similar to a lot of people, where I’ve been a part of a tradition that basically allows every individual to go in his office or his basement and just kind of come up with an interpretation and then get as many followers as they can.

And so it’s almost a popularity contest of ‘hey, I am so intelligent so follow me,’ or ‘I  have this supernatural power of doing these miracles so follow me.’ Or has a charismatic personality or I’m just a gifted leader, and so based upon that you have so many different theologies that when you walk into a church, you don’t know their view of sexuality, you don’t know their view of marriage and divorce, because everyone just preaches something different.

And so some of us are just going, ‘ok, I’ve been a part of that – it feels like a circus,’ and I am fighting for these things, and now I’m seeing some of the wisdom of…ok I get why people say, ‘well you don’t just – everyone goes alone and figures it out for themselves and then gathers as many followers as possible.’

[Rather] we go back to the ancient church and try to figure out what did those early church fathers agree on? What did those councils agree on? And part of that feels very good to me, that it’s not like I’ve got to be that beacon of truth because everyone and their mother is starting their own podcast you know out of their basement and going, ‘hey, follow me. These guys are out, these guys are out!’

You know? Snd it’s just going, ‘this is ridiculous. Like this can’t be the way.’ And so there’s something attractive going, ‘oh, there was a time when everyone agreed? I want to go back to that’ so that I can say, ‘look, this isn’t an idea that I just made up.’ 1500 years, they all agreed. This is your view of sexuality. This is the view of whatever, whether it is the eucharist or how you dress, or whatever but I’m just going, ‘I want to surrender to that.’

There’s a part of me that would go, ‘oh that would be nice. I don’t have to feel like I’m the savior of the world and my theology is right and I’ve got to fight all these other guys who think their theology is right.’ I’d like to be able to say, ‘hey, you know what I believe is historical. This is what everyone believed for this many years.

Now again, I don’t know what to do at this point. I’m not where you guys are at, where you’ve tied yourselves completely and I guess I feel a little bit lost. Like I’m starting to see the value in that, like really see the value in that and see that makes sense, and going, ‘gosh that does make more sense than being out here rebellious.’

I feel a bit arrogant for the way I’ve lived my life and the way that I taught, because it had a lot to do with me and my personal interpretation, and I do want to learn what is this collective interpretation you talk about and these councils. What would be your advice to me in taking this next step?”

Those are interesting words for a guy who’s taken up with Bethel Church and Bill Johnson and all the beliefs they possess. All those ones that have been practiced for 1500 years like fire tunnels, holy laughing, janky prophecies, and grave sucking. But the fact that Chan believes that the Christian churches believed the same thing for the first 1500 years, and then those pesky protestant reformers came and ruined it all, is shocking. It’s incredible that he believes that. His naïveté is off the charts.

After Hannegraph and Yohannan talk about the importance of being humble, how they learned so much from the “Desert Fathers and Mothers” and ripped on discernment ministries and people who judged their words and take them out of context (It’s why you get the long transcripts exclusively here) Chan concludes:

God says he gives grace to the humble and he resists the proud. He opposes it, and so when I see some of these things on the internet of people just so sure that they’re right and everyone else is wrong, there’s part of me that says ‘maybe they’re brilliant at this, maybe they’re this, this, this.’ But my logic goes, ‘wait, if God opposes the proud, can I believe that that’s the guy that he would grace with real truth right there?‘ And I hadn’t really thought about searching for humility..

Featured Politics Roman Catholic Stuff

Pope Francis uses Biden slogan “Build Back Better”

(Disrn) Pope Francis said “build back better,” Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign slogan, on Thursday.

Francis used the phrase four times in his statement on “International Day of Persons with Disabilities.”

“The theme of this year’s celebration is ‘Building Back Better: Toward a Disability-inclusive, Accessible and Sustainable post-COVID-19 World. I find the expression ‘building back better’ quite striking. It makes me think of the Gospel parable of the house built on rock or sand…”

“To help our society to ‘build back better,’ inclusion of the vulnerable must also entail efforts to promote their active participation…”

“May our common desire to ‘build back better’ give rise…

To continue reading, click here

Editor’s note. This article was written by Jeffrey Swindoll and published at DISRN.

