
SBC Pastor Argues Unborn Children Shouldn’t Have Equal Protection Because God Was Merciful on Paul for Killing Christians

(The Dissenter) The Overton Window is quickly being moved as Southern Baptists increasingly shift closer to the progressive position of the last decade on abortion. The Democrat mantra on abortion used to be “safe, legal, and rare.” It was their way of disguising their pro-abortion stance as compassion for women who may have the “rare” need to kill her “inconvenient” child—you know, because it was occasionally necessary to do so. A lack of financial stability, the inability to finish school; an unwanted and surprise pregnancy that caught these mothers off guard certainly needed a failsafe to bail them out of their horrible nightmare.

The Southern Baptist Convention has clearly joined the mantra of “safe, legal, and rare,” but without actually using the words. Instead, Southern Baptist leaders are crafting “clever” arguments against the full and equal protection of unborn children with some of the most asinine twisting of Scripture we could ever imagine.

During the annual meeting of the Louisiana Baptists, one pastor offered an amendment to a resolution to abortion that would include language urging Christians and lawmakers alike to support equal protection for unborn children under the law. In other words, it would recommend holding mothers who seek to murder their unborn children criminally accountable for the act just as they would be if their child were any other age.

Louisiana Baptists overwhelmingly voted “no” to that amendment and, instead, argued that mothers should not be held accountable for murdering their children because God had mercy on Paul for killing Christians.

Senior Pastor of Jefferson Baptist Church in Baton Rouge, David Goza, argues vehemently against the equal protection of unborn…to continue reading, click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written and published at The Dissenter


Thermal Image at Theme Park Shows Unborn Baby

(We Need a Law) A woman at an adventure park in Scotland had an unexpected surprise after a thermal imaging camera took a picture of her and showed an amazing image of her unborn baby too.

Fiona Petri was enjoying a day out at the Landmark Forest Adventure Park in Scotland with her partner and two sons when she entered the park’s Bamboozeleum. Filled with illusions and puzzles, mirrors and holograms, the gallery also had a thermal imaging camera.

When Fiona and her family stopped in front of the camera they saw a fifth member of their family on the screen – Fiona’s unborn baby. Fiona managed to take a picture of the incredible image which she sent to the adventure park.

Just as the rest of the family were lit up red and yellow by the thermal imaging camera, her unborn baby was lit up too.

A representative of Landmark Forest Adventure Park, Ross Coulter, told STV News “The image has proven to be extremely popular since we originally posted it with many people tagging their pregnant friends to encourage them to come to the park to try it for themselves”. Coulter added “We’re looking forward to welcoming lots more expectant mothers into the park over the next few weeks as they try to recreate the image”.

Ultrasound images have provided a ‘window’ into the womb for…to continue reading, click here.

 Editor’s Note. This article was posted at We need a law.


UK Bans Prayers Near Abortion Clinics, Even Silent Ones: ‘When Did It Become Against the Law to Pray?

(CBN) A person caught praying outside an abortion clinic in England can now face up to six months in prison–even if they pray silently.

In a 297-110 vote, members of Parliament backed an amendment to the Government’s Public Order Bill that would outlaw the offering of prayer and advice to women outside of abortion clinics.

Labour Member of Parliament (MP) Stella Creasy introduced the bill to protect women from alleged “intimidation and harassment” but critics argue it restricts freedom of speech and expression. 

“There is no evidence of the scale of harassment related, indeed, some in this house have referred to today. Therefore, I would take this amendment is not necessary,” said MP Carla Lockhart. “It would risk all intended consequences for freedom of speech and freedom of expression, and it would be bad for women.”

She added, “So a blanket ban is an unnecessary and disproportionate response, especially when the police can protect women through other lawful means. The police already have the tools they need to protect women.”

One woman who had… to continue reading click here.

 This article was written by Talia Wise and posted at CBN.


NAMB Engaged in ‘Egregious Misconduct’ Court Filing Claims

(Capstone Report) New court filings reveal a glimpse into the evidence that the Southern Baptist Convention’s North American Mission Board (NAMB) attempted to discipline a state convention by cutting funding and then immediately restored the funding when the state convention caved to Kevin Ezell’s demands. Also, new filings show how Ezell and NAMB engaged in ‘egregious misconduct’ by failure to correct Russell Moore’s lies.

The North American Mission Board decided it should discipline a state Baptist convention, according to new court filings in the Will McRaney v. NAMB case. The new filing comes in an amended complaint and teases evidence revealing that NAMB discussed a “Maryland/Delaware disciplinal process.”

According to new court filings, “NAMB referred to its now-rescinded threat that it would sever relations with BCMD if it did not get its way as the ‘Maryland/Delaware disciplinal process.’


What does that even mean? Did NAMB mean disciplinary? And how comfortable are state convention executives with the idea that NAMB might attempt to discipline you or your churches?

And there are other juicy tidbits in this new filing that advances our understanding of what is going on in the discovery process now underway in the McRaney v. NAMB case.

