Breaking News

Voddie Baucham GoFundMe Raises $400,000 in 12 hours After News of Heart Failure

A GoFundMe campaign for Voddie Baucham has raised more than $400,000 in less than 12 hours, after the Zambia-based pastor announced that he had experienced a medical emergency and asked for prayer for his health and family, as well as any funds that could be incidentally given.

Initially sent to his supporters via a newsletter, Vodie recounted that after a recent stint in America (January 21-February 09) where he returns several times to preach on his Winter Tour, he felt unwell. He chalked this up to fatigue at such a busy tour, doing a whirlwind 17 dates in 18 days. He explained:

On the way home, there were stretches when I felt what I could only describe as being waterboarded every two or three minutes. That night, upon arriving in Lusaka, I contacted our family doctor. The next morning I was at a medical center doing a series of labs and tests that revealed the worst. I was experiencing full-blown heart failure.

As I write this update, Bridget and I are making arrangements to fly back to the USA, where I will undergo a series of labs, exams, and treatments. Some of those will be significant. Hence, the call to prayer and plea for help.

Well, the saints have responded. Not only did they donate likely tens of thousands to his ministry page, but a GoFundMe page was set up by Pastor Tom Ascol, a ministry partner of Voddie seeking to grant as direct and as quick access to the funds as possible. The campaign has raised an incredible $400,000 in less than 12 hours, over half their goal of $750,000, and likely will add another $100-200,000 within the next 24 hours.

The biggest donation was an anonymous gift of $10,000 and nearly 4000 people donated at the time of this article.

Pastor Ascol explains in the description of the campaign:

Voddie Baucham is a faithful servant of Christ. He has been a dear friend for nearly twenty years and serves with me as a board member of Founders Ministries and founding faculty member of the Institute of Public Theology. As his newsletter below indicates, he is facing a serious medical trial. Christians around the world are praying for him and his family. Many would also like to help out financially, realizing that as he, Bridget, and their family walk this path, they will face significant expenses.

In response to many requests to help out directly, I am setting up this fundraiser to assist the Bauchams as expenses mount. All gifts given will go directly to the Bauchams. As the President of Founders Ministries, and in behalf of our board I encourage you to give as you are able to help our brother.

Continue to pray for Voddie and his family.

Breaking Featured In-person Church Righteous Defiance

Breaking! Shepherd’s Conference Postponed – We Now Know Why

Grace Community Church has announced that they have postponed the Shepherd’s Conference just three weeks before the event was to take place, amid continued and sustained opposition from the LA County Health Department, according to a statement released to the public.

The church, which is pastored by John MacArthur, goes on to explain:

We will be deposing the key health officers and county officials and requiring them to answer for their oppressive actions under oath, and requesting all documents and information supporting their arbitrary attempts to restrict our religious liberty as a church. Our church leadership remains firmly committed to the truth that Christ is the head of the Church, and we will not yield to government’s infringement upon the biblical command to worship and gather together. We intend to steadfastly defend this truth and obtain appropriate constitutional and legal protections and further relief from the Court.

No new conference date has been set.

The postponement is a dramatic turnaround for the defiant church, who even Friday morning, less than 10 hours before the cancellation announcement, sent an email to conference attendees telling them “We’re looking forward to serving you and 3,500 other pastors and church leaders in March” without making mention of any upcoming reversal.

Nearly 3500 pastors were expected to attend the event from March 3-5, which after the $399 entrance fee was paid, attendees had to sign a liability waiver which included, “I understand that each activity poses inherent risks of exposure to and/or contracting the COVID-19 virus.”

Masks were not required to be worn, but were encouraged, with the waiver noting “masks have limited capability as far as prevention of infection from contracting COVID-19.”

In California, while churches have been allowed to partly reopen after a Supreme Court win that still capped capacity restrictions to 25%, this event would not be categorized as a religious service, despite being put on and paid for by Grace Community Church.

Being a conference, it would fall under a “prohibited indoor gathering,” and therefore not subject to anywhere near the same protections and religious liberties that a church service would. That is to say, church may be essential and necessary, but conferences are not.

