Evangelical Stuff Featured Heresies

Breaking: Supreme Court Declines to Hear Satanists Abortion Suit

Followers of the “Father of lies” who hoped to get a hearing for their court case challenging and overturning Missouri’s pro-life laws were left feeling damned and disappointed after the supreme court declined their lawsuit and dismissed it. This was the final nail in the coffin for the Plaintiff, Judy Doe, who had been claiming that the abortion restrictions violated the tenets of her satanic faith.

According to the unfriendly Friendly Atheist (TFA):

“As the law stands in Missouri if a woman wants an abortion, the state requires her to wait 72 hours before obtaining one, hands her a booklet designed to change her mind by saying life begins at conception, requires her to be given the option of looking at an ultrasound which is supposed to guilt-trip her out of having the abortion and makes her sign a document saying she was given the book and ultrasound opportunity.

The sketchy Satanists, who were last seen raffling off a free abortion (really) have been appealing their case, “Doe, Judy v. Parson, Gov. of MO, after being ruled against or dismissed every step of the way since they took it up in 2019.

The suit has been claiming that Missouri and their pesky anti-baby-killing regulations (Editor’s note. These states need to stop it with the wheel-spinning pro-life regulation and engage in some robust abortion abolition) violates the Plaintiff’s “First Amendment right to “exercise [her] freedom to believe abortion is not immoral and act upon their belief without interference or influence by the State of Missouri.

Specifically, they say it “violates her belief in The Satanic Tenets as a condition for getting an abortion in Missouri.” In this case, that tenet is “one’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.”

Though they may be defeated, for now, they’ll likely put their bad intentions to bad use in the near future, and we’ll be here to talk about it when they do.

Featured Heresies

John Piper Says “Critical Theory” Is Just an Insult

John Piper claimed in an article today that “Critical Theory” is just used as an insult and as a pejorative and has no real, substantive meaning. Below, JD Hall explains that Piper’s claims are common among evangelicalism’s leftwing who seek to deconstruct arguments and play loose and fast with terms.

As we are commanded to “mark and avoid” false teachers, it’s pivotal to use accurate definitions and words as they are intended. Calling someone a Critical Theorist is not an insult; it is a description.

Coronavirus Featured News

Nurses Are Wildly Exaggerating COVID-19 “Crisis” Claims

Following in the footsteps of useful victims like Bubba Wallace, Christine Blasey-Ford, and self-hate-criming legend Jussie Smollett, a new breed of useful victims has risen to the top of the heap: COVID calamity nurses. And the best of the best is South Dakota’s Jodi Doering.

Fake news outlets like CNN, the Washington Post, USA Today, and Huffington Post promoted her account – that of an ER nurse in South Dakota with tales of dramatic, horrifying, COVID-induced deaths at her hospital. Claiming that patients died amidst cries of COVID denialism, she urged people to mask up or face a similar fate.

The problem was it wasn’t true. To date, Huron Regional Medical Center (where the nurse works) has registered only six COVID-related deaths. Even if she treated all six of them, her stories seem a tad exaggerated (and wildly untrue).

The lazy ideologues at CNN interviewed Jodi Doering after she posted her viral tweet describing how a “culmination” of COVID patients in her care went to their graves crying, “This can’t be happening, it’s not real!” Yet a basic analysis of South Dakota COVID data – in particular information and accounts from her hospital shows no corroboration of her account at all.

Turns out, Doering is a President Trump-hating, Governor Kristi Noem-bashing Democrat with a clear ax to grind, not dissimilar to the not-so-hidden motives of reporters crying foul over COVID parties and actively rooting for calamity. This woman is a lying Democrat operative who, like so many other hucksters before her, is happy to lie right to our faces for the sake of her ideology.

As of this writing, no one has been able to determine how patients who can’t breathe on their own can cry out anything at all, but if we figure it out we will be sure to update this post.

See the too-good-to-be-true-for-Democrats interview below:

Featured In-person Church News Righteous Defiance Shutdown

‘Let us Disobey’: Churches Defy lockdown with Secret Meetings

(The Guardian) It sounds like the build-up to an illegal rave. Invitations are passed by word of mouth to trusted people. Minimal information – time, directions – is quietly given with pleas for discretion. Once everyone is assembled in a barn on a remote farm – “away from prying eyes,” says the organizer – it begins.

This is no rave, but an English church service under lockdown, and the organizer is a Protestant pastor. The Christians who will gather illegally in the west of England on Sunday morning – as they have for the past two Sundays – will pray, read from the scriptures, sing hymns and listen to a sermon.

“We’ve been holding clandestine services since this lockdown began,” the pastor told the Observer, speaking on condition of anonymity. “It feels weird for us to act this way. People have said it feels more like an underground church in China.

