
Only 4 Percent of Christian Parents Have a Biblical Worldview, Poll Finds: Children Are ‘Spiritually Disadvantaged’

(Christian Headlines) Less than five percent of American parents who claim to be Christian possess a biblical worldview, new research out of Arizona Christian University found. The research also shows most parents today hold to a “syncretistic” belief system that blends multiple

The study, released Tuesday by the university’s Cultural Research Center, found that only 2 percent of all parents of pre-teens in the United States possess a biblical worldview. And although two-thirds of those parents are self-identified Christians, only 4 percent of that group holds to a biblical worldview.

The research involved interviews with parents of children under the age of 13. It was part of the center’s American Worldview Inventory for 2022.

“Every parent teaches what they know and models what they believe,” said George Barna, director of research at the Cultural Research Center. “They can only give what they have, and what they have to give reflects their driving beliefs about life and spirituality. Parents are not the only agents of influence on their children’s worldview, but they remain both a primary influence and a gatekeeper to other influences.”

More than 9 out of 10 parents have a “syncretistic” or blended worldview, meaning their beliefs are a mix of multiple worldviews where “no single life philosophy is dominant,” the study found. This produces “often self-contradictory” worldviews, the center said in an analysis.

“The typical American parent is either fully unaware that there is a worldview development process, or they are aware that their child is developing a worldview, but they do not take responsibility for a role in the process,” Barna said. “Or they are aware the child’s worldview is being developed, but choose or allow outsiders to accomplish that duty on the parent’s behalf.”

The research further found that “the younger the parent, the less likely they are to have a biblical worldview.”…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Michael Foust for Christian Headlines.


Veggie Tales Creator says Voddie Baucham Doesn’t Represent Black Christians

Leftists & Woke Christians fear that Dr. Voddie Baucham could enter SBC President’s race.

Phil Vischer tells Southern Baptists Voddie Baucham does not represent African American Christians. Vischer compares Voddie Baucham to Candace Owens.

(Capstone Report) Phil Vischer told conservative Southern Baptists excited about the prospect of that Dr. Voddie Baucham might run for SBC President that Dr. Baucham is no different than Candace Owens. In fact, Vischer said that Dr. Baucham only appeals to white, conservative audience.

Vischer said in response to excited white Christians, “Probably no more than a Candace Owens presidency, unfortunately. He (Voddie Baucham) doesn’t speak for many Af American Christians.”

He continued, “Right. Just saying his views are very unpopular among most Black Christians. His audience is overwhelmingly conservative white Christians. Not much progress likely to come from that.”

And the cherry on top of the Wokeness…

To continue reading this article., which is much longer and well worth it, click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written and published at the Capstone Report


Ohio Lawmakers Urge US to Put Canada on Religious Freedom ‘Watch List’ for Jailing Pastors – 1 Pastor Still in Prison

State legislators in the Ohio House of Representatives introduced a resolution this week calling out Canada for its religious persecution of pastors during the pandemic. 

They’re urging the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) “to consider adding Canada to the Special Watch List of countries where the government engages in violations of religious freedom.”

The six-page resolution was introduced by Republican state Reps. Reggie Stoltzfus and Timothy Ginter, and was co-sponsored by 11 of their Republican fellow representatives.  It mentions the history of religious freedom that Canada, the United States, and the state of Ohio share, but condemns the actions of Canadian authorities who arrested, fined, and jailed clergy members during COVID crackdowns. 

“We, the members of the House of Representatives of the 134th General Assembly of the State of Ohio, have taken note of the abuses of religious liberty that have gone on throughout the Provinces of Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic,” the resolution reads.

The proposal also provides a list of several examples of this abuse. (Editor’s Note. Pastor Tim Stephens. Pastor James Coates. Pastor Artur Palwowski)

As CBN News and CBN’s Faithwire have reported since the beginning of the pandemic, Canadian authorities have targeted churches throughout the country, arresting and jailing pastors, levying large fines against congregations, and shuttering houses of worship.

