Bethel Leader Selling ‘Prophetic Leggings’ to ‘Enhance Your Awareness of God’s Prescence’

Pastrix Theresa Dedmon teaches and leads the Kingdom Creative Movement at Bethel Church’s School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM) in Redding, California. We wrote about her two years ago after she promoted ‘holy snoring’ as a means of God’s miraculous healing.
It turns out she has her own side-hustle store, where apart from selling art prints that were “created from Heaven’s perspective, and is intended to transport you, and others, into an encounter of God’s supernatural presence and power,” she also sells those prints on various clothing articles and tchotchkes, where she claims “my fashion designs embody the prophetic art they are created from. Wearing my art enhances your awareness of God’s presence and helps you become a walking encounter of Heaven’s message to those around you.”

There is the ‘Happy Jesus’ cell phone case, whose prophetic meaning is “You have captivated Jesus, every time you stare into His face, He is so happy to see you, touch you, and know you! No matter where you go or what you do – He smiles and welcomes you home! A ‘Heavenly Spirals’ origami tote, where “Windows, ladders, and doors open up new perspectives as Heaven’s access point opens new realms for you,” and an ‘Alive’ kimono, whose prophetic meaning is that “Glory awakens seeds inside releasing growth that jumps up in our spirit and sings out ‘We are alive for the glory of God!’“

The product description for the leggings offers, “Go from yoga to dinner in our body hugging printed leggings! Compression fit performance fabric milled in Montreal,” and the prophetic meaning is “Everything miraculous. Every dream imaginable waits to be released for those who are willing to “see”. Let Heaven’s glory and mystery be unlocked within.”

Who would have known our awareness of God’s presence could be enhanced by simply outfitting ourselves with 82% polyester and 18% spandex?
The church, which is currently over budget on its $96M dollar Apostolic Training Center, has allowed and promoted a lot of money-grubbing ventures in the past, such as:
Bethel Church Selling a “Declaration Clicker” to Track’ Faith Increases’
Bethel Church Has a ‘Lab’ Where they Apply Scientific Methods to The Prophetic + People. Only $2750!
Bethel Church Offers Courses on Interpreting Dreams for $150
The Business of Bethel: Church Charges $20/month to Access Sermons, Testimonies and Worship
This one is just more of the same.
Google is providing a staggering benefit of 6850 USD per week in local currency, which is impressive considering that I was laid off in a very horrible financial situation a year ago. “W Many Thanks Google Dependably for Gifting the ones Rules and Soon It’s My Commitment to Pay and Rate It With Everyone.. right now I Started………..
Given that I was laid off in a terrible financial circumstance a year ago, Google’s weekly benefit of 6850 USD in local currency is astounding. “W Many Thanks Google Reliable for Gifting those Rules and Soon It’s My Commitment to Pay and Rate It With Everyone.. right now I Started..”
I’m assuming that all income from the sale of this tacky kitsch goes to advancing the Gospel, yes?
This is no better than the holy underwear the Mormons wear
Shut up and take my mammon!
Just Evil out in the open! No need to hide in SHEEPS clothing anymore!