
Christian Filmmaker Pleads Guilty to Felony Sex Charges

(Ministry Watch) Steve Greisen, a Christian filmmaker and a veteran of the Jesus movement’s 1970s-era music scene, pled guilty Wednesday in Colorado Springs to a criminal attempt to solicit online sex with a minor.

In a plea deal, Greisen agreed to register as a sex offender and spend five years in Colorado’s supervision program for sex offenders. He had been arrested on charges for inducement of child prostitution, patronizing a prostituted child and sexual assault on a child, with a possible prison sentence of 12 years.

The plea deal was reported by The Gazette. Greisen’s attorney, Richard Bednarski, did not respond to MinistryWatch’s requests for information and comment.

As MinistryWatch reported, Greisen was arrested Sept. 7 after arranging to pay an undercover detective $170 to have sex with a 14-year-old girl. The arrest came amid efforts by local and federal officials to “identify and arrest child sexual predators.”

Greisen, who is 68, runs two Christian film companies from… to continue reading, click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Steve Rabey and published at Ministry Watch


The Time is Urgent for Bible-Believing United Methodists

(John Lomperis) The decades-long battle for the soul of the United Methodist Church (UMC) is now lost. A liberal faction has secured an increasingly hostile takeover.

Christians outside of the UMC, please share this article with any Bible-believing United Methodist friends, to show the urgency of quick action. Please also learn from our mistakes.

Theologically conservative United Methodists, we have a soon-to-expire, perhaps once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to lead our congregations out of a rapidly radicalizing, declining denomination without losing our church buildings, which are technically “held in trust” for the denomination

Sadly, some denominational officials and even pastors of conservative-leaning congregations suppressed information or actively misled people about the UMC’s new leftward shift and our slow-motion schism.

This is no longer the UMC as we have known it. As documented on, the UMC’s increasing embrace of gay weddings brings with it increasing radicalism on a range of other theological and social issues.

Already, over 2,000 U.S. congregations have left the UMC, with at least as many in the pipeline.

Entire United Methodist regions outside of the U.S. have already begun departing.

Yes, the UMC’s official doctrinal and moral standards remain biblical, including forbidding gay weddings. But these “on paper” standards do not reflect reality.

This has a long history in the UMC and our predecessor denominations. Early on, we relaxed our counter-cultural, socially costly Christian stance against the evils of American slavery. Then we became increasingly lax in doctrinal accountability.

So, for many years, there has been no clear, universally agreed upon core of doctrine to which all United Methodist clergy actually have to affirm.  One newly elected bishop, Kennetha Bigham-Tsai, has even declared that in the UMC, “it is not important that we agree on who Christ is.”

Despite much rhetoric about the UMC supposedly being a big happy family of conflicting theological views, this is unworkable. Indeed, the “big tent” never really worked well for us. I have yet to meet any loyalist of any of the UMC’s unofficial but influential liberal caucus groups who meaningfully views an evangelical Christian like me as a beloved brother in Christ.

There is no…to continue reading, click here.


Evangelical Free Church Wants To Defrock Pastor For Not Being Woke. Pastor Speaks Out

(Evangelical Dark Web) Jon Harris recently did an interview about a large but little talked about denomination, the Evangelical Free Church in America. Every denomination has had to confront Critical Race Theory in the last 5 years, and few institutions have stood strong against the Social Justice Gospel. Pastor Jeff Kliewer is a EFCA pastor of Cornerstone Church in Mount Laurel, New Jersey. And he faces being defrocked by the elites in the EFCA.

The Evangelical Free Church in America is much like the Evangelical Covenant Church in its origin story and faith tradition. However, where the ECC went extremely liberal, the EFCA remained orthodox. Pastor Jeff Kliewer has been a trouble maker to the upper echelons of leadership for speaking out against Social Justice in the church, including writing a book Woke-Free Church and asking questions of woke preacher Bill Riedel. For this, Kliewer was charged with four counts.

The first was…to continue reading, click here.

This article was written by Ray Fava and published at the Evangelical Dark Web


Christian School Banned From State Sporting Events After Their Basketball Team Forfeited Game Rather than Play Against Team with Trans Player

(VTDigger) A private Christian school that forfeited a girls’ basketball game rather than play against a team with a transgender player has been banned from Vermont school sporting events. 

The Vermont Principals’ Association, which oversees school athletics, said Monday afternoon that Mid Vermont Christian School in Quechee will no longer be eligible to participate in sports and other sponsored activities. 

The decision was announced after a Monday morning meeting of the Vermont Principals’ Association executive committee, during which members decided “that policies have been violated at the school level and thus there is an immediate determination of ineligibility for Mid-Vermont Christian in VPA sanctioned activities and tournaments going forward.”

