Evangelical Stuff Featured World Headlines World News

Report: Taliban Killing People Found with Bibles on Their Phones

(Breitbart)The Taliban is killing people in Afghanistan they find with copies of the Bible on their mobile phones, a Christian non-profit announced on Tuesday.

The Taliban, a radical Islamist terrorist organization, seized leadership of the country on Sunday after surrounding the nation’s capital, Kabul, prompting former President Ashraf Ghani to flee. The Taliban ruled Afghanistan until 2001, when the United States invaded the country, and established a brutal regime that regularly persecuted political dissidents, religious minorities, women, and anyone considered to be violating Islamic law, or sharia.

According to SAT-7, an organization that broadcasts Christian programs to churches and Christians in the Middle East and North Africa, the Taliban is using “spies and informants” to persecute the Christian minority in the country.

“We’re hearing from reliable sources that the Taliban demand people’s phones, and if they find a downloaded Bible on your device, they will kill you immediately,” said SAT-7 North America President Dr. Rex Rogers told Religion News Service. “It’s incredibly dangerous right now for Afghans to have anything Christian on their phones. The Taliban have spies and informants everywhere.”

Other Christian nonprofits and ministries that specialize in assisting persecuted Christians around the world have been sounding the alarm as well, emphasizing the ruthless nature of Taliban leadership. A Christian contact of one Release International partner described the situation as “dire” in a report published Monday. Release International is a Christian ministry that also assists persecuted Christians around the world.  

“Our brothers and sisters in Christ are telling us how afraid they are..

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Edditor’s Note. This article was written by Katherine Hamilton and published at Breitbart

abortion Op-Ed

Op-Ed: Why You Should Become an Abolitionist, and Abandon Pro-Lifeism

If you have been reading my coverage of abortion-related topics with The Daily Wire, you may notice that the word “abolition” appears in nearly every article I write. Let me take a moment to explain what that means.

Since 1973, Americans have murdered over 63 million babies. Protestant denominations took nearly a decade to comprehend what was occurring—and once they finally did, a particular strategy called “incrementalism” was adopted.

If you are even vaguely familiar with the pro-life movement, you are aware of the various legislative proposals that it puts forward. Most of them work within the perceived parameters of Roe v. Wade to try and “incrementally” end abortion. Heartbeat bills ban all abortions once a baby has a beating heart; born-alive protection acts ban abortionists from killing babies if they survive abortion attempts; and pain-capable acts ban all abortions once a baby can feel pain.

For the following reasons and many more, these laws—and the movement behind them—are neither biblical, righteous, nor productive.

First, the pro-life movement does not establish equal justice.

Apply the logic of a pro-life bill to any other issue of criminal law. Would we ever laud a bill that bans sex trafficking for children between six and eighteen years of age, but greenlights it for children younger than six? Of course not—but that is the logic of the heartbeat bill. Would we ever laud a bill that lets a serial killer drown his victims, but bans him from finishing the act if they manage to crawl out of the river? Of course not—but that is the logic of the born-alive protection act. Would we ever laud a bill that lets us kill children who cannot yet walk, but bans us from killing them once they can? Of course not—but that is the logic of the pain-capable act.

God calls for His people to “seek justice, correct oppression, bring justice to the fatherless” (Isaiah 1:17). He also proclaims “woe to those who decree iniquitous decrees, and the writers who keep writing oppression, to turn aside the needy from justice” (Isaiah 10:1-2). Pro-life bills are iniquitous decrees because they do not ban murder—instead, they regulate when, how, and why it can happen. They turn our needy preborn neighbors away from justice, failing to uphold the rights of all image-bearers of God.

Second, the pro-life movement wrongly catechizes our culture.

Anyone who has ministered in front of an abortion facility can attest that mothers often raise excuses such as “my baby can’t feel pain yet,” “my baby doesn’t even have a heartbeat,” or “my baby is only ten weeks old.” Where did they learn to speak about their babies like this? From pro-life laws. The result? Their consciences are falsely soothed as they murder their own children.

Because pro-life bills—and, more broadly, the pro-life movement—treat women as “second victims” of abortion, post-abortive mothers and fathers fail to experience forgiveness through the gospel. One can only repent of sin after it is rightly defined by God’s Word. It is never loving to soften a square blow rightly delivered by Scripture—after all, love “rejoices with the truth” (1 Corinthians 13:5).

Third, the pro-life movement is built upon faulty legal premises.

When Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away last year, we all remember the intense mourning from the Left. The woman was treated like a deity. But the Right manifested a similar idolatry when President Trump appointed Justice Amy Coney Barrett—there were processions and parades, the Republican establishment mobilized on her behalf, and we placed our hope of political salvation into the potential for a conservative Supreme Court.

