
Ravi Zacharias’ Son Speaks Out about Investigation, Blasts RZIM and Findings

In a series of posts on Instagram over the last two weeks, Ravi Zacharias’ son, Nathan Zacharias, who works for the ministry as a video producer/editor, has come out hard against RZIM, criticizing their methods of investigation and the validity of their findings and suggesting that it’s all made up. These wayward thoughts are encouraged by a plethora of acolytes in the combox, who are enabling him in his beliefs, decrying the whole sordid affair as a lie designed to discredit the man after his death.

Included are a few select portions from a series of posts over the last few weeks. For the full posts, visit here. While fundamentally we can understand how difficult this must be – lose a father and then have him revealed to be a sexual predator, Zacharias betrays a troubling sub-biblical understanding of judgment, repentance, and sanctification.

February 5:

First, RZIM does not speak for me. They have formed their own opinion. But it does not dictate mine. I do not agree with them for legitimate reasons. I will not, however, debate those differences publicly.

…Regarding some specific individuals who were once my colleagues, how “brave” you are to aggressively take on a man who can’t even defend himself, as well as attack his grieving family who is far more blindsided and hurt by this situation than you can ever be. And how “righteous” you are to think that we must continually pile on our punishment AFTER he has already faced the ultimate judge.

…God chose to spare Dad from all this by calling him home when he did. But how “virtuous” of you to insist that you hand out the relentless punishment and humiliation that God saw no place for in dad’s lifetime.

Even *if* these allegations are true, there is no doubt that God actively blessed my dad and did so right up until he passed. His impact was only getting greater. So what these individuals are saying – along with any person or organization that wants to cancel my dad – is that God was wrong to do so, so we must now correct God’s blessing/mistake by erasing my dad and his voice. To that I say, “That’s a bold strategy, Cotton, let’s see if it pays off for him.”

Finally and most importantly, nothing could change how much I love my dad and miss him. I am still proud to be his son.

February 12:

Since RZIM just released their report, I’d like to say a few things. Considering what I heard about the investigators’ aggressive behavior towards favorable interviews toward my dad, their rather one-sided interview list, and the fact that RZIM released a verdict of guilt in December without anyone at the ministry actually seeing the evidence, I just don’t exactly have faith in the process or complete accuracy of the information.

…Sometime in December, this became less about the fearless pursuit of truth and accountability, and it became more about the fearful appeasement of the mob and channeling our own hurt through severe judgment.

…The last 6 months, Mom has refrained from speaking out publicly as a wife at RZIM’s request for fear it hurt their public stance, she handed over dad’s devices (it was not RZIM who did that) for examination, and taken other sacrificial steps at their request too. She wasn’t interviewed by the investigators. It would seem getting as much of a full picture of a man would benefit an investigation of areas of weakness, but I guess was outside the scope of the investigation.

…My mom was not given the courtesy of seeing the material and ‘evidence’ first when it was finally presented officially a couple of days ago. Instead, a board of 18 people, senior leadership, and even someone no longer on staff at RZIM got to ask questions and pour over every detail of allegations that didn’t even involve them. Yet my mom, who has more of a right to know every single detail than anyone, was not allowed in. After many persistent requests, she was eventually emailed the report. Something considerably different than hearing it directly from the investigator and being able to ask them direct questions.

…Dad was a human being, a brother, a son, an uncle, a father, a grandfather and a husband. All of which take precedence over “Founder of RZIM.” However it is how his alleged mistakes affected RZIM and only one category of “victim” that seems to have been the focus. But for any family reeling? “We love you and will hug you as we shut the door behind you.”

…He was not RZIM’s and the Christian culture’s commodity to buy when popular and sell out when no longer helpful to them. They were happy to run him into the ground no matter how tired he was or how much pain he was in. Now they’re happy to bury him. As I type this, they’re erasing him from social media.

