Report: Taliban Killing People Found with Bibles on Their Phones

(Breitbart)The Taliban is killing people in Afghanistan they find with copies of the Bible on their mobile phones, a Christian non-profit announced on Tuesday.
The Taliban, a radical Islamist terrorist organization, seized leadership of the country on Sunday after surrounding the nation’s capital, Kabul, prompting former President Ashraf Ghani to flee. The Taliban ruled Afghanistan until 2001, when the United States invaded the country, and established a brutal regime that regularly persecuted political dissidents, religious minorities, women, and anyone considered to be violating Islamic law, or sharia.
According to SAT-7, an organization that broadcasts Christian programs to churches and Christians in the Middle East and North Africa, the Taliban is using “spies and informants” to persecute the Christian minority in the country.
“We’re hearing from reliable sources that the Taliban demand people’s phones, and if they find a downloaded Bible on your device, they will kill you immediately,” said SAT-7 North America President Dr. Rex Rogers told Religion News Service. “It’s incredibly dangerous right now for Afghans to have anything Christian on their phones. The Taliban have spies and informants everywhere.”
Other Christian nonprofits and ministries that specialize in assisting persecuted Christians around the world have been sounding the alarm as well, emphasizing the ruthless nature of Taliban leadership. A Christian contact of one Release International partner described the situation as “dire” in a report published Monday. Release International is a Christian ministry that also assists persecuted Christians around the world.
“Our brothers and sisters in Christ are telling us how afraid they are..
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Edditor’s Note. This article was written by Katherine Hamilton and published at Breitbart
The real tragedy is the Taliban banning vaccinations, feminism and LGBTQ++. It goes against our interests and values 🇺🇸🇮🇱🏳️⚧️🏳️🌈
We can see all this on television and how Trump’s policy failed
But of course the American Taliban on this website are mad because this fake unconfirmed “news” about Bible apps. It shows where your evil hearts are located
Nah, Johnny boy. Bible-believing Christian Americans are not like the Taliban. If you want to use that analogy, we’re more like the Afganis. We’ll just step aside and watch while abominable extremists like you duke it out with extremists like them.
Simply because we wouldn’t fight for what either of you stand for.
I can’t help but miss the binary nature of your “reasoning.” LOL The irony. Seems you like such reasoning when it applies to everything except the fact that God made them male and female.
You need to repent, Johnny.
That’s rich – a godless Sodomite like ‘Johnny’ calling Christians’ hearts ‘evil’ 😛
Yeah, real shocking (sarc). Five-eyes possessed fortune tellers failed to predict the obvious, with their seances and ouija boards. They are too busy trying to engineer their own countries into normalizing abominable sin, and selling their souls to the cult of woke, to be concerned about actually doing the job they’re supposed to do.
Equally shocking that the Afghani people might choose the Taliban as the lesser of two evils, and refuse to fight, rather than let Five-eyes countries force them to convert to the the abominable cult of woke. I mean that’s particularly shocking when likely a whole 1% of the planet agrees with the abominable, satanic wokist ideology. Shocking! Truly shocking that men wouldn’t fight for something they don’t believe in. Shocking!
SMH. Idiots.
Hey ‘Johnny,’ just imagine what the Taliban would do to you after finding all that gay porn and Satanic crap on your phone 😛