
California Demands Church Pay $3.8 Million in COVID Fines Even Though SCOTUS Struck Down Its Worship Ban

(Lifenews) All they did was meet together for worship in obedience to the Word of God. Then the government started fining them. Now, officials have shown up with a warrant and are interrogating their employees. The worst part of all is that the Supreme Court has twice ruled in favor of Calvary Chapel San Jose, yet still state and local governments are harassing them.

First it was California Governor Gavin Newsom (D), who clung to one of the nation’s strictest lockdowns far longer than science or prudence could justify. Eventually, the Supreme Court intervened to end what had been nearly a year-long ban on indoor worship. But while churches opened elsewhere in the state, officials in Santa Clara County declared “indoor gatherings of all kinds remain very risky.” Six justices curtly overruled the county’s worship ban, perhaps annoyed by the brazen way in which the county flaunted their earlier decision.

But the county still wants to extort their pound of flesh. They insist the church must pay $3.8 million in bogus fines because the church refused to comply with the unlawful worship bans. The county has also threatened the church’s mortgage holder and bank if those private companies don’t aid the county in retaliating against the church. They also demanded the church turn over the names of members, volunteers, and donors (which would expose them to everything from official government harassment to unofficial “doxing”), as well as “financial records to prove the church just opened ‘for the money,’” explained

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Joshua Arnold and published at Lifenews.


New ‘Suicide Machine’ Passes Legal Review in Switzerland

A ‘suicide machine’ has passed legal review in Switzerland and its maker hopes it will be available for use as early as next year.

The 3D-printed ‘suicide machine’ was created by Philip Nitschke, founder of the suicide advocacy group Exit International, a proponent of ‘rational suicide’ and referred to in the media as ‘Dr. Death’ or the ‘Elon Musk of assisted suicide.’ It is being called the ‘Sarco’ machine.

In an interview with SWI, Nitschke said: “It’s a 3-D printed capsule, activated from the inside by the person intending to die. The machine can be towed anywhere for the death”.

“The person will get into the capsule and lie down… They will be asked a number of questions and when they have answered, they may press the button inside the capsule activating the mechanism in their own time”.

Describing the actual manner of death, Nitschke said:

“The capsule is sitting on a piece of equipment that will flood the interior with nitrogen, rapidly reducing the oxygen level to 1 percent from 21 percent in about 30 seconds. The person will feel a little disoriented and may feel slightly euphoric before they lose consciousness. Death takes place through hypoxia and hypocapnia, oxygen and carbon dioxide deprivation, respectively”.

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Editor’s Note., This article was written and published by National Right to Life UK


UK Ranked Amongst Top 5 Places Christians Experience Intolerance in Europe

(Premiere News) The UK has been ranked as one of the top five countries in Europe where Christians experience the most violations to their religious freedom.

A preliminary report investigating the human rights of Christians in France, Germany, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom in 2019-2020 has found an increasing level of intolerance towards believers throughout society. 

Data from the Observatory of Intolerance Against Christians in Europe (OIDAC Europe) found this to be prevalent from both a government level – through legislation and political discourse – and through social exclusion and criminal acts against Christians. 

The study found that most practicing Christians in Europe have come across some form of discrimination or intolerance due to their faith, while anti-Christian hate crimes increased by 70%t across the five countries between 2019 and 2020.

OIDAC executive director Madeleine Enzlberger told Premier secular intolerance and Islamic oppression are the two driving factors threatening the lives of Christians in Europe.

“It is primarily secular intolerance – a radical form of secularism that tries to relegate religion to the private sphere only – so it does not have any public space or voice.”

“Another dynamic is Islamic oppression. In areas where extremist forms of Islam are part of community life and the culture, Christian converts face threats from their families and the wider community.”

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Heather Preston and posted to Premiere News


Pastor in Nepal Sentenced to 2 Years in Prison for Saying Prayer can Heal COVID-19

(Christian Post) A court in Nepal has sentenced a pastor to two years in prison under the country’s harsh anti-conversion law for merely saying that prayers can heal COVID-19, according to reports.

The District Court in Dolpa this week sentenced Pastor Keshab Raj Acharya to two years in prison and a fine of $165 (20,000 Rupees) for suggesting on social media that prayer could bring healing from the coronavirus, the U.S.-based persecution watchdog International Christian Concern said in a statement.