…Regardless of whether today’s report is right or not, the handling of this has been very hurtful to a family that also had legitimate rights in this process. If these things are true, Dad’s choices absolutely went against his Christian beliefs. And that is deeply painful. But so have RZIM’s choices. And they have added more pain that actually could have been avoided.

February 16:

We’re approaching close to two months since my mom requested my Dad’s phones back from rzim [sic] so we could examine them. She has requested them repeatedly, and we still don’t have them.

But in August, as we first found out about the allegations, we looked at his phones to check the contact between dad and two of the people involved – Anurag and Vicki. Not having any clue what Dad would (be) accused of months later, we didn’t spend time searching through every part of his phone. Now I wish we had. These pictures are some of the texts from Anurag.

In Anurag’s messages, he speaks about the behavior of Steve Baughman, the man who has driven a lot of this. Anurag refers to Baughman as “SF Man” and “Banjo man” and calls him crazy. The context of additional comments is that Baughman is baselessly attacking my Dad’s character and that my Dad is a good man. But Anurag would later team up with Baughman and say the opposite.

…These are clearly not the words of people who consider my dad to be a predator or a man with a double life.

…Rzim had these messages. Interesting they didn’t make it the report. It mentions details like he didn’t want to use rzim’s [sic] private wifi, so as to shape the narrative, but somehow mentioning that at least two of his accusers behaved in ways that contradict their stories didn’t make the cut.

Evangelical Stuff News Onward to Glory

Voddie Baucham Fundraiser Crosses $1,000,000 + New Updates

Voddie Baucham has updated his supporters about his condition, writing across multiple social media platforms that he landed in Dallas late last night, after a 16-hour flight from Doha. Baucham explains that he is extremely grateful for the prayers and funds and that they continue to trust in the Lord. He writes:

As I write this, we are about two hours from landing at DFW (our penultimate stop). The journey has been long, but God has been gracious. Because we have WiFi on the flight we have been in constant contact with our doctor in Lusaka and others in the U.S., all of whom are monitoring my vitals and how I’m tolerating the journey.

We have also been able to watch as our needs have been met in abundance! We praise God for his faithfulness in providing. We are indebted to Tom Ascol and @foundersministries for not only setting up the GoFundMe (link in bio), but for doing the legwork (with the help of medical advisors familiar with my case) to even get an idea of what the financial needs may be.

We are also grateful to our partners at @meigiving who have been a constant help and guide over the past several years of our work in Lusaka, and who have stepped up big time as gifts came in through them as well.

Finally, we want to thank the people of God whose prayers, words of encouragement, financial support, and offers of other forms of help have been nothing less than overwhelming.

This is not over by a long shot. In fact, in many ways we have only just begun. I will say more later about the ‘team’ the Lord has gathered around us to guide us through this process. But for now, know that we are in good hands.

At the end of the Joburg to Doha leg of the journey, I wasn’t doing well. We almost had to change plans. However, that wasn’t the point. The point was, as we were worrying about how we would pay for this, how/when we bring the kids, etc., the Lord reminded us, “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” (Matthew 6:34 ESV)

So for now, we just rejoice in getting through today’s trouble.

Voddie’s GoFundMe also topped $1,000,000 overnight, given by nearly 10,000 donors, with likely several hundred thousand dollars more given privately or through @meigiving, the other platform.

Though some have speculated why he did not have insurance or accusing him of being irresponsible for not having it, no information has been given on why that is, though a plethroa of acceptable reasons might be given, with one being the diffiuclty in getting access to medical insurance in Zambia for a family of 9 at a rate that they could afford and that would competently cover such catastropic health failures.

Charismatic Nonsense Church Evangelical Stuff Money Grubbing Heretics News

Brian Houston Stepping Down as Hillsong Head Honcho

In a stunning move, Hillsong Church Global Senior Pastor Brian Houston and his wife Bobbie announced Sunday morning that they are transitioning away from their leadership role within the organization, in order to make way for a new vision going forward.

The multinational megachurch has 150,000 members spread across 123 churches in 24 different countries.

