
Popular “Christian Rapper” KB Makes Cartoon Video Mocking and Blaspheming Jesus

(Rerformation Charlotte) Self-proclaimed “Christian” rap artist, KB, who is part of the Reach Records group along with other well-known names like Lecrae, Trip Lee, Andy Mineo, and Hulvey, recently published a cartoon video blaspheming and mocking Jesus.

The cartoon that he dubbed “the Southside Jesus,” presents Jesus as a “gangsta” walking on water as others stand around laughing and making fun of him. “Is the fish kissin’ yo’ feet?” one of cartoon characters asks the caricature of Jesus. “They might as well,” “Jesus” responds, laughing and acting stupid.

The entire cartoon displays a total lack of reverence and fear of God and who he is. Making an idol of Jesus to fit their own description, to justify their own lifestyle choices and habits. This is the epitome…

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Editor’s note. This article was written by Jeff Maples and published at Reformation Charlotte.

Evangelical Stuff Featured LGBTQQIP2SAA

Revoice Leaders Promoting “Homosexuality is a Blessing” Nonsense

(Reformation Charlotte) Grant Hartley, a former Campus Crusade leader who turned to Roman Catholicism after spending years teaching students at Campus Crusade retreats that homosexuality isn’t sinful, recently tweeted a thread insisting that LGBTQ+ can’t be reduced to a desire for gay sex and that God’s “blessings” in homosexuality are often overlooked by well-meaning people.

Revoice leader, Nate Collins, echoed these gay sentiments looking for acceptance and tolerance among Christians who believe that homosexuality is not only weird, but an affront to God and nature…

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Editor’s note. This article was written by Jeff Maples and published at Reformation Charlotte

The crux of the argument here is that being a sodomite somehow


Godless: Biden Leaves Out Reference to God in His National Day of Prayer Pronouncement

(Montana Daily Gazette) Who are we supposed to be praying to, again? What is prayer, exactly? When Democrats attempt to appear vaguely interested in religion, it’s always untheological and done with a heart marked by insincereity and clout chasing. Joe Biden’s recent call for a National Day of Prayer (a presidential tradition), he failed to mention, you know…God and stuff.

Probably being reminded of the tradition by one of his staffers, after being reminded what day of the week it was, that he was president, and that he should wear pants when he leaves the West Wing, Biden issued the cringe-worthy proclamation…

“I invite the citizens of our Nation to give thanks, in accordance with their own faiths and consciences, for our many freedoms and blessings, and I join all people of faith in prayers for spiritual guidance, mercy, and protection,

To whom? To whom are we praying?

Earlier this week, The Most Rev. Salvatore J. Cordileone, Archbishop of San Francisco, issued a pastoral letter stating that after all attempts to convince President Biden not to rip babies out of the womb and scalp them for medical experiments, he should be denied Holy Communion. Cordileone’s suggestion that Biden be denied Communion will probably be rejected by Pope Francis, who is only nominally Catholic but aggressively Marxist.

Despite being a Papist belonging to a church that still, kinda sorta, expresses belief in some kind of diety (for now), Biden seems to have forgotten the three-letter name for the Christian deity, G-O-D.

In fact, the only time a reference to deity is made at all is in the dating of the letter, which refers to the 2021st Year of our Lord, which is how Western Civilization tells time.

Given that the Democratic Party’s platform is a checklist of ways to violate the Ten Commandments, it’s unsurprising that Biden didn’t want to mention the Almighty. Abortion is a violation of the Sixth Commandment (murder), homosexuality is a violation of the Seventh Commandment (sexual sin), socialism is a violation of the Eighth Commandment (theft), “transgenderism” is a violation of the Ninth Commandment (lying), and class warfare is a violation of the Tenth Commandment (coveting).

In contact, Trump mentioned God nine times in his last National Day of Prayer pronouncement.

(Editor’s note. This article was originally published at Montana Daily Gazette. Reprinted in full with permission. A small modification made also with permission)

Coronavirus News

Michigan Hospital Officials Tell Sons: Without COVID Shot, You Cannot Visit Dying Mother

(Liberty Counsel) An elderly Romanian immigrant lies dying of old-age complications in a Troy, Michigan, hospital. Her sons, both deacons in their churches, want to pray over and anoint their mother before she passes. One of them drove 800 miles to help his brother anoint their mom before she takes her last breath.