However, for the majority of the past five decades—even during Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey—the Supreme Court has had a conservative majority. Republican-appointed Justices have perpetuated abortion—because they are equally as devoted to the ideology of judicial precedent as their Democrat-appointed counterparts.

Abortion does not need to end with the overturning of Roe v. Wade. It is not the law of the land—which is why President Biden explicitly campaigned on the promise of codifying it at the federal level. The judicial branch does not make law. It has no power to legislate from the bench. Nevertheless, all fifty states—even the ones that still have laws on the books outlawing abortion—bow to the Supreme Court’s will. At this very moment, President Biden is ignoring a recent ruling from the Supreme Court to enforce his unconstitutional eviction moratorium, and we have not heard a word from the Justices. The states are most certainly within their constitutional rights to nullify Roe v. Wade for the reason of protecting their preborn citizens.

Fourth, the pro-life movement delays actual abolition.

For the past few years, more and more Christians have begun to recognize the above truths—and innumerable others—about the pro-life movement and its legislative strategies. In response, they have been proposing bills of abolition—which outlaw abortion from conception, include no exceptions, establish equal justice for the preborn by criminalizing abortion as murder, nullify Roe v. Wade, and repeal all other statutes that greenlight abortion.

The response—even in states with Republican governors and Republican supermajorities in the legislatures—is always the same. The abolition bill is suppressed, and a pro-life bill is adopted and marketed to voters as a landmark legislative victory. Pro-life bills allow civil magistrates to avoid their biblical duty—as defined by the doctrine of interposition—to protect their constituents from the federal government when it oversteps its boundaries.

Fifth, the pro-life movement is not grounded in the biblical worldview.

Politicians, activists, and intellectuals in the pro-life movement—even the ones who are evangelical Christians—set aside their Bibles and argue against abortion from the grounds of philosophy or science. The Bibles they set aside, however, explain that men “by their unrighteousness suppress the truth” (Romans 1:18). Do philosophy and science have their place in Christian apologetics? Absolutely—but they only confirm what Scripture authoritatively declares.
The problem for the person who partakes in abortion is not a lack of evidence—it is love of sin and rebellion against their Creator. Neglecting the Word of God in the name of pragmatism—which, by the way, is the reason that most churches in America are currently filled with false converts—is rooted in unbelief in the power of God.

The pro-life movement does not hold the gospel of Jesus Christ as central—but abolitionism does.

The pro-life movement does not stand upon the solid ground of God’s Word—but abolitionism does.

The pro-life movement does not recognize that the wisdom of the world is foolishness to God—but abolitionism does.

The pro-life movement has failed—five decades and 63 million dead bodies are evidence enough. Even if its adherents have good intentions, it is time for Christians in the pro-life movement to open their Bibles and their history books to see how the Church of Jesus Christ has fought injustice through the ages.

It is time for Christians to repent of their abortion apathy and to seek justice for their preborn neighbors. God will hold us accountable on the last day for our action—or inaction.It is time for bad ideas to die and for righteous ones to take their place.

It is time to be biblical—even if it means being unpopular.

It is time to love God and our neighbors.

It is time to abolish abortion.

Editor’s Note. This was a post written on Ben Zeisloft’s personal Facebook page. Reprinted in full with permission.

bad theology Evangelical Stuff Featured

Why Todd Friel is Completely Wrong about Romans 13 and Vaccine Mandates

(Evangelical Dark Web) Todd Friel is most certainly one of the most trustworthy more establishment voices in Evangelicalism. However, there is a great split in Evangelicalism on the role of government and whether civil or even violent disobedience to government is on the table for Christians. Todd Friel takes a near absolute stance on Romans 13 and 1 Peter 2, with the only exception being if the government commands a person to sin. On the issue of vaccine mandates, Todd Friel’s argument is leads to a convoluted and squishy justification for defying vaccine mandates. But first, we should take a look at Romans 13:1-7 and 1 Peter 2:13-17.

Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God. Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves. For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good and you will have praise from the same; for it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil. Therefore it is necessary to be in subjection, not only because of wrath, but also for conscience’ sake. For because of this you also pay taxes, for rulers are servants of God, devoting themselves to this very thing. Render to all what is due them: tax to whom tax is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor. (NASB1995)

13 Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether to a king as the one in authority, 14 or to governors as sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and the praise of those who do right. 15 For such is the will of God that by doing right you may silence the ignorance of foolish men. 16 Act as free men, and do not use your freedom as a covering for evil, but use it as bondslaves of God. 17 Honor all people, love the brotherhood, fear God, honor the king. (NASB1995)

In both of these passages, the sphere of government is laid out. It is to punish evil and reward good. These passages establish why God ordained these institutions in the first place. Commanding people to sin is acting outside of their sphere of authority but that’s not the only way in which the government can act outside of its authority, thus justifying a Christian to defy.