Speaking during the church’s annual Vision Sunday service, Houston explained that with the church growing and expanding so rapidly, it was “virtually impossible” and “unsustainable” for them to manage alone and to do all that they are doing. Consequently, they want to bring in younger leaders to lead chart a new path forward.

I’ve been doing a lot of soul-searching and praying and thinking about the future and the way ahead, what life looks like for a church moving forward. For Bobbie and I, moving forward and I guess globally, we’ve grown so rapidly and it’s been really a time when what has become clear is we need to put a whole lot more structure into what we’re doing globally.

It’s really at a point where it’s virtually impossible, unsustainable for us to be able to lead everything that we’re leading right now, and so I want to look at ways that we can share that load and over these next couple of years heading up to that church being 40 here. I would like to really put in place younger leaders. Younger leaders here in Australia and younger leaders around the globe.

While they insist they’re not retiring, the Houstons, who are approaching their 70s, say they will be shifting their day to day involvement for a “new season.”

As such, they’re bringing in the lead pastors of Hillsong Church London, Gary and Cathy Clarke, to take over the global management of the church over the next two years, just in time for the Church’s 40th anniversary. Houston credits the Clarkes for their role in expanding Hillsong all across Europe, where they’ve been pastors for 21 years.

Houston also touched upon how the Hillsong churches in the US have been “hit hard” by a series of scandals. As a result, they introduced the new lead pastors who would be taking over from disgraced former pastor Carl Lentz. Chrishan and Danielle Jeyaratnam, currently pastors at the Hillsong campus in Perth, Australia, were announced as the new leaders and would be moving to New York with their 4 young kids to take over the job.

News Op-Ed

Ravi Zacharias Scandal Shows Why Our Reputation is in the Toilet

As evangelical leaders trip over each other in a mad dash to condemn Ravi Zacharias, the disappointment is palpable and the surprise at such an unexpected turn of events bleeds deep into every op-ed they write. There is shock, disgust, and dismay. Well-known Christian leaders from well-known Christian ministries are asking themselves one question, as they stand on the cultural battlefield in shellshocked disbelief – dazed at such a betrayal that they never saw coming: how on earth could this have happened?

They do this as they furiously condemn the indefensible, yet they were never there in the thick of the battle. If anything, they can be likened to the victorious soldiers walking the battlefield after a hard-fought war, taking their bayonets and sticking them into any wounded enemy lying in heaps on the ground, men and women who have already been crushed and exposed.

Rachael Denhollander, who will be helping the investigation and the setting right of RZIM, wrote about this phenomena on Twitter:

For every leader who has written a blog post, tweeted, commented on, the steps being taken by RZIM, how good they are, how important the truth is, or how to prevent this, please hear the grief you are compounding:  You have written about how God and right these steps are, but not until they were already taken. Not until the facade was removed.

You did not lift your voice to cry for the truth you now applaud. That fell on the shoulders of the victims. The women.  You applaud the independent investigation, but never pressed for it when it needed to be done.

When your voice was desperately needed in 2017 and all the years that followed, you were silent.

That’s true. But some of us weren’t.

We have been pursuing justice and rattling this cage before this was a blip on their radar, as Pulpit & Pen, and then later on as Protestia. We’ve been on Ravi Zacharias’ case for three years now, when in 2018 we published his emails showing that he threatened to kill himself if Lori Anne Thompson told her husband about their interactions, which Ravi claimed were innocent and pure as the driven snow. But even we didn’t get the information out of nowhere. The whole push to expose Ravi was led by Steve Baughman of RaviWatch, who was instrumental in any and all movement on this.

In fact, we were the first news organization to break the story of the abuse of the Spa workers, (with information from Baughman) which kick-started all this back on September 9th, nearly 3 weeks before Christianity Today or anyone else did their piece and gave it national attention.