“The fact that we have to sneak around to worship God, in fear of criminal prosecution, is alarming. But we do what we have to do.”

According to…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Harriet Sherwood and published at the Guardian

Featured News Politics Religion

Trump Keeps on Appointing Federal Judges at Blistering Pace, Including 13 Since Nov. 3 Election

President Trump’s prospects of winning the election look bleaker and bleaker as time goes on, but that has not stopped the blistering pace at which he is appointing conservative federal judges to positions of power, with the U.S Senate this week confirming their 227th and smashing records held by previous presidents.

Though he may be in a “lame-duck session” Trump has still managed to appoint and confirm 13 since the November 3 election, including Kathryn “Kat” Mizelle. She’s the youngest judge confirmed to a lifetime appointment for the Middle District of Florida, at just 33 years old. Her confirmation was approved along party lines.

Her nomination continues the trend of the President appoiunting a bevvy young judges that are rigidly conservative in their ideology. Their names for nomination are put forth by the Federalist Society; a network of conservative activists and lawyers.

So far Trump has appointed 168 district judges, 53 appeals court judges, 3 judges to the U.S. Court of International Trade, and 3 supreme court justices. This means that he has appointed more than any president in modern history, and he plans to keep on going until he is dragged out of office.

In a statement this week, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said that the Senate has no intention to won’t slow their confirmation of judicial nominees.

“While our committees are working, the full Senate is keeping busy with one of our core constitutional responsibilities: continuing to confirm well-qualified men and women to lifetime appointments to the federal judiciary.”

Church Critical Race Theory Featured Religion Social Justice Wars

SBC and ‘Gospel Coalition’ Leaders Exclude White Pastors From Church Planting Network

In a move surprising absolutely no one paying attention to the critical race theory downgrade in the Southern Baptist Convention, the Gospel Coalition’s Thabiti Anyabwile Ron Burns, Darryl Williamson, and a series of woke pastors have formed the Crete Collective, an initiative ostensibly for the purpose of increasing church plants in minority communities, but which by their own words continues the redefinition of the Gospel to include all sorts of woke, non-gospel nonsense.

Rather than the plain and powerful preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, this cabal of race-obsessed “pastors” continues to beat the drum of “justice” (Marxism), deliberately conflating the Gospel with the social justice issues of the day. According to the interview article in Christianity Astray, Anyabwile sees the Gospel and justice as “siblings” – apparently salvation through Jesus needs to cooperate with “immigration challenges, prison reform, hunger, and homeownership.”

The Collective includes men like John Onwuchekwa, who gladly accepted $175,000 in SBC money to renovate his church (as well as NAMB money to secure the loan for the building), only to leave the convention in 2020 accusing the denomination of not being woke enough and insinuating that churches made up of mostly minorities should do like his – take the money and run.

I do not see the utility of our church made up predominantly of ethnic minorities remaining in the SBC. Because rather than being an agent of change, I fear our presence has largely been an advertisement for other churches of similar makeup saying “Come in…the water’s fine.” The sign I’d rather hold up is “Enter at Your Own Risk!”

John Onwechekwa

Also on the board of the Crete Collective is Aaron Reyes, who is introduced on the website first as a “second-generation Mexican American” so we won’t mistake him for a white guy and we’ll know his presence in the group is legit. Aaron apparently is focused on the “story arcs of immigration, redemption, and justice throughout the Bible” rather than the story of salvation.

If the Southern Baptist Convention knew what was good for it (it doesn’t), it would rid itself of churches and pastors who subscribe to the devilish lie that racial identity and social justice are in any way related to the Gospel of Jesus. Instead, they continue to respond to Critical Race Theory with “Nothing to see here!” If nothing else, the SBC can prevent losing hundreds of thousands of dollars to men who call them racist.

abortion Featured News

Pastor’s Pregnant Wife Dies by Jumping in Front of Train Because Baby had 5% of Being Disfigured

A mother of two from the United Kingdom has died by suicide after discovering that the child she was carrying in the womb had a 5% chance of being disfigured through a genetic abnormality.

Zdenka Yabani, 39, was 8 months pregnant with her child when she learned that there was a small chance her child could be born with facial deformities of some kind. Four days later, she bought herself a ticket, ran across the platform, and jumped in front of a non-stop city train traveling 115mph, instantly killing her and the unborn child in her womb.

One of the Railway employees who witnessed the encounter, Anna Bodja said:

I heard the fast train approaching, I heard the announcement and I saw the announcement on the board. I noticed a woman in a white jacket back away and start running across the platform. She did a star jump in front of the train, it lasted a second or two.

Though Yabani was bipolar and suffered from that particular mental illness, this callous disregard for human life, viewing a baby who might have some genetic defect as some worst-case scenario monster, is unfathomable. This also wasn’t the first time she did this. Yabani aborted a baby in 2012 after discovering it might be born with an abnormality, the result of a side effect of her bipolar medication.

