
SBC’s Black VP Claims He’s Been Ignored, Treated Like ‘The Wrong Kind of Black Guy’ by Denom Elites

(Captsone Report) BOMBSHELL: SBC ignores its black Vice President Dr. Lee Brand + SBC 1st VP: ‘Even though we talk and virtue signal, it becomes apparent to me that I’m just the wrong kind of black guy.’+ Panel discussion highlights Leftward Drift and wicked leadership of Southern Baptist Convention.

Lee Brand said that in the five months since his election as First Vice President of the Southern Baptist Convention that he has been ignored as much as possible by the Southern Baptist Convention and its leaders like SBC President Ed Litton. Brand said that the SBC is good at virtue signaling on race, but it does not seem interested in what certain people have to say. (You’ll remember how it prevented a black woman from speaking at the SBC Convention.)

“I’ve been in the role of first vice president for five months,” Brand said during a panel discussion at Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary (MABTS). “And it is safe for me to tell you that in as many ways as possible that I have been ignored. Even though we talk and virtue signal, it becomes apparent to me that I’m just the wrong kind of black guy.”

This is of particular interest since many Evangelical Elites continue to support, invite to speak, and otherwise praise disgraced plagiarist SBC President Ed Litton.

Litton’s name came up a few…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written and published at the Capstone Report


Boston Will Give Employees 12 Weeks Paid Leave After Killing Their Babies in Abortions

(Lifesite News) The City of Boston now allows its employees to take up to 12 weeks of leave with pay when they abort their unborn babies.

The New Boston Post reports the city council passed the amendment to its parental leave policy on Sept. 15. The vote was unanimous, and acting Mayor Kim Janey signed it two days later.

The new parental leave benefits for city employees allow up to 12 weeks of paid leave for men and women “for pregnancy loss, including all abortions for any reason,” according to the Post. The policy also allows leave time for parents of newborns and adoptive parents. Parental or bereavement leave for employees who have abortions appears to be a growing trend.

In October, the City Council of Portland, Oregon also approved expanding bereavement leave to include abortions. And earlier this year, the British bank Monzo attracted news attention when it began offering new paid leave benefits for employees who miscarry or abort their unborn bab-

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Micaiah Bilger and published at Lifesite News


The Gospel Coalition Contributor Says If You Don’t Believe in Social Justice, You’re a Heretic

(Reformation Charlotte) Justin Giboney, a co-founder of the social Marxist organization known as the AND Campaign and a prominent The Gospel Coalition (TGC) contributor, says that a rejection of redemptive social justice is a rejection of orthodoxy. To phrase this in simpler terms, Giboney is essentially saying that unless you’re on board with the Marxist oppressor/oppressed ideology and its tenets of class warfare, you’re a heretic.

Yep, he said that–out loud.

He goes on to suggest that…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Jeff Maples and published at Reformation Charlotte.


BIZARRE: Dallas Theological Seminary Celebrates A Demoniac Cult Leader

(WokePreacherTV) Dr. Frank Glover MD, a famed medical expert and Christian minister who serves on the board of Dallas Theological Seminary, shares an inexplicably whitewashed biography of Kimpa Vita, a Kongolese woman who claimed to be possessed by the early church father Saint Anthony, during a September 2021 chapel message titled “God’s Black Children.”

Editor’s Note. This post was written by WokePreacherTV and published in full on YouTube.


J.D. Greear’s Summit Church Requires Negative COVID Test To Attend

(Evangelical Dark Web) There are many weaknesses of the multi-campus church model. In addition to convincing people of the merits and normalcy of watching a pastor on a screen, you also have to deal with multiple land and building usage issues.

This wasn’t an issue when JD Greear famously canceled church for 2020 after having accepted $2-5 million in PPP loans. However in reopening his church, he has vast inconsistencies in his approach. This ranges from free churches to COVID Nazi churches. Evangelical Dark Web previously reported that Tim Keller’s Redeemer Presbyterian Church had the most brazen Branch Covidianism of any in-person prominent megachurch in the country. Not far behind was Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church. However one of Greear’s locations would go even further than Redeemer Presbyterian Church in implementing a medical apartheid.

