
SBC Megachurch Worships to Song by Bisexual Lesbian and Images of Martin Luther King Jr.

(Dissenter) The Old Testament is replete with examples of men and women who failed to abide by the commandments that God set forth for His creation, particularly as it pertained to worship. One such instance is that of Cain, the progeny of Adam and Eve, whose worship was rejected by the Lord due to his flagrant disregard for the Lord’s prescribed worship. In his preponderance, Cain selfishly indulged in his own desires and preferences.

Rather than offering up a sacrifice that was acceptable in the eyes of the Lord, Cain chose to present the fruit of his own labor, a futile attempt to appease the Lord with his own endeavors. This serves as a resounding testament to the fact that Cain was not truly interested in pleasing the Lord, but rather was solely focused on satisfying his own ambition and vainglory.

Similarly, this same mentality persists in the present day, particularly among the so-called “megachurches” that have sprung up across the globe. These social clubs, for lack of a better description for them, have devolved into nothing more than Sunday morning entertainment venues, where a select group of performing artists take center stage, offering up a spectacle that is presented as “worship” to the Lord. Among these, none stand out as a more egregious offender than the Church by the Glades in Coral Springs, Florida.

It is truly astounding that this so-called “church” still retains any association with the Southern Baptist Convention. For years, the Church by .. to continue reading click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was published at The Dissenter


Firebombed Pregnancy Center Conducts Private Investigation Into Violence

(Ministry Watch) A pro-life pregnancy center firebombed last June in Buffalo, New York, has decided to conduct its own investigation into the violence.

CompassCare, a ministry to women in crisis pregnancies that has been operating since 1980, incurred over $500,000 in damage to its facility due to the violence. Services continued in an alternate location while the center was being repaired, but it took 52 days to rebuild the firebombed center, its president Jim Harden said.

The center has received little help from local, state, and federal law enforcement, Harden noted, so it will conduct its own investigation in conjunction with the Thomas More Society, a Roman Catholic public interest law firm in Chicago.

The goal of the investigation is to look at all violent events at pregnancy centers across the country, estimated to be 78, dig deeper, and find commonalities, Harden said. Then they will use the evidence found to file a civil suit.

“We want … to continue reading, click here.

This article was written by Kim Roberts and published at Ministry Watch.


Democrats Argue Against Born Alive Bill On the Grounds That Offering Hospital Care Would Endanger Infant’s Life

(The Dissenter) This is not satire, this actually happened. It is truly staggering and deeply concerning to hear the absurdity of the claims made by certain members of the Democratic party regarding the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. This legislation, passed by the Republican-led House of Representatives, mandates that every infant who survives an abortion must be immediately offered medical care in an attempt to save the child’s life.

However, Congressman Jerry Nadler from New York made the preposterous assertion that providing medical care to a child who has survived an abortion would somehow endanger their life. He stated that “the problem with this bill is that it endangers some infants by stating that that infant must immediately be brought to the hospital.” This claim is not only unfounded but also an insult to the value of human life and the sanctity of every individual’s right… to continue reading click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written and published by the Dissenter.


SBC In Turmoil? Evidence Corroborates Brown’s Attack on Denhollander Over Sketchy Texts

New evidence supports allegations that Rachael Denhollander has a conflict of interest problem regarding her involvement with sex abuse victims and the Southern Baptist Convention’s Abuse Hotline.
Also, Denhollander allegedly gained access to private information from abuse victim and then contacted Liberty University for a paid position dealing with abuse complaints.

(Capstone Report) Rachael Denhollander has a significant conflict of interest in her role advising victims contacting the SBC’s Abuse Hotline. New evidence corroborates everything Christa Brown alleged in her important Baptist News essay. This new evidence comes from a survivor advocate attempting to defend Denhollander.

Jules Woodson said that the text messages included Denhollander providing guidance on attorneys who could represent alleged victims in cases against the Southern Baptist Convention. Here is a screenshot of the thread. Note how Woodson is trying to defend Denhollander’s involvement but accidently confirms the most serious ethical problems regarding Denhollander’s conflicts of interest.

Note carefully, “Rachael good give them guidance on what types of attorneys to look for, as well as pitfalls to avoid (such as attorneys that require NDA’s,) Woodson said in the Twitter thread.

This confirms Denhollander’s message revealed by Brown, “I just can’t publicly say that I’m helping survivors sue.”

In other words, Woodson confirmed Denhollander is helping or intended to help abuse victims to sue the Southern Baptist Convention—while taking part in a system funded by the Southern Baptist Convention after already having represented an alleged victim who received a settlement (against legal advice) from the SBC.

