Rainbow Jihad Declared on Christians, Conservatives

In the wake of a demonic trans girl murdering six people at the Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee, what some are calling a Rainbow Jihad against Christians has been discovered. Prominent LGBTQ groups and even powerful liberal politicians have been calling for violence against anyone who opposes their disgusting agenda. Just hours after the shooting, a high-ranking staffer in Arizona Governor Katie Hobb’s administration named Josselyn Berry tweeted a GIF of an actress holding two revolvers with the caption, “Us when we see transphobes.”

Conservatives online were outraged and called for her immediate resignation. Surprisingly, in a world where liberals are never held accountable, this one was, and she resigned from her post. Although Ms. Berry was rightly punished for her despicable tweet, others face no consequences for openly calling for violence. A photo is being circulated on Twitter of Minnesota’s Lieutenant Governor, Peggy Flanagan, wearing a shirt featuring a large knife and the words “Protect Trans Kids.” At the time of this writing, she has faced no consequences for what is obviously a call to violence against those who oppose the demonic trans agenda.

Perhaps the most apparent call for violence going unchecked is an advertisement for the “Trans Day of Vengeance.” It appears to be organized by a group calling themselves the Trans Radical Activist Network, and they are calling for angry trans activists to assemble on the steps of the United States Supreme Court on April 1st. It is unclear what exactly their intentions are, but based on the rhetoric coming from the trans community as of late, one could assume they are planning to commit violence against their perceived enemies. This poster for the “Trans Day of Vengeance” is all over Twitter, with the social media giant seemingly in no hurry to remove it given it’s lauded by liberals. If a conservative or a Christian shares the graphic in an attempt to criticize the growing violence in the trans movement, they are immediately suspended or banned from the platform.

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Green, Conservative Journalist Sean Davis, and a host of others have all had their accounts locked for simply pointing out that stirring up mentally ill people by calling them to take vengeance probably isn’t a great idea. This is the Rainbow Jihad. And followers of Christ who are opposed to children being injected with hormones and having their genitals mutilated are the prime target of these deviants. One can only assume that this is just the beginning.
The media and leftist politicians have created a class of alleged victims suffering from severe mental illness and perhaps demonic possession. Sadly, more violence is inevitable. We must pray for the Lord’s protection on every Christian that is to be targeted during this Rainbow Jihad.
This article was written by Rev J.W. Baker as a guest post for Protestia.
Better believe they are dangerous. Their effort to paint a mass murderer as the victim shouts it loud and clear.
If they had any sense, they’d understand one thing is absolute certainty. No matter what they do, they will never change God’s Word. Not a single iota of scripture will be changed. It has not changed, nor will it ever be changed. It’s going to tell them they are hellbound abominable sinners today, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, and for all of eternity. Scriptures such as Duet 22:5 are not going to magically disappear. Scriptures condemning sexual immorality, including the words of Jesus Himself, are not going to magically disappear. And when judgement comes, and God pours out His wrath, the scripture is going to tell them their sexual immorality is a significant part of the reason for it.
They could kill every one of us, it wouldn’t change a single iota of God’s Word. It would not budge God one trillionth of a quadrillionth of an inch. He does not change. His word does not change. He is the same today, yesterday, and forever. What He says stands, and it stands forever.
I think you’re being overdramatic, calling a growing collective of godless, angry, mentally ill individuals who are violently opposed to the existence of Christians ‘dangerous.’
Ruh roh…