Church Coronavirus Drive-In Church Featured In-person Church Righteous Defiance

Govt Closes Churches but Allows Sex Shops: They’re ‘Safety Supply Stores’

With many provinces in Canada going into full lockdown mode, closing small businesses and even prohibiting churches from gathering for drive-in services where no one leaves the car and the windows remain rolled up, one industry, along with liquors stores and cannabis shops are allowed to be open: Sex shops.

The government has deemed that these should be categorized as “safety supply stores” because they sell condoms and other prophylactics.

Veronica Kazoleas who owns The Nookie confirmed that they were considered to be an essential service and allowed to stay open.

It is true that we’re open as an essential service under the safety supplies category. We’re honored to support the sexual safety of our community during these unprecedented times. We’re particularly grateful to continue to serve marginalized populations who may not have a credit card or even the internet access that would allow them to order curbside pickup for our essential supplies.”

For many Churches either forced to close completely, or allowed only 10 people for outdoor services, it’s a slap in the face and a sure sign that the government has their priorities messed up. We await the cheeky church that will begin to sell condoms and dental dams in the front lobby in order to stay open.

May God help us.

Church Drive-In Church Featured In-person Church Righteous Defiance Unrighteous Compliance

As California Goes Into New Lockdown Mode, Churches are Exempt – Sort of…

A new lockdown order went into effect Sunday night at 11:59 p.m. for the vast majority of the state of California, affecting nearly 33 million people. The shutdown bans private and public gatherings, shutters all dine-in restaurants, prohibits multiple households from meeting, caps retail stores at 20% capacity, closes hair and nail salons, playgrounds, zoos, museums, etc, bans all non-essential travel, bans the use of staying in hotels for leisure, and a host of other restrictions. It is set to last three weeks, well past Christmas.

Despite the restrictions, the sheriff’s office has already openly stated that they will not enforce compliance.

Unlike previous lockdowns and shutdowns, however, churches are allowed to remain open. The dispensation does not come from the state of California and Governor Gavin Newsom’s newfound benevolence, but rather after the Supreme Court ruled on November 25th to block restrictions on houses of worship being allowed to gather. In a 5-4 Ruling that surely had the blood boiling of California governmental rulers, the Supreme Court said:

Members of this Court are not public health experts, and we should respect the judgment of those with special expertise and responsibility in this area. But even in a pandemic, the Constitution cannot be put away and forgotten. The restrictions at issue here, by effectively barring many from attending religious services, strike at the very heart of the First Amendment’s guarantee of religious liberty.

While it was a nice win, it has its limits. Just because Churches are allowed to exempt from this lockdown, it does not mean that they have the freedom to do as they please. Indoor Church services are still banned. Outdoor services must be outside, with proper signage in place, names and contact information for attendees must be recorded for tracing purposes later, members must be socially distanced and wear masks at all times.

While the Sheriff’s office will not enforce any heavy-handed approaches, they’re not the only game in town. Los Angeles County workers have been making the rounds of churches, giving warnings and handing out fines to churches not complying with the aforementioned restrictions still in place.

abortion Church Featured

Mother Posts Picture of Child Miscarried at 9 Weeks

We can always use reminders that babies in the womb are made in the image of God, whether they be 9 months, 9 weeks, or 9 minutes old. This is what we’re fighting for and what we’re putting our time and energy around, to the glory of God and his name. Let us use this to be motivated and committed to the cause. Though this specific picture is of a miscarriage, it demonstrates the size of babies being chopped up, gassed, or poisoned in the womb; 3000 a day, every day, at a million per year.

From an Instagram account miscarriage.stories

Iv almost shared this photo so many times. Iv decided to do it today. Because every birth matters, and I want to honor this child and every child who won’t grow up along with all the beautiful live births I capture.
This is my child, Elsie LynnGayle Allen. She was born in Colorado on Nov 27th at 5:30am. 3 days after my grandmas funeral. 6 days after my birthday. 7 days after my grandma passed.
The next day was thanksgiving. I flew home that night.

It was a full strong labor and delivery. She had passed away 2-3 weeks prior to this but I didn’t know it then. I was supposed to be 12 weeks along. She was born perfectly in her waters, en caul, with the placenta surrounding. This photo was taken after that was peeled away. She was whole and beautiful and her life mattered. I’m so grateful for the experience I had despite the heartbreak we are going through. So much strength and power flowed through my body during this labor.