We likewise wrote about Zacharias multiple times in 2019, and 2020, asking why no one else was covering this. We wrote the following three years ago:

What’s of more significance is that few Christian publications have written about the adultery of one of the most – if not the most – prominent Christian apologists in the world. When the Christian Press has covered the topic, they have done so only in the most shallow of ways, mostly refusing to publish the evidence and allowing Zacharias or his ministry to dismiss the concerns without any moderately tough questions asked.

Consequently, they crucified us for it. Here is a small sampling of the vitriol and anger that was sent our way.

Because we were saying it three years before anyone else was, we were labeled “divisive.” We were declared to be one stirring up discord, attacking a paragon of saintliness and virtue. Commenters ripped us up and down, decrying us as mean-spirited and liars. Bloggers condemned us and said this is more of the same slander, that we’re always going after good people, even great people, for the smallest things.

“Ravi is a great man and apologist. How dare you attack his character. How unloving can you get? Don’t you have anything better to do? You’re wasting your time. Typical Pulpit & Pen – always taking shots at everyone,” and on and on.

We called it three years ago because we saw it three years ago when few people did and when no one was talking about it.

In the same vein, we’ve criticized rapper Lecrae before it was cool, seeing an obvious trajectory as he was being unfaithful and unfruitful in the little things. We raised our hand back in 2016 and all the years since then when he was still gladly frolicking in reformed circles and being given praise for his maturity, humility, and theological astuteness.

What a change 5 years brings. Nowadays, he’s giving fundraising concerts at the rallies of pro-abortion Democrat senators, helping to get out the vote and win them the election. He said the Democrats are on the “right side of history” and are actually the pro-life ones. A few months ago he was sputtering like a fool when asked whether homosexuality is a sin or not, unwilling to say it, all the while embracing woke ideologies.

He is fully compromised, a sell-out, and pretty much everyone sees it and will acknowledge it.

But being right in 2021 doesn’t help our reputation in 2017 when we were getting beat up for questioning Lecrae’s discernment and theological direction when he endorsed the anti-trinitarian and blasphemous book The Shack. Or in 2018 when we were being yelled at by fanboys for asking why he was praising and promoting pro-abortion Democrat Stacey Abrams. Or in 2019 when he was making racialist and Cultural Marxist comments about Kanye and Christianity. Or in 2020 when he made shocking comments on whether or not Christians ought to go to church.

And again with Carl Lentz and Hillsong NYC. We’ve been writing about them since 2015, and were called meddlesome lovers of quarrel and strife. All until he went and had several affairs. Vindicated in the end, but maligned in the interim.

How about SBC, TGC, ERLC, Lifeway, well-known preachers like JD Greear, Albert Mohler, Karen Swallow Prior, John Piper, Jen Hatmaker, Thabiti Anyabwile, Matt Chandler, or Tim Keller?

Pick your poison.

Who here believes the SBC is gaining credibility as they become more and more united in mission and purpose? Who doesn’t think the Gospel Coalition writers have sold the gospel out for pennies on the dollar?

Who believes that J. D. Greear has become more conservative and less susceptible to wokeness and the influence of BLM? That the SBC has become more complementarian and more intolerant towards women preachers?

That Tim Keller has become more coherent? That Piper has become less charismatic and less likely to partner up with charismatic whackadoodles at some busted Christine Caine-headlining conference?

We’ve been pointing out problems with these characters for years, explaining why they are deeply compromised and only becoming moreso, seeing it and saying it before anyone else did. More and more people are seeing it now, and many more will do likewise in the future. Until it reaches critical mass, however, we’re just a slander-factory needing to be blown up.

Pointing out the progressive trajectory got us tarred and feathered, all for the sin of calling a devil a devil while the rest of the world saw them as a saint.

So for some, our reputation is in the toilet. Some people hate us and will have nothing to do with us. We’ve been banned from several pages, such as the Reformed Pub, where any article linked there will get removed and the person who posted it kicked out. Or in the r/reformed and r/christianity subreddits, which have likewise banned anyone from quoting us or linking our article, even as we frequently break news stories and provide information no one else has.