Artur Pawlowski, the pastor of Street Church and… To continue reading, click here

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Steve Warren and Benjamin Gill and published at CBN


‘Victory’: Supreme Court Lets Kentucky Attorney General Defend Pro-Life Law, Contra Pro-Choice Gov.

(Christian headlines) The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that Kentucky’s attorney general has the legal right to defend a statewide abortion restriction even after the governor refused to do

Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron, a Republican elected in 2019, had asked a federal court to let him defend a new state law that bans an abortion procedure known as dilation and evacuation, in which an unborn baby is dismembered, piece by piece, while still in the womb or birth canal.

The law was passed and signed in 2018 by Republican Gov. Matt Bevin, who was then defeated by Democrat Andy Beshear, the current governor. Abortion clinics filed suit in federal court, seeking to have the law overturned.

After the Beshear administration declined to defend the law, Cameron filed a motion to intervene and defend it. The U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, though, ruled that Cameron could not intervene.

But the U.S. Supreme Court, in an 8-1 decision Thursday, said Cameron had the legal right to mount a defense.

Justice Samuel Alito, in the majority opinion, wrote that a state has a “weighty interest” in “protecting its own laws.”

“The way in which Kentucky divides executive authority and the unusual course that this litigation took should not obscure the important…”

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Editor’s note. This article was written by Michael Foust and published at Christian Headlines.


Christian Speaker Gets Canceled by Christian College for Teaching Christian Students Christian Ideas

(Red State) We’re living in transformative times. The country has moved away from Christian principles, and that migration includes institutions of faith. Of course, people have differing definitions of Christianity, but the traditional take is being increasingly left behind. Case in point: On Valentine’s Day, Gordon College welcomed speaker Marvin Daniels.

Marvin is the executive director of faith-based community development organization The Hope Center. Per its official website, the Missouri nonprofit trains “high school, middle school, and elementary students from over 15 campuses across the city in servant leadership and character development.” When Marvin addressed attendees of the Massachusetts Christian school, he presented biblical themes.

Based in 2 Corinthians, his talk touched on an adolescent hot spot: sexual morality. As part of Gordon’s “Deep Faith Week,” students got served a lesson without lenience. According to the event’s transcript, Marvin’s take wasn’t pro-trans.

“We’ve got a culture in chaos,” he claimed. “And they’re trying to redefine sexuality for us. … What was appropriate before is no longer appropriate.”

Titanic Trigger Warning:

“We’ve got individuals that say, ‘I feel like I’m a female,’ and they get a chance to participate in female activities. Back in the day, I wish that would work. I would’e been saying ‘I feel like a female’ so I [could] get into (the) girls locker room. Come on now.”

Might it have been the only time select youngsters had heard such a slam?

Marvin made clear he’s not impressed with modern morality:

“Our sexual behaviors are being corrupted and co-opted. We’ve got individuals co-mingling what God has said with what the culture has said.”

The man even fired on females, along with guys’ treatment of them:

“It’s amazing to see that even in the church, my Christian brothers (are) out there treating young ladies like they’re urinals. And I am concerned about that. And I’m concerned about my Christian sisters who dress like they’re desserts on a menu. And then they get upset when a brother wants to place an order.”

Indeed, hides were old-school tanned.

Unsurprisingly, some students didn’t appreciate the dress-down.

Via email, the school’s vice president for external relations, Rick Sweeney, laid it out to The College Fix:

“Many students in the audience, particularly Gordon’s young women, reached out to members of the college’s leadership to complain about what they deemed a degrading and demeaning presentation.”

“While the source material was biblically grounded and very appropriate for a chapel service,” Rick wrote, “[Marvin’s] rhetorical style and illustrations — which may have been intended to connect with a younger audience — had the exact opposite effect.”

The Deep Faith series was set to host three more talks by Marvin, but evidently, things were only meant to go so deep.

Gordon College canceled Marvin’s remaining appearances.