As soon as Maryland/Delaware caved and forced out McRaney, NAMB restored money it took away as punishment, according to the new filings. These moves show what appears to be coordination between Kevin Ezell’s NAMB and…to continue reading, click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written and published at the Capstone Report


Census Data: 35% Of Canadians Have No Religious Affiliation. In Some Provinces, It’s Nearly 60%

(OnlySky) More than a third of Canadians have no religious affiliation, according to new census data released by Statistics Canada, the nation’s statistical agency. The 34.6% of Canadian “Nones” more than doubles the 16.5% who fell into the same category in 2001, revealing a trend that has yet to plateau.

The agency says the change cannot simply be attributed to a rise in immigration since immigrants to Canada have been disproportionately religious; rather, they attribute at least some of the rise to people raising their kids without organized religion:

Part of the growth is due to the number of children under 10 who were born in Canada and have no religious affiliation. The number of children under 10 rose by 597,000 (+55.3%) from 2011 to 2021

Meanwhile, the percentage of self-described Christians (of all stripes) is still in freefall, dropping from 77.1% in 2001 to 53.3% in 2021.

It won’t be too long, I suspect, before the Nones overtake Christians across the country—and even sooner for Christians to become a religious minority. That’s already happened in Yukon and British Columbia, in the western part of the nation, where the percentage of non-religious citizens is 59.7% and 52.1%, respectively.

The BC Humanist Association…to continue reading, click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Hemant Mehta and published at OnlySky.


Planned Parenthood Wins $2.4 Million Lawsuit Against Pro-Life Activists Who Conducted Viral Undercover #PPsellsbodyparts Investigation

A three-judge panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit unanimously ruled on Friday that David Daleiden and other pro-life activists must pay $2.4 million to Planned Parenthood for conducting an undercover investigation into the abortion giant’s harvesting of fetal tissue.

Circuit Court Judge Ronald M. Gould, who authored the panel opinion, dismissed arguments that the pro-life activists’ actions were protected by the First Amendment.

“Invoking journalism and the First Amendment does not shield individuals from liability for violations of laws applicable to all members of society. None of the laws Appellants violated was aimed specifically at journalists or those holding a particular viewpoint,

“The two categories of compensatory damages permitted by the district court, infiltration damages and security damages, were awarded by the jury to reimburse Planned Parenthood for losses caused by Appellants’ violations of generally applicable laws.”

Gould also noted that the ruling “does not impose a new burden on journalists or undercover investigations using lawful means.”

“From the beginning of their scheme, Appellants engaged in illegal conduct—including forging signatures, creating and procuring fake driver’s licenses, and breaching contracts—that the jury found so objectionable as to award Planned Parenthood punitive damages.

In affirming Planned Parenthood’s compensatory to continue reading, click here

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Milton Quintanilla and posted at Christian Headlines.


SBC President Bart Barber Gives a Lesson in How NOT to Repent

(Free the States) On September 15, Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) President Bart Barber unleashed a vicious, dishonest Twitter attack against SBC pastor Dusty Deevers. (Watch Deevers’ response to the various attacks here.) One day later, Barber Tweeted an equally dishonest thread against the Abolitionist Movement in general.

On Friday, Barber “repented” on Twitter. Unfortunately, the “repentance” was nearly as bad as the original tirade, and in so doing, Barber put on a clinic teaching us how not to repent.

“A little more than a month ago, I used the word ‘obsession’ to describe @DustyDeevers‘s approach to abortion law, specifically with regard to coerced minors. I repent of that. The word ‘obsession’ not only assumes motivation but also implies something bordering upon mental instability. It’s an inflammatory and accusatory word.

“What makes it worse is that I did it intentionally because I was angry—angry at Deevers’s unwarranted and unprovoked attacks against @LeatherwoodERLC. In my anger, I sought to match Deevers’s own hyperbolic incivility. But my actual job is not to mimic Deevers hyperbolic incivility; my actual job is to imitate Christ’s gracious truth-telling.

“And I know…everyone moved past this weeks ago. But the Holy Spirit has not. And so, I apologize for my intemperate tweeting, I retract the word ‘obsession,’ I thank those of you who called me out on it back then, and covet your prayers for me to do better.”

Repentance is a defining theme in the Abolitionist Movement. Just about everybody has been either apathetic toward or unbiblical (to varying degrees) in their efforts to fight abortion, making repentance something of a rite of passage into the movement. Repentance is so central to abolitionism that the theme of the 2022 Abolition Now Conference was “Repent With Us”, and featured public repentance testimonies from abolitionist leaders like T. Russell Hunter, Blake Gideon, and Jon Speed.

Repentance is part and parcel to the Christian life. The first of Martin Luther’s 95 theses stated, “When our Lord and Master Jesus Christ said, ‘Repent’ (Mt 4:17), he willed the entire life of believers to be one of repentance.” This makes learning how to repent important crucial to the individual Christian and to the movement to abolish abortion.