There’s a lot of people who see the work we do and absolutely despise it and us, and make it their mission to bring us down. We can even write about something benign like the sins of transgenderism, and like clockwork they’ll report our posts, seeking us get us cancelled and off the internet. Even being associated with us can be toxic, whereby speaking approvingly of what we do will likely garner a cringe and a cold stare.

This pushback is one of the reasons we’re so grateful for our patrons and supporters. While many people hate us and wish we’d close up shop, they love us.

They understand the importance of the mission, that we are willing to name names and call them out before the well-known evangelical leaders will. We operate in a niche where we’re years ahead of everybody else, and we serve our local churches through this gifting. There’s almost nobody else who does this on the level that we do, and we praise God for their sacrifices that let us do it.

Furthermore, their support lets our website function as a repository and archive, reporting stories and highlighting compromises of note that no one else will, as a gift to other Christians wanting to know what to think about this person or that.

In this case, with thousands of articles written over the last decade, there aren’t many names that you can’t plug in and see whether or not they’ve been faithful of fraudulent, or where a Facebook status or a revealing tweet might otherwise be lost if we didn’t screenshot it and comment on it for posterity.

Charles Spurgeon said it best. “Discernment is not knowing the difference between right and wrong. It is knowing the difference between right and almost right.”

We see the “almost right,” and we tell the world why it’s wrong before they realize it.

Ravi Zacharias is just one example of that.

Charismatic Nonsense Evangelical Stuff Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics

Charismatic Says Prayer Literally Forms ‘Missiles’ that Blow up ‘Satan’s Mock Kingdom in the Second Heaven’

Kat Kerr, our favorite pink-haired spunky charismatic meme-bot and “Dr. Michael Brown-approved prophetess” is at it again! Never failing to entertain, this mainstream continuationist reveals that she has a new revelation from God about the inner workings of heaven, and it involves “prayer missiles!”

The product of a new acid trip/given visions by Satan, Kerr recounts to chief enabler Steve Shultz of ElijahStreams that when we pray, weapons come out of our mouths and make their way to the second heaven, where the blow up a mock kingdom satan has set up in heaven:

Now, when worship happens on the Earth, normally, it is collected, number one, by angels a lot of times, but it also goes up to the atmosphere and it is put into the bowls before the altar of God and it creates an incense. With that sacrifice of praise is the most beautiful incense in the throne room, when someone is doing that.

But it also creates a weapon, as you do that, when you say that, you know, You’re worthy, anyway. You are my God and I will not serve another. You are it.  Missiles come out of your mouth, and they go up to the Second Heaven where Satan has a little mock kingdom set up, and you actually blow up parts of it. I mean, really, it explodes. They have to try to rebuild all the time. And so you’re very dangerous against Hell.  On your worst days, we should always worship God…

Unsurprisingly, Shultz listens with rapt attention, eating it all up and blown away at her shiny new revelation. He says “Literally, this has never been taught to me.” [Editor’s note: That’s because she’s making it up, Steve. There are no Scriptural explanations like this anywhere.]


No kidding.

Sadly, it’s not the craziest thing she’s ever said, with that honor either being the claim that in heaven, God and the angels mockingly refer to Joe Biden as “Sleepy Joe,” or when she weaved an unbiblical tale of witchcraft and false theology by claiming that when babies die in miscarriage, sometimes God “puts them back” in the womb.

As usual, HT to the give of scum and villainy known as the Friendly Atheist for the link and transcript.

Evangelical Stuff Featured News

Update on Voddie Baucham: Has Complicating Kidney Disease – Treatment Costs are Astronomical

Update #1. Voddie will be landing stateside in a few hours, around 8pm EST. The flight from Doha was over 16 hours and he was able to rest some.

Update #2. Another 100k since this morning. Funds raised are now at $850,000.

