Willy Rice’s NAMB lied to the Supreme Court of the United States

(Capstone Report) And Willy Rice never said a word to refute the lie. Will he now?
Willy Rice wants to be President of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). If he expects Southern Baptists to entrust him with that responsibility, he should be willing to answer some questions about how the organization he oversees—the North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention—lied to the Supreme Court of the United States.
Does Willy Rice think a state convention is a Southern Baptist entity?
Does Willy Rice believe Tommy Green works for a Southern Baptist entity?
Does Willy Rice believe any state Baptist convention is an entity of the SBC?
If not, does he stand by the NAMB submission to the US Supreme Court as a NAMB trustee? Because NAMB through its attorney’s claimed just such a falsehood.
According to a NAMB filing seeking cert, the organization claimed, “Reverend McRaney attempts to avoid certiorari by emphasizing that, though he was employed by one Southern Baptist entity, he was never employed by the particular Southern Baptist entity that he sued, namely the SBC Mission Board.”
State Conventions are not SBC entities. According to the SBC website here are the entities: the SBC Executive Committee, the ERLC, Guidestone Financial Resources, the International Mission Board, Lifeway Christian Resources, The North American Mission Board, Gateway Seminary, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. The Women’s Missionary Union (WMU) is an auxiliary of the SBC.
Did you see a state convention in that list?
Of course not. The SBC makes clear it….
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Editor’s Note. This article was written and published at the Capstone Report