Cursed Headlines Evangelical Stuff Featured LGBTQQIP2SAA

Parents ‘Furious’ at NYC Private School Over Graphic Sex-ed Videos Shown to 1st Graders

(Christian Post) Parents of children at an elite private school in New York City are speaking out against videos on masturbation and gender identity being shown to their first-graders.

According to the New York Post, parents of first-grade students at Dalton School, which costs $55,000 a year, were outraged when they learned that “health and wellness” educator Justine Ang Fonte — who had previously led an explicit “porn literacy” workshop at another prestigious prep school in the city — had shown 6 year olds a cartoon video in which “touching themselves” for pleasure was explained. 

“Hey, how come sometimes my penis gets big sometimes and points in the air?” a boy in the cartoon inquires, which then prompts an explanation about erections.  The boy nods his head and says that he touches his penis “because it feels good.”

A young girl in the cartoon video subsequently adds: “Sometimes, when I’m in my bath or when Mom puts me to bed, I like to touch my vulva too.”

The children were also reportedly…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Brandon Showalter and published at the Christian Post.

Critical Race Theory Featured Heresies Social Issues

SBC Leader Recommends Book Promoting Social Justice, Favoritism for Oppressed Classes

(Capstone Report) NAMB VP Dhati Lewis recommends book that denies penal substitutionary atonement. Book argues that justice is not always impartial. Book argues God demands preference for Oppressed classes.

What is biblical justice? It isn’t remotely close to what a book promoted by the Southern Baptist Convention’s North American Mission Board church plant leader claims. In fact, a book recommended by NAMB VP Dhati Lewis argues that to do justice often requires injustice and to be fair sometimes requires acting in unfair ways. The Little Book of Biblical Justice was recommended by Dhati Lewis in an email exchange with Kyle Whitt. (Emails available here.)

In the NAMB VP recommended Little Book of Biblical Justice the writer argues:

In some circumstances justice requires a disinterested impartiality, a repudiation of all favoritism. In other circumstances it demands an unequivocal partiality, a definite bias towards the interests of certain parties over those of others. Justice is both impartial and partial, biased and unbiased, equal and unequal, depending on the issues at stake” (p. 38).

The partiality, of course, is only shown to certain favored classes.

Who are the favored? The oppressed classes.

“While impartiality is essential…

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Editor’s note. This article was published at the Capstone Report

News SBC Scandal

Breaking: SBC via NAMB Trustees Lie to US Supreme Court

(Capstone Report) Once again Southern Baptists present a false statement to federal courts in a desperate effort to defeat Will McRaney and protect Kevin Ezell.

The Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission lied to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in the Will McRaney case. Now, lawyers for the North American Mission Board (NAMB) just filed a brief with the Supreme Court of the United States that is deceptive and false. Namely, NAMB just claimed state conventions are Southern Baptist entities.

NAMB claimed in its filing May 28, 2021, “Reverend McRaney attempts to avoid certiorari by emphasizing that, though he was employed by one Southern Baptist entity, he was never employed by the particular Southern Baptist entity that he sued, namely the SBC Mission Board.”

There are only 12 Southern Baptist entities—and the state conventions are NOT Southern Baptist entities.

Currently, state convention…

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Editor’s note. This article was originally posted at the Capstone Report

Charismatic Nonsense Church Evangelical Stuff Featured

Ravi Zacharias’ Daughter, RZIM CEO, Admits she Made Serious Errors as she ‘Fully Trusted’ her Father

(Premier Christian) Sarah Davis, CEO of RZIM, the apologetics ministry founded by Ravi Zacharias, has apologized for not initially believing the sexual abuse victims of her late father saying she made “serious errors that only furthered deep wounds.”

Speaking in a video message shared on RZIM’s Facebook page, Davis spoke about her involvement in her father’s ministry saying at the outset it wasn’t something she intended to become part of despite her “deep admiration and love for my father.” Although a Christian since childhood, around 10 years ago she said she came to believe that “God loved me” and she felt a calling to lead the ministry. 

Speaking about her role within RZIM she said it was one of the greatest blessings of her life but went on to talk about the brokenness of the last few years.Get the latest Christian World News stories via email SIGN ME UPSee our privacy notice

Referring to serious allegations that first arose in 2017 and then in 2020, Davis said she was now “grieved” at her initial response to disbelieve victims and that she should have immediately called for an investigation.  She added that it hadn’t been her goal to cover up the “sins of her father,” who died from cancer in May 2020, to further a ministry.

“I believed this man, my father, whom I loved and trusted more than anyone else, could not have done these things … But I was wrong.

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Chantalle Edmunds and posted at Premiere Christian Radio.


Google Docs gets Social Justice Update, Autocorrecting to Gender Neutral and Politically Correct Language

(Reclaim the Net) Google announced on Tuesday, during its I/O developer conference, that editing capabilities of Google Docs have been expanded to police text and monitor a writer’s level of inclusivity.

Thus an update to the app means that Google Docs will start suggesting changing words like “mailman” to “mail carrier” and “chairman” to “chairperson,” it has been revealed.

Users will also be prompted to avoid using passive voice or what Google determines to be offensive language. It’s unclear from reports if the new feature will be opt-in or out, or hard-coded in the app, that is, impossible to avoid using.

This user-facing change comes after Google’s style guide for developers already seeking to “tidy up” language according to the sensitivities the giant is pandering to. For example,

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Didi Rankovic and published at Reclaim the Net

Critical Race Theory Evangelical Stuff Featured

Aimee Byrd and the Egalitarians Explain Their Plan To Smuggle in Women Pastors

(Denny Burk) Mike Bird and Devi Abraham recently interviewed authors Kristin DuMez, Beth Allison Barr, and Aimee Byrd (see video below). All three of these authors have written books condemning complementarianism. Both DuMez and Barr are convinced egalitarians. While I have never heard Byrd own that label, she has said in her book that she is not a complementarian. In any case, it’s difficult to detect any daylight between Byrd’s position and that of the two egalitarians in this interview. They all three are very much opposed to complementarian theology, which is denigrated as abusive patriarchy in this interview.