With the County promising litigation over this and uttering “recent threats” alluded to by church officials, continuing with the conference would also adversely affect their on-going court battles and contempt charges stemming from the summer and fall, undermining their case and calling into question their motivations and arguments for re-opening.

Commenting on the Shepherd’s Conference before the event was postponed, Dr. Muntu Davis, Los Angeles County’s health officer told NYT reporters Friday morning:

The County is very concerned about the public health impacts that could come from an event like this if it’s held, especially as we continue to see high case numbers and large numbers of people in hospitals who are sick with COVID-19…

Sun Valley and the surrounding areas continue to have among the highest case rates of COVID-19 within the county, and have for some time, and a gathering of this magnitude will create additional opportunities for COVID-19 transmission, both to the people that attend this gathering and the other people in the community.

After the cancellation was announced, they told the L.A. Times:

We…appreciate when individuals and organizations do the right thing to keep the public safe. Following the Health Officer Order helps prevent the spread of COVID-19, a deadly virus that has sickened more than a million people and killed more than 18,000 of our friends, family, and neighbors in Los Angeles County. Collectively, every action to reduce the risk of spread gets us closer to seeing an end to this pandemic.


Voddie Baucham Experiencing Heart Failure – Pray for Healing

Voddie Baucham, a dear brother who ministers in Zambia, announced on Facebook yesterday that was experiencing a health crisis and asked for prayers and support as he seeks to return to America for testing and treatment.

Initially sent to his supporters via a newsletter, Vodie recounts that after a recent stint in America (January 21-February 09) where he returns several times to preach on his Winter Tour, he felt unwell. He chalked this up to fatigue at such a busy tour, doing a whirlwind 17 dates in 18 days. He explains:

On the way home, there were stretches when I felt what I could only describe as being waterboarded every two or three minutes. That night, upon arriving in Lusaka, I contacted our family doctor. The next morning I was at a medical center doing a series of labs and tests that revealed the worst. I was experiencing full-blown heart failure.

He continues:

As I write this update, Bridget and I are making arrangements to fly back to the USA, where I will undergo a series of labs, exams, and treatments. Some of those will be significant. Hence, the call to prayer and plea for help.

Vodie goes on to request prayer for traveling mercies, physical strength to survive a 36-hour trip back to the states with multiple modes of transport and lengthy layovers, physical healing, prayer for his wife and children, prayer for finances, given that “we are currently uninsured and will have to cover everything out-of-pocket,” and prayer for his witness as he endures this trial and so he can lead his family through this dark valley.

The message has been posted below in its entirety. If you have been blessed by Voddie’s ministry, as we have, please pray for all those things. Anyone wanting to donate to him can do so here at his website, with the caveat he provided in the first part of his post.


Hospital Issues Gender-Inclusive Directives To Midwives: Say ‘Human Milk’ Not ‘Breast Milk’

In a nation-wide first, a hospital has issued and put into effect new guidelines for any midwives and personnel wanting admissions privileges to treat patients, telling them they need to start using “gender-inclusive” language for prospective parents in order to support “trans and non-binary (including agender, bigender and genderqueer) people as birthing parents and coparents.”

Furthermore, in order to think of clever new ways to reinforce that “hallowed” inclusion and reinforce their delusions, the Brighton and Sussex University Hospital, based in the UK, has procured the services of a “Gender Inclusive Team” to ensure that births go well for transgendered or bigendered folk, as well as to ferret out any non-inclusive language that may be causing distressing to birthing “men” and “women.”

Instead of “breast feeding” and “breast milk”, they’ve asked staff and midwives to say “chest feeding” and “human milk.”

They’ve also eliminated any language that only refers to women and mothers, adding “& birthing parents” to the back half of it. Furthermore, the word “father” is now a no-go, being replaced with “co-parent” or “second biological parent.” [Editor’s note: I suppose “sperm donor” would be too rAcIsT although clinically correct…]

While the report notes that there is “no known UK precedent” for their decision, they’re undeterred, explaining that “In this respect, BSUH are leading the way.”

Of course, just a couple of days before they posted the new announcement, and several weeks after they’d written it, they tweeted out the following, breaking their own rules:

Surely they mean “chest feeding persons releasing human milk.”