Todd Friel rejects sphere sovereignty as laid out in the Magdeburg Confession, and therefore rejects the Doctrine of Lesser Magistrates and interposition. He says so explicitly. This leaves Todd Friel in a no-mans land of navigating these “unprecedented” waters. John MacArthur famously held the same position on Romans 13, but would ultimately invoke the Doctrine of Lesser Magistrates in order to reopen his church during lockdowns.

Sphere sovereignty would establish the four spheres of authority: self, family, ecclesiastical, and the civil magistrate. On the issue of vaccines, the self and family are the proper spheres of authority, depending on the situation.

However, Todd Friel’s position that you can only defy government when it commands you to sin has him pondering strange arguments about situations where taking the COVID Vaccine is sinful. Essentially he takes a roundabout way to come to the conclusion that if and when the government mandates a vaccine, defying them is a conscience issue.

Things that are conscience issues are issues in which the state and the church have no authority over you on, per sphere sovereignty. Yet, Todd Friel’s pathway of coming to the same conclusion by a different name promotes eisegesis. In other words, his deconstructive theology on civil magistrates rewards or gives ample liberty to defy the government using the Bible to do so. The idea that the body is a temple to the Holy Spirit and doing something that puts the body at risk you could determine is sinful is a logical path that leads to dark places. Yet these are arguments that Friel employs, perhaps to not alienate a hesitant audience.

Instead, the Christian needs a…

To continue reading, as well as watch a video where this is broken down further, click here

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Ray Fava and posted to The Evangelical Dark Web

Evangelical Stuff Featured

Sean Feucht’s New Brand of Bethel Church-Inspired Radical Militant Christianity on Display in Portland

(Anewscafe) For more than a year, Sean Feucht, a right-wing political evangelical Christian activist, a worship leader at Bethel Church, and a musician and songwriter for the Bethel Music label, has traveled across the United States. On his cross-county trek, he’s hosted outdoor concert revivals with a team of musicians and singers to protest government restrictions on religious gatherings due to COVID-19.

Feucht’s concert revivals, which at times have attracted thousands of attendees, as well as fines from city officials because of their status as super-spreader events, go under the name of “Let Us Worship.”

The first “Let Us Worship” concert took place in July of 2020 at the Sundial Bridge in Redding as COVID-19 infections skyrocketed in Shasta County. Over the next year, Feucht, whose net worth is reportedly $700,000, took his traveling show to more than 100 cities.

In 2019, Feucht and 50 other evangelicals visited President Trump at the White House amid Trump’s first impeachment.

“We just laid our hands on him and prayed for him,” Feucht said. “It was like a real intense, hardcore prayer … it was so wild … I could not believe he invited us.”…

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Editor’s Note., This post was written by SHAWN SCHWALLER and published at A News Cafe. We don’t agree with everything in this post, but it serves as good documentation. Titled changed by Protestia


Not Going to Repent: Ed Litton Administration & SBC Mock God

(Capstone Report) In a sign that liar and thief Ed Litton—the star of Sermongate—has no intention of doing the Christian thing and repenting, the SBC President hired a new Associate Pastor at his Saraland, Alabama church to assist in his duties as SBC President. It is a sign that Ed Litton will not resign. The only way Ed Litton will leave office is if SBC Elites force him.

Reformation Charlotte was first to report that ERLC employee Joshua Wester was joining the staff of Redemption Church.

According to a post on Twitter, “I will be moving to Mobile where I’ll join the staff of Redemption Church as associate pastor. My primary focus will be supporting @EdLitton in his role as SBC President… after getting to know @EdLitton & @kferg16 better over the last several weeks, I could not be more excited about this new opportunity. As the pastor of Redemption Church for 27 years, Ed has proven himself to be a faithful and dedicated servant of God’s kingdom.

Ed Litton has proven himself to be a faithful and dedicated servant of God’s kingdom?

The guy who steals and then lies about it?

Lest we forget, Ed Litton plagiarized not only J.D. Greear sermons on Romans, but in 2015 Litton preached a J.D. Greear sermon on Acts and in 2012 Litton preached a Tim Keller sermon.

That is hardly the model of a….