But the hospital will not allow either of these sons to see their mother, let alone deliver last rites—because neither will take a COVID injection.

The sons have offered to use every possible protection other than the COVID shots because they have religious and moral objections. They volunteered to wear the most extreme personal protection/biohazard gear and undergo any type of COVID testing prior to a visit.

Still, the hospital will not let these loving sons near their mother unless they take the experimental, “emergency use only” COVID shots.

Yet, the hospital’s policy states that patients who do not have COVID, are in serious or critical condition or who need help communicating, may have visitors. When we received the call for legal help, we immediately went to work to assist this family.

This family’s deeply held convictions prevent them from taking the shot. But the hospital refuses to honor their religious exemptions or reasonable requests…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Mat Staver and published at Liberty Counsel.

World Headlines World News

Germany Shuts Down International Child Pornography Site Used by More Than 400,000 People

(Faithwire) Prosecutors in Germany have busted one of the world’s largest darknet platforms for child pornography, used by more than 400,000 registered members.

Frankfurt authorities said in a statement Monday that, alongside the Federal Criminal Police Office, they arrested three German suspects in mid-April believed to be the administrators for the website, according to the Associated Press.

One of the three suspects was arrested in Paraguay and Germany has since requested his extradition. The three men, whose names have not been released, are ages 40, 49, and 58, the Evening Standard reported.

The three men allegedly gave site members advice on how to evade law enforcement when using the platform to view, upload, or download illegal child pornography. A fourth suspect, a 64-year-old man, has also been arrested, accused of being one of the platform’s most prolific users, having allegedly uploaded more than 3,500 posts. Much of the content, prosecutors say, contained “images of [the] most severe sexual abuse of toddlers.

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Editor’s note. This article was written by Tré Goins-Phillips and published at Faithwire.

News SBC

SBC Attempts Replacing a Conservative with Pastor who Praises Barack Obama, Beth Moore

  • J.D. Greear’s Committee on Nominations fires conservative Executive Committee member. Replacement praises Barack Obama, Beth Moore and ERLC head Russell Moore.
  • Executive Committee nominee claims we should not doubt pro-abortion fanatic Barack Obama’s ‘knowledge of the Bible and of the Spirit who authored it.’
  • Precedent shows conservatives have a chance to reverse at the Annual Meeting.

(Capstone Report) In a breach of Southern Baptist Convention protocol, J.D. Greear’s SBC Nominations Committee refused to re-nominate Dr. Tom Tucker of South Carolina. Dr. Tucker is the current Vice-Chairman of the Executive Committee and was willing and eligible to serve another term. In Dr. Tucker’s position, Greear’s handpicked committee nominated a pastor who praises Barack Obama and Beth Moore.

The nominating committee was made aware that Dr. Tucker was available for another term; however, the committee decided to force a replacement on the Southern Baptist Convention, according to multiple sources close to the SBC Executive Committee.

This is a violation of precedent.

The last time such a move was attempted by a nominating committee was…

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Editor’s note. This article was originally published at the Capstone Report

cancel culture Church LGBTQQIP2SAA News

Video: Police Arrest, Frogmarch 71-year-old Pastor For Preaching against Homosexuality

(WND) Disturbing video has emerged of a Christian pastor forcefully arrested and frogmarched by police officers merely for preaching a basic message from the Bible in public.

The incident took place April 23 in west London, England, as John Sherwood, a 71-year-old grandfather, was standing on a step stool in the Uxbridge section of town, voicing a message from Genesis about God having created a man and woman in Genesis, and that being the basis of the family unit.

Britain’s Daily Mail reported: “Police said they had received complaints the man had been making ‘allegedly homophobic comments’ and arrested him under the Public Order Act, which can be used under the vague proviso that someone is using ‘abusive or insulting words’ that cause ‘harm’ to someone else.