What a bunch of transphobe bigots.

LGBTQQIP2SAA News World Headlines

‘Hustler’ Kingpin Larry Flynt, Self-described ‘Smut Peddler,’ Dead at 78

(Reuters ) Hustler magazine publisher Larry Flynt Jr., the self-described “smut peddler” who used his pornography empire and flair for the outrageous to push the limits of free speech and good taste, died on Wednesday at the age of 78, his publicist said.

Flynt, suffering from a variety of health problems since a 1978 assassination attempt that left him a paraplegic, died “from the recent onset of a sudden illness,” according to Minda Gowen, spokeswoman for Larry Flynt Publications, which runs the adult entertainment business he founded.

Flynt died in his sleep at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, with his wife, Liz, and daughter, Theresa, at his bedside, Gowen said in a statement.

Celebrated by some as a free-speech provocateur and reviled by others as a profiteer of sexual exploitation and misogyny, Flynt was renowned for taunting critics with such outlandish stunts as appearing in court wearing a diaper made from an American flag.

In the most famous of numerous legal battles in which he was embroiled, the U.S. Supreme Court rendered a landmark ruling in favor of Flynt in a libel lawsuit brought against him by evangelist Jerry Falwell…

To continue reading, click here

Editor’s note. This article was written and published by Reuters

Featured News Religion Social Issues

9 in 10 Christian Teens Are Concerned About Climate Change, Demand Church Act To Save Planet

9 in 10 Christian teens in the UK are concerned about climate change and their church’s lackluster or non-existent response to it, according to a survey by Tearfund and the Youthscape Centre for Research. 

Called Burning Down the House- How the Church Could Lose Young People Over Climate Inaction, the report comprised surveys of nearly 700 teenagers between the ages of 14 and 19. These teens also appeared on several panels to give more in-depth responses.

In true social justice form, the report explains:

Christian young people are concerned about climate change, and so are their friends. They also care about racism and poverty. As Christians, they feel called to respond to these crises as a fundamental aspect of their faith.

However, many do not see this concern for social and environmental justice reflected in the wider church. While some churches are talking about these issues, young people expect more from their church leaders – and they want to be supported in making a difference.

The report states that 57 percent of the teens say they pray about climate change, and 84 percent are willing to do so when confronted by the imperative.

Gathering all the data and responses together, they boil it down to several summaries, explaining and then highlighting comments which encapsulated the general sentiment.

    We are called to care for God’s creation, and we are called to act justly towards our neighbours. These are fundamental to our faith, and climate change cannot be separated as a “political” issue that does not concern the church. The church needs to teach this and pray about climate change.

    “We are called to steward our planet and to love our neighbours, and those two things are absolutely interlinked and godly ways of living! Living out these commands can be a way to worship God. There is so much potential in this area for really exciting sermons!”
    “Pray for the healing of our home and the people on it – it’s urgent.”
    “If the Bible isn’t dead, then start applying teachings to current emergencies.”
    The church has a platform. It has power. It should be leading the way in responding to climate change and global injustice, but instead it risks falling behind. The church can set an example to the wider community.

    “The church should absolutely be at the forefront of fighting climate change – because the world is God’s creation and we have a duty of care over it.”
    “You have been appointed by God to be in a position of power in your community, don’t let us down by refusing to acknowledge the biggest crisis we have ever faced.”

In response to the survey, Tearfund designed some “Climate Emergency Toolkits” designed to be used by church leaders and congregations so that they can “respond to the climate crisis.”

The kits show churches how they can declare their own climate emergency and then put their passion into action by cutting their carbon emissions and rallying their congregants to influence their own households, those around them at work, and even throughout the entire community.

At the end of the report, which ultimately is a thinly veiled attempt to advanced a radical agenda under the guise of a “survey” and “report,” they quote climate activist Greta Thunberg:

Everyone and everything needs to change. But the bigger your platform, the bigger your responsibility. What we are doing now can soon no longer be undone. The future, as well as what we have achieved in the past, is literally in your hands now. But, it is still not too late to act. It will take a far-reaching vision. It will take courage.