You really need to read Christa Brown’s essay at Baptist News that highlights the issues involved.

Legal experts pointed toward Denhollander’s actions potentially violating ethical guidelines continue reading , click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written and published at the Capstone Report.


Denhollander Has HUGE Conflicts of Interest in Relationship with SBC Abuse Hotline

Is the SBC paying a lawyer to direct people to sue the SBC?

Direct messages reveal Rachel Denhollander’s conflict of interests and that raises serious ethical questions for lawyers.

Abuse advocates and survivors realize the SBC’s Abuse hotline ‘simply cannot be trusted.’

(Capstone Report) The Southern Baptist Convention is directing abuse reporters through its Abuse Hotline to an abuse advocate and lawyer Rachael Denhollander. Unfortunately, new revelations reveal not only Denhollander’s conflict of interest but also, she is secretly directing abuse survivors to lawyers who could file lawsuits against the SBC and directing the abuse survivors to friendly members of the press—in what is clearly a pressure campaign against the SBC. So, it would appear the Southern Baptist Convention is funding a system where abuse victims are routed to a lawyer who advises alleged abuse victims on tactics to maximize financial and reputational harm to the SBC.

Abuse survivor and appellate lawyer Christa Brown made the stunning revelations in a new column posted by Baptist News Global and then revealed supporting documentation on Twitter. According to the documents posted on Twitter,

Brown said, “Since my truthfulness has been publicly questioned, here’s 1 text from Denhollander: ‘I am the advocate they will refer survivors to so I can help them evaluate press & legal options…’ There’s more. I gave documentation to @baptist_news before they published. Common practice… Context? Here’s another excerpt from a Denhollander text: “GP gave her my info…I just can’t publicly say that I’m helping survivors potentially sue…” That is apparently one reason why this info about Denhollander’s role with the hotline has not been widely disseminated.”

Here are the direct messages of interest Brown posted. Pay special attention to the last lines where Denhollander tells Brown that “I just can’t public say that I’m helping survivors potentially sue.”

The SBC is funding the hotline. The only question—is the SBC paying Denhollander?

If so, that raises all sorts of legal questions. Of course, even if not that raises serious questions. Plus, there were already questions with the Sex Abuse Task Force decided to “retain” Denhollander—after all Denhollander represented a client who threated a lawsuit against the SBC and settled that case for over a million dollars thanks to Ronnie..

To continue reading click here, and you’re going to really want to click.

Editor’s Note. This article was written and published by the Capstone Report. Title changed by Protestia.


Satanic Temple Sues to Stop Abortion Bans, Claims Killing Babies is a Religious Right

(LifeNews) The Satanic Temple has filed lawsuits in four states so far that challenge their legal protections for unborn babies on religious grounds.

The satanic group claims killing unborn babies in abortions is a religious ritual, and restricting it violates its “fundamental tenets,” according to an article on Glenn Beck’s website. Its leaders also claim pro-life laws are rooted in “Christian nationalism” – even though people of all faiths and no faith believe basic human rights should apply to all human beings.

This week, The Guardian published a flattering piece about the satanic group and its efforts to overturn pro-life laws in Idaho, Indiana, Missouri and Texas. A leftist news outlet, it did not fact check or even question the group’s claims that pro-life laws are just Christians forcing their beliefs on others or that an unborn baby is not “unique and distinct human life,” which contradicts basic scientific knowledge.

“States are passing laws premised on this idea that fetal tissue has personhood, or is a unique and distinct human life. We don’t agree with that position. We believe it’s a religious position, and we don’t believe states have any right to put any impositions on us,” Satanic Temple co-founder Lucien Greaves told The Guardian.

His supposed religion claims to have “seven fundamental tenets,” including one that teaches, “One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.” In its lawsuits, the satanic group claims… to continue reading click here.

Editor’s note. This article was written by Micaiah Bilger and published at LifeNews.


FDA Changes ‘Plan B’ Packaging to Clarify That it is Not an Abortion Pill

(CNBC) The Food and Drug Administration is changing the informational packaging of the emergency contraceptive pill, Plan B One-Step, to clarify that it is not an abortion pill, the federal agency announced Friday.

Plan B is an over-the-counter drug that can be taken as a backup method of birth control to reduce the chance of pregnancy after unprotected sex. If taken within 72 hours after unprotected sex or contraceptive failure, Plan B works by stopping or delaying the release of an egg from the ovary, not by causing an abortion, the agency said.

“Plan B One-Step will not work if a person is already pregnant, meaning it will not affect an existing pregnancy,” the FDA said in a release. “Evidence does not support that the drug affects implantation or maintenance of a pregnancy after implantation, therefore it does not terminate a pregnancy.”