Funds keep pouring into Voddie Baucham’s GoFundMe page and frenetic prayers continue to be issued forth from the saints as the minister and his wife make way to the United States from Zambia after being diagnosed with heart failure.

Voddie recently wrote on his Facebook page and posted to social media:

On February 3, when Voddie went back home after a two-week preaching stint in the United States, it took him 40 hours to get home, going from Atlanta to Dallas, Dallas to Doha, Doha to Johannesburg, Johannesburg to Lusaka, and Lusaka Airport to his home. The flight from Dallas to Doha alone is nearly 16 hours, with his whole trip including several layovers with a lot of time spent in between.

With Johannesburg being 7 hours ahead of EST, Baucham should be back in America late Monday evening. There is no word as to where he is going for treatment or what that will look like yet.

People have mentioned negotiating with the hospital given that he has no medical insurance, as the treatment would be very expensive. Tom Ascol, ministry partner and GoFundMe organizer, explained:

Baucham has raised $850,000 through his GoFundMe page, along with other funds through his ministry page.

Ascol updated the page and moved the goal of $750k to $1.25 million, explaining:

Over the last 24 hours I have consulted with people associated with the planned medical care for Voddie. They have told me that conservative estimates for his anticipated treatments is well over one million dollars. That is why I have raised the goal, in hopes that we can provide all that our brother will need and alleviate him of any financial concerns in seeking treatment. Thank you for your generosity in giving.

Right now Voddie’s greatest need is prayer. Please lift up this dear saint to the Lord today.

Charismatic Nonsense Church Evangelical Stuff Featured News

Fred K.C Price, Prominent Word-of-Faith Heretic and Megachurch Pastor Dies of COVID-19

Televangelist Frederick K. C. Price, the well-known word-of-faith heretic and founder of the 28,000-member Crenshaw Christian Center (CCC) megachurch, has passed away from COVID-19 at the age of 89, according to a Facebook post by his family.

Price authored more than 50 books on divine healing, faith, prosperity, and the Holy Spirit. He founded the Fellowship of International Christian Word of Faith Ministries (FICWFM), Ever-Increasing Faith Ministries, and Apostle Price Ministry Training Center. He had an international audience, with his live stream services reaching around 15 million people each week.

A mainstay on TBN, he was well known as a word-of-faith/prosperity gospel preacher. In fact, he described himself as “the chief exponent of Name It and Claim It” and was the “OG” of the movement, along with Creflo Dollar, Paul and Jan Crouch, Benny Hinn, and Kenneth Copeland.

According to GotQuestions:

At the heart of the Word of Faith movement is the belief in the “force of faith.” It is believed words can be used to manipulate the faith-force, and thus actually create what they believe Scripture promises (health and wealth). Laws supposedly governing the faith-force are said to operate independently of God’s sovereign will and that God Himself is subject to these laws…it claims that God created human beings in His literal, physical image as little gods…and as a result, we have the ability to manipulate the faith-force and become prosperous in all areas of life. Illness, sin, and failure are the result of a lack of faith.

In short, it is a false gospel, “another gospel” as the Apostle Paul says, and is not compatible with biblical Christianity.

Naturally, the charismatics at Charisma News are beside themselves. They describe him as a “great man of God” who will be “remembered for his passionate, and often controversial, teachings.”

Former Charisma magazine editor Jennifer LeClaire, purveyor of the “sneaky squid spirit” that Dr. Michael Brown so vociferously defends, was effusive in her praise when describing the arch-heretic as a “giant in the faith” and “a general” who shaped her beliefs and influenced her, thanking him for his sacrifice.

Longtime friend Kenneth Copeland wrote on his own Facebook page three days before he passed and hearing the news that he was battling COVID-19:

What a man of God! What a man of faith and power! I don’t believe this disease can kill him. We as a family, and ministry, are standing strong for Apostle Frederick Price!” 

He leaves behind Betty, his wife of 67 years, and 4 children.