One thing that they all three seem to agree on is the need for women to take on more teaching and leadership positions over men in churches. On this point, there was one revealing moment at the end of the interview that I think complementarians would do well to take note of. Devi Abraham asks the authors what one thing needs to change in evangelical churches, and Beth Allison Barr answers first with this:

You know, I would like for women to be able to teach Sunday School… In order for women to be accepted in leadership roles, we’ve got to put them in leadership roles… Lots of men have this story that their minds actually weren’t changed by what they read. Their minds were changed by hearing women. And hearing women teach and realizing they could be edified, that they could grow spiritually from hearing a woman.

So I would really like for more evangelical churches to put women in adult leadership roles… So I’m not expecting pastorate immediately. Everything takes time. But just put them in more spaces where they actually can use these gifts. Don’t confine them only to women’s ministry and to children’s ministry and to the dream team in the kitchen. Put them out in leadership roles… Let women teach the Bible. Let them teach actual theology and good stuff. And let’s see them do it… If I could change one thing, I would put more women in adult Sunday School and teaching places in churches.

Notice that the endgame for…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Denny Burk and published at Title changed by Protestia.


Southern Baptist Lobbying Group says Gender is Fluid in Bible

ERLC argues for nuance in teaching boys and girls how to behave.

(Capstone Report) Gender should be nuanced, and Christians should remember that even in the Bible gender is presented as “fluid and relational,” according to an essay published by the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the Southern Baptist Convention.

According to the essay posted on the ERLC’s website“It’s important to affirm ways in which gender expression is fluid and relational—even in the Bible.”

Ponder that for a moment.

The point the author is getting at however seems far different than what that sentence implies. The author amplifies his thought by pointing out how different people like Jacob and Esau showed both were men, but one was hunter and the other prepared a stew.

Then to make the point clear, he writes…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written and published at the Capstone Report


Supreme Court to decide on Mississippi’s 15-week abortion ban, could overturn Roe v. Wade

(LifeSiteNews) – The United States Supreme Court has agreed to hear a challenge to a Mississippi law banning abortion at 15 weeks of pregnancy, which challenges the “viability” threshold of current legal precedent and therefore sets the stage for a decision that will either uphold, overturn, or modify Roe v. Wade.

An order list released Monday by the Court reveals that it has agree to take up Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which concerns Mississippi’s HB 1510 law banning abortions from being committed past 15 weeks for any reason other than physical medical emergencies or severe fetal abnormalities. 

After its enactment in 2019, U.S. District Judge Carlton Reeves quickly issued a temporary restraining order against enforcing the law, then declared it unconstitutional in a ruling filled with pro-abortion talking points rather than legal arguments. Nevertheless, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals sided with Reeves, prompting appeal to the nation’s highest court.

The Fifth Circuit claimed that an “unbroken line dating to Roe v. Wade” had firmly entrenched the “right” to pre-viability abortion, but that “unbroken line” is precisely what Mississippi and other pro-life states intend to challenge. Attorneys with the Life Legal Defense Foundation have noted that the Court has also acknowledged a “compelling interest in protecting the unborn child” as pregnancy progresses, particularly on criteria like fetal pain – which can be felt before viability.

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Calvin Freiburger and published at LifeSiteNews.


BREAKING: Texas Bans Aborting Babies with Beating Hearts, Bill Heads to Gov’s Desk for Signature

(LifeSiteNews) On Thursday, May 13th, the Texas Senate gave final approval (amendment concurrence) for the final passage of the pro-life Texas Heartbeat Bill, SB 8 authored by Senator Bryan Hughes (R-Mineola) and sponsored by Representative Shelby Slawson (R-Stephenville).

The bill passed by a bipartisan vote of 18-12 and is now on its way to Governor Greg Abbott for his signature. The policy would take effect on September 1, 2021.

Rep. Shelby Slawson is serving in her first legislation session and has shown she is ready to lead on such an important issue, while Senator Bryan Hughes is a veteran of the Texas Legislature and one of the most distinguished pro-life members at the Texas Capitol.

Gov. Greg Abbott has already stated twice in Twitter posts that he will sign the Texas Heartbeat bill.

“A heartbeat is a universal sign of life, and that’s why so many Texans believe that when a heartbeat of an unborn child is detected, that child should be protected. The Texas Heartbeat Act is different than Heartbeat laws in others states, by relying on civil actions to enforce the law making it near impossible for the usual claims…

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Editor’s Note, This article was written by and published at LifeSiteNews.


Popular “Christian Rapper” KB Makes Cartoon Video Mocking and Blaspheming Jesus

(Rerformation Charlotte) Self-proclaimed “Christian” rap artist, KB, who is part of the Reach Records group along with other well-known names like Lecrae, Trip Lee, Andy Mineo, and Hulvey, recently published a cartoon video blaspheming and mocking Jesus.

The cartoon that he dubbed “the Southside Jesus,” presents Jesus as a “gangsta” walking on water as others stand around laughing and making fun of him. “Is the fish kissin’ yo’ feet?” one of cartoon characters asks the caricature of Jesus. “They might as well,” “Jesus” responds, laughing and acting stupid.

The entire cartoon displays a total lack of reverence and fear of God and who he is. Making an idol of Jesus to fit their own description, to justify their own lifestyle choices and habits. This is the epitome…

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Editor’s note. This article was written by Jeff Maples and published at Reformation Charlotte.