Pastor Acharya was first arrested on March 23 last year from his home in Pokhara, Gandaki Pradesh Province, on charges of spreading false information regarding COVID-19. Though he was released about a fortnight later, he was rearrested moments later on charges of “outraging religious feelings” and “proselytizing.”

After more than three months in prison, he was released on July 3, 2020, after paying bail equal to about $2,500.

In a viral video published on the internet, Pastor Acharya prayed in front of his congregation, saying, “Hey, corona…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Anugrah Kumar, and published at the Christian Post


Feminists Take Abortion Pills Outside Supreme Court to Kill Their Babies in Disgusting Publicity Stunt

(LifeNews)A small group of abortion activists defiantly swallowed abortion pills Wednesday outside the U.S. Supreme Court as the justices considered a major abortion case that could overturn Roe v. Wade and allow states to protect unborn babies from abortion again.

The Daily Mail reports abortion activists with Shout Your Abortion took the abortion drugs in front of a huge banner that read “We are taking abortion pills” on Wednesday morning. They also brought a bag full of small white boxes labeled “abortion pills.”

Shout Your Abortion founder Amelia Bonow was one of the women who participated in the publicity stunt. A video showed the group shouting, “Forever! Abortion pills!” as Bonow and a few other women held pills and boxes of pills in their hands. After the women swallowed the pills, abortion activists around them cheered and clapped.

Shireen Rose Shakouri, deputy director of the pro-abortion group ReproAction, celebrated their act of defiance, writing on Twitter how she felt “honest to goodness chills as comrades” took the abortion pills.

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Micaiah Bilger and published at LifeNews


Viral Canadian Pastor Released from Court Order to Recite Disclaimer when Speaking against COVID Mandates

(Lifesitenews) Christian pastor Artur Pawlowski will no longer have to promote the government COVID narrative when speaking against virus rules and vaccines after winning a court appeal. 

According to a Rebel News report, on Thursday, Justice Jo’Anne Strekaf of the Alberta Court of Appeal tossed an extreme sentence handed to Pawlowski and his brother Dawid Pawlowski by Alberta Justice Adam Germain in October, that limited their free speech. Strekaf also stayed a travel ban imposed on the brothers. 

Germain’s order mandated that the Pawlowski brothers – who have been critical of the Alberta governments’ COVID rules along with the jabs – had to state official government propaganda regarding the virus each time they challenged government rules in public. 

Germain wrote that as a “final” term of his probation order, that Pawlowski and his brother must say COVID jabs “save lives” whenever he speaks out against them. The order was imposed on October 13, when both…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Anthony Murdoch and published at LifeSiteNews

bad theology

James Merritt defends Gay Son’s Preaching by Attacking Trump Supporters

(Capstone Report) James Merritt defends his gay son’s preaching by lashing out at Southern Baptists who supported Donald Trump.

James Merritt tweeted, “Sodomy is a sin. I disagree with anyone who says it’s not. But not all gays are practicing. I Also disagree with people Who think they’re courageous because they call out one sin But if a POTUS is guilty of sexual sin they keep their mouth shut. It’s called cowardly hypocrisy.” Here is the archive of the tweet.

One Twitter user summarized the post perfectly: “Am I mistaken, or did James Merritt really just say that you cannot criticize him promoting his gay sons preaching if you supported Trump?”

That is exactly what James Merritt said…

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Editor’s note. This article was written and published at the always excellent, must-follow Capstone Report


OK Baptists Become 4th SBC Convention to Pass Resolution Calling for the Immediate Abolition of Abortion

(Free the States) On Tuesday, Oklahoma Baptists became the fourth Southern Baptists state convention this year to pass a resolution calling for the immediate abolition of abortion following ArkansasSouth CarolinaUtah-Idaho. All of these follow the Resolution on Abolishing Abortion passed by the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) in June.

The Oklahoma resolution reaffirmed the language passed by Oklahoma Baptists in 2019, and the SBC resolution from this summer. Below is the language of the resolution with amendments added during the discussion process in bold.