News Politics

‘God Herself.’ Rep. Eric Swalwell Calls God a Woman While Discussing Impeachment Failure

(Daily Wire) Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) implied God is a woman during a Saturday interview on MSNBC about the recent impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump.

Speaking with host Nicole Wallace about Democrats’ decision not to subpoena witnesses, Swalwell said, “The choice was, do we chase those people, not knowing what they’re going to say, to the courts for years or do we go forward with the powerful, thundering case that we have? And also knowing that Mitch McConnell was already telling us that he believed the challenge was a jurisdictional one.”

“So we could have called God herself, and the Republicans weren’t going to be willing to convict, so we’re proud of the case we have put forward,” Swalwell…

To continue reading, click here

Editor’s note. This article was written by Jon Brown and published at the Daily Wire. Title changed by Protestia.

Church Evangelical Stuff News Scandal

Largest Christian Book Publisher Removes Ravi Zacharias Books From Print

Ravi Zacharias’ books and resources will no longer be offered by HarperCollins Christian Publishing (HCCP), the religious publishing arm of HarperCollins that includes both Thomas Nelson and Zondervan, after it was revealed in an RZIM investigation that the late apologist spent decades as a serial sexual predator.

HCPP has published over 20 books that were either authored or co-authored by Zacharias over the last 25 years, including his most well-known work, Can Man Live Without God? which has been published in 21 languages. His latest book, Seeing Jesus From the East: A Fresh Look at History’s Most Influential Figure, co-authored with Abdu Murray (Zondervan), was released in April 2020. Zacharias has sold over 2 million books.

Casey Francis Harrell, vice president of corporate communication for HCCP, said in a statement about the decision to remove the books from print:

In September, when the most-recent sexual misconduct allegations against the late Ravi Zacharias surfaced, HarperCollins Christian Publishing immediately suspended all projects and shipments of his work.

Following the findings in the independent report, the company will immediately take all his publications out of print. We are deeply saddened, and we mourn for the victims.

This is not unexpected news, as there was been much discussion over the last 4 months over what to do with his books, with people even asking whether or not they should be burned, after the interim report revealed that the allegations of sexual impropriety were true. Steve Baughman revealed last month that Zacharias’ upcoming book Jesus for You, set for release in 2021, had been scrapped.

Lee Strobel, who prominently featured Ravi Zacharias in his book The Case for Christ, the international bestseller that had over 5 million copies in print as of 2016, announced that he and his publisher were likewise halting printings of their book, and would be revising it to remove mention of Zacharias and his interview.

When questioned about the decision, after being accused of engaging in “cancel culture,” Strobel pointed out, “The difference is Ravi never showed repentance. The book is for spiritual seekers and I don’t want his hypocrisy to be a stumbling block to them in considering the evidence for Christ.”

Church Drive-In Church In-person Church Righteous Defiance

A Gallery Of The Faithful Gathering For Church Amid Pandemic – Album Forty Seven

The forty-seventh album in an ongoing series documenting faithful churches gathering for Sunday service in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

With some churches still not gathering in-person in these dark times, others being persecuted by the government for being open, and others ending services for the rest of the year, these are the congregations who are meeting faithfully at the command of Scripture (Heb. 10:25).

For previous albums: 

Album #1  Album #2  Album #3  Album #4  Album #5  Album #6  Album #7  Album #8  Album #9  Album #10  Album #11  Album #12  Album #13  
Album #14  Album #15  Album #16  Album#17  Album# 18 Album #19  
Album #20  Album #21 Album #22  Album #23 Album #24 Album #25
Album #26 Album #27 Album #28 Album #29 Album #30 Album #31 Album #32 Album #33 Album #34 Album #35 Album #36 Album #37 Album #38 Album #39 Album #40 Album #41 Album #42 Album #43 Album #44 Album #45 Album #46

These churches are preaching outside, are back in their buildings having in-person services, or are having drive-through services. Some with masks and social distancing, others without.

All are being safe. All are being obedient to the scriptures. All are loving their neighbors.