‘Relevant Magazine’ Regular Contributor is a Pro-choice ‘Unitarian Universalist’

A D-list progressive blogger gained a bit of notoriety in discernment circles over the weekend after he tweeted out a wee bit of heresy, prompting the Christian faith community to look a bit closer into him and quickly finding a whole lot of heresy in one obstreperous package. John Pavlovitz’s unbiblical postulations prompted Chris Rosebrough of Pirate Christian Radio fame to proverbially smack him on the nose, earning a frothty gurgling of even more heresy in return.

If his denial of Jesus as the author of scriptures and the second person of the Trinity wasn’t enough to know that this man is no believer, a quick perusal of his social media shows that he is pro-LGBT, pro-choice, and most tellingly, a Unitarian Universalist, that is, he’s about as far away from Christian orthodoxy as one can imagine.

No longer a passive rebel to God’s law, he is an active participant and planner of theological terrorism, with each article he writes tossing in bits of unbiblical ball bearings to sustain the maximal amount of casualties with his sophistry bombs.

And, no surprise, he writes for Relevant Magazine, that liberal rag slurped up by seeker-sensitive 20-somethings that populate megachurch corner offices, along with Emerging Church ex-pats wanting to relive the glory days.

The magazine will claim they’re not “that progressive” and push back on claims that they are outside the bounds of the Christian faith or have descended into a vat of crippling heresy, while at the same time platforming and promoting the theological musings from, and I repeat, a Unitarian Universalist.

And not just a one-time thing.

For years.

What more needs to be said about either?

Breaking Evangelical Stuff Featured Scandal

Breaking! The Report is Out! Ravi Zacharias Was Sexting Up Until His Death + Decades of Sexual Abuse

For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light. Luke 8:17

Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM) has released the much-anticipated report investigating allegations of sexual deviancy against the late Christian Apologist Ravi Zacharias, and the results are devastating.

In the 12-page report, investigative firm Miller & Martin PLLC, after months of scouring his computers, cellphones, and bank statements, detail decades of sexual predation and coverup from both the man and his namesake organization the likes of which Christendom has rarely seen, with particular emphasis on the malfeasance he engaged in with massage therapists he hired at the two spas he owned, as well as traveled with him overseas.

In response to the revelation, RZIM, for their part, seems contrite and repentant for the part they played in it. They express deep apologies to his most notable victim, Lori Anne Thompson, for the way their organization did not take her allegations seriously and slandered her in the process, detailing deep institutional failures that made it all possible and promising to make it right, as much as they can.

RZIM outlines how they hired well-known organizations to step in and help them sort out their affairs, including victim-advocate Rachael Denhollander and Guidepost Solutions, which will do a “thorough assessment of the culture of RZIM related to abuse, harassment, whistleblowing, and disclosures.” Only time will tell if RZIM will obfuscate and resort back to their old ways, but so far these are good signs.

As far as highlights from the report, it’s not pretty, but these are the most relevant portions.

