
Popular Southern Baptist Youth Speaker Wade Morries Passes Away

(Baptist Press) Evangelist and well-known speaker Wade Morris died Tuesday morning (Aug. 3) at age 51 after a battle with COVID-19 and pneumonia.

Morris, a graduate of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, worked full time as a traveling evangelist, speaking at hundreds of youth events, conferences and camps each year, including many Southern Baptist-sponsored events such as Youth Evangelism Conferences and Oklahoma Baptists’ Falls Creek youth camp, where he spoke last month.

Morris’ last tweet, posted July 10, celebrated 457 professions of faith after a week of preaching at Falls Creek. Oklahoma senator and Southern Baptist James Lankford attended the event and can be seen photographed with Morris. Before entering politics, Lankford served as the director of Falls Creek.

Oklahoma Baptists released a statement Tuesday mourning the loss of Morris.

“We are heartbroken to learn of Wade Morris’ passing,” the statement said. “His speaking ministry in Oklahoma and across the country has forever impacted countless young people. Wade’s a faithful minister of the Gospel and a great friend to Oklahoma Baptists. We are praying for his family.”

Several well-known evangelicals expressed condolences…

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Editor’s Note, this article was written by Timothy Coackes and published at the Baptist Press. Title changed by Protestia

World News

Fulani Herdsman Behead Christian Father, 7-Year-old Son

(International Christian Concern) – ICC has confirmed an attack reported by Punch Newspapers of an incident yesterday where a father and son were killed by men suspected to be Fulani Militants.

“The victims identified as Thomas Wollo, 46, and Nggwe Thomas, 7,  were attacked and beheaded by some herdsmen close to their home in  Tafigana village, Bassa LGA, while returning from a choir practice at about 8.50pm on Sunday,” said the news source.

The perpetrators of the attack were said to have disappeared into the bush afterwards and have not been found. Zongo Lawrence, the spokesman for Miango Youth Development Association, stated that later that day millions of naira (Nigerian currency), worth of farmland were also destroyed in a nearby village.

“Seventeen of our people have been killed by Fulani herdsmen this year,” Lawrence said in a statement. “The international community should come to our aid; we are under heavy siege.”

 “As a people, we are continuously under attack and nobody seems to be hearing our cry for help,” said the President of Irigwe Youth Movement, Mr Chinge Dodo. “It appears that killing our people has become a routine.”

Editor’s note, This article was written by and published at


First Time in 45 Years, House Democrats Pass Bill to Eliminate Hyde Amendment, Make Americans Fund Abortions

(LifeNews) House Democrats passed the first bill ever to eliminate the Hyde Amendment and force Americans to fund the killing of unborn babies in abortions.

On a 219-208 vote, Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats passed spending bills that, unless blocked by the Senate, would eliminate the Hyde Amendment and other longstanding pro-life policies that prevent taxpayer funding of abortion on demand. Today’s vote follows the passage on Wednesday of a spending bill that would force Americans to directly fund abortion overseas.

The Hyde Amendment prohibits taxpayer funding for most abortions in Medicaid and other federal programs. It is credited with saving about 2.4 million babies’ lives, and polls consistently show strong public support for it.

For decades, most Republican and Democrat lawmakers supported the amendment as a regular part of the budget. However, Democrat leaders recently abandoned the public on the issue and sided with the billion-dollar abortion industry instead.

The Democrat bill would eliminate or weaken four pro-life laws or policies, including:

  • Hyde Amendment: stops federal taxpayer funding of abortion on demand in the United States.
  • Dornan Amendment (D.C. Hyde): stops federal taxpayer funding of abortion on demand in Washington, D.C.
  • Hyde-Weldon Amendment: protects health care workers and institutions from government coercion to participate or be complicit in abortions.
  • Smith Amendment (FEHBP Hyde): stops funding for abortion on demand in Federal Employee Health Benefits.

Republican members offered..

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Steven Ertelt and published at Life News


Community and Government Officials Protest Church’s ‘Anti-LGBTQ’ Sign

( A church sign commenting on gender identity in Medford sparked dueling but peaceful protests on Friday evening.

Community members and elected officials gathered outside the New England Baptist Church on Salem Street to protest a sign that reads: “MALE AND FEMALE / CREATED HE THEM / GEN 5.2 / GENDER IDENTITY SOLVED.”

On his website, Northeastern University journalism professor Dan Kennedy called the sign an “anti-LGBTQ message.”

