Exclusive: Andy Stanley Tells ‘Unconditional Conference’ Attendees That Scriptures Against Homosexuality Were About ‘Serial Sexual Relationships’

For part 1 of our exposé, dealing with our general sense of the conference click here. For part 2, where we review a session by panelists with trans children who argue for gender affirming care, click here. For part 3, where a speaker repeatedly teaches that we must be gay affirming, click here. For part 4, where Stanley tells the audience that he refuses to call homosexuality a sin, click here.
Andy Stanley joined Debbie Causey for the second main session of the Unconditional conference. Causey is a pastor and the long-time Care Director at North Point Community Church. She is a board member of Renovus, an LGBTQ activist group led by her and other gay-affirming leaders within North Point church, and she recently revealed that when parents from church come to her looking for resources for their struggling and confused LGBTQ children, she recommends they attend The Christian Closet, a counseling collective where literally all the counselors and therapists are on the LGBTQ spectrum and are gay-affirming.
Rather than than give a long detailed article, this will be a brief overview of things overheard and said by Stanley. All the direct quotes are italicized.
“Most of the negative feedback I get is from traditional evangelical Christians, because I don’t say things the right way, and they read between the lines, and that’s ok.”
Causey asks him what he thinks about parents who feel like they have to choose between their theology and their love for their kids, and Andy responds, “bad theology.” He elaborates: “if your theology limits who you can minister to, then you definitely don’t have the theology of Jesus.”
Debbie asks him why all these kids are leaving the church, and he says, “Because it’s hard for people’s theology to grow up.” He says when a church system “doesn’t allow people’s theology to grow up, “then words and phrases become the theology.”
Andy says that for most people, if their faith doesn’t evolve, “it’s not a big deal” because they’ll just live their life and they won’t have to deal with it, but for the 18-25 year olds, “it’s a binary, it’s ‘I’m either going to deny who I am and pretend, I’m out.'”
LGBTQ kids feel like they have to choose between themselves or their faith, and “you can only choose your faith over yourself for so long.” For this reason, they’ve spent the last decade “making broader conversations. So LGBTQ kids don’t think it’s either/ or” or that they have to choose between openly and proudly gay and being a faithful believer.
In the context of most LGBTQ people having pray for God to take away their homosexuality: “if the church doesn’t know what to do with people with an unanswered prayer, we’re just not much of a church.”
To people always criticizing gay people and being judgemental towards them: “One of these days, you’re gonna love an LGBTQ+ person. And in that moment, you’re gonna change, but you don’t have to wait until then.”
In the context of talking about unanswered prayers, Stanley clarifies a with Debbie Causey that homosexuality is not a disease or an illness that God needs to heal or cure. Stanley then says, “I know it’s tricky because you have 1 Corinthians 6, 1 Timothy 1, Romans 1.” He says that “the behaviors that Paul called out as sin then were sin then, and are sin now, because serial sexual relationships are bad for everybody involved.” He says “We take these verses very seriously. But again, this is different, and we have to make space and create a new vocabulary.”
Says that when you have and LGBTQ+ child, “all of those filters we’re constantly trying to take down so that we can just love our kids and not leverage our kids and use our kids and bounce our reputation off our kids” are “so heightened and so enraged and so inflamed.”
When it comes to parenting, “You never want to give up influence with your children unnecessarily.” Says those with gay children “are tempted daily to accidentally give up influence, ultimate influence with your kids. And the church has not been your partner.”
We’ll conclude with the final part of this report tomorrow, where Stanley criticizes Rosaria Butterfield, Becket Cook, and Christopher Yuan for their views and advice about homosexuality, among other things.
Editor’s Note. We’ve been writing about North Point for a long time, documenting the theological drift of one of the largest megachurches in America, frequently with exclusive reporting. Some of the stories include:
North Point Church Is Sending Children to All-LGBTQ Therapists: We Profile One of The Counselors
Celebrating Transgenderism?! North Point Church Staffers Rejoice After Man Comes Out as Woman
North Point Pastor Recommends Struggling Christians Attend ‘Queer Parent Summit’
Report: North Point Church Personnel Knew ‘Lap Dance Leader’ Was Gay-Affirming+ Andy Stanley Responds
Exclusive! Andy Stanley’s Children Ministry Overrun and Led by Pro-LBGTQ+ Activists
North Point Pastor Praises Gay Man’s Affirming Org. ‘Lord, Let Him Create More Allies for the LGBTQ Community’
North Point Church Baptizes Openly Transgender ‘Man’, After Giving Blessing to Transition?
North Point Church Staffers Found ‘Liking’ Pride Parade Celebration
Surprise Surprise, Another North Point Church Leader is Gay-Affirming and Wildly Liberal
Dr. Michael Brown Says He’s Spent 8 Years Exchanging Texts and Emails with Andy Stanley, Who Has REFUSED to Condemn Homosexuality
Deut 21:18 – 21 would blow their mind.
Oh, that’s right. The Old Testament doesn’t exist
Andy’s gift/special powers are the ability to twist the Scriptures like Superman twists steel.
And I’ve to tell you that he’s pretty good.
Haters gonna hate
Grifters gonna grift and apostates gonna apostate.
It is the way😂
Just another Dallas Theological Seminary dispensationalist.
There are so many false and misleading comments in your reporting… this coupled with your willful violation of the conference’s requirements for privacy along with your hiding behind the identity of the person(s) who making these misrepresentations raises questions about the integrity of writer but of the organization as well.
False and misleading comments? Then show them; you made the assertion. And what of their “requirement for privacy”? If they’re not ashamed of what they’re promoting, it should be public. This is, after all, a matter for the entire body of Christ to tackle and see what Scripture says about it. It’s not about twisting the Scriptures in a “private” meeting.