We’re living in….

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Alex Parker and published at Red State.


Radical Pro-Obama Pastor Placed on SBC Presidential Search Committee

Leftward Drift becomes a Leftward Sprint as SBC Executive Committee places a radical Pro-Obama, Pro-Russell Moore pastor on Presidential Search Committee.

(Capstone Report) The SBC Executive Committee announced its Presidential Search Committee and appointed to the list is a radical, Leftist, Pro-Obama pastor.

David Sons is a new member of the SBC Executive Committee who replaced a conservative in a deceitful move by the J.D. Greear appointed committees. Sons praised Obama not only for the former president’s character but also for Obama’s knowledge of the Holy Spirit. The radical pro-abortion, anti-traditional marriage Barack Obama? That Obama? Yes. That Obama. Sons tweeted:

“The ease with which @BarackObama interweaves passages of Scripture into his eulogy for @repjohnlewis speaks to his familiarity with the text. Disagree with him politically if you like, but it is hard to doubt his knowledge of the Bible and of the Spirit who authored it.”

Sons even praised Obama for his character….

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Editor’s note. This article was written and published at the Capstone Report


Woke Pastor Calls for “Redistribution Of Power And Resources” In The “Evangelical Church Sphere”

(Woke Preacher Clips) Léonce Crump of Renovation Church calls for “redistribution of power and resources” in a June 2020 panel discussion at the Atlanta-area New Mercies Christian Church. Crump says this in response to a question from moderator Justin Giboney about “practical steps” for Christians to take after the antiracism protests of summer 2020. Lee Jenkins, pastor of Eagles Nest Church, co-signs Crump’s statement, though neither of them offer specific demands. (Editor’s Note. Crump is Lecrae’s pastor, and a while ago he argued Genesis 33 is About Jacob Paying Reparations To Esau For ‘Abuse’ and ‘Violations.)

LEONCE CRUMP: There needs to be, in my opinion, a redistribution of power and resources in the large evangelical church sphere. I’m done.

JUSTIN GIBONEY: So, anyone else? Pastor Lee looks like he might have.

LEE JENKINS: Well, I agree with that. There does need to be a redistribution of power and resources, but one of the ways to make that happen is we have to get involved. We have been speaking and protesting from afar. In sports we call it, we need to stop being spectators and we need to get into the game, which means as pastors we need to understand the world of politics more. We need to train future politicians. We need to run for city council. I mean, we got to get on the field and get involved. And so, I think the church, we haven’t talked about that a whole lot, but I just think it is time that we should be a training center for sending people out into the world to be salt and light to the earth. GIBONEY: That’s powerful.

Editor’s Note. This article is a WPC YouTube Video put into post form.


Less Than Half of Americans Find Pastors to Be ‘Trustworthy Sources of Wisdom,’ Research Finds

(Christian Headlines) According to new data from Barna Research Group, less than half of American adults, including non-Christians, find pastors to be “very reliable” sources of wisdom when it comes to spiritual matters.

The Rev. Glenn Packiam, a senior fellow at the Barna Group, included the research in his latest book, The Resilient Pastor. The book, released on February 15, encourages pastors and Christians to be resilient in their calling as Christianity’s influence on the world continues to wane.

“Pastors are no longer perceived as a credible voice or a trustworthy source of wisdom on much,” Packiam wrote in an excerpt of the book. “Churches don’t have much of a role in a community unless they can provide tangible help or practical care. And people aren’t likely to turn to a church for help when facing difficulties or crises,” he continued. “In fact, Christianity is just one way of making meaning of this world, and it isn’t really even a respected way. For many, it is archaic and outmoded, prude and rude,” Packiam concluded.

The research, which asked whether pastors are seen as trustworthy sources of wisdom, found that 57 percent of Americans generally agreed that pastors were “somewhat” reliable and 23 percent of American adults agreed that pastors are “definitely” a “trustworthy source of wisdom.” Thirty-one percent of Christians said pastors are “definitely” trustworthy, while just four percent of…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Milton Quintanilla an published at Christian Headlines.


