Satanic Temple Sues to Stop Abortion Bans, Claims Killing Babies is a Religious Right

(LifeNews) The Satanic Temple has filed lawsuits in four states so far that challenge their legal protections for unborn babies on religious grounds.
The satanic group claims killing unborn babies in abortions is a religious ritual, and restricting it violates its “fundamental tenets,” according to an article on Glenn Beck’s website. Its leaders also claim pro-life laws are rooted in “Christian nationalism” – even though people of all faiths and no faith believe basic human rights should apply to all human beings.
This week, The Guardian published a flattering piece about the satanic group and its efforts to overturn pro-life laws in Idaho, Indiana, Missouri and Texas. A leftist news outlet, it did not fact check or even question the group’s claims that pro-life laws are just Christians forcing their beliefs on others or that an unborn baby is not “unique and distinct human life,” which contradicts basic scientific knowledge.
“States are passing laws premised on this idea that fetal tissue has personhood, or is a unique and distinct human life. We don’t agree with that position. We believe it’s a religious position, and we don’t believe states have any right to put any impositions on us,” Satanic Temple co-founder Lucien Greaves told The Guardian.
His supposed religion claims to have “seven fundamental tenets,” including one that teaches, “One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.” In its lawsuits, the satanic group claims… to continue reading click here.
Editor’s note. This article was written by Micaiah Bilger and published at LifeNews.
In a moral and righteous society, these evil individuals would be dispatched to their father in Hell with prejudice.