Specifically, Mid Vermont violated the organization’s anti-discrimination and gender identity policies, the organization told the school in a letter of ineligibility. Those policies allow athletes to play on the team that is “consistent with their gender identity” and prohibit discrimination “based on a student’s actual or perceived sex and gender.”

A representative of Mid Vermont Christian did not immediately respond to a request for comment via email and phone call.   

Mid Vermont Christian School drew international headlines last month after its girls’ basketball team refused to play against Long Trail School, which had a transgender athlete on its basketball team.

In its letter, the Vermont Principals’ Association cited that forfeit and the “corresponding rationale” that the school shared with media outlets as the basis for its decision.

Mid Vermont Christian’s head of school, Vicky Fogg, said in a statement last month that the school believed “playing against an opponent with a biological male jeopardizes the fairness of the game and the safety of our players.” 

After the school withdrew its girls’ team from the Vermont Division IV state tournament…to continue reading, click here.

This article was written by Peter D’Auria and published at VTDigger


McLean Bible Church hid financial dealings with SBC from its Treasurer

McLean Bible Church hid its financial dealings with the Southern Baptist Convention from its Treasurer, according to a bombshell filing in the court case against the church. The new affidavit filed in the case by a former elder and treasurer said he was told to authorize financial contributions to the Southern Baptist Convention and its associated entities of over $500,000 and was not provided documents of how much money the SBC was providing back to the church through the SBC’s North American Mission Board (NAMB).

Financial dealings with the SBC began in 2017, according to the affidavit signed under penalty of perjury by former elder Craig Proulx. He estimated that McLean Bible Church wrote checks to the Southern Baptist Convention of about $500,000 between 2017 and 2020, when Proulx retired and moved out of state.

According to the affidavit, “Starting in the year of 2017, I began receiving requests to sign Church checks made payable to ‘the Southern Baptist Convention’ or similarly-named entities.”

Proulx continued, “Such checks were relatively large in amount, such as five thousand dollars ($5,000.00), ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00), or even fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00). The memo lines and the backup information for such checks were…to continue reading, click here:

Editor’s Note. This article was written and published at the Capstone Report


Rachel Denhollander Latest Tweets About John MacArthur Are Super Dumb, and This is Why

(Midwest OutReach) A little over a week ago (Wednesday, March 8, 2023), Megan Basham asked me a question via text message. I immediately realized it would be difficult to give her an adequate response via text, so I told her I’d respond by email.

As I was working on the email, it took longer than I expected. Along the way, it occurred to me that Don Veinot often asks me if I could write something for the MCOI blog, and the longer I worked on it the more the email was looking like a blog article. After sending it, I asked Megan and Don if it would be alright with both of them if I simply posted the email, as is, as an article. They both agreed.

Some background on Megan’s question is in order here. It was prompted by a series of tweets from Rachael Denhollander in which she referred to a now-deleted article on The Gospel Coalition web site which Denhollander suggested placed husbands “in a priestly or salvific type of role.” She was attempting to show that quotes she provided (in screenshots) from John MacArthur do the same sort of thing. The MacArthur quotes come from a recent question-and-answer session at his church which is available online both in video and transcript form. In the following three paragraphs that I’ve copied from that site, I’ve put the words Denhollander highlighted in bold text and added underlining to the ones I think supply helpful context:

I think you have to look at yourself—and this may help—you have to look at yourself in the way that Paul described marriage in Ephesians 5. He basically says that a husband is like a savior to his wife. That’s essentially what it says. And I think the burden really lies with men to see themselves as those who rescue women from loneliness, who rescue women from being in an unfulfilled—being in a place where they aren’t protected, they aren’t provided for, they aren’t cared for, they aren’t loved, they aren’t given the opportunity to have children. So from what I would experience in our society, it’s the men that have to step up. And I honestly do not know what in the world they are waiting for. I have threatened many times to line up all the single women on one side, all the single men on the other side, and assign you a wife.

But instead of looking for someone who is some kind of trophy, you need to look to someone who loves Christ, that you can be a savior to that person and a protector and a provider and a lover, and be what Christ is to His church—because that’s the picture. And I’d strongly exhort young men to find a wife, because in that finding is God’s greatest gift in this world. And it allows you to raise up children who know and love the Lord; that’s the purpose of marriage: to procreate. And to do so in Christ is the highest calling in life.

I want to do all I can to encourage the men to step up. And I know there have been enough bad marriages in our society that there’s a certain amount of fear and trepidation. But you have to look at marriage as the way the Lord looks at His church. He knows the bride has problems, but He is her redeemer, He is her rescuer. And I think if you can find a godly woman, that reward is the greatest reward that life can offer. Just don’t let the world define what that woman should be. OK? Really good question.

