
Arizona Abortion Businesses Have Stopped Killing Babies Thanks to New Abortion Ban

(Life News) Arizona abortion facilities have stopped killing unborn babies in abortions after a judge allowed a pre-Roe v. Wade abortion ban to go into effect Friday.

KOLD News 13 reports Planned Parenthood Arizona had to cancel a number of abortion appointments that it had scheduled for this week, although it did not say how many. Other state abortion businesses said they had to do the same.

The law protects unborn babies’ right to life by banning abortions except if the mother’s life is at risk. It is saving as many as 36 babies from abortion every day. For nearly 50 years, Arizona was not allowed to enforce the law, but the overturning of Roe in June changed that.

On Monday, however, Planned Parenthood Arizona president and CEO Brittany Fonteno said they appealed the judge’s ruling, arguing that the situation is confusing because the state also has a 15-week abortion ban.

“The court’s decision has allowed conflicting laws…to continue reading, click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Micaiah Bilger and published at Life News.


Texas Church Hosts “All Ages” Drag Bingo, Major Protest Ensues

(The Dissenter) A major protest has ensued during a drag queen event hosted by First Christian Church in Katy, TX. The “all ages” drag queen bingo event drew nearly 300 protestors as they lined the streets surrounding the so-called church.

This church describes itself as a church that welcomes “all people as sacred & valued children of God regardless of race, ethnicity, sexuality, gender, gender identity & expression, age, family configuration, physical & mental ability and cultural or economic privilege or lack thereof.” Interestingly, we didn’t see any of the 300 conservative Christians who actually believe the Word of God welcomed in to join—shows just how…to continue reading and see the video, click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was published at The Dissenter.


FBI Raids Home of Pro-Life Christian With Guns Drawn as Family Watches in Horror

(CNB) The FBI used a major show of force to arrest pro-life Christian Mark Houck, 48, with dozens of agents reportedly descending on his home with guns drawn as Houck’s wife and children looked on in horror.

Early Friday morning the FBI arrived at the Houck’s residence in Bucks County, PA and began pounding on the door. Despite putting his hands up and willingly cooperating, multiple agents pointed guns in Mark’s face as his family – including his seven children – were forced to watch their dad “shackled” and taken away, according to family representative Brian Middleton, who spoke with CBN’s Faithwire.

Houck’s wife Ryan-Marie described the shocking scene to LifeSiteNews, saying her husband was pleading with agents. “‘Please, I’m going to open the door, but, please, my children are in the home. I have seven babies in the house.’ But they just kept pounding and screaming.” She added that they “had big, huge rifles pointed at Mark and pointed at me and kind of pointed throughout the house.”

Houck was released Friday afternoon.

“This show of force carried out by the Biden regime against ordinary Americans is an abuse of power that stands against the fundamental principles on which our country was founded,” Pennsylvania State Senator and Republican nominee for Governor Doug Mastriano said in a statement.

This massive display by the FBI – Houck claims 25-30 heavily armed agents were used to haul him in – raises serious questions as to why so much force was deemed necessary. The FBI raid stems from a minor altercation back in October 2021 with a volunteer at a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Philadelphia. Police were called, but declined to pursue the case because of lack of evidence.

The volunteer…to continue reading click here

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Dan Andros and published at CBN


It is Official: Woke Adam Greenway Out at SWBTS, to Join IMB

(Capstone Report) The Adam Greenway Administration Death Watch ends. It is official. Adam Greenway ‘resigns’ as President of SWBTS.

Adam Greenway given sinecure at IMB. Baptist News Global reporting was sound.

Your Southern Baptist Convention word of the day is Sinecure. Because that is how SBC Elites take care of one of their most incompetent members as Adam Greenway resigns as President of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (SWBTS) for some undefined role at the International Mission Board (IMB).

If you are wondering who leaves a position as seminary president where you call the shots to be an underling at IMB—the answer is someone who can’t balance a budget and has made more enemies than friends during his brief three-and-a-half-year tenure at SWBTS.

What this whole event tells you is that SBC Elites take care of their own.

Compare the way that Greenway—who treated individuals like trash—was allowed continue reading, click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written and published at Protestia


‘Bling Bishop’ Lamor Whitehead Arrested After Altercation With Woman During Service

(Yahoo News) Controversial Brooklyn Bishop Lamor Whitehead claims he was wrongfully arrested after he forcibly grabbed a woman during a sermon, a video of which was posted by TMZ.

Prior to the incident, Whitehead appeared to encourage someone to “take pictures” or film the sermon. “You want to come preach? Come on up here,” he said in the clip. “I’m gonna make you famous.” He can then be seen grabbing the woman in an aggressive manner. Police showed up after and booked Whitehead.

The bishop told the New York Daily News that he was arrested and “publicly embarrassed” only for all the charges to be dropped two hours later. “She came in the middle aisle and just [started] cussing me out, calling me all types of names, calling me all types of things,” he said, noting that the woman apparently approached him in a similar manner to the man who robbed him at gunpoint earlier this…to continue reading click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Joe Price and published at Yahoo News.
Editor’s Note II. Barring something incredibly wild, this is the last time we write about this guy.


‘Love Your Neighbor’: Gavin Newsom Quotes Scripture in Pro-Abortion Billboard Campaign

(Christian Headlines) California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) recently launched a billboard campaign using a Bible verse to support abortion in pro-life states.