The fact is that a child born with a deformities or with cognitive struggles are precious and delightful, and their births ought to be celebrated as no different than one who might be born otherwise healthy, rather than being viewed as a doomsday event worthy of killing oneself over.

Conspiracy Evangelical Stuff Featured Money Grubbing Heretics

Not Satire: Russian Group Hacks Kenneth Copeland -Demands Ransom or Will Release 1.2tb of ‘Sensitive’ Information

In a story that is stranger than fiction, the Russian hacking group REvil announced that they’ve successfully hacked into Kenneth Copeland Ministries and have stolen 1.2 terabytes of “sensitive data.” As a result, they are threatening to release it to the public if the televangelist doesn’t pay their ransom.

Copeland, 83, the arch-heretic who has a net worth of somewhere between 500-700 million dollars, was last seen demonically laughing at the media who were claiming Biden won the election, unsettling news given that he had prophecied already that Trump would take the win.

After their ill-gotten gain, the ransomware group sent out a “press release” on the dark web, bragging that they’ve taken over and encrypted the servers at the Texas-based Kenneth Copeland Ministries and had acquired “financial documents, contracts, bank documents, sales history, [and] emails.” This act leaves the ministry completely locked out and at the mercy of the predatory hackers.

According to CSOOnline,

REvil is a ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) operation that has extorted large amounts of money from organizations worldwide over the past year. Its name stands for Ransomware Evil and was inspired by the Resident Evil movie series. According to recent reports from security firms, it is the most widespread ransomware threat and the group behind it doubles down on its extortion efforts by also stealing business data and threatening to release it.

We don’t know at this point how much money REvil is asking for, but given that the statement has been since taken down after it went up on Wednesday, and Copeland is pretty much the richest televangelist in the world, it is assumed that they are in active negotiations, and it will be settled soon.

Evangelical Stuff Featured News

University Professor Finds Lost Bible, Reports it to the ‘Bias Hotline’

(The College fix) In November 2019, a George Mason University professor stumbled upon a Bible and an accompanying CD in her classroom. The professor collected the items and immediately reported the items to the school’s Bias Incident Reporting Team, which classified the episode as “discrimination” and “harassment” against “religion.”

The professor accompanied her report with photographs of the Bible, and the items were collected by the Bias Team.

The incident was one of 12 filed with the school’s bias reporting website between January 1, 2019 and January 1, 2020 and obtained by The College Fix through an open records law request. The documents provided by the university were redacted to protect the privacy of students involved.

The reports were obtained as The Fix continues to investigate the types of complaints that are lodged through bias response teams at college campuses across the nation. Nearly two dozen universities have been included in the investigation so far since it launched in 2019.

According to George Mason’s Campus Climate website, students and professors are encouraged to report and “act of discrimination, harassment, intimidation, violence or criminal offense committed against any person, group or property that appears to be motivated by prejudice or bias.”

According to the school, “bias” could mean “negative…

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Editor’s note. This article was written by Christian Schneider and posted at the college fix. Title changed by Protestia

Church Evangelical Stuff Featured Money Grubbing Heretics Scandal

Lentz Hires Famous PR Firm To Navigate Swift Restoration to Ministry

Disgraced pastor Carl Lentz (can we stop calling him that yet?) is out at Hillsong, but that he has hired public relations firm Sunshine Sachs to do damage control on his reputation, setting the stage for a swift return to the public eye.

Lentz, who has gone radio silent since announcing the affair with NY designer Ranin Karim, hired the small but influential PR company to begin cultivating the needed narrative. No fly-by-night operation, the scrappy company boasts an impressive client list of Hollywood royalty and sports superstars, such as Mehgan Markle, Justin Timberlake, Leonardo Dicaprio, and the Jackson family. They have a reputation of using ‘bare-knuckle tactics’ when it comes to aggressively protecting and promoting their clients.

The company will have their work cut out for them, as rumors swirl that more women have come forward with allegations of more sexual impropriety- a move if true will further alienate those with a propensity to brush off his 5-month long adulterous affair as a one-time mistake. They also have to contend with the investigation the Hillsong mothership is launching at their satellite campus, to see what other dredges lie beneath the surface.

Still, if Lentz follows in the steps of the typical Christian celebrity or pastor caught in disqualifying sin, he will stay relatively out of sight and out of mind for a few months, share a few photos of his family on Instagram over Christmas, share some inspirational quotes over spring, and announce in June 2021 that he’s starting a new church. The church will have as its motto something like “an authentic church for broken people” and by this time next year will have hundreds of attendees.

We’re not continuationists by any means, but that is one prophecy you can take to the bank.