At the Downtown Durham location masks are required for all and the unvaccinated are subject to presenting a negative COVID test in order to worship. It’s worth noting that this burden is unscientific and implemented only to inconvenience those who are not vaccinated with the failing COVID-19 vaccine. It’s not about safety, and it never was.

This issue arose because…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Ray Fava and posted at the Evangelical Dark Web. Title changed by Protestia.


The Media Made It ‘Cool’, so Now a Whopping 30% of Millennials Identify as LGBTQ

(CBN News) A study about the growing influence of Millennials has revealed a majority of them have a positive opinion about Jesus Christ. However, they apparently don’t understand or haven’t read what the Bible has to say about sexuality because a whopping 30% of that entire generation now identify as LGBTQ.  

The 62-page research report titled New Insights into the Generation of Growing Influence: Millennials In America by George Barna was conducted by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University and the Foundations of Freedom, a platform promoting traditional American Values. 

Why Millennials? According to the report, they are the most populous generation in American society today, comprising more than 70 million adults in the U.S.  Millennials currently represent close to four out of every 10 working-age Americans, and they are also the primary parenting-age segment in the country. 

The trend toward LGBTQ identification is especially strong among younger Millennials The study’s key findings of this generation include:

  • 29% of younger Millennials (ages 18-25) are counted as having some type of mental disorder. Overall, 54% of those surveyed acknowledged some degree of emotional fragility or even mental illness.
  • 24 out of every 25 Millennials (96%) lack a biblical worldview.
  • 75% say they lack meaning and purpose in life.
  • Only one-third claimed to believe in God.
  • 39% of younger Millennials ages 18-24 year olds identify as LGBTQ. 

Barna told Newsweek he attributed the unusually…

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Editor’s Note. This article was originally published at CBN News.


Megachurch Spending $4,500,000 To Build Retreat to ‘Restore’ Fallen Pastors

A megachurch in Alabama is spending $4.5 Million to build a lodge to restore fallen pastors, according to an investigation by the Roys Report which details the complex and lucrative position that Church of the Highlands (COTH) and its pastors find themselves in.

Chris Hodges is the senior pastor of COTH, a 43,000 member non-denominational megachurch that has a yearly operating budget of over $132 Million dollars. Though influential, Hodges has shown himself time and time again to be unable to handle the word of God or preach a sound sermon if his life depended on it, with Chris Rosebrough of Fighting For The Faith documenting years of bible molestin’.

While he cannot preach, Hodges does have another passion, which teaming up with his buddy and fellow pastor Dino Rizzo to ‘restore’ fallen pastors back into the ministry who have experienced moral failing, usually of the “adulterous” or “inappropriate relationship” kind of variety. Currently, the church has about 20 on the go.

The church does not believe that cheating on one’s wife is cause for disqualification from the ministry, but rather their intent is to restore them as soon as possible, sometimes in as little as a few months. Notably, Rizzo himself was restored after having one such relationship forced him to resign from the senior pastor at the Healing Place Church in Baton Rouge, La. After about a year in ‘recovery’, Hodges snatched him up and hired him as the associate pastor.

To this end, they apparently need a dedicated space where this can be done, announcing they are spending four and a half million dollars on a getaway lodge where they can live out and be restored back into leadership in style.

An earlier piece of promotional material described it in glowing terms, saying “The Lodge would serve as a place where pastors, leaders, and their families could come to be mentored, counseled, refreshed, and restored. The Lord upholds all who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down.”

There are no details on how big will be, how many rooms it will have or what sort of amenities there will be, other than it will cost a pretty penny and will be on the more luxurious side.

Bonus. Roys recounts how Hodges also has a side-gig where he invites pastors to spend a weekend with him teaching and coaching, at the steal of $7500 for singles or $10,000 for couples, with his last weekend netting him between $300,000-$400,000. Not bad for a weekend of work.


