
David Platt’s Church Sued by Members for Violating Church’s Constitution, Making Controversial Financial Purchases

(Christian Headlines) Members of David Platt’s McLean Bible Church have filed a lawsuit against the church, claiming that leadership violated the church’s constitution and used church dollars for controversial financial purchases.

Six people are part of the lawsuit, including both members and former members. The group has also reportedly filed other complaints against the church in recent years.

A statement from church leadership released to The Christian Post said that the church was aware of the lawsuit.

“We are aware of yet another recent lawsuit filed by this same small group, which again seeks to ‘make changes to the church and its leadership,'” the statement from church leaders reads. “And just as before, we will respond to the suit as a unified church committed to our future direction.”

Church officials also said that prior complaints had been dismissed.

“[W]e are grieved that our brothers and sisters are still choosing to file lawsuits rather than meet with us, our prayer is that we are soon nearing a day where this kind of thing is behind us for good,” the statement said.

The complaint says that elders inappropriately transferred at least $375,000 to the Southern Baptist Convention and other SBC entities even though the Church’s constitution says the Church cannot join any denomination.

Previously, Platt served as…

This article was written by Amanda Casanova and published at Christian Headlines


Cambridge Dictionary Bows to ‘Woke Activists,’ Changes Definition of ‘Woman’

(CBN) Cambridge Dictionary has been accused of giving in to “woke activists” by changing its definition of “woman” to be inclusive of those who identify as transgender.

The updated definition for the word “woman” now states in its secondary characterization that the term describes “an adult who lives and identifies as female, though they may have been said to have a different sex at birth.”

Likewise, the secondary definition for the word “man” is now “an adult who lives and identifies as male, though they may have been said to have a different sex at birth.”

The two example sentences for the newly defined… to continue reading, click here.

This article was written by Tré Goins-Phillips and published at CBN.


Former ERLC Head Richard Land’s Modest Proposal of Biblical Compromise

(Evangelical Dark Web) Richard Land’s legacy in the church is one of compromise with the world, going back decades. The former head of the ERLC wrote an op ed in which he recalled advising a family to commit murder via abortion after the couple received questionable medical advice. Theoretically, the ERLC is supposed to function as a lobbying and political arm of the SBC, whereby it should reflect a Christian political ethic, but throughout its entirety, it has been theologically liberal and required no need for liberal drift, only the removal of the mask.

In 2014, Richard Land wrote an Op-Ed in the Christian Post entitled “Gay Marriage and Religious Freedom: A Modest Proposal,” where he demonstrated a combination of his political ineptitude and his subversive nature that was evidence of moral compromise at the time. Whereas his 2022 article is terrible, his 2014 article, which addresses the same issue at an earlier point in time, is more egregious.

Land begins by addressing the claims that protecting religious freedom is likened to Jim Crow and discrimination.

So, what stance should early twenty-first century Christians advocate and support?

Perhaps we should begin by saying that homosexual activity between consenting adults should not be criminalized. As much as we may understand the desire of our Ugandan Christian brothers and sisters to protect their country from the moral excesses of the West, we should counsel them not to criminalize consensual homosexual activity.

Full stop right here. This is antinomian and anti-biblical. Moreover it goes against the civil tradition of America and the English Common Law, which were based on biblical morality. Sodomy is not a right. Buggery does not benefit society, it only produces harm through disease, sexual abuse, and increased degeneracy—all of which America has seen since 2003 when…. to continue reading click here.

This article was written by Ray Fava and published at the Evangelical Dark Web


‘Christian’ Seminary Pays Homage to Great Zen Master by Inviting Hindu Monks to Lead Worship

(The Dissenter) Recently reported that Union Theological Seminary, the home of the arch-heretic of Liberation Theology, James Cone, is now offering a Master of Arts in Social Justice.  The Master of Arts in Social Justice program at Union Seminary consists of “build[ing] theological, theoretical, historical, ethical, critical, practical and contextually accountable foundations for the work of pursuing a more just and equitable world,” and studying “existing power dynamics and structures in terms of gender, sexuality, race, class, and identities targeted for oppression, and how they shape, and are shaped by, religion, spirituality, and theology.”

In other words, that’s a rather lengthy way to define “apostasy.” Union Theological Seminary is known for its climate control activism, plant, animal, and earth worship, diverse intersectionality, its advancement of abortion theology, and how they lecture Southern Baptist leaders like Russell Moore on the dangers of “Christian homophobia.”