Until now, packaging for Plan B and generic versions of the drug have erroneously claimed that taking the pill might be able to prevent a fertilized egg from implanting. Medical professionals say this claim is not backed by scientific evidence but was included on the label in order to get Plan B’s over-the-counter status approved.

As such, the FDA revised the informational leaflets in Plan B’s packaging to reflect that it does not work after fertilization, the agency said… to continue reading, click here.

This article was written by Kelly Capoot and published at CNBC)


Dallas Jenkins Defends The Chosen’s Inaccuracies in Allie Stuckey Interview

(Evangelical Dark Web) Dallas Jenkins appears to have done a media tour at BlazeTV and his interview with Allie Stuckey is one of the rare instances where I believe she was out of her depths on the subject at hand. Having never seen The Chosen, Allie Stuckey, the host of Relatable, interviewed Dallas Jenkins, who showcased his excuse for the liberal creative license he takes with the show that is centered around Jesus and his followers.

Dallas Jenkins explains that where the Bible is not clear, they take creative license based on what is biblically plausible. Evangelical Dark Web’s critique of The Chosen has largely been that the creative license they take is largely contradicted in Scripture or history or is too banal for an entertainment medium. The Chosen gets figures fundamentally wrong.

Stuckey points to Matthew who they acknowledge as depicted as on the spectrum.  Is Math Autist Matthew biblically plausible? To Jenkins the answer is yes, because Matthew would have had to have been good with math in order to be a tax collector. And making him a tax collector would have made him an outcast. So two stereotypes about autistic people are used to argue the plausibility of Matthew being autistic. This is the logic of a Dave Chappelle skit. But Matthew wasn’t the loner depicted in The Chosen. He had tax collector friends who came to his spontaneous party when Jesus called him. It’s also worth noting that we do not know for certain what causes autism. The case for biblical plausibility is weak.

Dallas Jenkins insists that they do not take creative…to continue reading click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Ray Fava and published at the Evangelical Dark Web- an excellent site that people should keep in their bookmarks.

Also, this is what you get when you violate the Second Commandment.


Court rejects NAMB bid to hide NDAs

(Capstone Report) A federal court handed Will McRaney’s legal team yet another victory in McRaney’s lawsuit against the North American Mission Board (NAMB) of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). NAMB will be forced to produce copies of at least four nondisclosure and non-disparagement agreements to McRaney, according to a federal court ruling handed down Thursday, December 22, 2022.

NAMB did not want to produce separation agreements (what many call Nondisclosure and non-disparagement agreements) and related documents signed by potential witnesses in the case of McRaney v. NAMB. According to NAMB’s claim there are documents that apply to at least four employees who would be or could be witnesses in the case. NAMB claimed the agreements were privileged legal work.

The court rejected NAMB’s efforts to shield the documents from discovery. According to the ruling, “To the extent NAMB believes the identities of the current and former employees who signed these agreements constitute work-product, the court disagrees.”

Here is what NAMB tried to avoid providing: “Any agreement(s) You have entered into with any individual or organization that you believe limits or constrains, in any way, the ability or authority of any such individual or organization to speak, write or comment about Plaintiff, about NAMB, or about this case (including but not limited to any severance agreements, non-disclosure agreements, nondisparagement agreements, or “cooperation agreements”).”

NDAs. For those who pay attention to the Southern Baptist Convention, NDAs are a serious problem used… to continue reading, click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written and published at the Capstone Report


Tulsa Megachurch Puts on Lavish Display of Sexualized Idolatry of Mary for Christmas Production

(The Dissenter) In our seemingly never-ending expose of megachurches trading the gospel for filth, lust, and materialism, it seems as though Christ has been forgotten by many during this Christmas season. Every year, it gets worse and worse.

I’ve seen and reported on a number of aberrant Christmas celebrations taking place at various megachurches around the country this year and all of them are off-the-charts idolatrous. We covered Hillsong’s raunchy breakdancing Santa celebration as well as a drag queen’s very un-shocking Christmas singing performance.

We even covered a queer church that featured shirtless men prancing around like elves in a raunchy, risque manner. And one Florida Southern Baptist megachurch put on a Willy Wonka-themed Christmas worship service that featured a flying Santa and lyrics about drinking vodka—but no mention of Jesus.

Now, in what seems to be a raunchy display of sex, Victory Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma put on a performance that appears to be prostitutes dancing around on a bed while singing to Mary about buying a bunch of material things. Some of the lyrics include:

Party for Mary and boys seeing double
girls dressing up who like getting in trouble
lashes and diamonds tithes and offerings

To continue reading, click here.

This article was written and published at The Dissenter