
Former Seminary Head, Adam Greenway, Once Again Defends Saddleback Church

(The Dissenter) Last year, we reported that Adam Greenway, former president of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, was forced to resign amid revelations of gross incompetence. Greenway, who had taken control of the seminary three and a half years ago, saw nothing but decline under his leadership. He was unable to secure a new position at the International Mission Board (IMB), which he thought his close friend, Paul Chitwood had created especially for him, due to pushback from the board of trustees at the IMB.

The board of trustees of Southwestern Seminary spoke openly about Greenway’s incompetence, highlighting areas of concern such as dysfunctionality among senior leadership, budget mismanagement, overspending resulting in deficits per month, and resistance to safeguards board leadership wanted to implement.

Greenway, who had fired conservative professors at the school, including Bobby Lopez and David Allen, had spent several weeks following the…to continue reading, click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written and published at The Dissenter.


Atheist Walks On Stage at Church and Says Jesus Told Him to Come Up There

(The Dissenter) I’m going to stop short of making a determination on whether or not this guy was truly converted or not and the reason being is that I am not sure if he heard the gospel and truly believed it or not. That being said, this self-described atheist appears on stage at Arise Church and tells the audience that God told him to do it.

“Several people here know me and my wife Amanda,” he says, holding a microphone on the stage next to the pastor, Brent Simpson. “And something you might not know is, I am an atheist. But the funny thing is you know sitting up there in the back row, it’s hard to sit there and say I’m an atheist to myself in my head, because, God just told me to come up here.”

A cursory look at the church reveals that this church is….to continue reading and watch the video, click here.

This article was published at The Dissenter


Woke SBC Elites Plan to Make your Church Pay for Abuse at Other Churches

Abuse Reform Implementation Task Force Team Member floats trial balloon that entire SBC is responsible for abuse anywhere in SBC.

(Capstone Report) Your tiny, autonomous Baptist church just might be on the hook for some pervert working at a megachurch if a push by Woke SBC Elites comes to fruition. As the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) grapples with its response to sex abuse at autonomous churches, some involved in the process are floating the idea that every SBC cooperating church is responsible for abuse at any SBC cooperating church.

According to Abuse Reform Implementation Task Force Team member Todd Benkert, “Finally, and here I think is where I will get the most pushback, there is at least some responsibility for us as a denomination toward abuse that happens in ANY of our churches.”

You in a rural Alabama church are at least somewhat responsible for abuse at say a Dallas area megachurch. Or, more precisely, the dollars you and your members give to mission work through the Cooperative Program are at least somewhat up for grabs to the Woke SBC Elite and their lawyer buddies.

Oh, and in case you missed it, Benkert makes clear he wants to make your church pay for perverts that have no connection with your tiny congregation.

Benkert said, “Now, the extent ofto continue reading click here

. Editor’s Note. This article was written and published at The Capstone Report


‘He Gets Us’ Exposed: The Money and Marketing behind the $20 Million SuperBowl Ads

(Evangelical Dark Web) While watching or attending sporting events in America, the people have become exposed to the He Gets Us campaign. Whether via commercials or through stadium advertising, messages about Jesus are presented in the most trifling manner with banal statements like “Jesus left it all on the field” to more unscriptural statements like “Jesus was a refuge” and “Jesus was fed up with politics, too” in vain attempts to make Jesus more relatable to a modern audience. In reality, the modern connotation surrounding the word “refugee” along with the images of the campaign wrongly relate Jesus, who sojourned (to pass through) in Egypt for a brief stay, to illegal immigrants, who are not refugees by definition, crossing the border and taking advantage of American welfare. This is just the tip of the iceberg for the theological problems surrounding He Gets Us, as they also do not affirm the perfect deity of Christ.

Over the years, Superbowl ads have become rife with Hollywood personalities and social engineering agendas. Since it remains the largest audience for any given broadcast, it demands premium dollars from advertisers. When exposed to these advertisements, many Americans take to the internet to research what exactly is He Gets Us. They are asking questions concerning who is behind it and why they spent around $20 million on two Superbowl ads. 

Ultimately, He Gets Us is another attempt at social agenda being imposed by its theologically apostate and even unbelieving benefactors who desire the most improvident “rebrand” of Jesus ever concocted.

The Signatry: Dark Money Behind He Gets Us

He Gets Us was initiated by the Servant Foundation which operates under the… to continue reading, click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Ray Fava and published at the Evangelical Dark Web.


Donor Beware: Gospel for Asia’s Fine Print

(TrinityFi) Almost four years have passed since Gospel for Asia (GFA), the global promoter of native missionaries, settled a class action lawsuit for $37 million. GFA has finished paying back $37 million to former donors (Editor’s Note. They were accused of only sending 13%of its donations to the mission field instead of their promosed and advertised 100% ) The settlement agreement also required GFA to “publish annual reports of all work accomplished with donated funds.”

