Library ‘UnCancels’ Pastor Story Hour After Threat of Lawsuit

The Chelmsford Public Library in Chelmsford, MA, has walked back its decision to cancel “pastor story hour” after being threatened with a lawsuit, according to their Facebook page.

Previously, Pastor Kendall Lankford of The Shepherd’s Church reserved a slot to read a book to children, offering an alternative to the groiteque “Drag Queen Story Hour” The Libray initially approved the event but then cancelled it, saying it contradicted their policies.
Pastor Kendal obtained legal counsel from the Massachusetts Family Institute. They sent a letter to the library threatening legal action, which them to relent. Chelmsford Public Library told the CP:
“We now recognize … that actions taken after the approval of the reservation, and communications immediately before the event, seemed to violate some details of library policy and directs hate at members of our community played too large a role in our decision, to the detriment of our commitment to everyone’s right to free speech.”
Several commenters were critical on Facebook, however, with one person pointing out:
It took a pastor getting a lawyer to be able to hold a meeting. Had it been trans-drag-queen-naked hour, you would have had no issue. You tried. And failed. You got legal counsel alright….HIS legal counsel sent you a letter letting you know you can get ready for court. THEN you had a sudden reality check.
Some serious editing is needed in this article. It’s written very poorly.
too bad he looks like a fat dump.
he needs to hit the gym and buy a nicer shirt