  • “We also reviewed Mr. Zacharias’s electronic devices and found evidence of text- and email-based relationships with women who were not his wife, as well as over 200 ‘selfie’-style photographs of women.”
  • “There were over 200 massage therapist contacts in Mr. Zacharias’s phones, including many overseas.”
  • “Several massage therapists confirmed Mr. Zacharias’s frequent efforts to ‘try for more than a massage,’ as one therapist put it. Eight therapists reported that Mr. Zacharias would start the massage either completely nude or would remove the sheets during the massage. Six therapists reported that he always or almost always had an erection during the massage. Four therapists reported that he would either touch his genitals or ask them to touch his genitals. And five therapists reported that he touched or rubbed them inappropriately.”
  • “Only one of the witnesses we interviewed said that Mr. Zacharias engaged in sexual intercourse. This witness reported details of many encounters over a period of years that she described as rape. To protect her identity, this report does not disclose many of the details she shared with us. She reported that after he arranged for the ministry to provide her with financial support, he required sex from her. According to this witness, Mr. Zacharias used religious expressions to gain compliance, as she was raised to be a person of faith. She reported that he made her pray with him to thank God for the ‘opportunity’ they both received. She said he called her his ‘reward’ for living a life of service to God, and he referenced the ‘godly men’ in the Bible with more than one wife. She said he warned her not ever to speak out against him or she would be responsible for the ‘millions of souls’ whose salvation would be lost if his reputation was damaged.”
  • “The four phones that Mr. Zacharias used and that RZIM provided to us for this investigation also provided significant, compelling evidence. For example, in the Notes application of one of Page 9 of 12 his phones, Mr. Zacharias kept translations of certain words and phrases in Thai and Mandarin. The Thai phrases included ‘I miss you so much. I want to see your face’ and ‘little bit further.’ The Mandarin phrases included: ‘softer, lighter;’ ‘U R beautiful;’ ‘not enough;’ ‘I hope our love lasts forever;’ ‘I love you from the bottom of my heart;’ ‘I’d like to have a beautiful memory with you;’ ‘Life is so wonderful bnecause [sic] I could meet you;’ ‘Your lips are especially beautiful;’ and ‘I love you darling.'”
  • “In 2014, Mr. Zacharias met and exchanged emails with a massage therapist who lived in Bangkok. They used pet names such as ‘sweetheart,’ ‘baby,’ ‘babe,’ ‘darling,’ ‘angel,’ ‘my precious little girl,’ and ‘honey;’ they exchanged selfies (the latest photograph of her is from 2019); and they discussed how much they loved and missed each other. During a May 2014 coup d’etat in Thailand, Mr. Zacharias expressed his worry that travel to Bangkok could be stopped. He told her: ‘I know more than ever that you have become the love of my life. I’m waiting to hold you close to my heart again. Please be safe my angel. I Love you and goodnight from here.’ He told her to keep him ‘as the only one in your heart. I love you my dearest xxxxxx.'”
  • “Their communications imply that their relationship had a physical component. They discussed not being able to wait until they can be together, that he is ‘longing to hold [her] close again.’ He further wrote: ‘Your face, your smile, your laugh, your touch, the way you love, your
    hard work, your heart, your care for me, your skill,’ and on and on and on. He called her ‘beautiful in heart and in body.’ She responded later: ‘I love you and kiss you everywhere xxxxxx.’ She said to him she was going to work out ‘to be fit and firm when I see you next month =).’ This woman received significant financial support from TOH [Editor’s note: RZIM slush fund].”
  • “In addition to communications, Mr. Zacharias’s phones contained over 200 photographs of women much younger than him—including six of Lori Anne Thompson—and dozens of photographs he took of himself.”
  • “Travel records confirm that Mr. Zacharias was in Malaysia at the time. Over time, more pictures of this woman appeared in Mr. Zacharias’s phone, most of which were relatively innocuous and show her fully clothed. However, the photographs grew increasingly more suggestive, culminating in two photographs showing her bare breasts dated October 27, 2018, and a video of her fully naked and touching herself dated January 8, 2019. Two other women told us that Mr. Zacharias asked for nude photographs, which they refused to provide.”
  • “In addition to finding alone time when he travelled with others, Mr. Zacharias travelled alone to Bangkok and other parts of Southeast Asia for substantial periods of time. RZIM staff described these as writing trips where he would work on his latest book. On such trips, he would stay for days and sometimes weeks alone. According to a text message to a Thai masseuse in February 2016, he spent his days writing and his nights receiving massage treatments.”
  • “We did consider his statements and actions when confronted with similar situations in the past, most notably the Thompson matter. Several RZIM staff reported to us his ‘shifting narrative’ as emails and other relevant facts were publicly leaked and he was forced to explain them. Rather than fostering an environment of truth-seeking and transparency, Mr. Zacharias was strident and inflammatory. He described his critics as ‘nasty people’ and ‘lunatics’ who were engaging in ‘satanic-type’ slander and falsehood.”
  • “Mr. Zacharias told certain members of his staff that the phone records and full, complete emails would exonerate him, but he did not give them access to these documents. Two high-level staff approached him directly asking for the phone records, since he claimed they would prove exculpatory. Both of these staff members told us Mr. Zacharias responded to this request with rage and threatened to resign from the organization.”
  • “Some therapists also reported that Mr. Zacharias paid very well or would leave large tips and gave gifts that were at times lavish, such as a Persian rug or a Louis Vuitton wallet with $500 inside.”
  • “Several RZIM staff reported to us that they were concerned about Mr. Zacharias travelling with a personal masseuse, not because they feared actual impropriety but because they feared the appearance of impropriety. A high-level RZIM staff member expressed concerns to Mr. Zacharias about it and encouraged him to stop travelling with her. In response, Mr. Zacharias grew angry and barely spoke to this staff member for a long period of time.”
  • “According to his text messages, at times he would meet the therapists in the hotel lobby and at other times he would direct them to come straight to his room. On one occasion in February 2016, he slipped his room key to a massage therapist by placing it in a book, directing her to come to his
    room ‘2 minutes after’ she got the book from him.”