“No one was demanding that the church remove the message, which is protected by the First Amendment. But members of the trans community and their allies wanted to let them know that their views weren’t welcome,” Kennedy wrote. “A party atmosphere prevailed, at least on our side…we walked in front of the church once and then stood out on the opposite side of Salem Street, waving flags and signs while motorists honked their horns in support.”

Medford City Councilors Zac Bears and Nicole Morell, as well as Councilor and mayoral candidate John Falco and Mayor Breanna Lungo-Koen, joined community members to protest the sign. 

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Julia Taliesin and published at


Disney Debuts Its First Ever LGBTQQIP2SAA Love Song

(Answers in Genesis) The LGBT activists are out to capture your kids! A recent study found that, between 2017 and 2019 alone, LGBTQ+ characters in children’s programming saw a 222% increase for a total of 259 such characters aimed at influencing children. And as more studios appoint openly LGBT showrunners and give them the green light to include such characters in their shows, this is only going to grow exponentially. Take, for example, a new development from Disney+.

In a recent episode of a popular show on their streaming platform, Disney debuted their first homosexual love song. Two young men in High School Musical: The Musical: The Series (HSMTMTS) affirm their love for one another in this new song titled “The Transformation.” Teen Vogue shares:

The normalization of Seb and Carlos’ romance sets it apart from other queer relationships on screen in which sexuality is a burden or hurdle to overcome, rather than just another trait of one’s personality. “We’re not trying to achieve something crazy,” Frankie adds. “We just want love and romance just like everybody else. The song is about acceptance between the two, but then also, how they’re being presented to the world.”

Disney wants to show teens and children that homosexual romances are totally normal to help ensure the..

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Ken Ham and published at Answers in Genesis

Critical Race Theory

Youth Group Dad Says His Son Is Too Afraid Of Racism To Throw A Baseball In The Yard

(WokePreacherTV) During the youth group of a Las Vegas megachurch, a father reveals that his preteen son (on the same stage with him) has been so dramatically affected by mass media, he is too afraid to play baseball in the backyard, because he believes accidentally throwing it in a neighbor’s yard could endanger him. To protect the minor’s identity, I have obscured his image and removed the audio when his father says his name. I will not link to the source video to keep this identifying information private.


FATHER: I’m not raising him to be fearful. And I know that that for [redacted], he has seen a lot. This generation has so much, you know, so many different ways to see all the racism, in comparison to what I saw when I was growing up.

And I know that that fear has really played a part on my son. And I don’t want to raise him in a place, I teach them, I tell them all the time, like, don’t be scared. And my thing is, my fear is, the fear that this is generating for my son, and that’s something that I don’t want, because at the end of the day, I want him to be the strongest man he can be.

I know that he’s scared. I know he sees these things happening. I know that that plays a part on the way he looks at stuff. The other day he told his brother, he didn’t tell me, because he knew I would get mad, but he said, “Hey, I’m scared to go outside and throw the baseball in, around, in front of the house.” And I’m like, I asked my wife, I said, “Well, why say that?” And she’s like, “You know, he thinks something would happen if the ball rolled in someone else’s yard.” And it was right then and there where I knew that this, what’s happening right now, is putting so much fear into my son.

And that is something that I don’t want to live with. I can’t live with that, that he’s scared or he’s fearful and he can’t be all that he wants to be.

The moderator chimes in:

MODERATOR: That’s good. And I think that is so important. That’s why we are having these conversations, because nobody should feel fear from walking outside their house. And I know a lot of people are like, “Oh, just shut up about it, like, keep going on. Like, it’s not that bad.” But no, this is bad. Like, somebody’s fearful to even go outside their own house where they pay the bills. That, like, it’s just, it’s, it’s insane.

The following post was written and published at WPC’s YouTube channel.

LGBTQQIP2SAA Money Grubbing Heretics Super Gay

United Methodist Drag Queen Gets Star Treatment from Denomination’s Official News Service

(Juicy Ecumenism) United Methodist candidate for ordination who performs as a drag queen has been favorably profiled by the denomination’s official news service.

“Drag is over-the-top and joyous,” a pearl-bedecked Isaac Simmons shared, his tall 23-year-old frame balanced atop high heels and crowned with a bright red wig to preach on Pentecost Sunday as his drag persona, Ms. Penny Cost.

A service at Hope Church of Bloomington, Illinois was featured in a video profile of Simmons by Joey Butler and Mike DuBose of the United Methodist News Service (UMNS). Accompanied by upbeat guitar, the video follows Simmons as he embraces congregants and speaks of a spiritual journey that led him to United Methodism.

