
Woke Pastor Lists all the Ways Jesus ‘Transgenders Himself’

(Woke Preacher TV) During a July 2021 panel discussion on “Queer Theology,” Reverend Simon Woodman of London’s Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church asserts that Jesus Christ “transgenders himself” in several gospel narratives, including the washing of his disciples’ feet.

If we think of Jesus as the one who reveals God, I was really struck by Angela [Sheard] saying earlier that God is queer. And I think as humans we have a tendency to construct God in our own image (Editor’s note. YOU DON’T SAY!?’) rather than to recognize that we are made in the image of God.

And therefore, the dominant expression of humanity ends up writing itself onto God and making that God. And I think in the story of Jesus, the stories of Jesus’ life, we find that being broken down in some quite radical ways, which is then having the knock-on effect of altering the way we understand who God is in relation to humanity.

So I think Jesus transgenders himself on a number of occasions. I think you know, just a little phrase, that Jesus is lamenting over Jerusalem, longing to gather Jerusalem as a mother hen gathers her chicks.

And I think if you look at the foot-washing from John’s gospel, foot washing elsewhere, in both Old and New Testament, it’s consistently done by women. And yet Jesus takes that on. People often cast that as being the servant’s role. It was the woman’s role. And Jesus does it and becomes the woman at that point.

And I think, you know, we’ve observed that he’s unmarried, he’s childless, he defies gender and sexual norms of his day. He’s known for associating with those whose own sexual history or gender identity may be ambiguous.

So I think in Jesus we’ve got a revelation of God as encompassing far more than what historically and, recently at least, Christians have tended to construct God as being. And I think there’s a bit of an antidote to heteronormative idolatry in in the story of Jesus.

Editor’s Note. This article was posted on YouTube by @WokePreacherTV


Pastor Tells His Church That Insisting on Gathering for Worship Might Be Idolatry

(Reformation Charlotte) Since the “pandemic” began almost two years ago, many churches shut their doors–some for a very short time and some dragged it out as long as they could. Yet, as of today, some churches still aren’t meeting regularly out of fear of catching a cold.

As we’ve reported already, vaccination has become one of the professing church’s new ordinances–being required by many churches for people to gather together corporately for worship. Those who don’t submit themselves to the requirements have shown themselves unapproved in the eyes of woke, statist pastors and church leaders.

But another peculiar notion that has been exposed in light of the “pandemic” is that the idea of corporate worship is not central to the Church. Many churches are now turning to this “be the Church” movement that says corporate gatherings are not required and, instead, Christians need to “be the Church” by acting like Christians in their daily lives.

Of course, we agree that acting like Christians in our daily lives is important–not doing so would expose one as a hypocrite, not a true, born-again Christian. But one pastor, Darryl Ford of Ikon Community Church, took it even further. He says that concerning yourself with corporate worship “might be idolatry.”

Corporate worship….to continue reading, click here

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Jeff Maples and published at Reformation Charlotte. Titled changed by Protestia


Focus on the Family Cites $$$ in Enforcing Biden Vaccine Mandate

(Evangelical Dark Web) With days remaining and the Biden vaccine mandate up in the air, Focus on the Family announced that it would push forward enforcing the Biden vaccine mandate on its employees. The mandate is designed to weaponize OSHA in enforcing vaccine mandates on companies with 100 employees or more and government contractors. While sources have informed Evangelical Dark Web that government contractors have halted or softened their position on the Biden mandate, despite the fact that it is being written into contract renewals, supposedly Christian organizations are rushing at last minute to be in compliance with the regime.

In early January, Jim Daly, the head of Focus on the Family put out a memo declaring that employees had to be vaccinated or be forced to wear a mask and submit to routine testing.

Jim Daly wrote in a statement:

“Therefore, at the recommendation of our general counsel, we need to start implementing the ETS order while praying the Supreme Court acts. Refusing to do so could cost Focus multiple millions of dollars in fines.”

Jim Daly betrays a financial motivation for enforcing evil on his staff. Whereas very pro-COVID vaccine organizations like Daily Wire and government simping ministries, like SBTS, have launched their own fight against the Biden Regency, Focus on the Family believes its fiduciary duty leads it to compliance.

The flaw in this logic is that donors have caught wind of this memo and are greatly disturbed, as are employees who are whistleblowing to the Epoch Times. Daly goes on to write:

“Failing to comply would threaten our ability to continue helping and serving millions of families. At the same time, we don’t believe our employees—or anyone else—should be forced to violate their deeply held convictions in this matter. It is our hope and prayer the Supreme Court will soon strike down this mandate as unconstitutional. After two years of unprecedented pain and loss, it is time for our nation’s policies to heal and unite and not hurt and divide our fellow Americans.”

