HUMILIATED: Carl Trueman says SBC President Ed Litton is a ‘Laughingstock’

( Capstone Report) Sermongate enters new phase as Evangelical Leaders hold Ed Litton up as a bad example.
Carl Trueman said Ed Litton’s Sermongate made the newly elected President of the Southern Baptist Convention into a laughingstock. Trueman made the comments about Ed Litton on Mortification of Spin. Trueman’s cohost Todd Pruitt also criticized the new SBC President over the plagiarism scandal.
“The newly appointed president of the convention, Pastor Ed Litton, has been engulfed in a plagiarism scandal that—you know, to put it politely—has made him a laughingstock, I think,” Trueman said. “There have been a series of videos that have come out online where his sermons have been interspliced among, I think the foremost one has been the former president of the Southern Baptist Convention J.D. Greear, where repeated sections of sermons have been taken virtually word-for-word from the sermons of Greear.”
Trueman went on to explain that pastors depend on the “wisdom of others” in sermon preparation to make sure they are handling the text appropriately; however, here it was..
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Editor’s Note. This article was written and published at the Capstone Report. Title changed by Protestia