We, the messengers to the 2021 Annual Meeting of Oklahoma Baptists, meeting at Southern Hills Baptist Church, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, November 15-16, 2021, believe in the sanctity of human life beginning at conception, that every person—preborn, born and unborn — is created in God’s image and deserves life. We echo and underscore the emphatic resolutions on ending abortion previously approved by Oklahoma Baptists in 2019 and by Southern Baptist messengers in June of 2021, both of which called for the immediate end, the abolition of abortion, without exception or compromise. With God’s grace, we work to see a day in which every unborn child in Oklahoma and America is protected and valued.

The most important amendment is the final one — making clear that what is being called for is the immediate abolition of abortion. Blake Gideon, the convention’s immediate past president, offered the amendment, saying to the Committee and the convention:

“I know you’ve wrestled with this issue and I appreciate you very much. But I would like to call for clarity and strength in this resolution… One of the things I love about the Bible is the clarity and strength of scripture. I believe that our resolutions need to not only be scriptural, I believe they also need to reflect the tone of scripture. That is the purpose for this amendment…

“The 2019 resolution was a call for the immediate end of abortion, which was passed by this body. The resolution at the Southern Baptist Convention was on the abolishment of abortion, which was passed by the Southern Baptist Convention. All we’re asking is for this resolution to reflect what the intent of those two resolutions were: the immediate end and the abolition of abortion. You could read this resolution and not come to that conclusion if you’re not familiar with [the previous resolutions].

“We live in a day where there’s a culture of death all around us, and we can’t tiptoe around issues. We must be clear and we must be strong. 20 children today will be murdered in the state of Oklahoma.”

Gideon’s amendment was not received as friendly by the Resolutions Committee. The language did nothing but spell out more clearly the obvious implications of the…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by James Silberman and published at Free the States. Title changed by Protestia

abortion News

Gospel Preacher Arrested for Preaching In Front of Abortion Mill

(Montana Daily Gazette) “One of our boys was just arrested in Greenville, South Carolina, for preaching the Gospel at the murder mill. No warning. No decibel meter. No nothing including- no reading of his rights. The cops came, told him to get off the ladder, put him in cuffs, and he’s now sitting at Greenville County Detention Center. It’s here in SC; getting arrested for preaching the Gospel is here. Pray that God would grant us wisdom and discernment over the next several hours as we reason with our magistrates to do the right thing.”

“God hates the hands that shed innocent blood.”

The above was written yesterday by Matt Brock of Greenville, South Carolina. Brock and a group of comrades have been protesting the “murder mills” for years on end, but this event marked the first and only arrest.

To be clear, the arrest was over a supposed “decimal” level-of sound discrepancy emitted from a megaphone-and which has never been an issue before. No “calibrated meter” was used at the time of the arrest by police. The arrest was for preaching the Gospel.

Here is a video clip concerning the incident. View here to see Josh’s release from the Greenville County Detention Center.

This article can be read in its entirety at the Montana Daily Gazette here. Note: Title changed by Protestia.


Big Eva Silent on Rittenhouse Verdict

(Evangelical Dark Web) Quick to slander and slow to apologize has certainly characterized the response of The Gospel Coalition to the Rittenhouse verdict. Yet the same could not be said of Big Eva with regards to the Derek Chauvin verdict and will likely not be said of the imminent verdict relating to the death of Ahmaud Arbery.

Whether this is because now is not the best time to express anti-White sentiment or whether because they cannot articulate a coherent rebuttal to the verdict, the major Big Eva publications including: The Gospel Coalition, Christianity Today, Mere Orthodoxy, SBC Voices, ERLC, Church Leaders, 9 Marks, Relevant Magazine, and Charisma Magazine are all reticent on the issue.  This is despite the fact that Evangelical Dark Web has been consistently reporting on the cultural impact of this case from day one.

The best answer is that even ministries that share an audience with Evangelicals Dark Web have not really touched on this issue. But on YouTube, the silence is not the case. Christian Post only published a news article about the verdict as expected for a major event.

Even on Twitter, one is hard-pressed to find a Big Eva response. The condemnations of the verdict seem to exclusively come from super woke Black pastors and whatever Kyle J. Howard so happens to…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Ray Fava and published at Evangelical Dark Web.