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Editor’s Note. This article was written and published at the Capstone Report


Rentz Baptist Church Redirects CP Giving, Blasts SBC’s Leftist Agenda

(Capstone Report) Rentz Baptist Church of Rentz, Georgia is speaking the only language Southern Baptist Elites understand—dollars. Rentz Baptist Church said attitudes of Elite Southern Baptist leaders and the SBC’s Leftward Drift prompted it to redirect its Cooperative Program (CP) giving. What began with concerns over Leftists like Russell Moore is now broader thanks to the issues highlighted by Leftists taking charge of the SBC Annual Meeting in Nashville.

“After much prayerful consideration, Rentz Baptist Church has redirected our Cooperative Program giving,” Pastor Tom Vann announced. Vann shared an open letter to the SBC highlighting church concerns.

The church was very much concerned about the arrogance of SBC Elites and the Leftward drift of SBC entities like the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC). The church said in a statement on its website:

“We have had serious concerns for several years, particularly with the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. The recent Annual Meeting in Nashville caused our level of concern to accelerate to a heightened level. There seemed to be a level of condescension toward the average messenger that I had not seen before. Any opposing opinion was summarily dismissed as irrelevant. The speakers in general seemed to have a concerted agenda that promoted specific candidates and positions”

Pastor Tom Vann explained Rentz Baptist Church saw a 300 percent increase in total CP giving during his 25-year tenure as church pastor. However, the current agenda causes his church concern.

“My prayer is that the day…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written and published by Capstone Report

Critical Race Theory Evangelical Stuff Heresies

Open Letter to Voddie Baucham: Please Walk Away From Sing Conference

(Reformation Charlotte)

Dear Dr. Voddie Baucham,

I have enjoyed your ministry over the years, listened to countless sermons by you, and have supported you when feasible to do so. Your preaching and teaching have edified me and my family and your steadfast commitment to the truth of God’s word has been an encouragement to many.

I pre-ordered your book, Fault Lines, and I was one of the first to read it when it came out. I found it to be refreshing and encouraging, taking a hard, no compromise line against the influx of social justice and progressivism in the Evangelical Church. Rarely do we see high-ranking men take such a strong stand; we need more such men like you.

This is why I felt compelled to write to you openly regarding your association with the Sing! Global 2021 Conference. I understand that your position is that you will faithfully preach the gospel as you always do. Further, I understand that your presence at this conference is not necessarily a direct endorsement of others who are attending. However, it is a tacit endorsement. And many of the ones you will be sharing the stage with at this conference are those who hold to and advance the same ideology that you refer to your book, Fault Lines, as dangerous and at odds with biblical orthodoxy.

In your book, on page 67, you write, “The antiracist movement has many of the hallmarks of a cult, including staying close enough to the Bible to avoid immediate detection and hiding the fact that it has a new theology and a new glossary of terms that diverge ever-so-slightly from Christian orthodoxy.”

Let me be clear: most–not all–but most of the speakers attending this conference are…

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Editor’s note. This article was written by Jeff Maples and published at Reformation Charlotte.

Critical Race Theory Evangelical Stuff Featured

Southern Baptist Church Plant is Super Woke, Conservative Calls for Kevin Ezell to Resign

(Capstone Report) Controversy over church with woman co-pastor shows how SBC Elites treat the masses

A Woke church planted by the Southern Baptist Convention with a woman co-pastor highlights the problems of holding SBC Elites accountable. SBC Elites circle the wagons and spread misinformation and fake news to deceive the people. Here is how it unfolded this week.

First, Woke Preacher Clips posted this clip of Pastors Yasmin Roohi and Ali Roohi talking about race in America. It features all the Woke talking points attempting to shame Christians into supporting the Black Lives Matter

Seriously, who and where are these 12 million people being persecuted because of the color of their skin?

Also, don’t you love the framing of this political issue as not a political issue but a Kingdom issue. This is a variation of Russell Moore’s theme of declaring Leftist political priorities as a Gospel Issue™.

Thanks to….

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Editor’s Note. This article was written and published at the Capstone Report

Roman Catholic Stuff

Pope To Use ‘Spy Network’ to Catch Any Priests saying Forbidden Latin Mass

(LIfesite News) In conversations with different sources – all of them Vatican experts or members of the Vatican who wished to remain anonymous – LifeSite has learned that there is an expectation that Pope Francis intends to implement his motu proprio essentially suppressing the Traditional Latin Mass with the help of a spy system and especially of the head of the Congregation of Religious, Cardinal João Braz de Aviz. Braz de Aviz has a record of harshly persecuting tradition-oriented religious communities, most prominently the Franciscans of the Immaculate. In his July 16 motu proprio (art. 7), the Pope gave the Congregation for Religious, as well as the Congregation for Divine Worship under Archbishop Arthur Roche, the duty to supervise the implementation of his instructions.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, in his new response to the July 16 motu proprio Traditionis Custodes also speaks of the persecution of faithful communities that has been taking place both under Braz de Aviz and Pope Francis. He refers here to the fact that Pope Francis has now placed the communities dedicated to the Traditional Latin Mass under the direct authority of Braz de Aviz, “as a sad prelude to a destiny that has already been sealed.”