So much grace was given to me as I flew home the day after. I had so many prophetic dreams and physical manifestations of this child, and her loss, before this pregnancy was even begun. We knew her deeply despite never seeing her alive. We love her. We miss her. And we’re morning everything she meant to us….

Let us not grow weary.

Featured Politics Religion

ERLC Admits ‘Regret’ over False Legal Brief

(Capstone Report) ERLC uses excuse of being in a hurry to explain how its amicus brief filed against Will McRaney contradicted the SBC’s Constitution.

The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the Southern Baptist Convention said it regretted the implication of its amicus brief filed before the US Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. The admission was published by the Baptist and Reflector.

According to the Executive Director of the Tennessee Baptist Mission Board, “I have spoken with ERLC leaders and they genuinely regret the implication of the amicus brief they filed at the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Their explanation is that there was a very small window of opportunity to submit the brief. In other words, it was rushed. A legal brief representing Southern Baptists via the ERLC, using language in violation of our own governing documents and historic understanding of the autonomy of the local church, was filed before the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals without careful vetting or consideration of the legal precedent it might establish.”

Southern Baptists should be asking why the ERLC was so reckless in this case…

To continue reading, click here

Editor’s note. This article was written by the Capstone Report and published there. If you don’t have that website bookmarked, what are you waiting for!?

Evangelical Stuff Featured News

Oklahoman Crowdsurfing Pastor just Bought a Mall for $20 Million

An up and coming church that purchased a new home building for $10 million dollars less than two years ago is buying up the entire retail complex around it for a cool $20.5 million.

We last heard from lead Pastor Michael Todd of Transformation Church in Tulsa, Ok, when he decided to expend some pent up energy and jumped into the crowd during a Sunday night church service, having his congregants catch him and riding the wave through the auditorium as the people cheered and filmed him on their cellphones.

Now, the congregation who paid off the $10 million dollar mortgage of their new Church in a mere 6 months, says that purchasing the building that has 34 business shops says that it’s all about the investment and what they can give back. Todd explains:

This has been an unbelievable journey for us. There’s over 34 businesses that function out of this area, and we get the opportunity to have great relationships with them and see the future grow in this community. We wanted this to be an investment for the long term of our church, that we could be able to get revenue to bless our community.

Transformations Church is growing at an astonishing rate. It bills itself as a “dynamic, multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, non-denominational inner-city ministry in Tulsa, Oklahoma. It embraces the spirit of its founder as it expresses a radical, diversified, progressive, 21st century technological church.”

abortion Featured News Politics Religion

Oklahoma Governor Declares ‘Day of Prayer and Fasting’ As COVID-19 Cases Rise

Oklahoman Governor Kevin Stitt declared today to be a day of prayer and fasting in light of the rising number of coronavirus cases to be hitting his state. Since March, the state of 4 million people have had a little over 200,000 cases and 1,800 death, and are one of the few states not to have a mask mandate for the general populace.

His prayer wasn’t geared just towards those whose God actually exists and is capable of answering prayer, but rather the professing Christian offered up a sickly sludge of unbiblical nonsense when he encouraged “Oklahomans of all faiths and religious backgrounds to join together” in prayer, which is essentially an invitation to drink more damnation upon themselves.

The proclamation read:

Whereas Oklahomans have always turned to prayer to guide us through trials and seasons of uncertainty, and

Whereas I ask Oklahomans of all faiths and religious backgrounds to join together with me in prayer and fasting to continue to ask God to heal those who are sick, comfort those who are hurting, and provide renewed strength and wisdom to all who are managing the effects of COVID-19

Unlike other more liberal Governors, Still has not made any effort to shut done churches where the majority of the praying people will be, but did note that they should use health and safety precautions:

Whereas churches and faith communities have an incredible opportunity during this season to provide hope to Oklahomans who are struggling as we close a year that has been mentally, emotionally and physically draining. It’s important that we continue to find safe ways to gather as we all do our part to protect our families, neighbors and communities from this virus.

Whereas, when we unit in prayer, we are reminded that there is no burden too heavy for God to lift or for this state to bear with His help. 2 Chronicles 7:14 proclaims that, ‘If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

While the day of fasting and prayer may appeal to some Christians looking for a government that represents them, Kevin Stitt has been sharply criticized by Christians in the state for refusing to pass any meaningful anti-abortion legislation, such as Senate Bill 13, despite having supermajorities in the House and Senate.