While the 2022 annual report is not yet available, we can review the 2021 annual report.

If the annual report is accurate, GFA provided water for 39 million people, sponsored 142,000 children and taught 27,000 women to read. While the reports of charitable activities are impressive, there is no disclosure of how much these activities cost.

The GFA annual report doesn’t disclose total assets, travel costs, legal expenses or other financial numbers that cautious donors may wish to review before giving. By claiming to be a church or association of churches, GFA also avoids filing the IRS Form 990 which discloses salaries of top ministry executives and features an itemized statement of expenses. *

Understanding Restricted Donations

GFA collects money for constructing church buildings, drilling water wells, supporting missionaries, child sponsorship and livestock. But does the money reach its intended recipient?

As required by the settlement, GFA’s website features a disclaimer which says, Regardless of particular designations, moneys are raised for ministry purposes, and GFA retains discretion to use donated funds in any manner that serves our charitable objectives.”

Imagine giving money to support a missionary and then learning the missionary family or church never received the funds.

In 2019…to continue reading, click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was writen by Barry Bowen and published at TrinityFi


Two Abortion Activists Arrested for Attacking Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers, They Face 12 Years in Prison

(Lifenews) The Justice Department has finally arrested and indicted abortion activists in connection with other 250 cases of violence against churches and pregnancy centers.

Two Florida residents were indicted by a federal grand jury for spray-painting threats on pro-life pregnancy centers that provide women with abortion alternatives. The indictment, returned by a federal grand jury in the Middle District of Florida, alleges that Caleb Freestone, 27, (pictured) and Amber Smith-Stewart, 23, attacked multiple pro-life pregnancy centers in Florida.

Freestone and Smith-Stewart targeted pregnancy resource facilities and vandalized those facilities with spray-painted threats, including “If abortions aren’t safe than niether [sic] are you,” “YOUR TIME IS UP!!,” “WE’RE COMING for U,” and “We are everywhere,” on a reproductive health services facility in Winter Haven, Florida. The indictment further alleges that facilities in Hollywood, Florida, and Hialeah, Florida, were also targeted.

The incidents came after a creepy pro-abortion march by Antifa and other radical leftists. The indictment also alleges continue reading, click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Steven Ertelt and published at LifeNewss


Woke Exegesis: Intersex Isn’t A Result Of The Fall…Because Genesis 1 Doesn’t Mention Frogs?

(WokePreacherTV) Genesis 1 doesn’t mention intersex people.
Genesis 1 doesn’t mention frogs.
Frogs are not a result of the Fall.
Therefore, being born with under-developed and/or non-functioning genitalia is NOT a result of the Fall.


This is the reasoning of Dr. Megan K. DeFranza during a 2016 speech for The Reformation Project, the subversion campaign of Matthew Vines working towards queer affirmation among Christians. DeFranza goes on to use the existence of hermaphrodites to argue for a new “lens” to interpret the creation of Adam and Eve.


Look at the three categories of animals.
What kinds of animals are missing from this taxonomy? Amphibians. Yep. Gimme some more. Reptiles. Huh? Insects. Insects. Is that what you said? What else is missing? Sorry. Bats. They’re not a bird, they’re a mammal that flies, right? Birds that don’t fly. Penguins, ostriches, right?

There is no mention of any creatures that inhabit more than one category. Now, have you ever heard your pastor get up and tell you that frogs are a sign of the Fall? I have never read that in a commentary on the book of Genesis, ever! Ever.

But every time I talk to Christians about people who are intersex, they say, “Well, they must be a result of the Fall, because we don’t find them in Genesis chapter one.” It’s funny how the logic can change with the topic. I’m not making this up. It’s right there. It’s been there all along, but we didn’t have the eyes to see it.

So maybe we need to rethink how we talk about Adam and Eve. Maybe instead of seeing them as the pattern that all humans should fit into, maybe we should read them at the parents of the beginning of the story.

What if instead of considering them God’s best, what God truly intended, what if they’re just the beginning of what God was gonna do? In this grand story of redemption, what if instead of being the exclusive model for humankind, they are the statistical majority?

When I read Genesis one, I see the author talking about creation with these broad brush strokes, right? Most animals either live in the water or on the land, or they’re air creatures that do have to land at some point, right? And most humans fit into the category of male or female fairly adequately. What if this is not a complete inventory of everything that God created? What if this is just speaking in general?

What if Adam and Eve don’t represent the ideal masculinity and femininity that all of us have to squeeze ourselves into? What if they’re the fountain heads of the beautiful variety of human beings that were going to come in the course of the story?