“Let us not forget, he fate that befell the flourishing religious Orders, guilty of being blessed with numerous vocations born and nurtured precisely thanks to the hated traditional Liturgy and the faithful observance of the Rule.”

Two sources told LifeSite that the Pope will use a “spy system” or “spy network.” As one Vatican source wrote: “They will use the spy system. There are everywhere overly zealous ones who will report to Rome that somewhere the Ancient Rite is being celebrated, or they will accuse those bishops who do not intervene.” The information gained by these “spies,” the source continued, will be used against those bishops who are anyway already being regarded as unpleasant…

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Editor’s Note: This article written by Maike Hickson and published at LIfesite News.


‘Centrist Chad’ Explains Vaccine Hesitancy and Media Distrust in Epic Twitter Thread

Editor’s Note. While not strickly about polemics or theology, and therefore not something we typically do around here, this extended thread about media manipulation, optics and perception serves to highlight many of the things that are adjecent to this. Also while not everyone at Protestia is ‘vaccine hesitant’, we are all ‘authoratarian hesitant’ and anyone with a modium of sense can see the media manipulation for what it is.

(The Liberty Daily) Russia-British comedian and political commentator Konstantin Kisin had some thoughts about vaccine hesitancy. In fact, he had quite a few thoughts. We can debate the choice of posting over 2,300 words in a Twitter thread, but the content found in it is a masterclass on explaining the lack of trust tens of millions of people in the U.S. and U.K. currently have towards the Covid-19 injections both governments are pushing so hard.

Here’s the thread. Normally, we just post the Tweets but for the sake of making it easier to read, we’ll just post the first Tweet and the thread and unroll the rest in text format with links, images, and videos intact.

You’re struggling to understand why some people are vaccine hesitant. The “let me help you” megathread: Imagine you’re a normal person. The year is 2016. Rightly or wrongly, you believe most of what you see in the media.

You believe polls are broadly reflective of public opinion. You believe doctors and scientists are trustworthy and independent. You’re a decent, reasonable person who follows the rules and trusts authority.

Imagine your shock then, when Brexit, which you were assured won’t happen because it’s a fringe movement led by racists for racists, happens. The polls, which widely predicted it wouldn’t happen were completely wrong.

The experts and media pundits who told you it wouldn’t happen day after day are also wrong. “Oh well” you say, “these things happen”. Imagine that soon after Donald Trump is running for President. You are told by your favourite media publications that he is going to lose.

Some experts say his opponent has a 99% chance of winning.

Imagine waking up on the morning after the election to discover that pollsters, media experts and politicians you still trusted were wrong again.

And now, the racist monster they told you would never get near the White House is the leader of the free world. “How did this happen?” you ask yourself? How could all the people in charge of informing me be so wrong? “It was the Russians,” they tell you.

“The Russians did Brexit and they got Trump elected too”. Imagine that for the next 3.5 years you watch as the media and the political class run with the Russia collusion narrative. They tell you the how, when and where.

The dossiers, the whistle-blowers, the peeing prostitutes. Imagine your desperation for things to make sense again. The Mueller Report is coming and it will set your world straight.

Evidence of foreign meddling in the 2016 election and Brexit is coming to save your unsettled mind. Imagine your shock then, when you discover that Brexit and Trump had little to do with foreign meddling. The screaming about Russians and Brexit dies down as well.

Imagine that bit by bit, you discover that events which the media and political class told you would not and could not happen not only happened, but happened without some sort of evil interference. Instead, millions of your fellow citizens voted for them.

Again, you ask “How could this happen?” and again the media has the answer: racism. “Your country is racist”, they tell you. If you’re white, this seems strange to you. Other than a handful of idiots, you’ve never met a racist.

If you’re an ethnic minority immigrant like me, this seems even stranger. Why would people in one of the most welcoming, tolerant countries in the world want to convince themselves their country is racist when it’s so obviously not?

But the evidence is right there on your TV screen. Imagine your horror as a gay black actor is assaulted by MAGA hat-wearing thugs who racially abuse him and put a noose around his neck. He cries while talking about it:…

To continue reading, click here. It’s long, but very, very worth it.

This article was written by JD. Rucker and published at the Liberty Daily. Title changed by Protestia.