It’s completely abhorrent. With the news that Ravi was still soliciting pictures at least three months before his death at the age of 74, we ought to treat this serial predator as a false teacher who came to devour. In his death and in this discovery, it goes to show how wolfish false teachers can be and how well they can hide, saying the right things while doing the wrong things – singing praises to God and preaching a public gospel while engaging in deviltry in the dark.


Paula White Claps Back at SBC Head for Calling Her a ‘Heretic’

Prophetess Paula White has come out swinging against the Southern Baptist Convention’s (SBC) Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) head Russell Moore for calling her a “heretic.”

In a January 17th sermon, she contextualized her involvement in the Trump campaign, saying that it was never about politics, but rather “I was sent on assignment to do things in the world” from God. White previously claimed that angels “from Africa” had come to deliver President Trump a November victory.

She further insisted that she was no heretic or prosperity preacher, but rather was simply a run-of-the-mill “Charismatic Pentecostal.”

They started by calling me a prosperity preacher. You know who that was? Christian magazine. Church. Then they called me a Heretic. You know who that was? The head of ethics of one of the largest denominations. The church…

Then they called me cult leader. You know who that was? The church. Now The Washington Post finally got it right, they called me a Charismatic Pentecostal, but I’m the ‘queen’ of it.  This fringe movement of some 60-something million people. Do you hear what I’m saying? It’s not the atheist calling me a heretic, or cult leader or prosperity preacher. It’s the church…

White finished up saying she doesn’t need approval from Moore or anyone else.

‘If your name’s not God, your opinion doesn’t matter and your acceptance is not needed,’ she said to cheers. ‘If your name is not God, Jehovah, Yahweh, El Shaddai, Jesus Christ then your opinion doesn’t matter and your acceptance is not needed.’

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Charismatic Nonsense Church Featured Heresies

Divorcing Megachurch Pastors Fight over $120,000,000 Estate

A husband and wife pastoral team who founded a Miami-based megachurch are in the middle of a messy divorce, and a hundred and twenty million dollars in assets may on the line.

Pastor Guillermo Maldonado and “prophetess” Ana Maldonado are founders of the Charismatic/Pentecostal megachurch “King Jesus International Ministry” – a fast-growing Hispanic church that has a weekly attendance of over 20,000.

Ana filed from divorce from her husband last year, after over 30 years of marriage, alleging verbal and emotional abuse (but not cheating or adultery) and suggested that he is stealing and illegally profiting off his ministry empire. Guillermo vehemently denies these claims.

The Christian Post, citing an article from the Miami Herald, reports that the lavishly living couple own:

A home in southwest Miami-Dade, a property in Sunny Isles Beach, Florida, and another in Treasure Cay in The Bahamas. They also own property in Opa-locka and Hialeah along with a 2020 Mercedes, a Lexus LX, plus a Falcon 50 business jet registered in Florida under the church’s name. The plane alone, according to Evojets, can range in price from $4.5-$6.5 million.

Along with those goodies, she believes he has stashed away further assets all across the world, with emphasis on holdings and bank accounts in Columbia, Italy, and Honduras that her attorney believes could worth up to $120 million dollars.

While the two hash it out, prophetess Ana has started her own church, splintering off and taking a portion of supportive congregants with her.