Now, the Bible doesn’t tell us which of these lenses to use as we understand the book of Genesis. These are theological lenses that we bring to the text. We have to choose which one makes more sense. But I think the latter makes more sense because of other things that we find in the scriptures.

You know, if we’re trying to get back to Eden, there are a lot of things we’re gonna lose. If we’re trying to get back to Eden, there is a lot we’re going to lose. Do we wanna get back before the admission of different tribes and languages and peoples? We’re not trying to get back to Eden. This is not paradise lost and regained. This is not a circular story. This is a linear story that starts out with a few main categories and expands. Adam and Eve, Abraham, Israel, and bringing the gospel to the uttermost ends of the earth. It’s a story that gets bigger and wider and is going someplace different than where it started.

How do we know this? Because the Bible tells us so. That a great multitude will be gathered before the Lamb. So many that we can’t even count them. From every nation, tribe, people, and language. We are not going back to the Garden Of Eden. We are going forward into a humanity that we cannot even conceive yet.

There’s so much rethinking that we have to do in our churches. But we don’t have to change the scriptures that have been given to us. Maybe we just need to change our lenses.

Editor’s Note. This whole post was posted at @WokePreacherTV’s YT channel and reposted with permission.


Charlie Kirk Bashes The Church, Claims Jews Are Called By God To Evangelize

(Evangelical Dark Web) One of the indicators to the shifting Overton window is the speech that becomes acceptable for Conservative Inc to utter, with some shifts being more genuine than others. With Gen Z becoming more polarized than any prior generation, it should be expected that the Conservative Inc outreach program would drift rightward to meet the young base where they are, which is to some extent the success of Charlie Kirk’s TPUSA.

Whereas before TPUSA prioritized economic messaging of free markets and fighting back against the communist left, they have shifted dramatically into the Culture War. This month, they sent their contributors to Davos to weigh in on the World Economic Forum. The question must be asked, is this a genuine shift, or is it a means of monetizing and perpetuating the political soap opera?

Idolatry of Israel

[H/T Daniel Schmidt @ College Dissident for all quotes]

One of the biggest inhibitors of US foreign policy is the idolatry of Israel, whereby US must unequivocally and unconditionally back the modern nation state of Israel above all else. Much of this is driven by Dispensational Theology, which places an unbiblical significance on modern Jews in relationship to the Church. Under the guise that the Jewish people have a unique claim to the Holy Land, this leads to billions in US foreign aid to a developed nation that possesses nuclear weapons.

During TPUSA’s Young Jewish Leadership Summit, which was held on December 16, 2022, Kirk stated the following before a crowd of presumably Jewish conservatives:

So a Christian that’s not pro-Israel, I doubt they actually love their Bible. And I will….

To continue reading, click here.

This article was written by Ray Fava and published at Evangelical Dark Web


SBC Elites Defend Churches with Women Pastors, Attack Conservatives

(Capstone Report) The Conservative Baptist Network released a damning report highlighting the leftward drift of the Southern Baptist Convention this week. It triggered the Woke SBC Elites running the nation’s largest Protestant denomination. Some of the reactions were telling. Men who defended churches with women pastors were denying there is any liberal drift in the SBC.

Andrew Hébert denied the leftward drift in the Southern Baptist Convention and was exposed as the very example of that drift.

Andrew Hébert tweeted, “I’m occasionally asked, ‘Do you think the SBC is experiencing liberal drift?’ My answer: Absolutely not. Ask an ACTUAL liberal if Southern Baptists are going liberal and you’ll have your answer.”

And then Andrew Hébert was humiliated for being the liar he is as a distinguished Southern Baptist pointed out Andrew Hébert defended churches having women pastors.

Jon Whitehead said, “Respectfully, Andrew, here is… to continue reading, click here,

Editor’s Note. This article was written and published at the Capstone Report


FBI Offers $25,000 Reward to Arrest Leftists Who Attacked Churches and Pregnancy Centers

(LifeNews) The FBI offered reward money this week for information that leads to the arrest of abortion activists who firebombed, vandalized and destroyed property all across the country last year in response to the U.S. Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade.

Fox News reported about the new $25,000 reward Thursday for “information leading to the identification, arrest, and conviction of the suspect(s) responsible for these crimes.”

LifeNews recorded approximately 250 attacks within the past 12 months, or an average of four a week, that targeted pregnancy resource centers, churches, pro-life advocates and others. Most were in response to the Dobbs v. Jackson ruling, which overturned Roe and began allowing states to protect unborn babies from abortion again. The FBI has not announced any arrests yet.

In a statement this week, FBI Director Christopher Wray responded to…to continue reading.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Micaiah Bilger and published at LifeNews