Denhollander has major problems with what MacArthur said here. According to her, MacArthur,

…specifically uses the word “redeem”, which is a reference to Christ’s salvation of His church. He encourages this young man to view himself towards a wife, the way Christ redeems the church. Context also for how he encourages men to view themselves as “a savior”.

This simply restates her view that MacArthur sees husbands in a “salvific” role, that is, a role leading to salvation. Later she wrote,

I do believe, however, that MacArthur did intend to communicate a redemptive and salvific archetype from husband to wife (while yes, affirming eternal salvation by grace through faith.)

But when we read him in context, that’s not what he’s saying at all. Concerning Paul’s teaching in Ephesians 5, MacArthur says: “He basically says that… to continue reading, click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Ron Henzel  and published at MidWest Outreach. Title changed by Protestia.


UK Street Preacher Convicted of “Misgendering” Man Under Counter-Terrorism “Extreme Views” Law

(The Dissenter) Wakefield, UK street preacher, David McConnell, was arrested and convicted under the nation’s counter-terrorism laws according to reports, and the probation officer that he had been assigned to considered McConnell to be “persistently and illegally taking an extreme point of view.”

In 2021, McConnell was preaching to a crowd of people in Leeds when he was approached by a “trans woman” (a biological male dressed as a woman), who filmed him and asked him if he thought God accepted LGBTQ people. He responded that homosexuality was an “abomination in the sight of God” and that lesbianism was “unnatural.”

Reports state that McConnell referred to the trans woman as “this gentleman” and “a man in women’s clothing” rather than cave to the pseudo-reality of the leftists who demand that the world celebrate complete insanity.

McConnell’s legal representative,…to continue reading ,click here.

This article was written and published by The Dissenter


41 Churches In North Texas Voted To Leave The United Methodist Church

(LP) The United Methodist Church (UMC) is experiencing a historic rift within its community. In December 2022, over 400 churches in Texas voted to leave their parent denomination, following other congregations in North Carolina, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Arkansas and Florida that left the church en masse. 

Now, hundreds of delegates gathered at Christ United Methodist Church in Plano on Saturday, March 4, for the North Texas Conference to vote for the departure of 41 local congregations from the denomination.

According to The Dallas Morning News, the split within the denomination results from a disagreement among the community regarding the inclusion of LGBTQ people. This dispute found expression during the 2019 UMC General Conference — UMC’s highest lawmaking body— when, by a slim margin, the conference affirmed a conservative stance against the ordinance of openly gay ministers and same-sex marriage. 

Bishop Ruben Saenz Jr. from the… to continue reading click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Virginia Mingorance and published at Local Profile


Woman Pastor Whose Church Was Booted by SBC Responds During Sermon

(The Dissenter) In recent years, there has been a growing trend in some Christian denominations toward the ordination of women as pastors and the trend has been growing in the Southern Baptist Convention as well. However, this trend is not without controversy, and the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) has made it clear, despite its many, many flaws, that they do not believe that women should be in positions of pastoral leadership.

This is due to the undeniable teaching of Scripture, specifically 1 Timothy 2:12 which states “I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.” Additionally, 1 Corinthians 14:34 says “Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says.”

Furthermore, the Baptist Faith and Message 2000, which is the SBC’s statement of faith, affirms that “While both men and women are gifted for service in the church, the office of pastor is limited to men as qualified by Scripture.” Despite women preachers and pastors being overlooked in years past even in light of this clear, biblical teaching, the SBC has now decided to take action against churches that ordain women.

Recently, the SBC expelled five churches from their convention because they had women pastors. Linda Barnes Popham, a pastor at one of these expelled churches, Fern Creek Baptist in Louisville, Ky, spoke out against this decision in an interview with NPR. Popham, who has been serving at the church for 40 years, with 30 of those years as a pastor, said that…. to continue reading. click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was published at The Dissenter


Biola University Gets Even More Liberal, Hires Ed Stetzer

The term failing upward has often been used to describe Hollywood types like JJ Abrams who has never directed a good movie yet has been allowed to touch Star Trek, Star Wars, and even Amazon’s Rings of Power. But this phenomenon exists in Big Eva as well and it is embodied by Ed Stetzer.

Ed Stetzer was until this hire working for Wheaton College at the Billy Graham Center for Evangelism. He is also the man behind Church Leaders, a Big Eva news publication that is rather liberal. Last week, Biola University Announced that Ed Stetzer accepted the position of Dean of the Talbot School of Theology.

According to Biola’s announcement:

Stetzer combines vast leadership experience, theological discernment, a commitment to the church, and a track record of helping organization… to continue reading, click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Ray Fava and published at the Evangelical Dark Web