Newsom, who’s running for reelection this November, posted images of the billboards on social media last Thursday. The signs will be put up in Texas, Oklahoma, Mississippi, and four other states where abortion is restricted or prohibited altogether.

“To any woman seeking an abortion in these anti-freedom states: CA will defend your right to make decisions about your health,” Newsom’s tweet reads in part.

The Democratic governor also tagged several Republican governors, such as Texas Gov. Gregg Abbott, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine and Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves, in his post of a billboard image that reads: “Need an abortion? California is ready to help.”

According to…to continue reading, click here:

Editor’s Note: This article was written by Milton Quintanilla and published at Christian Headlines


Roman Catholic Bishops Publish ‘Gay Union’ Liturgy

(Church Militant) In a historic first, Flemish bishops have approved a liturgical rite to be used for blessing the union of same-sex couples. 

On Tuesday, the Bishops’ Conference of Belgium published the new liturgy on its website. The rite asks God to “bless and perpetuate this commitment of love and fidelity” between homosexual couples. 

The act of rebellion defies a 2021 Vatican ruling categorically prohibiting same-sex blessings and emphatically stating, “God does not and cannot bless sin.”

Papal Approval

The bishops’ quoted Pope Francis’ controversial apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia by stating that “every human being, regardless of his sexual orientation, must be respected in his dignity and treated with respect.” 

“We want to continue on that path by giving this pastoral relationship a more structural character,” the prelates explained, noting that same-sex unions, “although not a religious marriage, can be a source of peace and shared happiness for those involved.”

“Pope Francis expressly asks ‘these families to offer respectful pastoral guidance so that their homosexual members can enjoy the necessary support to understand and fully accomplish the will of God in their lives…to continue reading, click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Jules Gomes and published at Church Militant


Disney and NBC Team Up to Promote Pro-Abortion Films

(Lifenews) Walt Disney World, a company founded to bring joy and entertainment to children, now openly supports the killing unborn children in abortions.

Townhall reports Disney, NBC Universal, Google and other companies have partnered with the University of Southern California Annenberg Inclusion Initiative (AII) to encourage college students to create films promoting abortions.

In August, the initiative launched a new $25,000 grant to help students produce short films that “focus of reproductive health and political storytelling.” The Reproductive Rights Accelerator Program wants films that persuade audiences to believe abortions can make “somebody’s life easier,” according to Townhall.

Stacy Smith, founder of the AII, said the overturning of Roe v. Wade prompted them to create the new grant.

“With the curtailing of reproductive rights, it is not only necessary to find legal solutions….to continue reading, click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Micaiah Bilger and posted at Life News


Church of England School Reported Own Chaplain as Being a TERRORIST Then Fired Him for Anti-LGBTQ Beliefs

(CBN) A Christian chaplain in the United Kingdom who was fired for preaching a sermon on “identity politics” in a Church of England school three years ago, has taken legal action against his former employer. His case is being argued in front of an employment tribunal for the next several weeks. 

Represented by the Christian Legal Centre, Rev. Dr. Bernard Randall is taking Trent College to court for discrimination, harassment, victimization and unfair dismissal after the school reported him – without his knowledge – to the government anti-terror watchdog for the 2018 sermon. 

Randall, 49, from Derbyshire, was ordained by the Church of England in 2006. He had been employed by the school for four years until he was dismissed in 2019. 

He told the East Midlands Employment Tribunal that the school had shown “absolutely no regard for the concern {he} had for those upset or confused by the implementation of Educate and Celebrate” – a charity that provides training “to embed gender, gender identity, and sexual orientation into the fabric” of their organizations.

According to The Daily Mail, Randall told the tribunal in a written statement, that it was clear that the charity’s stated objective was to promote LGBT+ inclusion in schools. However, he said E&C went beyond “a natural stance of inclusivity into the active promotion of ideas which he believed amounted to identity politics.”

He also claimed much of E&C’s program appeared to him to be “contrary to Christian teaching.”

Randall also…to continue reading click here.

This article was written by CBN staff and published by CBN.


Russell Moore Blames Conservatives For Church Divisions

(Evangelical Dark Web) Russell Moore is officially the Editor-In-Chief at Christianity Today. Let the cringe commence or resume. This is Compromise Today, we are talking about. In one of the first cringe articles Russell Moore has written, he lays blame on conservatives for church divisions, calling their grievances ethnonationalist alt-right identity politics. Now, who does this describe? Don’t know.

Russell Moore wrote an article titled, “What Church Splits Can Teach Us About a Dividing America.” The premise of the article is that church splits predated the American Civil War which could be a prelude to our current political strife. However a key difference he articulates is that the divisions are not as clear cut as red and blue states because these states are hardly homogenous.

As many have pointed out, the idea of blue states and red states is not really accurate. California is blue, but what about Bakersfield? Texas is red, but what about Austin? Washington is blue, but what about Spokane? Louisiana is red, but what about New Orleans? And that reality is not just about urban areas in primarily rural states or the reverse. Even in the reddest part of America, at least a third of the people are blue, and vice versa.

However, when he discusses contemporary church divisions, Russell Moore is amazingly flaccid for…to continue reading click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Ray Fava and published at Evangelical Dark Web