New ‘Suicide Machine’ Passes Legal Review in Switzerland

A ‘suicide machine’ has passed legal review in Switzerland and its maker hopes it will be available for use as early as next year.
The 3D-printed ‘suicide machine’ was created by Philip Nitschke, founder of the suicide advocacy group Exit International, a proponent of ‘rational suicide’ and referred to in the media as ‘Dr. Death’ or the ‘Elon Musk of assisted suicide.’ It is being called the ‘Sarco’ machine.
In an interview with SWI, Nitschke said: “It’s a 3-D printed capsule, activated from the inside by the person intending to die. The machine can be towed anywhere for the death”.
“The person will get into the capsule and lie down… They will be asked a number of questions and when they have answered, they may press the button inside the capsule activating the mechanism in their own time”.
Describing the actual manner of death, Nitschke said:
“The capsule is sitting on a piece of equipment that will flood the interior with nitrogen, rapidly reducing the oxygen level to 1 percent from 21 percent in about 30 seconds. The person will feel a little disoriented and may feel slightly euphoric before they lose consciousness. Death takes place through hypoxia and hypocapnia, oxygen and carbon dioxide deprivation, respectively”.
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Editor’s Note., This article was written and published by National Right to Life UK
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