So it should not surprise us that the school not only demonstrates its love for everything God hates, but it also practices false religions while mocking the Scriptures. On Instagram, the school posted how they celebrated the re-release of Thich Nhat Hanh’s book, Vietnam: Lotus in a Sea of Fire—by practicing Hinduism.

“Last night we celebrated the re-release of Thich Nhat Hanh’s book, Vietnam: Lotus in a Sea of Fire with…Blue Cliff Monastery…. to continue reading, click here

This article was originally written and published at the Dissenter.


Report: Same-Sex Couple Households in U.S. Exceed 1 Million

(Breitbart)Same-sex households in the U.S. exceeded one million in 2021 for the first time ever, according to data touted by the U.S. Census.

Data from the American Community Survey, released by the U.S. Census Bureau, found that there were 1.2 million same-sex couple households in 2021. The trend has remained relatively steadily on the rise over the past 10+ years, as there were less than 600,000 same-sex couple households recorded in 2008. Over ten years later, in 2019, that figure hovered below one million.

Of the 1.2 million same-sex households recorded in 2021, 710,000 were married, and 500,000 unmarried. 

According to the Census Bureau data, South Dakota reported the lowest percentage of same-sex households, with less than half of a percentage point, or 0.4 percent. 

Washington, D.C., had “the highest percentage of same-sex couple households of any state or state equivalent,” at 2.5 percent, per the data. Other areas that… to continue reading, click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Hannah Bleau and published at Breitbart.


The Gospel Coalition Uses the Book of Ruth to Defend Same-Sex Civil Unions

(The Dissenter) In a recent article at The Gospel Coalition, Joe Carter, a co-pastor at David Platt’s McLean Bible Church and a former employee of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission attempts to argue from the Book of Ruth in favor of same-sex civil unions.

Carter starts out the article titled Simple Solution to Same-Sex Civil ‘Marriage’ by attempting to persuade the reader that David French, a far-left political and social activist, is actually a “conservative evangelical.” It is from French’s commentary on same-sex civil unions that Carter begins his expostulation in favor of some sort of “civil union” that not only homosexuals can enjoy marriage-like benefits from, but other “de-sexualized” relationships as well.

He starts by quoting French, who states:

“I emphasize the word civil because my view on the religious nature of marriage has not changed,” says French. “It is a lifelong covenant between a man and a woman, sealed before God, and breakable only on the limited conditions God has outlined in his Word.”

Carter then goes on to lament that French’s article was so heavily criticized by people who actually believe the Bible, hold to a traditional biblical sexual ethic, and believe that this ethic is actually best for society. Carter complains that “some have said he’s not even a Christian.” That’s not far-fetched considering French’s proclivity toward pleasing man and appeasing the Pagan society rather than pleasing….to continue reading, click here

This article was originally published at The Dissenter


An Open Letter to the Members of Hiland Park Baptist Church: You Should be Ashamed

To the Members of Hiland Park Baptist Church,

(Pulpit & Pen) It has come to my attention that a group of four pastors, including your own pastor, Steven Kyle, has declared that Johnny Marshall Hunt is “restored” and is once again fit for vocational Christian ministry.  To that end, they produced a 14-minute video explaining their decision.  Being familiar with the details of Hunt’s situation and having seen this video, I must frankly say to you:

You should be ashamed.

A pastor should, according to scripture, be above reproach, be a “one woman man”, be a good manager of his household, and have a good reputation with outsiders.  Let me ask you this: Do you think a married pastor who invited himself over to a woman’s condo when she was all alone and then went to second base with her is above reproach?  Do you think that a pastor who told that same woman, another man’s wife, that he would have sex with her “three times a day” is fit to be a leader in the church of the Lord Jesus Christ?  I sure don’t.  I further believe that a God who can raise up rocks to cry out and worship him if people refuse to do so can raise up new leaders for His church if its old ones disqualify themselves.  Why in the world did your pastor find it necessary to restore Johnny Hunt?  Why do you allow the name of your church and, ultimately, the name of Christ to be besmirched by the deliberations of a kangaroo court of Johnny Hunt’s friends who have, without biblical warrant or authority, declared Johnny Hunt “restored”.