In March, Simmons became the first openly gay candidate to be certified for ministry in the Illinois Great Rivers Conference of the United Methodist Church. He currently serves as operations director for Hope Church.

Simmons previously admitted surprise that his candidacy was approved through a unanimous vote by the Vermillion River District Committee on Ministry.

“I have a duty to use my privilege…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by and published at Juicy Ecumenism. Title changed by Protestia

SBC Scandal

Breitbart Gives Reformation Charlotte Multiple Shoutouts in Ed Litton Scandal Article

(Breitbart) The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), the largest Protestant Christian church denomination in the United States, may pay a great price for its hesitance to address the spread of critical race theory even among conservative evangelicals.

In June, the SBC met for its annual convention, the largest deliberative body in the world. Turnout was high, with nearly 16,000 “messengers” or church representatives present. This happened for two reasons: first, the 2020 convention had been canceled due to coronavirus lockdowns, and second, churches within the coalition were increasingly noticing fractures over social issues — namely, a Christianized version of “antiracism” that, for better or worse, has been given the catch-all label “critical race theory” (CRT).

Critical Race Theory? In Church?

Even before CRT became a hot issue in public education and government training materials, several Christian voices had raised the alarm about their institutions being infiltrated by proponents of the far-left ideology. Specifically in the SBC, several independent bloggersYouTubers, and pastors warned that professors in the denomination’s seminaries were sounding quite CRT-ish.

Of course, no one is openly announcing, “I believe in CRT and here’s why you should too,” but many sermons, panels, books, and small group curricula have subtly entrapped believers with extra-biblical commands about “whiteness,” “privilege,” and “allyship,” exploiting the feeling of words like “racism” and “white supremacy” while imbuing their meanings with what we should see as positive, Biblical things, like hard work or receiving advantages from one’s parents.

And this kind of theological drift was noticeably infecting the SBC at its highest levels. Russell Moore, then the head of the SBC’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), put on a conference commemorating the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr’s assassination (MLK50). The presentations lionizing King (an important, positive figure in American history — who, by most accountsdid not affirm core tenets of Christianity, such as the literal resurrection of Jesus, and is reportedly on tape observing a literal rape and doing nothing to stop it) veered into extremely woke territory — generational “complicity” in MLK’s murder and denigrating black conservatives as “Angloid on the inside,” for example.

Former convention president J.D. Greear, the lead pastor of a North Carolina megachurch, ran into controversy when he preached that…

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Editor’s note. This article was written by Ezra Dulis and published at Breitbart. Title changed by Protestia.


Conservative Baptist Network: SBC President Ed Litton Must Resign, Gospel Witness at Stake

(Capstone Report) CBN: Ed Litton’s ‘sinful behavior and the lack of forthrightness when exposed is inconsistent with the character and integrity Southern Baptists rightfully expect from their president.’

The Conservative Baptist Network of Southern Baptists said Southern Baptist Convention President Ed Litton must resign. The call for Litton’s resignation follows a month-long plagiarism scandal that ignited blogs, social media and was even featured in a New York Times front page story on Sermongate. Now, CBN says Southern Baptists can wait no longer—Litton must resign because the Gospel witness of the Church is at stake.

 “For the sake of the gospel, it is best for President Litton to step down from office and focus on his personal spiritual development with his local church,” CBN said in a release. “The testimony of Southern Baptists and of the gospel is at stake.”

The statement highlighted Ed Litton’s documented plagiarism over the last decade. They continue

“As further evidence of what appears to be serial plagiarism continues to surface in at least six videos from a variety of named sources, the Conservative Baptist Network calls on the leaders of the SBC to address this matter promptly and biblically,”

In fact, Litton’s unwillingness…

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Editor’s note. This article was written and published at the Capstone Report


David Platt’s Co-Pastor Says It’s Difficult for Him Not to ‘Torch All White People’

(Reformation Charlotte) During an interview with Evangelical podcaster, Jennie Allen, Mike Kelsey–co-pastor at McLean Bible Church in Virginia with David Platt–said that it was difficult for him “not to torch all white people.”

This level of racism, whether spoken or indeed, should be intolerable among the Church of Jesus Christ. Instead, people like Kelsey are elevated to positions of leadership they are unqualified for.

This is not a matter of bridling the tongue–this is a matter of out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks (Luke 6:45). In other words, Mike Kelsey has exposed his racism and…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Jeff Maples and published at Reformation Charlotte.