Biden Promises to Make All Americans Wear Mask for At Least 100 Days

[Lifesite News] Former Vice President Joe Biden has promised to force Americans to wear a mask for 100 days should he assume office in January, calling it a “patriotic act.” During an address earlier today, Biden broached the subject of mandatory mask wearing by noting that he will enforce masks wherever possible.
“My first 100 days is going to require — I’m going to ask for a masking plan — everyone, for the first 100 days of my administration, to wear a mask.”
Biden announced, “It will start with my signing an order on day one to require masks, where I can under the law, like federal buildings, interstate travel on planes, trains, and buses. I’ll also be working with the governors and mayors to do the same in their states and their cities.”
But in addition to his legal action, the former vice president said he would appeal to the nation in order to encourage mask wearing. “We’re going to require a mask wherever possible, but this goes beyond government action. And so, as the new president, I’m going to speak directly to the American people and say what I’m saying now: We need your help. Wear a mask for just 100 days.”
“It’s the easiest thing you can do to reduce COVID cases, hospitalizations, and death,” he claimed. “Help yourself, your family, and your community. Whatever your politics or point of view — mask for 100 days once we take office.”SUBSCRIBEto LifeSite’s daily headlinesSUBSCRIBEU.S. Canada World Catholic
Biden also went so far as to equate mask-wearing to being a symbol of patriotic duty, stating that a mask is an apolitical action: “100 days to make a difference. It’s not a political statement, it’s a patriotic act.”
He closed by saying that the 100-day mask mandate would only be a beginning of efforts against the spread of the virus. “It won’t be the end of our efforts, but it’s a necessary and easy beginning, an easy start.”
It is not the first time that Biden has promised to make masks mandatory, should he become president. Before the election, he tweeted that he would “implement nationwide mask mandates.”
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[Editor’s Note: This article was written by Michael Haynes and first published at Lifesite News]
How handy. 100 days from inauguration will be the ending of the seasonal cold and flu virus season and the masks can be given credit for the decline. Of course the current increase in cases alongside the increase in mask usage is supposed to be ignored.