Johnny Hunt was the pastor of First Baptist Church of Woodstock for over a quarter century.  He was the “pastor emeritus” and still a member there when news of his trip to second base on another’s man’s wife came out; why do you think he wasn’t restored there?  I have to think it was because the supposedly repentant Hunt didn’t inform the church at large of his disqualifying sin when he first committed it.  Where other pastoral staff were fired from Woodstock for similar behavior, Hunt was merely counseled by his staff subordinate Roy Blankenship (who has since left the faith and entered into a homosexual “marriage” with another man) and given a sabbatical.  Hunt kept his six-figure salary where other men would have been fired.  Hunt got a rest period where other men would have been looking for new employment.  What does God’s word say about such partiality in the church?  The people of FBC Woodstock were told that Hunt needed a sabbatical because he was exhausted (ostensibly from doing the Lord’s work of leading his church and the Southern Baptist Convention).  But was this the truth? 

Single Adult Pastor Bill Kelly – fired. Senior Adult Pastor Ken Smith – fired. Youth Pastor Eric Fuller – fired. Johnny Hunt – Sabbatical. Seems fair.

After comfortably retiring from Woodstock years later, Hunt went on to take another six-figure job with the North American Mission Board.  He was, of course, forced to resign from that job when news of his adulterous actions came to light.  

So what are the consequences for Johnny Hunt?  He leaves his church of three decades to be restored in his favorite vacation spot, Panama City.  Boy, I bet that was hard on him.  If any of you think this “restoration” business has anything to do with grace and forgiveness, you’re dreaming.  It’s about money.  Johnny Hunt has been a ministry gold mine over the years for his friends and family.  Entire publishing companies and travel companies have been built around his ministry activities.  His cabal of megapastor friends are, of course, all too ready to restore him and get him back on the preaching circuit.  There are men’s conference speaking fees for them to share.

And it’s the reputation of your church which suffers for it.

Rarely do I agree with top Southern Baptist leadership and rarely does top Southern Baptist leadership speak out against millionaire celebrity pastors like Johnny Hunt.  However, today I find myself in agreement with these words from SBC President Bart Barber:

“I would permanently “defrock” Johnny Hunt if I had the authority to do so. In a fellowship of autonomous churches, I do not have the authority to do so. Yet it must be said that neither do these four pastors have the authority to declare Johnny Hunt to be “restored.” They do not speak for the Southern Baptist Convention. Indeed, it is not clear that they even speak for their own churches. For those Southern Baptist churches who practice ordination to ministry, the authority to ordain is generally considered to arise from the congregation, but no indication has been given that any of these four congregations have consented to or given their authority to this process.”

Bart Barber

I’ve never considered Bart Barber to be a particularly intelligent man but even he isn’t fooled by the crocodile tears and twisting of the story of Good Samaritan that Johnny Hunt’s big-time friends put in this video.

Here’s the truth about Johnny Hunt. He’s made a career out of “restoring” disqualified pastors (Google Ergun Caner) to the ministry.  He called it “City of Refuge”.  These men were restored on the back of Hunt’s sterling reputation, one hindsight tells us he never deserved.  So, not only has Johnny Hunt endorsed other men who needed only to find Christ’s forgiveness and secular jobs back into the pastorate, he has used a you-scratch-my-back-I’ll-scratch-yours culture to “restore” himself.  

God isn’t fooled.  Are you?

All the Best,

Seth Dunn

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Seth Dunn and published at Pulpit & Pen


Baptist News Global Publishes False Claim about Tom Ascol and Hyper Calvinism

(Pulpit & Pen) Yesterday, Mark Wingfield at Baptist News Global published an article entitled “Sills lawsuit misrepresents a piece of evidence, and that error got highlighted by Ascol and Basham”. The article is part of on-going coverage in the religious press of an allegedly sexually abusive relationship between Jenifer Lyell and former Southern Baptist Theological Seminary professor David Sills. The handling of the Lyell-Sills affair by Southern Baptist leadership has been, to say the least, controversial and Wingfield’s article will no doubt add more fuel to the fire. One false detail of Wingfield’s reporting, however, must not go unnoticed. In his article Wingfield claims that Tom Ascol, Tom Buck, and Megan Basham share a common adherence to “an extreme version of Reformed theology, known as Hyper-Calvinism, that has been on the resurgence in the SBC over the past 30 years.”. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Hyper-Calvinism is not now, nor has it ever been, a popular position in the Southern Baptist Convention. Tom Ascol certainly does not hold to Hyper-Calvinism. To qualify as a “Hyper Calvinist” one must reject the great-commision duty to evangelize the lost. Josh Buice, writing at the G3 blog, has explained Hyper-Calvinism quite well:

When understood properly, hyper-Calvinism is a technical term for an extreme and unbiblical view that rejects any need for Christians to engage in missions and evangelism.  Simply put, hyper-Calvinists forbid the preaching of the gospel and the offer of salvation to the non-elect.  Such people believe that God has chosen people in Christ in eternity past and will bring about His results without the help of His people.  Hyper-Calvinism is heresy and must be rejected.

