SBC Leader Recommends Book Promoting Social Justice, Favoritism for Oppressed Classes

(Capstone Report) NAMB VP Dhati Lewis recommends book that denies penal substitutionary atonement. Book argues that justice is not always impartial. Book argues God demands preference for Oppressed classes.
What is biblical justice? It isn’t remotely close to what a book promoted by the Southern Baptist Convention’s North American Mission Board church plant leader claims. In fact, a book recommended by NAMB VP Dhati Lewis argues that to do justice often requires injustice and to be fair sometimes requires acting in unfair ways. The Little Book of Biblical Justice was recommended by Dhati Lewis in an email exchange with Kyle Whitt. (Emails available here.)
In the NAMB VP recommended Little Book of Biblical Justice the writer argues:
“In some circumstances justice requires a disinterested impartiality, a repudiation of all favoritism. In other circumstances it demands an unequivocal partiality, a definite bias towards the interests of certain parties over those of others. Justice is both impartial and partial, biased and unbiased, equal and unequal, depending on the issues at stake” (p. 38).
The partiality, of course, is only shown to certain favored classes.
Who are the favored? The oppressed classes.
“While impartiality is essential…
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Editor’s note. This article was published at the Capstone Report
Exodus 23:3 NKJV
You shall not show partiality to a poor man in his dispute.
Yet another biblically ignorant narcissistic opportunist masquerading as a teacher. There are so many these days – no wonder the body of Christ in this country is so desperately ill…
Like Yahoo, Protestia can’t publish the whole article. If I wanted to go to another source to read the story I wouldn’t come here
What groups or type of people does the Bible specifically instruct to marginalize? Adulterers, homosexuals, those who are lazy, those who are gluttonous, those who are violent, those who seek ill-gotten gain, drunkards, idolaters, deceivers, liers, swindlers, etc.
Who do BLM and those who promote “Social Justice” always promote and elevate as the victims and examples of injustice, oppression and as examples of being marginalized? Hint: It isn’t those exhibiting the best behavior within whatever group of people they’ve classified as a group, it’s always those exhibiting the worst behavior. Biblically, those individuals should be marginalized.
‘Book argues God demands preference for Oppressed classes.’
They are wrong, but so are all those pathologically and vehemently oppose genuine restorative justice to the economically marginalised. If they are indeed guilty of introducing Marxist theory into Christian faith, you are also guilty of introducing hard right wing politics into Christian faith! Neither is acceptable. Before you have a meltdown, digest what I have written