Working from Barber’s thread, let’s look at three ways to “repent” that undermine true repentance.


When we repent, we must own everything we did wrong. In The Gospel Coalition, Joel Lindsey writes:

“Deep repentance demands full confession. Though it seems counterintuitive, the only way to be truly covered by Christ is to fully expose your sin. In the process of repentance, we must fight to be utterly transparent before God about the depth and breadth of our sin. Only ruthless honesty will suffice—and lead to freedom and joy.”

Lindsey is writing more specifically about confessing sin to God as the sinner pleads for ultimate justification and righteousness in Christ. But the principle applies just as well to sins committed by a believer against a brother. Confession and forgiveness are crucial to the Christian life and partial confession or forgiveness won’t do. Barber’s partial repentance is merely a bone being thrown to those upset with his thread, without actually admitting the sins that simply must be admitted.

Barber made a handful of bad arguments in favor of incrementalism in the thread, but this section will focus on sins committed. Specifically, Barber sinned against Deevers or abolitionists in the following ways:


While Barber repented for using the word “obsession,” he did not repent of the general accusation that Deevers supports sending coerced 16 year-olds to prison.

Barber wrote: “[U]nless you 100% agree with every jot and tittle of Deevers’s obsession with sending 16-year-old girls to prison for succumbing to the coercion of their parents to have an abortion, he will label you ‘against the innocent preborn.’”

This is the most viciously slanderous sentence of the entire two threads, and the word “obsession” has nothing to do with it. Only a monster would support sending to prison a 16 year-old who has been coerced into abortion. No sane person anywhere supports sending to prison vulnerable people who commit under duress what would otherwise be criminal acts. It’s obviously evil and insane to do so, which makes Barber’s accusation an extremely serious one.

Never in his life has Deevers said anything that could even remotely suggest any degree of support for sending coerced minors to prison. Barber is accusing Deevers of horrifying evil based on nothing…to continue reading, click here (and trust me, it’s an excellent, worthy read)

Editor’s Note. This article was written by James Silberman and posted at Free the States


T.D. Jakes Called out for Welcoming Pro-Choice Politician Beto O’Rourke at The Potter’s House

(Church Leaders) America’s famous bishop T.D. Jakes has come under fire for welcoming Democratic nominee for Texas governor Beto O’Rourke to The Potter’s House in Dallas, Texas, this past Sunday (Oct. 23).

The politician thanked Jakes on Twitter, saying, “It was an honor to be welcomed into The Potter’s House by Bishop T.D. Jakes. Thank you for having me at this morning’s service in Dallas.”

O’Rouke, the 50-year-old former Texas U.S. House of Representatives (2013-2019), is campaigning against current Texas governor, Greg Abbott (64), in this year’s November election.

O’Rouke is known for his extreme pro-abortion policy stances and is making abortion one of the top issues of his campaign, attacking Abbott’s pro-life stance and…to continue reading, click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Jesse T. Jackson and published at Church leaders. Title changed by Protestia.


‘Gender-Affirming’ Mastectomies in Children Spike 389% From 2016 to 2019

(Faithwire) The latest wave of the sexual revolution is undeniably targeting children.

New research published in JAMA Pediatrics chronicles a mind-bending spike in the number of adolescents who underwent “gender-affirming” chest reconstruction surgeries — double mastectomies — in just a few years.

In 2016, roughly 100 children went under the knife for the procedures. Just a handful of years later, in 2019, that number soared to 489 — a 389% increase.

The findings were based on statistics gathered by the Nationwide Ambulatory Surgery Sample, which found 1,130 chest reconstruction surgeries were performed on children from 2016 to 2019. More than 98% of those procedures were masculinizing, meaning they were performed on females who had their breasts removed. Only 1.4% were feminizing mammaplasties, augmenting but not removing breast tissue.

Of the children who underwent these “gender-affirming” surgeries, nearly 20% were also placed on hormone therapy, presumably to…continue reading, click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Tré Goins-Phillips and published at Faithwire


Leighton Flowers Says Southern Baptists Were Wrong to Exclude Open Theists

Open theism is a false teaching that attempts to explain God’s foreknowledge in relation to man’s free will. Open theism essentially teaches that God can’t actually know everything, for if He did, then man couldn’t truly be free.

Open theism denies the essential attributes of God, namely his omniscience, but also denies his sovereignty and Lordship over all Creation. It denies the power of God by implying that God could create a world and deny Himself the ability to know the final outcome of His creation, particularly as it comes to those who He would save. One cannot read the Word of God and come away with such a conclusion, though, and open theism is nothing more than an attempt to get around God’s sovereignty over salvation.

The crux of the false teaching here is the denial of God’s attributes clearly taught in the Scriptures, and this is why it has been rejected as such by the Church.

Yet, Leighton Flowers, in his never-ending quest to….to continue reading, click here

Editor’s Note. This article was published at The Dissenter