Josh Buice

One is more likely to find a Southern Baptist who believes the world is flat than to…. to continue reading, click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Seth Dunn and published at Pulpit & Pen


British Court OKs Killing Babies in Abortions Up to Birth Just Because They Have Down Syndrome

(Life News) Heidi Crowter, the noted Down’s syndrome campaigner, has lost her legal challenge today after the Court of Appeal ruled that babies with Down’s syndrome can be aborted up until birth. SPUC has slammed the ruling as “callous”.

Heidi Crowter, 27, is seeking a change to the UK abortion law that currently allows babies with Down’s syndrome to be aborted up until birth. In the UK, abortion can be carried out until 24 weeks and then until birth if the unborn baby is suspected of having a fetal anomaly (disability).

But Heidi has challenged the law on the grounds that it is a clear “instance of inequality” regarding people with conditions like her own and is accordingly incompatible with the European Convention on Human Rights.

After losing a legal challenge at the….to continue reading, click here

This article was published at LifeNews


BREAKING! Montana Missionaries Assaulted, Arrested, Thrown in Jail, and Taken by CPS

What you are about to read is a harrowing account.

(Montana 1st News) An account (full testimony) containing intricate details concerning five missionaries who were walking across America whose walking route then brought them to Montana (after 5500 miles) to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ peacefully, gently, and with respect as they walked many miles. On November 12, 2022, these same missionaries Jesse Boyd, his 18-year-old daughter Bethany Boyd, 12-year-old son Josiah Boyd, and mission partners Eric Trent and Carter Phillips were assaulted, arrested, thrown in jail, and taken by CPS.

“We have been privileged to serve Christ in more than 40 countries and in some of the most remote and farthest corners of the earth. We aren’t novices. We aren’t naive little missionaries. We aren’t inexperienced and without discernment. And we certainly aren’t homeless vagabonds like the prosecutor suggested to the judge in the zoom court.”-Jesse Boyd

In true ‘Apostle Paul’ and ‘John Bunyan’ (Author of “Pilgrims Progress”) type fashion Jesse Boyd penned his testimony as truthfully and accurately as possible and to the best of his ability while he sat in solitary confinement.

As a prelude to “The Assault” and “The Attack” you can read excerpts (below) from Boyd’s testimony which are eye opening and astounding.


“He then put his vehicle into park and said, “I’ll show you.” He seemed to be reaching for something and then got out of the driver’s side and very aggressively came toward me from around the front of his vehicle, a distance of about 20 feet. In that moment, I took his threat seriously and concluded that he was an imminent danger to me and my son standing nearby. I didn’t know or see what he reached for in his vehicle but feared in that instant that it could be a gun or some sort of weapon.”-Jesse Boyd, “The Assault”, Part 1

“The assailant got out his phone and dialed 911, openly bragging that he knew the sheriff and that we were in trouble. I heard him tell the dispatcher that he had been assaulted by a group of people. At this point, I feared leaving the scene with law enforcement now involved. The 911 dispatcher asked him if the “attackers” were still there. He said, “Yes.” I replied loudly, “Yes, I am here Ma’am, but I am the victim, and we will wait for law enforcement to arrive.”-Jesse Boyd, “The Assault”, Part 1

None of his claimed “injuries” came from any use of the Cross or the flag. The flagpole could be broken over someone’s knee, and we have to be careful about letting the Cross fall to the ground because we have chipped and cracked it several times. We have had to repair it on many occasions.”-Jesse Boyd “The Arrest” Part 2

The assailant made very clear threats of bodily harm that I was forced to take seriously on the side of a highway in the middle of nowhere. He showed aggression in his car. He got out of his car after I told him we were leaving. He aggressively ran toward me after I told him we were leaving. He made physical contact after we told him we wanted to leave. He threw the first punch after the firearm had been put away and after we again told him we desired to leave. He threw the first punch. He tackled me to the ground. He later tried to attack Eric. And, he continued to threaten us with bodily harm and even death after we had dealt with him and up to the point he called 911.”-Jesse Boyd “The Arrest” Part 2

To read Boyd’s full testimony see HERE

This article was written by Brenda Roskos and published at Montana 1st News