Children’s Spanking Paddle Decorated With Bible Verse Makes ‘Amazon’s Choice’ List

(Church Leaders) Amazon’s algorithm has placed a spanking paddle decorated with Proverbs 29:15 on its “Amazon’s Choice” list, prioritizing it in product searches and placing it on recommendation lists. 

According to Amazon, “Amazon’s Choice highlights highly rated, well-priced products available to ship immediately.” Amazon is known for curating products and personalizing product recommendations across a vast array of categories, apparently including “discipline” paddles. 

Across the head of the paddle are the words “The Board of Education.” Beneath this moniker is a reference to Proverbs 29:15, which says, “A rod and a reprimand impart wisdom, but a child left undisciplined disgraces its mother.”

Selling for $35.95 by The Montgomery Line, the spanking paddle’s product description says that the paddle is designed to “administer loving child discipline for children ages 2-10=.” The description also boasts that the spanking paddle is conveniently sized, contains no holes that could weaken or cause it to split, can easily be hung, and includes laminated suggested spanking guidelines.

In the “customer questions….

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Editor’s Note #1. This article was written by Dale Chamberlain and posted at Church Leaders

Editor’s Note #2 Posted because this was mildly interesting, and can’t imagine the type of person who would pay 36$ +shipping for this thing.

Update#1. Looks like the Amazon’s Choice designation is gone, but it has been immortalized forever here


Canadian Pastor ‘Won’t Comply’ with Gag Order on COVID Speech, is ‘Prepared to go to Prison’

(Lifesite News) Pastor Artur Pawlowski has made it clear that he will not comply with the gag order imposed by a Canadian judge that was part of the final ruling against him and his brother for their outspoken stance against lockdowns and vaccine mandates.

Regarding the desire of the Alberta court that Pawlowski not contradict the government narrative when speaking publicly about COVID-19 vaccines and lockdowns, the pastor stated, “This is compelled speech the judge ordered like in China and North Korea … I won’t comply and I’m fully prepared to go to prison.”

Alberta Justice Adam Germain’s 12-page ruling contained instructions for what the court expects Pawlowski to say about COVID-related topics. According to the judge, if he speaks against any of the recommendations laid out by Alberta Health Services, he is supposed to state the following:

“I am also aware that the views I am expressing to you on this occasion may not be views held by the majority of medical experts in Alberta. While I may disagree with them, I am obliged to inform you that the majority of medical experts favour social distancing, mask wearing, and avoiding large crowds to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Most medical experts also support participation in a vaccination program unless for a valid religious or medical reason you cannot be vaccinated. Vaccinations have been shown statistically to save lives and to reduce the severity of COVID-19 symptoms.”

Pawlowski’s lawyer, Sarah Miller, intends to appeal the “compelled speech and unconstitutional” sentencing in a separate…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Kennedy Hall and posted at Lifesite News


8-Month-old baby among 17 Kidnapped Missionaries in Haiti Held Hostage for $1,000,000 each

(Christian Post) An 8-month-old baby is among the 17 kidnapped missionaries in Haiti being held for a ransom of $17 million by the notorious 400 Mawozo gang, Christian Aid Ministries said Tuesday as officials in the troubled Caribbean nation and the U.S. continue negotiating for their release.

Haitian Justice Minister Liszt Quitel confirmed Tuesday that the 400 Mawozo gang, which kidnapped the missionaries Saturday while they were working with Christian Aid Ministries, demanded $1 million each for their safe return.

“Many people, including CAM management and Haitian and U.S. authorities, are working diligently to bring our loved ones home safely,” Christian Aid Ministries said in a statement.

In an effort to protect the identity of the missionaries, prior to Tuesday, not many details had been released publicly about them except that their group includes six men, six women and five children, of which 16 are Americans and one is Canadian. Christian Aid Ministries revealed in their most recent update on the kidnappings that the youngest member of the group is just eight months old while the oldest is 48….

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Leonardo Blair and published at Christian Post. Title changed by Protestia