In a completely beta move…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Ray Fava and published at Evangelical Dark Web


It’s Official: Conservatives Split from 400 Year old ‘RCA’ to form New Denomination+ Let the Old one Burn

(RNS) — On New Year’s Day, 43 congregations of the Reformed Church in America split from the national denomination, one of the oldest Protestant bodies in the United States, in part over theological differences regarding same-sex marriage and the ordination of LGBTQ clergy.

The departure of the theologically conservative congregations to the new group, the Alliance of Reformed Churches, leaves some who remain in the RCA concerned for the denomination’s survival. Before the split, the nearly 400-year-old denomination had fewer than 200,000 members and 1,000 churches.

At least 125 churches from various denominations are in conversation with ARC leaders about joining.

“Realistically, it’s a large group of conservative churches that are also providing a lot of income to the denomination. I really think the mass exodus of all these conservative churches is going to throw the RCA into a really difficult financial situation,” said Steven Rodriguez, an RCA church planter in Brockport, New York. “I doubt the RCA will be financially sustainable for much longer.”

The move follows the RCA General Synod’s October decision to adopt measures for “grace-filled separation” with departing churches and to appoint a team to develop a restructuring plan for those that remain.

The new denomination, besides not affirming same-sex marriage or ordination of LGBTQ individuals, will have a strong emphasis on…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Kathryn Post and published at Religion News Services Titled changed by Protestia
Editor’s Note 2. Bold added by us. Good. Let the RCA and whatever remains of it burn.


SBC to hold Annual Meeting in Location that Requires Vaccination and Masking

SBC Annual Meeting set for Anaheim—but why?

(Capstone Report) If you plan to attend the Southern Baptist Convention’s Annual Meeting 2021 set for the People’s Republic of California, then you could face a requirement to prove your vaccination status and wear a mask.

According to the latest information posted by Anaheim, indoor meetings of over 1,000 people require both proof of vaccination or a negative test and masking for both vaccinated and unvaccinated.

Effective December 15, 2021, the California Department of Public Health is requiring:

Masks to be worn in all indoor public settings regardless of vaccine status through January 15, 2022, in which California will make further recommendations as needed.

Attendees to provide one of the following prior to attending an event:

Proof of vaccination

OR A negative antigen COVID-19 test within one day of the event

OR A negative PCR test within two days of the event

Note that this guidance from California on masking is set for “further recommendations” on January 15. It could be allowed to expire. Of course, this is California. There is no guarantee this will not become a permanent fixture for any convention held in the state. For example, Oregon drafted rules to make mask wearing indefinite, in other words, permanent.

Which prompts every conservative to ask: Why have SBC Elites continued with the plan to hold the Annual Meeting in California despite the Covid hysteria of Blue States? Not only is it a costly trip far from where most Southern Baptists live, but it subjects messengers to the hassle of public travel where deranged Karens are ready to harass anyone who disobeys Woke mask orthodoxy. Also, it subjects Southern Baptists to the requirement of invasive COVID testing or taking a vaccination for the privilege of attending.

The meeting should have been moved months ago. Will these requirements go away prior to the June meeting? Why would anyone expect the Woke tyrants to change their behavior at this point?

SBC Elites really don’t care if the vaccination rules stay or go.

They are fine if it discourages conservatives from attending

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Editor’s Note. This article appears at the Capstone Report


Jay Weaver, Bassist for Big Daddy Weave, Has Passed Away at the Age of 42

(Billboard) Jay Weaver, the bass player and a vocalist for Big Daddy Weave, has died from complications of COVID-19. He was 42.

His brother, Mike Weaver, frontman of veteran Christian band, announced the sad news on Sunday (Jan. 2) through social media.

“My brother Jay went to be with Jesus just a couple hours ago,” Mike Weaver said in the emotional video clip on Instagram, adding that Jay died from “complications with COVID-19 on top of everything else that he already had going on.” He continued:

“You’ve seen him walk the uphill battle and you guys helped carry him through so much. The Lord used him in such a mighty way out on the road for so many years. Anybody who’s come in contact with him knows how real his faith in Jesus was. Even though COVID took his last breath, Jesus was right there to catch him.”

Formed in 1998 in Mobile, Alabama, Big Daddy Weave has released nine studio albums to date. The group’s latest set, 2019’s When the Light Comes, peaked at No. 14 on Billboard‘s Top Christian…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Mitchell Peters and posted at Billboard.