Senate Democrats Set Up Vote on Bill to Legalize Abortions Up to Birth Nationwide

(LifeNews) Senate Democrats have pushed forward with a radical pro-abortion bill that would force states to legalize taxpayer-funded abortions up to birth.

Forbes reports Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer filed cloture Thursday to advance the misnamed Women’s Health Protection Act, saying “a woman’s right to choose is a fundamental right.” He plans to hold a vote Feb. 28.

Democrat leaders and many mainstream news outlets portray the bill as an effort to simply “codify the right to an abortion” in the U.S. in response to the likelihood that the Supreme Court will overturn Roe v. Wade later this year.

But pro-life leaders say the bill would go beyond even Roe by nullifying state laws that protect unborn babies from late-term and partial-birth abortions.

“This radical ‘Abortion Until Birth Act’ would block popular pro-life laws around the country, including limits on late-term abortions when unborn babies feel pain, and effectively enshrine an unlimited abortion ‘right’ in federal law,” said Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser. “Pro-abortion Democrats are desperate to stop the pro-life momentum demonstrated by pro-life laws advancing in state legislatures nationwide.”

Bans on partial-birth abortions, sex-selection abortions and taxpayer-funded abortions would be gone if the bill passes. Laws that protect women…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Micaiah Bilger and published at LifeNews.


Free Speech and Free Press under Huge Assault in Montana by LGBT legal Network

(Mass Resistance) A conservative pastor who is the publisher of Montana’s largest and most influential conservative news site is being sued for “libel” by a bizarre transgender lobbyist. The leftist judge assigned to the case is also threatening the pastor with fines and a gag order even before the trial takes place.

This assault on free speech and free press is buttressed by the state’s far-left legal establishment and appears to be funded by the wealthy LGBT and Planned Parenthood lobby. The aggressive legal action, including an invasive “discovery” process of the pastor’s media operation, is clearly aimed to put the conservative news site and its subsidiary voices out of business. The radicals would even like to dictate what the pastor may say in his own church.


Montana Democrats are still reeling from the Republican blowout victory in the 2020 election. Republicans now have a super-majority in both houses of the Legislature, and hold the Governorship and all statewide offices (Attorney General, Secretary of State, Supervisor of Public Instruction, Auditor).

Paradoxically, the judiciary in Montana is dominated by leftists. The state’s only law school is at the very liberal University of Montana and the state’s lawyers – and thus the judges – are far more left-wing than the general population.

Just as in DC back in 2016, the Democrats’ response to the Republican sweep has been to lash out wildly. Leftist attorneys are using the liberal courts in Montana to challenge conservative bills passed in the 2021 legislative session (pro-life laws, the ban on transgender boys in girls’ sports, strengthening parents’ rights, reining in sex ed, strengthening election law, and banning discrimination on the basis of vaccination status). They are also contesting Attorney General Knudsen’s and Supervisor of Public Instruction Arntzen’s policies banning Critical Race Theory and declaring masks optional in schools.

One news site stands out

As in other conservative areas, the news media across the state is also horribly left-wing. The one prominent exception is the Montana Daily Gazette, published by Jordan (“JD”) Hall, who is also a Baptist minister. The Gazette is bold and straight-shooting, with a down-to-earth style – and is definitely not “PC.” It has caught the attention of Montanans tired of the other news outlets. On many days, the Gazette often claims the highest readership of any news source in Montana. Some say its fearless reporting contributed to the Republican sweep in the 2020 election.

Hall is also very influential in Montana through his other conservative Christian media. He runs the well-respected religious blog Protestia, the podcast Pulpit & Pen, and a radio station. He shares Christian truth without reservation.

While many conservatives are becoming reluctant to speak out publicly on hot-button issues, Pastor Hall is fearless – and has definitely become a thorn in the side of…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written and published at Mass Resistance.