He was later…

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Editor’s note. This article was written by Joe Kovacs and was published at WND

Charismatic Nonsense Evangelical Stuff Featured Heresies

Wayne Grudem, Mark Driscoll, Michael Brown Sign Joint Statement Affirming False Prophets

(Reformation Charlotte) In a recent statement by the charismatic sub-Christian sect of professing Christendom titled the Prophetic Standards Statement, well-known Evangelical theologian, Wayne Grudem joined a host of false prophets affirming that those who prophesy falsely are not actually false prophets.

If that sounds crazy, it’s because it is. And it’s because charismatics are, by nature, simple-minded and opposed to any kind of deep-thinking theological critique.

While the entire statement is a walking contradiction to the Scriptures, declaring that churches must “make room for spontaneous utterances as the Spirit wills,” most of the signers of the statement are blasphemers that should come as no shock: i.e. Kris Vallotton of Bethel Church, several New Apostolic Reformation “Apostles,” and the world’s most notable apologist for the Montanist heresy, Michael Brown.

On the other hand, that educated men like Wayne Grudem wouldn’t be able to see these contradictions inconceivable. They see the contradictions and basic fallacies opposed to their own doctrine and statement of faith in this statement, yet, they choose to ignore it.

After rejecting the idea that modern-day prophecy is on the “same level” as biblical prophecy–as though God’s revelation is somehow less authoritative today than it was in biblical times–the statement goes on to contradict God’s standard for prophets.

One of the most contradictory affirmations in this statement reads as follows:

Finally, while we believe in holding prophets accountable for their words, in accordance with the Scriptures, we do not believe that a sincere prophet who delivers an inaccurate message is therefore a false prophet. Instead, as Jesus explained, and as the Old Testament emphasized, false prophets are wolves in sheep’s clothing, in contrast to true believers who might speak inaccurately (see Matt. 7:15-20Jer. 23:9-40Ezek. 13:23). Thus a false prophet is someone who operates under a false spirit masquerading as the Holy…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Jeff Maples and published at Reformation Charlotte.

World Headlines World News

Four Women Abducted From Baptist Church Service in Nigeria

(PremiereChristian) One person was killed, another injured and four women kidnapped, after heavily armed men, of Fulani ethnicity, attacked a church service in Chikun Local Government Area (LGA) in southern Kaduna state.

According to Christian Solidarity Worldwide’s (CSW) sources, Zacharia Dogon Yaro, a community extension health worker at the Kaduna State Ministry of Health, was killed in Sunday’s attack at Haske Baptist Church in Manini village. The gunmen also abducted Charity Musa, Rose Zacharia, Alheri Bala and Liatu Zakka, a widow whose husband was murdered in an earlier attack.
Kaduna is increasingly becoming the epicentre of kidnapping and banditry activity in Nigeria. Despite being the headquarters of 11 military installations, Kaduna state has become an epicentre of kidnapping, with levels of insecurity almost matching those in the north east, according to CSW.

A CSW source said: “The kidnappers are expanding their activities, particularly in the rural areas.  We are like prisoners. We can hardly step out of the city.  Once you’re on the road your heart is in your mouth until you reach your…

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Editor’s Note. This article was published at Premiere Christian News


Jewish Rabbi Outed as Secret Christian Missionary

(Times of Israel) An ultra-Orthodox Jewish community in Jerusalem’s French Hill neighborhood was in shock on Sunday after a prominent member of the community was reportedly outed as an undercover Christian missionary.

Beyneynu, a nonprofit organization that monitors missionary activity in Israel, said Sunday that it had been “investigating the case of a covert missionary in French Hill for many years,” but had acted to expose him now “due to one of the missionary’s children proselytizing in school.”

Hebrew media said the man, who was not identified publicly, had posed as a rabbi and a kohen (priest) and worked as a scribe and a mohel, conducting ritual circumcisions.

However, it was discovered that the family was actually not Jewish, but from a Christian family from New Jersey in the US, and had reportedly forged documents to show they were Jewish in order to emigrate to Israel under the Law of Return.

“We are confident that the Jewish leaders will act strongly against this threat, and quickly put protective measures in place to protect the Jewish community…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by TOI staff and published at Times of Israel.