Family of Ravi Zacharias, Defending his Innocence, Use his Image to Promote New Humanitarian Org

(Church Leaders) In February 2020, three months before apologist Ravi Zacharias died from cancer at age 74, a post on his Facebook account urged Christians to help end slavery and rescue the 40 million people trapped in it worldwide.

This week, family members highlighted that post, using it as a springboard to encourage donations to Third Ladder. That new humanitarian organization launched after the closure of Wellspring International, an arm of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM) spearheaded by the apologist’s daughter Naomi Zacharias.

Third Ladder Aims to Meet Humanitarian Needs

The older post about ending slavery features a photo of Ravi Zacharias with a red X on his hand, symbolizing the #EndItMovement. “Together we must SHINE A LIGHT ON SLAVERY until all people are free,” reads the caption. “Let us all commit to taking action and sharing light in our dark world.”

On Thursday, a new comment from the account appeared, stating: “The importance of helping those in need was always close to my Dad’s heart.” It includes a link to a post at Defending Ravi, the blog Nathan Zacharias launched in an effort to clear his father’s name. Ravi Zacharias had been embroiled in allegations of sexual misconduct, and after he died, an independent report found “significant, credible evidence” of wrongdoing.

In the new post, dated December 29, Nathan Zacharias writes, “I believe that one day my Dad’s actual legacy will be restored. One piece…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Stephanie Martin and posted at Church Leaders


Albert Mohler Secretly Leaves The Gospel Coalition

(Reformation Charlotte) Al Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS), was elected to The Gospel Coalition’s leadership council in April 2009 where he has served for over 12 years. Shortly after ditching T4G, in the last few days, it has come to light that his name has been silently removed from the leadership council without address. As Michael O’Fallon of Sovereign Nations stated,

As of today, Mohler’s name does not appear on The Gospel Coalition’s website as a council member.

However, as recently as December 17, as you can see at’s Wayback Machine, Mohler was clearly listed as a council member, right between Tony Merida and his protégé, Russell Moore…

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Editor’s note. This article was written by Jeff Maples and published at Reformation Charlotte.


Russell Moore Takes the Cash: Good Neighbor Exposed

(Evangelical Dark Web) Not every figure in Big Eva is an enigma. Russell Moore is one of the simplest to understand as far as major influencers are concerned. And a webinar he did on December 16th had him peddling money to churches if they would become vaccination clinics for their congregation. The project, initiative, or organization is called Good Neighbor and they tapped Russell Moore and Daniel Darling to pitch this.

Daniel Darling is the director of the Land Center for Cultural Engagement at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and occasionally writes for The Gospel Coalition and mainstream outlets.

For an organization with deep ties, Good Neighbor is very open about it. Their website is a single page with a contact form that states:

The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, in partnership with the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU), Rev. Carlos L. Malavé, Director of the Latino Christian National Network, CVS/Walgreens, Values Partnerships, and Public Square Strategies, has established a partnership to support evangelical community and faith-based organizations that will host a vaccination clinic at their church, campus, or organization. The purpose of this effort is to ensure evangelicals have a convenient, familiar place to get vaccinated in order to protect themselves, their families and their faith community…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Ray Fava and published at Evangelical Dark Web. Title changed by Protestia


An Orderly Account of the Ed Litton Plagiarism Scandal

(The Majesty’s Men) I have been asked to provide an orderly account of the sermon plagiarism scandal involving Dr. Ed Litton, pastor of Redemption Church in Saraland, AL, and the current president of the Southern Baptist Convention. I published a guest article in July from Tobby E. Smith, pastor of Memorial Baptist Church in New Castle, IN. You can still find that article here. But I had yet to chronicle my own account of these events in which I have been involved.

The student handbook of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary defines plagiarism as “the use or theft of intellectual property without attribution, both a moral and educational transgression” (pg. 8). Of this transgression Dr. Litton has yet to repent, and Southern Baptists have done little to hold him accountable. Will Southern Baptist churches, seminaries, and other ministries obey the call to keep the counsel of God “unstained and free from reproach”?

The following account contains links to all sources, including videos that demonstrate Litton’s plagiarism of the sermons he stole. If you listen to the audio of this article, you will hear more broad examples of Litton’s plagiarism and the dishonest ways he has attempted to cover himself. I have also included trustworthy words from other teachers commenting on the matter.

As an aside, lest anyone say that I have a responsibility to contact Dr. Litton first, I attempted to open a dialogue with him privately on July 8. There were two witnesses to this engagement. Dr. Litton did not respond.

I have no…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Pastor Gabe Hughes and published at the Majesty’s Men. Title changed by Protestia