SBC Megachurch Worships to Song by Bisexual Lesbian and Images of Martin Luther King Jr.

(Dissenter) The Old Testament is replete with examples of men and women who failed to abide by the commandments that God set forth for His creation, particularly as it pertained to worship. One such instance is that of Cain, the progeny of Adam and Eve, whose worship was rejected by the Lord due to his flagrant disregard for the Lord’s prescribed worship. In his preponderance, Cain selfishly indulged in his own desires and preferences.
Rather than offering up a sacrifice that was acceptable in the eyes of the Lord, Cain chose to present the fruit of his own labor, a futile attempt to appease the Lord with his own endeavors. This serves as a resounding testament to the fact that Cain was not truly interested in pleasing the Lord, but rather was solely focused on satisfying his own ambition and vainglory.
Similarly, this same mentality persists in the present day, particularly among the so-called “megachurches” that have sprung up across the globe. These social clubs, for lack of a better description for them, have devolved into nothing more than Sunday morning entertainment venues, where a select group of performing artists take center stage, offering up a spectacle that is presented as “worship” to the Lord. Among these, none stand out as a more egregious offender than the Church by the Glades in Coral Springs, Florida.
It is truly astounding that this so-called “church” still retains any association with the Southern Baptist Convention. For years, the Church by .. to continue reading click here.
Editor’s Note. This article was published at The Dissenter
MLK was the ultimate evangelical. You ignorant fundies are just haters.
You could not possibly be more mistaken.
MLK was, in fact, a serial adulterer and whore-monger who participated in group sex swing parties and had illicit relations with women from his own congregation. In addition, he was a notorious plagiarizer – even plagiarizing his Ph.D. dissertation. The fact he also identified as a Marxist was perhaps the least of his sins.
MLK was a ravenous, deviant wolf who preyed upon the flock. He was about as far away from being an Evangelical as any man could possibly be.
It is unfortunate that MLK’s life doesn’t live up to his Bio. God uses flawed men but this is a bridge too far
David Hughes would be better suited as a barker in a circus. And now his son is on the payroll as a ‘pastor’. God help those that are subjected to this Disney extension theme park bereft of any spiritual value